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截至2003年底,中国创业投资累计投资金额超过42亿美元,投资企业数量近1700家,但实现退出的不到一成。没有退出的创业投资无法顺利循环,从而也就无从持续地为优秀的企业提供支持。缺乏海外通道的本土创投,在退出方面更是受制于资本市场,只能寻求多方突破。  相似文献   

罗飞 《新财富》2004,(8):10-10
从中小企业板到创业板的过渡并非一朝一夕之事,然而,中小企业板即使不能实现全流通,能否在老股东的退出机制问题上有所创新,即在IPO时实现部分的旧股批售?  相似文献   

2004年1月10日,中国证监会副主席范福春在深圳召开的。第二届中小企业融资论坛。上表示,建立专门服务于高成长性中小企业和创业型企业的资本市场结构,是解决中小企业融资难问题的有效途径和重要突破口。当前社会各界对通过建设中小企业板推进创业板市场建设已经达成共识,深交所为此也做了比较充分的准备.  相似文献   

随着我国经济改革的深入。国家“抓大放小”和“有所为,有所不为”战略的实施。中小企业在我国国民经济中的地位和作用不断提高。据统计,目前我国注册登记的中小企业已超过1000万家。占注册企业总数的99%,在数量上居于主导地位。  相似文献   

文杰  肖平 《新财富》2006,(10):84-87
与海外创业板市场相比,国内中小企业板的流动性和估值水平更高,企业的盈利能力和分红比例保持领先,创业投资机构获得的投资回报也相对较高。随着全流通的开启中小企业板可望在吸引资金和优质上市资源方面显示更强大的竞争力。[编者按]  相似文献   

20014年5月27日,中小企业板块在深交所正式启动,标志着我国多层次资本市场建设的开始.这对我国资本市场的发展具有重大和深远的意义;深交所中小企业板块的设立,不仅为我国的中小企业提供了通过资本市场进行融资的途径,而且也为目前我国存在的大量“游资”搭建了  相似文献   

Co-sponsored by CCPIT / CCOIC Guangxi and Singapore Universal Reliance (Holdings) Pte. Ltd., Forum on Guangxi Enterprises Overseas Financing and IPO was held in Nanning on August 30,2006. Some 100 delegates from companies and manufacturers around the province attended the conference.  相似文献   

龙生龙,凤生凤,生在猴年的中小企业板现在看来也不过是孙大爷的一根毛变的孙二爷。中小企业板像什么?尽管深交所不无打造中国纳斯达克的雄心,可是,现在毕竟还不是创业板,没法与纳斯达克一个样。  相似文献   

王阔 《现代商业》2011,(32):134
由于自身的缺陷以及外部融资环境的不健全,科技型中小企业一直以来面临着融资困境,其发展在资金层面受到了严重的制约。在创业板将逐步深入到各区域科技型中小企业的今天,研究我国科技型中小企业利用创业板进行融资和维持后续的可持续发展对推进我国产业升级、结构化调整以及创新型国家建设进程具有深刻的现实意义。  相似文献   

佘闵华 《理财周刊》2004,(12):84-86
有关交通银行上市的消息最近成为股市中的一个“阴影”。  相似文献   

The adoption of technology for marketing is essential for the survival of small businesses and yet little is understood about owner-manager practice in this area. This paper aims to address that gap through a qualitative study of 24 owner-managed small businesses operating in the visitor economy. It found that there was a strong appetite for the adoption of technology for marketing and a clear recognition of its opportunities particularly related to how it could create a stronger market orientation and more agile marketing, adhering to the principles of effectual reasoning. However, the ability to take advantage of these opportunities was constrained by a lack of knowledge and in particular an inability to measure the return on investment. While the wider implications of the study are limited by the niche sample, a planning model for the adoption of technology for marketing is presented which can be tested through future research.  相似文献   

中亚地区是连接欧亚国家的交通要道,古“丝绸之路”就经过这一地区。由于中亚国家普遍存在经济结构单一,经济主要依靠国际原材料市场带动,投资和内需尚未成为经济增长的主要动力。由于种种原因,工厂仍开工不足、资金短缺、失业严重、轻工、纺织、食品等商品依赖进口。中亚五国市场容量大,各国商人都在这里积极活动。香烟市场基本上由美国独霸;各种酒类、肉制品、罐头等欧洲货处处可见;韩国的汽车、电子产品、纺织品销售气势咄咄逼人;电器、办公设备当属日本为老大;中低档饼干、巧克力土耳其稳占市场;皮革制品市场依次由意大利、土耳其、巴基斯坦占领;日化产品,高档次商品基本上是  相似文献   

This paper introduces the special issue of Small Business Economics on Innovation. What binds the papers together is either their focus on the effect of firm size on the causes and consequences of innovation or their focus on the role small firms play in reshaping the industrial landscape.  相似文献   

Owner sacrifice was studied as a key variable for predicting small business growth dynamics. Using Conservation of Resources Theory, three different types of sacrifice were defined: personal, financial, and relational. Their relation to growth was studied on data collected through structured interviews in 852 small firms in thirteen cities in Turkey. Personal sacrifices in time and effort had a positive effect on continuous growth, both singularly and in interaction with firm's environment, size, and strategic planning. Sacrifices in personal finances were negatively associated with continuous growth, which is interpreted as an outcome of internal financing and risk-avoidance by Turkish firms. Sacrifice as a multi-dimensional construct may be invaluable in studying small business growth in cultures with similar characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on three under‐researched subjects in the corporate social responsibility literature: small businesses, small towns, and consequences of social responsibility for the business owner personally. Small businesses are the vast majority of businesses and make a significant contribution to national economic vitality. Their value to the survival of small towns, where they are often the only businesses, is even more important. Research indicates that the social performance of big and small businesses alike is dependent upon the values and disposition of the top decision maker. Therefore, insight into the owner's motivations for contributing to community betterment and the consequences of that behavior for the business and the owner will add to this literature. Equally important, this knowledge can inform policies aimed at increasing good citizenship for all sizes of businesses regardless of location.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the special issue of Small business Economics on Performance. The concept of economic performance refers to the degree to which society's resources are being used as efficiently as possible. Where the field of industrial organization has emphasized the influence of market concentration on economic performance, the papers of this special issue zoom in on the link between firm size and economic performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, the model which will be analysed is characterized by a labour market with (a) profitable vacancies, (b) unemployment, (c) excess labour supply, (d) limited mobility and divisibility of labour, and (e) competition on-the-job. The analysed setting is typical for a small-business economy. The analysis suggests that unemployment will be greater than equilibrium unemployment if present employees and potential entrants consider job assignments for this market under strategic perspectives.  相似文献   

小企业的蓬勃发展对于整个国民经济都是有利的因素,但是小企业伴随着起灵活性的同时是其自身会计管理存在的一系列问题,因此加强对小企业的会计核算成为我们必须要面对的问题.  相似文献   

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