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《物权法》实施后,电网建设遇到了一些新的问题和挑战。《物权渤严格限制以划拔方式设立建设用地使用权;明确规定建设用地使用权人需要履行登记手续,取得建设用地使用权证;新增加了地役权这一权利类型等,电网企业必须积极应对。目前电网建设用地中存在很多问题,如建设用地使用权的取得方式不确定,在杆塔用地方式、线路走廊与地表权利人关系、用地补偿方式等方面均存在法律风险。电网企业应有针对性地依托立法机关、政府部门等,努力完善电网建设用地制度,争取良好的建设环境。  相似文献   

针对电网建设单位征地普遍存在的问题,分析常见电网项目建设场地征用管理模式的特点,提出执行征地工作任务的科学有效方案。现阶段输变电工程中的变电站建设用地一般是“城市基础设施用地和公益事业用地”,根据2001年国土资源部第9号命令《划拨用地目录》第十三条规定“,电力设施用地,需要使用国有土地的,全部以划拨方式提供土地使用权。使用划拨土地的电力设施用地可以申领划拨国有土地使用权证。”输变电工程输电线路走廊、杆塔基础占地只作备案登记,不发土地使用证。  相似文献   

电网建设用地涉及到规划、城建、国土、交通、铁路、林业等相关部门和政府利益.还涉及到土地权利人的利益,无论是高压输变电工程建设.还是配网技术改造、大修施工,都不同程度存在着用地受阻现象.施工冲突和法律纠纷也频繁发生。电网建设中,土地征用和赔偿等费用在总投资中的比重快速增加。现实中,电网项目建设进度处处受制于建设用地。电力建设项目不能按时投运,不仅给电力企业造成重大经济损失,而且给当地经济社会带来较大影响,处理好电网建设用地问题已成为保障电网建设顺利进行的重要工作之一。  相似文献   

2007年10月1日起实施的《中华人民共和国物权法》(以下简称《物权法》)作为重要的财产法律,对我国物权的取得和利用制度将带来重大影响。我国的电网建设是在没有《物权法》的背景下进行的,所以电网建设无论是在实体方面还是在程序方面,都应该按照《物权法》的规定,做出新的调整。  相似文献   

2009年12月30日,随着220千伏衢州变电站成功取得了衢州市国土资源局颁发的土地证,标志着衢州市境内110千伏及以上电压所有公用变电站的土地证和房产证(以下简称"两证")全部办结,"两证"办理完成率100%,困扰多年的电网建设历史遗留问题得到了妥善解决。  相似文献   

各地要统筹安排土地利用计划,在坚持建设用地总量控制的前提下,优先保障重点基础设施和产业政策鼓励发展的建设用地需要,积极为民生项目建设提供用地保障。  相似文献   

从四川盆地油气勘探开发建设用地特点入手,分析了西南油气田用地现状和新形势下油气勘探开发建设用地在保证工期、控制成本、提高效率、政策支持、关系协调等方面所面临的挑战,提出了下一步为保证生产建设用地按时、有效、科学、合理、合法的取得而应采取的有效措施。  相似文献   

正近年来,随着南方电网公司管理一体化推进和各级供电企业核心业务的快速发展,各级企业硬件上逐步得到完善,尤其是地、县两级企业生产辅助与服务设施的改善上得到了公司总部的支持。但是,由于我们很多企业多年没有建设小型基建项目,对新增用地的印象仅能参照变电站用地模式和经验,而国土部门对小型基建项目与变电站项目供地方式的不同决定了新增用地过程存在较大的差异,造成企业在小型基建项目新增用地推进过  相似文献   

王平 《华北电业》2012,(2):40-41
在电力建设中,发电厂、线路走廊、变电站、办公等用地是近年来困扰工程建设进度的突出矛盾.如何来解决这些问题?需要我们认真研究国家建设用地的政策和要求,学习有关法律法规,了解建设用地的审批制度及审批流程.下面谈谈风光储工程在建设中建设用地审批的几点体会. 一、学习土地管理知识 土地是公有制,城市市区的土地为国家所有;农村和城市郊区的土地为集体所有,为村集体经济组织、村民小组、乡镇三级所有,分别行使权利.  相似文献   

关于协调电网建设与土地资源利用的对策建议   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1  
适应建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的要求,电网建设和发展必须节约用地。土地是我国建设和经济发展的重要基础资源,目前电网建设与土地利用之间存在诸多矛盾,亟须建立有效的激励机制,在保证电网建设合理用地的前提下,鼓励节约土地资源。通过总结分析当前电网工程土地利用现状及存在的问题,结合电网建设用地的特点,对电网企业和政府提出了促进电网建设与节约土地资源的对策建议。  相似文献   

随着城市环境的恶化,城市低碳交通建设迫在眉睫。本文从土地利用角度构建城市交通碳排放与土地利用的系统动力学模型,得出城市交通低碳发展的两种策略,并以长春市为例,对两种策略方案进行了仿真分析。结果表明,提高土地利用强度和增大土地混合利用程度均能使交通碳排放减少,而且增加土地多样性程度的实施效果要优于土地利用强度的提高。  相似文献   

