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塑造良好职业形象是个人取得成功的重要因素,文章论述了学生感受优秀企业文化、参与企业生产管理、学院宣传企业优秀员工、做强订单教育是塑造学生良好职业形象的重要途径。  相似文献   


Economic equilibrium models have been inspired by analogies to stationary states in classical mechanics. To extend these mathematical analogies from constrained optimization to constrained dynamics, we formalize economic (constraint) forces and economic power in analogy to physical (constraint) forces and the reciprocal value of mass. Agents employ forces to change economic variables according to their desire and their power to assert their interest. These ex-ante forces are completed by constraint forces from unanticipated system constraints to yield the ex-post dynamics. The differential-algebraic equation framework seeks to overcome some restrictions inherent to the optimization approach and to provide an out-of-equilibrium foundation for general equilibrium models. We transform a static Edgeworth box exchange model into a dynamic model with procedural rationality (gradient climbing) and slow price adaptation, and discuss advantages, caveats, and possible extensions of the modeling framework.


The article asks whether social dialogues, according the procedures of the Social Protocol and the Amsterdam Treaty, have proved to be valuable instruments able to make major contributions to the development of social integration. More recent developments at the inter‐professional as well as at the sectoral level are evaluated. Furthermore, major trajectories for likely future trends at both levels are highlighted. The final part discusses the problem of whether social dialogues will profit from the introduction of new modes of governance, especially the more recently preferred open method of co‐ordination.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the future direction of NATO and suggests some of the possible problems it will face. Most notably, the questions of how to share the burden of the cost of NATO action among its members and what is the optimal size of the organisation in the future, are addressed. One possible way forward is the creation of a NATO free trade area.  相似文献   

中国经济和社会发展需要具有较高法律素质的经济类人才,而在现有的大学法学教育模式下,财经类专业大学生的法律素质普遍较低,不能适应经济发展和社会进步的需要,主要表现在:法律知识不够丰富、法律意识不够健全、法律实践能力较弱等方面.改变这一现状的有效途径是:纠正认识偏差;建立科学的法学教育课程体系,使学生获得丰富的法律知识;加强法学理论教学,培养学生的现代法律意识;改革教学模式,强化实践性教学环节,注重能力培养.  相似文献   

Direct election of the mayor, introduced in Italy in 1993 as a result of anti‐party attitudes and ‘modernization’, is one aspect of the broad redefinition of local authorities which recently culminated in an ambiguous revision of the constitutional text aimed to promote vertical subsidiarity. The impact of such a profound revision of the mayor's role is under debate. Beyond the radical changes in party labels and systems, a stronger territorial differentiation in the pattern of recruitment, a slight positive discrimination in favour of marginal categories in re‐election — possible forerunners of a deeper transformation — and the dominant social profile of current mayors (gender, age, education, work experiences, party training), it is not very different from that of their colleagues of 30 years ago. Their new role marks, nevertheless, significant progress towards greater accountability, activism and ambition among mayors, which is related to their increasing detachment from party politics and to an increased weakness of the other participants in local democracy. But such an excessive individualization of power and visibility in Italian local authorities threatens to reduce the possible positive impact of the reform on the efficiency of policy‐making and legitimization of local politics. L'élection du maire au suffrage direct, mise en place en 1993 en Italie suite à une ‘modernisation’ et à des attitudes anti‐partis, constitue l'une des facettes de la vaste redéfinition des autorités locales, laquelle a récemment menéà une révision ambiguë du texte constitutionnel visant à promouvoir la subsidiarité verticale. L'impact d'une telle refonte du rôle du maire est l'objet de discussions. Malgré les changements radicaux dans les étiquettes et systèmes des partis, un renforcement de la différentiation territoriale dans le schéma de recrutement, une légère tendance anti‐discriminatoire en faveur des catégories marginales lors des réélections (présageant peut‐être une transformation plus profonde), et le profil social dominant des maires actuels (sexe, âge, instruction, expérience professionnelle, formation par le parti), leur rôle n'est pas très différent de celui de leurs prédécesseurs d'il y a 30 ans. La formule nouvelle présente néanmoins une importante avancée vers une responsabilité, un activisme et une ambition plus marqués des maires, évolution liée à leur désintérêt croissant pour la politique des partis, ainsi qu'à un affaiblissement des autres participants à la démocratie locale. Toutefois, cette individualisation excessive du pouvoir et de la visibilité au niveau des autorités locales italiennes menace d'atténuer la possible incidence positive de la réforme sur l'efficacité des décisions de politique publique et la légitimation des politiques locales.  相似文献   

