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全球重要农业文化遗产的旅游资源特征与开发   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
关于农史资料的收集整理与农业考古等的研究已经取得了很大成就,而对于农业文化遗产方面的研究则相对薄弱。联合国粮农组织提出了全球重要农业文化遗产的概念及其动态保护思路。文章从全球重要农业文化遗产的概念和研究现状入手,提出旅游开发是对其进行动态保护的最有效途径之一。并从农业文化遗产地的聚落属性、社会属性、经济属性、文化属性和生态属性等方面,全面分析了农业文化遗产地的旅游价值,初步设计了三种旅游开发模式,提出了农业文化遗产旅游开发前、开发中和开发后的全方位规划保护需要注意的问题,以期能为农业文化遗产的保护性开发提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

浙江农业文化遗产丰富多样。文章依据浙江各地农业文化遗产的特征及农业生产自然条件和历史演进将浙江省农业文化遗产分为9大农业文化遗产区。浙江省农业文化遗产具有美学、生态学等多重价值,对农业文化遗产的开发应该注意对其本底价值、直接应用价值和间接衍生价值的区别对待。文章构建了浙江省农业文化遗产的旅游价值评价体系并定量评价了浙江省内8项全国重要农业文化遗产的旅游价值,运用增长极理论重点研究了浙江省内8项重要农业文化遗产地的旅游供给增长极、旅游需求增长极、旅游客源市场潜力和旅游需求增长极的效用等,并在此基础上对浙江农业文化遗产地的旅游开发策略提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

随着全国各地农业生态旅游的兴起,农业生态旅游给农民带来经济利益的同时也加重了农村生态环境的污染,农民环境权受到严重侵害。文章从保护农民环境权的角度出发,认为农业生态旅游要想持续发展,必须保护农民的环境权,两者是相辅相承,不可分割的。要想农业旅游可持续发展,必须从法律法规、政府监管、生态补偿、宣传教育等方面加强对农民的环境权的保护。  相似文献   

乡村文化振兴是促进乡村全面发展的灵魂和精髓。现阶段,如何传承创新、实现乡村文化振兴是亟待解决的现实问题。农业文化遗产中经过长期历史发展积累下来的文化、生态、生产和社会等资源对乡村文化振兴具有重要的现实意义。面对时代的发展进步,应强化农民的主体意识以激发其积极性,并加大对农业文化遗产地的资金支持,以留住本土专业人才和吸引外来优秀人才,健全完善农业文化遗产保护管理机制,借助互联网等现代科技手段活化创新农业文化遗产,促进乡村文化的繁荣发展,助力实现乡村文化振兴。  相似文献   

以晋中文化生态保护实验区为例,探讨其文化生态保护与旅游开发之间的互动体系和互动机制,研究表明:旅游是文化遗产保护和旅游开发互动的基础动力;传统的非物质文化遗产与物质文化遗产能够带动区域旅游经济发展,打造晋中旅游新业态,开辟晋中旅游新特色。  相似文献   

伍鹏 《时代经贸》2008,6(4):1-2
如能正确处理好旅游开发和文化保护之间的关系,非物质文化遗产保护与旅游业发展可以实现良性互动。浙江非物质文化遗产丰富,将口头传统、民间艺术、民俗和餐饮老字号等非物质文化遗产丰富保护和发展与旅游开发互动,是提升浙江旅游业的核心竞争力的有效途径。  相似文献   

严晓萍 《经济论坛》2022,(1):99-105
传统村落是中国农耕文明史和传统文化的重要空间载体,不仅要保护蕴含人类智慧的传统村落建筑风貌等物质文化遗产,更重要的是传承应用其非物质文化遗产,深入挖掘传统村落丰富的文化资源内涵,加大对传统村落各类文化旅游资源的研究、整理和宣传,破解保护传承、村民权益与经济发展之间矛盾,借助文旅融合发展契机,推动区域文旅经济高质量发展.  相似文献   

