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疍民是广州一个具有独特民俗文化的水上族群,其传唱的咸水歌是具有岭南地区特色的非物质水文化资源。广州咸水歌的产生与疍民所处的生产、生活环境密切相关,随着疍民的逐步上岸居住,目前极少有疍民后代传唱咸水歌,其文化传承问题突出。在目前列入省级非物质文化遗产名录的基础上,应该利用已有条件、结合已有旅游线路开发具有水文化特色的旅游产品,实现咸水歌开发与文化保护的共赢。  相似文献   

中西方饮食文化是人类文化中重要的组成部分,它们在文化理念、食物结构、烹饪方法、饮食方式以及餐具和用餐礼仪等方面都存在明显差别。中西方饮食文化差异是社会发展演变和不同地域地理、气候、物产和人文文化等各种因素影响的结果,是地域文化在地域饮食文化中的直观反映。透过中西方饮食文化差异的表现、中西饮食文化对美与味的追求以及在烹调方式、食物形态、用餐方式和用餐礼仪等几方面的差异分析,共同促进人类饮食文化的多元健康发展。一  相似文献   

自贡盐帮菜是川菜小河帮菜系的支柱,其饮食文化的形成和发展是盐业经济的繁荣与发展而形成的产物,体现了自贡地区的区域经济、千载盐都的风情民俗,具有深厚的文化内涵。在经济高速发展、人们需求日益增长的今天,对自贡盐帮菜饮食文化进行深入的挖掘与发展,有助于进一步开发其现实价值,挖掘其深刻内涵。  相似文献   

刁子蔚  张亮  张鹏 《致富时代》2011,(11):221-221
中国饮食文化的历史源远流长,博大精深。它经历了几千年的历史发展,已成为中国传统文化的一个重要组成部分。该文从饮食结构、食物制作、食物器具、营养保健和饮食审美等方面分析了中国饮食文化的特色。  相似文献   

青岛的饮食资源非常丰富,开发饮食文化旅游资源,把旅游与饮食相结合,可以达到旅游与饮食文化相互促进、相得益彰的效果。当前,青岛饮食文化旅游资源开发尚存在很多不足之处,其主要表现是:饮食文化还未成为旅游资源开发的重要组成部分;资源开发中各自为战,没有形成合力;文化特色不突出,整体开发层次还比较低;本地饮食文化资源逐渐弱化和同化,消费者忠诚度较低。青岛应把饮食文化作为一种旅游资源加以大力宣传;在资源开发过程中,既要保持青岛各种特色饮食,吸引旅游者的注意力;又要积极借鉴其他地区餐饮产品的优点,提高和发掘饮食文化内涵,不断进取创新,进而形成具体的青岛饮食文化旅游产品,增强青岛的旅游竞争力和经济发展实力。  相似文献   

江菲 《商》2014,(11):258-259
三峡地区位于四川盆地地带,该地农业发展较早,物产丰饶,有着独特的地理条件,且该地自古就是楚汉文化交汇之地,深受楚文化与巴文化的影响。在这样独特的人文环境和地理环境下,便形成了三峡地区具有鲜明特色的地域饮食文化。地处三峡地区腹心地带的万州就有着丰厚的饮食文化内容,具有很大的开发价值和经济价值,对饮食文化的开发可以带动万州旅游的发展和经济的发展,有很大的发展前景。在此基础上,文章也提出了开发三峡饮食文化几点建议。  相似文献   

我国饮食文化旅游开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中华饮食文化源远流长,是中华民族的文化瑰宝,也是一种重要的旅游资源。近年来,随着旅游者消费水平的提高和闲暇时间的增加,旅游者在旅游过程中不再仅仅满足于吃饱,而是希望尽情地享受各地的佳肴美食,满足求新的心理和审美观念等多方面的需求。美食旅游已成为一种新兴的旅游活动。本文探讨了我国饮食文化旅游的开发,分析其可行性,提出在饮食文化旅游开发中应采取的策略。  相似文献   

白族饮食文化历史悠久,拥有浓厚的传统特色,具备实用性和创造性、地方性和民族性。但白族饮食文化旅游开发中面临缺乏深度和广度;盲目跟风,忽视地方特色;以品尝佳肴为主,文化含量不足;宣传力度小等问题。提出政府应加大扶持力度;旅游开发中要突出民族饮食文化;科学定位、凸显白族饮食文化特色;加强品牌建设和文化旅游产品宣传等建议,以促进白族饮食文化旅游的健康、可持续发展。  相似文献   

