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苏轼是我国北宋的大政治家、大文学家。在他坎坷的政治生涯中,多次贬官,足迹遍及南方的十多个大小城市,这些地方都留下了他解民于水火的好事政绩,挚爱祖国大好河山的绝妙诗词,同情下层人民的传闻逸事。杭州,是苏轼两次来杭为官的地方,先后五年间,留下的史迹、文物特别丰富,遍及西湖山山水水。但是,如何将苏轼遗留给杭州人民的这笔珍贵  相似文献   

从林升"暖风熏得游人醉,直把杭州作汴州"对当时政府偏安一隅的讽刺,到苏东坡"欲把西湖比西子,浓妆淡抹总相宜"地把西湖比作妙龄女子,略施粉黛便已是惊为天人,白居易则把对杭州的眷恋都写入了"未能抛得杭州去,一半勾留是西湖"的诗句中。历代的文人骚客,无不把杭州当做爆发灵感的圣地,慕名而去的文士们则被这里的美丽所吸引,纷纷留下诗句证明自己到此一游。去过杭州的人,总是嫌时间过得太快,慢一点,再慢一点,即使一辈子都生活在这里,还是看不够。西湖边的垂柳,龙井山下的茶庄,岳庙里的忠贞不屈,饭店里刚出锅的东坡肉和西湖醋鱼……谁能不深陷入这里的柔软时光呢?有了水便有了灵气儿,杭州城内城外都是水,怨不得这里满满都是才子佳人。只闻杭州有西湖,有龙井,还有白娘子和许仙的爱情。对于没去过杭州的人来讲,这些已经足够了。可是习惯了杭州闲适生活的本地人,去哪里体验新杭州呢?和我们一起,走进杭州的流水时光吧。  相似文献   

我是在临猗中学上完三年高中的。高二的时候,班里来了一名太原籍的新同学,因为兴趣相投,和我很快成了无话不谈的朋友。也许是“月是故乡明”吧,他经常和我谈起太原,言语之间流露出对太原的无限思念.说起汾河,更是眉飞色舞。“你看那汾河的水呀,哗啦啦地流过我的小山村”,那种引以为豪的情感让我多少有些嫉妒。那时候,我对太原,对汾河就已充满了神往。  相似文献   

找故乡味、寻故乡情、记忆中的味道在盖士镇东部不远处,就是北美第三大的温哥华中国城,目前此区居住人口约10万人,较为热闹的主要街道为片打  相似文献   

提起野营车,总是让人先联想到 “大篷车”。吉普塞人没有固定的 住所,边歌边舞,四处周游。如 今的年代,汽车技术发展一日千里,出现了Auto Home(汽车之家)一族,他们开着经改装过的旅游车,尽情享受自然风光,度休闲之旅。车内装饰舒适豪华,家居设备应有尽有,欢乐时,既有吉普塞人周游列国的风艳情趣;安逸时,又有豪华、品位、个人化的空间。  相似文献   

男人的时尚不是简单几件衣服便能赋予的,品质和内涵才是男人真正要追求的东西。即便张扬如时尚,在男人睿智思想和独特品位面前,也不得不放低姿态,呈现出含蓄内敛、厚积薄发的魅力。对于注重生活品位的男人来说,时尚远不是外表的美丑那么简单,他们通过服装要表达的还有健康自信的生活态度以及敏锐独到的时尚品位。  相似文献   

为加快西部旅游人才培养步伐。贯彻落实胡锦涛总书记关于采取援藏方式支持和帮助西藏导游队伍建设的批示精神,根据国家旅游局导游援藏工作的统一部署,2005年4月15日——10月15日我省首次选拔和派遣了3名优秀导游作为第三批援藏导游赴西藏工作。在为期6个月的援藏工作中,3名导游克服各种困难。认真履行职责。共带团50个,464人次,累计带团373天。他们的努力工作。得到了国家旅游局的肯定和表扬;同时,雪域高原壮美的风光、朴实的人民也给他们留下深刻的印象。现将他们的援藏经历和感受记出来,以飨读。[编按]  相似文献   

最近到久违的杭州,入住最新的五星酒店杭州凯悦酒店。除了酒店必然“越新越好”的考虑之外,这间酒店的地理位置无与伦比。它就在湖滨路沿湖步行街的正中心,除了客房拥有西湖景色“烟柳画桥,风帘翠幕”的优势之外,这里一出门便是花园似的行人专用街。而临近的地方,则集中了杭州所有最高档的店铺,距离全都在步行十几.分钟的时间内。要游西湖,码头和电瓶车的交通全在门前。市中心最热闹的购物街则正在酒店的后面。所以,这酒店开张仅仅几个月,已成为高档旅客的首选。它高贵华丽的外表,则是当地一般人足以引以为傲的新地标。  相似文献   

杭州菜取材大多比较简单而且平常,没有什么太多珍稀奢华的原料,难得的是原料的新鲜和烹饪的精致入味,比较像当地的女子,精致而小巧的眉眼,没有沉鱼落雁的耀眼,却天长日久地看着养眼。盛宴毕竟只是朝夕,笙歌酒醒后还是那一碗软糯的白粥最是体贴。  相似文献   