如能正确处理好旅游开发和文化保护之间的关系,非物质文化遗产保护与旅游业发展可以实现良性互动.浙江非物质文化遗产丰富,将口头传统、民间艺术、民俗和餐饮老字号等非物质文化遗产丰富保护和发展与旅游开发互动,是提升浙江旅游业的核心竞争力的有效途径.  相似文献   

如能正确处理好旅游开发和文化保护之间的关系,非物质文化遗产保护与旅游业发展可以实现良性互动。浙江非物质文化遗产丰富,将口头传统、民间艺术、民俗和餐饮老字号等非物质文化遗产丰富保护和发展与旅游开发互动,是提升浙江旅游业的核心竞争力的有效途径。  相似文献   

严伟 《经济师》2009,(12):193-195
文章从旅游扶贫角度分析了农业旅游开发中农民利益受到损害的表现、原因,并提出了在农业旅游开发中保障农民利益的相关措施与机制。  相似文献   

文章指出,作为首批全球重要农业遗产(GIAHS)保护项目之一,青田传统稻鱼共生系统应坚持动态保护、整体保护和原地保护的原则,其保护内容包括稻田养鱼复合生态系统、农业耕作制度、农业生物多样性、文化多样性以及景观格局。生态博物馆的理论与实践为世界农业遗产的保护提供了新思路,作为一种全新的尝试,世界农业遗产生态博物馆保护模式极有可能为世界农业遗产保护事业和生态博物馆的发展提供理论基础和经验总结。  相似文献   

Traditional rice-fish agricultural heritage site in Qingtian County, China, one of the pilot sites of Glob-ally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS), is of great value in tourism development. This paper aims to explore how to realize sustainable tourism development in agricultural heritage site through identifying current problems in GIAHS site, and making constructive recommendations for coupled development of heritage preserva-tion and economic development. Field survey was carried out and data was collected through field questionnaire surveys of tourists and residents' in Longxian Village of Qingtian County, as well as interviews of residents with semi-structured questionnaires for their perceptions and attitudes to tourism development. The following results are got.(1) the tourism industry is still at its early state of Nongjiale tourism (enjoy and experience authentic country life-style), under very limited administrative management; (2) what attracts visitors most are delicious fish and beautiful natural environment, but not agricultural heritage itself; (3) most tourists come from adjacent areas and stay only half a day, many of whom pay their visits twice or more; (4) a few local residents take part in the activities of tourism industry, but in very limited manners even if they do.Current patterns of tourism development are casting negative impacts on agricultural heritage. Conservation agricultural heritage should be put in the first place for sustainable tourism development. Agricultural heritage, as a key attraction, should be taken as the focus for tourism development. The important thing is to change the present Nongjiale tourism into real heritage tourism, to establish a cooperative mechanism among different stakeholders,and to increase local residents' income through engaging in tourism industry.  相似文献   

在农业园区规划设计过程中,规划设计原则是事先必须明确的若干游戏规则。规划方案选择与项目的设置,必须受所选择的原则之制约。对过去一些农业园区规划设计案例进行分析和总结,分别对不同类型园区(如农业观光园、农业科技园、农业产业园、农业示范园等)的规划设计原则的选择和表达,提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