中华饮食文化源远流长,是中华民族文化宝库中的一朵璀璨的奇葩,呈现出浓郁的地方特色和鲜明的民族情调,把饮食文化与旅游活动相结合,对于提升民族文化经济价值,促进旅游业与餐饮业的发展,都有着积极的意义,只有适应市场变化,把握旅游餐饮市场的潮流和趋势,深层挖掘饮食文化资源,开发出多种特色饮食文化旅游,才能更好地弘扬中华饮食文化,提高旅游地的综合吸引力。尽管目前饮食文化旅游发展很不理想,但从长远看,中国饮食文化旅游市场是一个充满生机和活力的大市场,蕴藏着巨大的市场潜力,开发中应深层挖掘旅游产品的文化内涵,突出地方特色,坚持开发和保护并重,注意保护旅游生态环境,实现旅游业可持续发展。  相似文献   

饮食文化的内涵博大精深,可彰显出人文精神与情怀,是文化的重要组成部分,作为一方特色,可整合在旅游资源开发中。饮食文化的宣传与发展能直接为地方带来更多商机,促进经济发展,并有助于树立国家及其城市形象。具有深厚底蕴饮食文化的地方,更应该大力推行美食旅游特色行,紧密结合自身的饮食文化资源,将特色饮食文化与旅游资源开发相结合。在饮食文化资源的框架上,将饮食文化资源作为旅游资源开发的重要部分进行整合。本文在剖析饮食文化与旅游资源开发整合中存在的问题的基础上,针对性提出关于饮食文化与旅游资源开发的策略,以促进我国旅游业的快速发展。  相似文献   

墨子是我国伟大的思想家、哲学家、教育家、科学家和军事家,以其为代表的墨家思想在当今社会依然产生很大的影响。本文通过梳理墨子思想,从饮食文化角度理解和分析墨子提出的"兼相爱、交相利""节俭""非攻""强本"等思想内涵,以寻求墨子思想与当代饮食文化的结合,并依照墨子思想分别从思想、行为、具体操作和文化使命方面对餐饮企业提出实用措施,以实现餐饮企业的良好、有序、健康和可持续发展。研究墨子思想与餐饮文化的融合,对传承中国优秀传统文化和当代餐饮企业的发展都有积极意义。  相似文献   

东北亚地区水产品贸易的竞争性与互补性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孔媛 《国际贸易问题》2007,292(4):65-70
本文通过对中国、日本、韩国、俄罗斯和蒙古共5个东北亚①国家的活鱼、鲜冷鱼、冻鱼、鱼片及鱼肉、熏鱼及盐腌鱼、甲壳动物和软体动物②共7种水产品的相对贸易优势指数进行了测算,并进一步通过OBC指数法判断了5国间水产品贸易的互补性与竞争性。研究发现,中国的活鱼、鲜冷鱼等6种水产品、韩国的软体动物以及蒙古的冻鱼等3种水产品是具有贸易竞争优势的水产品。5国间水产品贸易呈现的特点是互补性大于竞争性。具体而言,中日、中蒙、中韩,俄蒙、日俄、蒙韩之间呈现互补性,其中中韩、俄蒙之间的互补性很强,中日次之,中蒙、蒙韩之间互补性最弱。同时俄罗斯对我国水产品贸易逐渐形成竞争。文章继而对形成上述现象的原因进行了初步探析,并就我国如何在东北亚水产品市场利用与其他国家的贸易互补性提升竞争力提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to study the concept of convenience orientation among young adults. A project was conducted among students living in residence halls, where information on their food motivation and behaviour was obtained. Data were collected using a self‐administered questionnaire filled out by 319 students. Convenience ap‐pears to be the most important food motivation followed by price, pleasure, health and concern about weight. Positive correlations were obtained between convenience and: deciding what to eat, having a varied diet and lack of time, all of which were considered to be difficulties associated with living in residence. Negative correlations were obtained between convenience and total time spent cooking per day and having learned to be autonomous in the kitchen. For male, the perception of eating well, having a varied diet, and maintaining weight were negatively correlated to convenience. For female, the correlation between convenience and the difficulty of eating enough was significant and positive. Negative correlations were obtained between convenience and fresh vegetables, potatoes, eggs, fresh meat, fresh fish and fresh poultry, herbal tea and alcohol. Positive correlations were obtained between convenience, frozen foods and foods brought from the parents’ home. Findings are discussed from both a health and a family perspective.  相似文献   

