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Inter-provincial migration and inequality during Vietnam's transition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Vietnam's economic boom during the transition to a market economy has centered on very rapid growth in some sectors and provinces, yet poverty has diminished across the entire country. With capital investments highly concentrated by province and sector, geographic labor mobility may be critical in spreading the gains from growth. Conversely, rising income inequality may be attributable in part to impediments to migration. We first use census data to investigate migration patterns and determinants. We then examine the role of migration as an influence on income ratios between pairs of provinces. The former analysis robustly confirms economic motives for migration but also suggests the existence of poverty-related labor immobility at the provincial level. Examination of income ratios between pairs of provinces reveals that the impact of migration on inequality can be either negative or positive. A robust inequality-reducing impact of migration is found for migration flows into provinces where most of Vietnam's trade-oriented industrial investments are located.  相似文献   

Are the household characteristics that are good for the transition to a more diversified market‐oriented economy in Vietnam also important for reducing poverty? Or are there trade‐offs? The determinants of both poverty incidence and participation in rural off‐farm activities are modeled as functions of household and community characteristics using comprehensive national household surveys for 1993 and 1998. While there are some common causative factors, such as education and region of residence, the processes determining poverty and inhibiting diversification are clearly not the same. Participation in the emerging rural non‐farm market economy will be the route out of poverty for some, but certainly not all, of Vietnam's poor.  相似文献   

In the wake of reforms to establish a free market in land-use rights, Vietnam experienced a pronounced rise in rural landlessness. To some observers this is a harmless by-product of a more efficient economy, while to others it signals the return of the pre-socialist class structure, with the rural landless at the bottom of the economic ladder. We study the issue empirically using four household surveys spanning 1993–2004. Although we find rising landlessness amongst the poor, the post-reform landlessness rate tends to be higher for the non-poor. We find no support for the claim that the process of rising landlessness has been poverty-increasing in the aggregate.  相似文献   

Economic and social policies vary across countries, reflecting their cultures and shaping them. People in some countries are more loss averse than in others. People in some countries express stronger preferences for income equality than do people in others, and some countries offer stronger safety nets than others do. The cultural dimension of uncertainty avoidance expresses the degree to which people in a country feel uncomfortable with uncertainty and the way a country deals with the fact that the future can never be known. The author finds that uncertainty avoidance is associated with loss aversion. People are more loss averse in the domains of both portfolios and jobs in countries where uncertainty avoidance is high. Moreover, people in countries where uncertainty avoidance is high express stronger preferences for income equality, and social spending in such countries is high. The cultural dimension of power distance expresses the degree to which the less powerful members of a society accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. The author finds that people in countries where power distance is high express weaker preference for income equality, and social spending in such countries is low.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a sequential strategy, based on the microeconomic approach of the demand theory, in order to test for separability between private and public consumption. The aim of the present work is to verify, using a conditional almost ideal demand system, whether the different components of public consumption exert conditioning effects on the allocative structure of private spending. The empirical estimation of the model and the separability tests are developed for both a demand system in five functional categories of private spending, and for a demand system in six categories, where the private expenditures on those goods and services which can also be offered by the public sector are enclosed in a single functional category. The results of the separability tests, obtained using UK data for the 1974–2000 period, show that public individual consumption plays an important role in modifying consumer choices, while public collective consumption does not affect private consumption behaviours. The relationships between the different components of private spending and public individual consumption are both of substitutability and complementarity; in particular, we find that public individual consumption and the corresponding private expenditures on ‘Health, education, recreation and social protection’ are complements.  相似文献   

This paper explores the effects of a standard influencing care choice with an endogenous market structure. Under duopoly, firms compete either in prices or in quantities. Firm(s) may increase the probability of offering safe products by incurring a cost. A standard may correct a safety underinvestment by firms. It is shown that the market structure (duopoly or monopoly) linked to the standard depends on the available information. Under perfect information about safety for consumers, the selected standard is always compatible with competition. The absence of standard due to safety overinvestment by firms only emerges under competition in quantities and a relatively low cost of safety improvement. Under imperfect information about safety for consumers, the selected standard often leads to a monopoly situation, essential for covering the cost of safety improvement. However, for relatively high values of this cost, a standard cannot impede the market failure arising from the lack of information.   相似文献   

政府监督与矿产业安全投入的经济分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵连阁 《经济学家》2006,(1):100-107
中国矿业事故多发的根本原因在于政府监督不足导致的矿产业生产安全低投入。本文研究表明:一定水平的政府监督是诱导矿业企业安全投入的必要条件。在政府监督者与当地政府合二为一的背景下,政府监督的目标为税收收入与监督投入和矿业企业安全事故补偿支出之差的最大化;政府监督和矿业企业安全投入之间存在正向强化关系,但出于对自身税收收入的考虑,导致政府对矿业安全投入的监督不足;政府监督的缺失使得矿工意外事故补偿在诱导矿业企业安全投入中发挥重要作用。政府监督不足的制度性根源在于监督者的败德行为、委托代理关系错位和监督者激励不足等。因此,如何摆脱政府监督和矿业企业安全投入低水平均衡是破解中国矿业生产事故多发难题的关键。  相似文献   

Game theory provides predictions of behavior in many one-shot games. On the other hand, most experimenters usually play repeated games with subjects, to provide experience. To avoid subjects rationally employing strategies that are appropriate for the repeated game, experimenters typically employ a “random strangers” design in which subjects are randomly paired with others in the session. There is some chance that subjects will meet in multiple rounds, but it is claimed that this chance is so small that subjects will behave as if they are in a one-shot environment. We present evidence from public goods experiments that this claim is not always true.  相似文献   

In principle, we want regulatory programs to be based on current realities, as reflected for example in the best knowledge of relevant experts. That would imply that old rules now on the books should be consistent with today's knowledge base, not just what was known when a rule or standard was originally set. This paper reports on a survey of US programs, examining how often existing rules are actually updated in light of better knowledge, and identifies five programs that attempt to make policy routinely adaptive. These programs exhibit what we term Planned Adaptation: they both revise rules when relevant new knowledge appears, and take steps to produce such improved knowledge. While Planned Adaptation is rare, it is used in several nationally prominent programs, including air pollution, airplane safety, and drug safety. Planned Adaptation is a policy tool that deserves more attention.  相似文献   

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