吕峻  胡洁  石荣 《技术经济》2020,39(12):117-123
意大利因历史遗产数量众多而闻名国际。其中,作为一个农业资源丰富的国家,农业文化遗产也是意大利一项不可忽视的保护和发展对象。农业文化遗产的再生、发展和创新可以看作城市规划与建设过程中的一项重要组成部分。以米兰广域市为例,首先梳理其农业发展的历史沿革,其次分别从总体规划政策到具体新型农庄的产业振兴进行探讨。并详细分析了4个不同发展定位的农庄,探讨了其农业历史、发展模式及相应管理策略。旨在通过米兰经验的学习为中国相关的农业旅游、乡村景观及都市农业发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Traditional rice-fish agricultural heritage site in Qingtian County, China, one of the pilot sites of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS), is of great value in tourism development. This paper aims to explore how to realize sustainable tourism development in agricultural heritage site through identifying current problems in GIAHS site. and making constructive recommendations for coupled development of heritage preservation and economic development. Field survey was carried out and data was collected through field questionnaire surveys of tourists and residents in Longxian Village of Qingtian County, as well as interviews of residents with semi. structured questionnaires for their perceptions and attitudes to tourism development. The following results are got: (1) the tourism industry is still at its early state of Non, tale tourism (enjoy and experience authentic country life- style), under very limited administrative management; (2) what attracts visitors most are delicious.fish and beautiful natural environment, but not agricultural heritage itself; (3) most tourists eome from adjacent areas and stay. only half day, many of whom pay their visits twice or more; (4) a few local residents take part in the activities of tourism industry, but in very limited manners even if they do. Current patterns of tourism development are casting negative impacts on agricultural heritage. Conservatton of agricultural heritage should be put in the first place for sustainable tourism development.Agricultural heritage, as a key attraction, should be taken as the focus for tourism development. The important thing is to change the present Nongjiale tourism into real heritage tourism, to establish a cooperative mechanism among different stakeholders. and to increase local residents' income through engaging in tourism industry.  相似文献   

休闲农业结构布局及发展模式研究——以杭州市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以旅游空间结构的相关理论为基础,针对杭州市休闲农业的现状,从供给和需求取向的角度论述了杭州市休闲观光农业旅游的空间结构布局和旅游圈层结构,并在用SWOT分析方法分析杭州市休闲农业前景的基础上,探讨杭州市休闲农业的发展措施和发展模式。  相似文献   

安徽农业投资问题实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农业投资是促进农业经济增长的重要因素,本文以安徽为例,从农业投资的动态分析入手,建立计量经济模型,运用C-D生产函数分别分析了农业总投资及不同农业投资主体的农业投入对农业经济增长的贡献,指出农业的投资,尤其是农户对农业投资,是促进农业经济增长的重要因素,并就此提出增加农业投资促进农业经济增长的几点对策建议。  相似文献   

Qingtian County of Zhejiang Province, China has maintained the traditional rice-fish agriculture for about 2,000 years and formed exceptional cultural heritage based on this kind of production mode, so it was ed by FAO as a pilot site for the rice-fish agricultural heritage systems in 2005. This research has applied the indicators of ecological footprint and biocapacity to monitor the environmental conditions of Qingtian County, aiming to find the impact that the traditional agricultural production mode and the local inhabitants lifestyle have placed on the local environmental conditions as well as the role they have played in maintaining ecological balance, cultural inheritance and regional sustainable development. Results show that Qingtian County is characterized by a nearly breakeven total ecological balance, as opposed to Zhejiang Province, the world and other agricultural regions. However, compared with another rice-fish agricultural region, Congjiang County which enjoys a considerable ecological reserve, Qingtian County has consumed a greater amount of environmental resources. Specifically, about half of the ecological footprint of Qingtian County can be attributed to the cropland (50.8%) while the CO2 area only accounts for 11.2%, which is dramatically different from that of the modern industrialized regions. And a vast of percentage of energy is caused by the combustion of fuelwood which not only requires the land to absorb the CO2 emission it has generated but also occupies the forest where it has been chopped.  相似文献   

吕耀  谷树忠  王兆阳 《经济地理》2004,24(6):838-841
农业除了生产食物和纤维以外,还在经济、社会和环境等方面具有非商品功能。农业多功能性问题日益受到各国关注。全球经济一体化形势下国际农产品贸易政策改革进程中,对农业多功能问题的争辩体现了农产品进口国与出口国的利益之争。作为一个发展中农业大国,农业经营规模超小型等特点决定了我国在WTO框架下的农产品国际贸易中处于不利地位,因此我国应顺应世界农业功能多元化的潮流,在强调农业食物功能的同时,充分利用“绿箱政策”进行农业生产能力建设,积极发展功能多元化可持续农业。  相似文献   

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