论土地价格   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国土地有偿使用制度实行了20多年,土地使用权的获得是有价格的交换,本对土地价格内涵的有关说法进行分析,指出有关说法的不确定性和片面性,并阐述了用新经济学产权理论和供求关系理论能更科学地解释实践中的地价,得出土地价格的本质是土地的某种产权价格。而具体的数量表示受市场供求关系影响的结果。  相似文献   

The paper addresses the new competition for land arising from growing and changing demand for food when combined with increasing global demand for transport energy, under conditions of declining petro-chemical resources and the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The paper starts from the premise of a ‘food, energy and environment trilemma’ (Tilman et al., 2009), where all demands to expand the area of cultivated land present high risks of increasing the carbon footprint of agriculture. Having reviewed the main drivers of demand for food and for liquid transport fuels, the paper weighs the controversies surrounding biofuels arising from food-price spikes, the demand for land, and consequent direct and indirect land-use change. It suggests that we need a more complex, and geographically differentiated, analysis of the interactions between direct and indirect land-use change. The paper then reviews evidence of land availability, and suggests that in addition to technical availability in terms of soil, water, and climate, political, social, and technological factors have significantly shaped the competition for land in different global regions, particularly the three major biofuel producing ones of the USA, Brazil and Europe. This point is further developed by reviewing the different innovation pathways for biofuels in these three regions. The main conclusion of this review is firstly that any analysis requires an integrated approach to the food-energy-environment trilemma, and secondly that strategic political direction of innovation and sustainability regulation are required to bring about major shifts in agriculture leading to sustainable intensification of cultivation (Royal Society, 2009), rather than the continued expansion of cultivated area. The consequent perspective is one of considerable global variety in technologies, agricultural productive systems, and use of natural resources. This contrasts sharply with the world of a dominant global and integrated technology platform based on petro-chemicals to which we have become accustomed.  相似文献   

Existing studies of housing markets assume that homebuilding is a homogeneous, perfectly competitive industry. This paper uses MSA-level data on the average size of homebuilder establishments and homebuilder market concentration to test the appropriateness of this paradigm. The data reveal a wide and systematic variation across metropolitan-area housing markets in both the average size of builders and the market share for the largest builders in an MSA. These results are more consistent with treating homebuilders as monopolistically competitive suppliers of a differentiated product than with treating them as perfectly competitive homogeneous firms. Builders are larger in more active housing markets and where there is a greater supply of readily developed land suitable for large developments. Builder size and concentration are sensitive to the type of regulating jurisdiction imposing land-use regulation. Both are lower when land-use regulations are imposed by smaller jurisdictions, and this is particularly true when the smaller jurisdictions impose more intense regulation.  相似文献   

Trust plays a key role in the electronic market that involves high uncertainty and lack of legal protection. Building trust online is proposed as a solution to consumers' privacy concerns. Drawing from relationship marketing and social exchange theory, this study examined several key mechanisms that can help increase customers' trust of e-commerce and decrease privacy concerns. These mechanisms include characteristic-based (e.g., community), transaction process-based (e.g., repeated purchases), and institution-based trust production (e.g., digital certificate).  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》1998,22(10):791-795
The Telecommunications Act of 1996 opened the way for rapid expansion of wireless services in the United States. Industry was well-positioned to exploit new opportunities in placing towers and antennas across the American landscape. However, communities were not prepared for the legal battles needed to protect their local zoning and land use decisions. Portraying communities as anti-progress, impatient corporate interests mounted a successful campaign for federal preemption of all local moratoriums that communities had used to buy more time to assess issues, risks, and opportunities. In response, communities (fueled by senators and congressmen) have launched a national grassroots movement to protect their interests.  相似文献   

上海自贸区作为我国推进金融改革的新型发展模式,其离岸银行业务的税收政策在施行中可能会产生离岸银行业务优惠税制与我国现有税制的冲突、“税收洼地”导致“黑色经济”滋生、征管程序中出现“法律真空”地带等法律风险.而中国香港、新加坡离岸银行业务税收监管制度则体现出了低税负、高效征管的特点,有鉴于此,自贸区在对离岸银行进行税制创新时应当以税收政策的法定化、统一化为最终目标,协调境内关外离岸银行优惠税收制度与境内税制改革,建立离岸银行的国际化税收征管制度,以控制自贸区离岸银行业务税收政策的法律风险.  相似文献   

公共产权之中的个人产权,必须服从公共产权的约束,其利益也要由公共产权保护。股份制企业的法人产权是公共产权,代表企业利益。因而,以股东产权的权力组织为企业最高权力机构是制度性缺陷。在企业外部,还表现有行业公共产权,环境公共产权对企业产权的约束以及存在社会服务中的公共产权要求。现代的虚拟企业是一种新型的企业组织形式,更突出地体现了公共产权运作对于企业利益获取的重要性,说明公共产权有层次的区分和相应的管理要求。  相似文献   

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