We investigate spillover effects from sentiment and mood shocks on US outbound tourism demand from 1996 until 2013. We use the Index of Consumer Sentiment and Economic Policy Uncertainty Index as proxies for sentiment and the S&P500 as a proxy for mood. We find a moderate to high interrelationship among sentiment, mood and outbound tourism demand. More importantly, sentiment and mood indicators are net transmitters of spillover shocks to outbound tourism demand. The magnitude of spillover effects sourced by sentiment and mood is time-varying and depends on certain socio-economic and environmental events. Our results have important implications for policymakers and travel agents in their efforts to predict tourism arrivals from key origin countries and to plan their tourism strategy.  相似文献   

Halal tourism is a fast-growing segment of the tourism market, thus a study of its trends is warranted. This paper examines halal tourism trends by analysing posts (known as ‘tweets’) on the social networking service Twitter. A total of 85,259 tweets were examined. Nineteen keywords (English and Bahasa Malaysia) were used in the extraction process. Using the extracted tweets, the study (1) examined the origins of tweets among the global population related to halal tourism, (2) identified the major populations around the world that are engaged in halal tourism tweets, (3) analysed the sentiment valence in relation to halal tourism, and (4) identified the popular destinations that appear in tweets. The findings showed that Japan is the most-tweeted-about halal tourist destination, followed by Malaysia and Indonesia. The findings can be used by the various halal tourism stakeholders to plan their future strategies in relation to halal tourism.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify the structure of online restaurant reviews and examine the influence of review attributes and sentiments on restaurant star ratings. While past research indicated four attributes specific to restaurant reviews—food, service, ambience, and price—this study proposes context as the fifth attribute unique to online reviews. Sentiment analysis of online restaurant reviews has confirmed the proposed underlying structure of online restaurant reviews. Results showed that consumers’ sentiments in these five attributes significantly explained the differences in star ratings. Food, service, and context are the top three attributes affecting star ratings, followed by price and ambiance.  相似文献   

魏小安 《旅游学刊》2012,27(4):48-56
从研究者自我融入与审视的视角出发,以城市旅游发展为分析接入点,对杭州旅游业发展基本脉络与特征研判后认为,杭州城市旅游未来的发展来自系列化的旅游创新,核心是三全体系的建构,即全要素旅游资源、全环节旅游产品和全领域旅游产业,但杭州开拓性旅游业未来发展的部分障碍也需要给予重点关注.以杭州为案例地的城市旅游发展模式、经验与问题对国内类同旅游地有重要的借鉴和参考价值.  相似文献   

The polarized problem of customers' emotional experiences in peer-to-peer accommodations has been exposed and needs urgent solution. However, a research gap remains in understanding the emotional heterogeneity. Therefore, this study explores customers' emotional heterogeneity and drivers for peer-to-peer accommodations using deep learning technologies and social network analysis. The results reveal that: For common causes, the environment is a core driver of customer emotions; While services are not necessary to positive emotions. For special causes, price value and location can stimulate customers' positive emotions, while their absence cannot affect negative emotions; The absence of household amenities cannot hinder the formation of positive emotions; While booking information triggers customers' negative emotions. This study clarifies complex demands of customer emotional experiences in sharing economy and provides a multiple emotional heterogeneity perspective for mining the emotional causes of peer-to-peer accommodation customers. Furthermore, it contributes to implications for improving customer emotional experience with differentiated strategies.  相似文献   

对家庭旅馆经营可行性的分析--从杭州家庭旅馆谈起   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
褚蓓 《旅游学刊》2002,17(5):45-48
家庭旅馆是我国大众旅游发展到一定阶段的产物。什么条件下开办的家庭旅馆才有生命力呢?通过实证研究的方法,本文对杭州和仙华山两地的家庭旅馆进行了调查、比较和研究,从内外因素上分析了家庭旅馆的生存条件,从而对如何发展家庭进行了尝试性探讨。  相似文献   

大学生旅游行为特征分析--以杭州市高校为例   总被引:49,自引:2,他引:49  
本项研究在抽样调查的基础上,主要通过U检验和非参数x^2检验以及非线性回归分析方法,从与大众旅游者对比以及分别从性别、月生活费差异三个侧面来剖析大学生的旅游消费行为及特征,并在此基础上对如何开拓大学生旅游市场提出一些见解。  相似文献   

现代服务业已经成为现代城市发展的新亮点。该文在对现代服务业进行界定的基础上,分析了杭州市现代服务业发展的现状及特点,并针对性地提出了今后发展的相对策略。  相似文献   

This is a qualitative study to evaluate the tourism potential of public museums from a supply-side perspective. Nine specialized public museums in Hangzhou were evaluated based on six criteria: cultural, physical, product, experiential, marketing, and leadership. The overall tourism potential was rated as moderate for the museums in Hangzhou. Poor accessibility, isolation from tourism nodes, lack of complementarity with peripheral attractions, and limited carrying capacity impair the museums' appeal to tourists. The local government's proactive intention to develop cultural tourism and the innovative marketing efforts adopted by a few museums certainly help to enhance the museums' tourism potential.  相似文献   

基于"推-拉"理论的杭州老年人出游动机研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于"推-拉"理论,本文对杭州老年人的出游动机进行研究.通过因子分析法得到3个推动机因子和4个拉动机因子,其中,"求知与好奇"、"安全与卫生"分别为最重要的推动机因子和拉动机因子.同时,本研究分析了人口学特征对杭州老年人出游动机的影响,结果发现,性别、受教育程度及自我感知的经济状况对杭州老年人出游动机没有显著性的影响,而年龄与自我感知的身体状况对推动机因子"求知与好奇"产生显著性的影响.  相似文献   

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