土家族饮食文化功能主义分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土家族饮食文化是一种以物质文化——饮食生产为基础,包括饮食习俗、禁忌、信仰、饮食制度在内的综合文化体系。土家族饮食文化作为传统文化的重要组成部分,发挥着自身独特的功能,既是一种可供开发的优质旅游资源,又在土家族日常生活中起到良好的文化控制功能作用。  相似文献   

This article is based on a qualitative study on diet education among student preschool teachers. The problem under discussion is: What does a student preschool teacher learn in his education about food, meals, and nutrition? The material used in the article comprises interviews with student preschool teachers at one university and one college in Norway. Preschool teacher education is a three years university college study with bachelor degree. The survey results show that student preschool teachers do not receive even the most element training, when it comes to food and meals, including nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, although education must prepare them for a job outside the kindergarten. Practical cooking was almost completely absent in their education, including hygiene. Most student preschool teachers did not know what fat they were to use in cooking. Food and senses, allergies, and food and culture were not discussed in their education. There was little correlation between the formal curricula in connection with food and meals and the training the preschool teacher students received in their education.  相似文献   

This article posits the development of a healthier food choice app as a means of contributing to facilitating nutritionally superior food selection among indigenous Australians living in remote communities. A significant health gap exists between indigenous and non-indigenous people in Australia. Further, indigenous Australians living in remote communities carry a significant and disproportionate share of this gap. One contributor to poor health is poor nutrition: current food consumption in remote communities is a diet dominated by highly processed foods and characterized by high levels of sugar, refined cereals, and low intake of fruit and vegetables coupled with excessive sodium intake and deficiency in a number of micronutrients. Employing two marketing-based concepts, the dual processing model of nutritional labeling and habit, as the basis for the development of a healthier food app, we contend that a food choice app has the potential to disrupt habitual behavior and generate new learning about healthier food choices in remote indigenous communities. The app would be based on the George Institute’s FoodSwitch app, which enables users to scan barcodes of food products at the point of purchase and determines if the food item is a healthy choice and otherwise suggests healthier alternatives. The proposed app would utilize existing imagery used by the Jimmy Little Foundation, a not-for-profit organization working in remote indigenous communities promoting healthier food and lifestyle practices, and would provide information in a culturally appropriate and clearly communicated form.  相似文献   

Abstract Higher food costs of a recommended diet may be a barrier to the improvement of unhealthy dietary habits. For the assessment of food costs for children, age-specific dietary intakes as well as average food prices must be known. This study is based on the measured food intake from a total of 1668 3-day weighed diet records of children aged from 5 months to 18 years and on recommended dietary intakes for these age groups. Based on the food costs related to the energy intake (Deutschmarks per megajoule; DM per MJ), the recommended diet using common food products does not incur higher costs than the current diet in all age groups. For infants, a diet using commercial infant food conforming to the restrictive German pesticide regulations incurs 50–150% higher food costs than the use of home-made meals. For children and adolescents, the nutritionally inferior quality of the current diet can be improved by a price-balanced interchange of foods, mainly by favouring plant foods instead of meat and confectionery.  相似文献   

<正>日本人属猫!出了筑地地铁站,顺着鱼腥味你就能找到它—各种叫不上名来的海鲜,要动用电锯切割的金枪鱼,还有最重要的:新鲜、实惠的鱼生。吃鱼是日本饮食文化中的一大特色。在东京有个市场叫"筑地",号称世界头号鱼市,近年来成为与秋叶原、浅草其名的动静三大景点之一。  相似文献   

The Society of Arts since its foundation in 1 754 has had a considerable interest in food. The Food Committee investigated aspects of meat, milk and fish from 1866 to 1881 and made an important contribution to the development of preservation, packaging and supply.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the impact of dissimilarity in food culture, “food culture distance,” as a predictor of foreign market selection by food exporters. The sample for this study consisted of 96 export ventures by Swedish food companies in 27 international markets. A composite index of the construct food culture distance was calculated and used as a predictor of foreign market attractiveness for food exporters. The findings indicate that food culture distance does positively impact the attractiveness of a foreign market for food exporters, implying that the greater the perceived distance in terms of food culture, the more attractive is the market for food exporters to enter.  相似文献   

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