The relatively recent increase in empirical work on the relationship between governance and economic performance has come about largely as a result of the development of a series of indicators that has allowed this relationship to be quantified. For the researcher, it is important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of these indicators, both to ensure the appropriate indicator is chosen, and to be aware of the limitations each entail. To that end, this paper reviews the common indicators used in empirical analysis, as well as some of the other estimation problems that can arise when using these measures.   相似文献   

In the paper “Networks and geography in the economics of knowledge flows” Maggioni and Uberti provide a rich and detailed overview of the current state-of-art and future challenges of the analysis of knowledge flows in economics. Maggioni and Uberti illustrate how geographical factors and network factors can explain spatial patterns of knowledge flows. This commentary portrays where the type of studies discussed by the authors fit in the wider literature on geography, networks and knowledge flows. Second, the commentary discusses the suggestions of future research the authors describe and proposes some further avenues for future research that are in line with those suggested by the authors. In particular, it zooms in onto the role of comparative statics in studies of network dynamics, stochastic estimation models of network evolution and content-based network analysis in pushing the frontier of research on networks, geography and knowledge flows.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the microeconomics of learning for an owner-managed firm. The analysis relies on a general state-contingent approach to uncertainty. In the presence of price and production uncertainty, it examines the case where acquiring information is costly. It evaluates the microeconomic efficiency of decisions, with a focus on three factors: sure income, the value of information, and a risk premium (measuring the implicit cost of private risk bearing). The analysis stresses the role of information and learning in microeconomic decisions. Implications for efficiency and productivity measurements are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents an economic interpretation of the optimal “stopping” of perpetual project opportunities under both certainty and uncertainty. Prior to stopping, the expected rate of return from delay exceeds the rate of interest. The expected rate of return from delay is the sum of the expected rate of change in project value and the expected rate of change in the option premium associated with waiting. At stopping the expected rate of return from delay has fallen to the rate of interest. Viewing stopping in this way unifies the theoretical and practical insights of the theory of stopping under certainty and uncertainty.  相似文献   

Advances in the study of both markets and platforms contribute to economics. Platforms are typically digital markets, although platforms can designate markets generally. So, the economics of markets and the economics of platforms are one and the same. Platforms show the critical role of intermediaries in endogenous price adjustment and market clearing. The platform model remedies problems with general equilibrium analysis by combining and extending the basic Walrasian and Marshalian market models. The analysis of platforms provides explanations for the bid–ask spread, including market power, search costs, matching costs, adverse selection, and moral hazard. The study of platforms demonstrates the importance of participation and coordination in the formation of markets. The discussion emphasizes that platforms have significant implications for the theory of the firm. The analysis further considers how platforms affect innovation and entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes a simple general equilibrium model with local public goods subject to exclusion and crowding. In general, no competitive equilibrium exists for such models. However, in this paper we study a four-person example, satisfying assumptions formulated in a paper by McGuire [Group segregation and optimal jurisdictions, J. Political Econ.82, 112–132 (1974)], in which a competitive equilibrium does exist. This example demonstrates that the model is capable of generating realistic implications regarding stratification of jurisdictions, the decision to subdivide or consolidate jurisdictions, reliance on exclusionary zoning, and the use of revenue sharing.  相似文献   

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