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In this article the relevance of a set of 42 field-based measures of subunit performance is rated by 155 production managers and 134 marketing managers. The results suggest that customer satisfaction is an important criterion of production subunit effectiveness as well as of marketing subunit effectiveness. The sense in which we think of marketing subunits buffering production subunits in organizations is questioned.The authors are from Department of Management, San Diego State University and, School of Economic and Financial studies, Macquarie University respectively. They are grateful to John Brown, Bob Hinings and John Waterhouse for their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.  相似文献   

This paper discusses key factors in starting up local production of radials ahead of most other manufacturers, and how this affected comparative profitability. This led to the build-up of a viable capability for adapting basic overseas innovations to suit local conditions. It will be shown how this capability, in combination with independence in decision-making, compensated the Australian manufacturer relative to resources available to those manufacturers with overseas affiliations.  相似文献   

在电子产品追求差异化渐成趋势的今天,一味追求规模制造能力已经很难成为电子制造永恒主题了.而中国电子制造的根本出路又在哪里呢?  相似文献   

还记得前两届的深圳高交会上,会做三十余种菜肴的大型“机器人”和能弹奏木琴发出悦耳音乐的机器人吸引了众多眼球,而2009高交会上,  相似文献   

第一章 总  则第一条 为加强对水利工程设备制造的监督管理 ,提高设备质量和投资效益 ,根据国家有关法律、法规 ,结合水利工程设备特点 ,制定本规定。第二条 本规定适用于水利工程设备制造监理活动。设备制造监理是指设备的设计和制造全过程的监理。第三条 本规定所称水利工程设备是指水利工程基本建设项目和生产、科研等项目所需的设备。第四条 水利工程设备制造监理是指依法成立的工程设备制造监理单位 ,受项目法人委托 ,按照监理合同的约定 ,对水利工程设备制造的质量、进度和投资等实施监督和管理。第五条 水利工程的大中型设备…  相似文献   

笔者结合长期的工作经验,介绍了水利行业实验室标准的控制与管理办法。  相似文献   

Building on the study of innovation in American national unions, this article specifies and tests a model of the determinants of innovation in Australian trade unions. The results generally support the principal Delaney, Jarley, and Fiorito (1996) finding that the degree of union innovative activity is positively associated with rationalization and size—an indicator of resource availability. Several contrasts between the Australian and American findings are also noted and discussed.  相似文献   

Industrial conciliation and arbitration have been pivotal in pay determination in Australia throughout the twentieth century. This paper examines how these institutions influence macroeconomic performance, paying special reference to their impact on cost inflation. It goes on to evaluate the contribution of the Accord (incomes policy) in the last decade. Consensus and participation within the institutional framework are shown to be essential for effective wage policy.  相似文献   

Credit institutions have failed to make their full impact on food production in LDCs because agricultural credit has often been given in isolation from other support services and is frequently limited to non-food export crops. In addition, a shortage of trained personnel and qualified management, uneven or inadequate services together with the vulnerability of credit institutions to political interference also limit their effectiveness. These results emerge from the studies made in preparation for the World Credit Conference held in October 1975. Mr. Abbot reviews these studies and outlines the achievements of the conference.  相似文献   

This article describes the role of Australia in economic cooperation and telecommunications development in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly Asia. Australia's economic imperative focuses on north-east Asia while targeting markets for telecommunications in the relatively poorer nations of south-east Asia. A new role is advocated for Australia to take the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum it instigated beyond the purpose of economic cooperation directly into the cultural and human realm. Australia is challenged to use the new communications technologies to facilitate an active, shared learning process which could move Asia-Pacific into a new global order. A case is put for research on the use and impacts of the new telecommunications technologies in the service of humankind.  相似文献   

澳大利亚选煤技术的最新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章概况地介绍了澳大利亚煤炭工业所发生的一系列变化,并列举了目前煤炭产量的统计数据.文还介绍了一些新建洗煤厂以及所采用的洗选工艺,总结了有关重介加工、粉煤处理、浮选和脱水的最新技术进展.  相似文献   

Industrial action has been the subject of considerable economic research, but most research has focused exclusively on strikes and has ignored the fact that workers can use tactics other than strikes in resolving disputes. The fact that workers engage in forms of industrial action other than strikes raises important questions: What determines the incidence of nonstrike action, and how do these determinants compare with strikes? This article uses a recently developed dispute‐level data set of both strike and nonstrike actions in Australian manufacturing to analyze determinants of the incidence of two types of industrial actions: strikes and work bans. Work bans are actions where workers refuse to engage in certain specified tasks such as overtime but otherwise remain on the job. Evidence is found that the incidence of work bans is affected by changes in economic and institutional conditions in significantly different ways than strikes.  相似文献   

Quality and productivity performance measures are very often considered in separate phases of the production system design process. However, the production system architecture affects the efficiency of the quality control system as well as the quality control configuration has an impact on the performance of the production system.The paper proposes a new analytical method for evaluating the performance of production systems in which statistical process control (SPC) techniques are implemented. Machines behaviour is monitored by measuring quality characteristics of the produced parts through off-line inspection devices and sampling inspections. The numerical results show the good accuracy of the proposed method, provide new insight in the relations among the two areas and pave the way to the joint design of production logistics and quality control systems.  相似文献   

The paper reports on the future business environment expected by top level Australian executives. It forecasts environmental changes to the year 2000 and updates projections reported in an earlier study. Specifically, top managers from 171 of Australia's largest 500 corporations provide their views concerning world ecology, the economy, technology and political-social developments. Their perceptions are then linked to specific competitive strategies that are evoked by the long-range forecast which they expect.  相似文献   

While much attention has focused on the modeling of office property markets, little emphasis has been put on distinguishing between permanent and temporary effects. This article attempts to address this issue in the context of the rental adjustment mechanism and the demand–employment relationship for major Australian central business district office markets. It is shown that, by allowing the natural vacancy rate and the work–space ratio to be endogenously determined, it offers richer model specifications that permit a partitioning between long-run and short-run influences. This is achieved by employing econometric techniques that examine the stochastic behavior of time series data. It is found that, while equilibrium relationships exist (between the vacancy rate and rent, and demand and employment), other macroeconomic variables are found to be relevant cyclical determinants.  相似文献   

The historical development of food education in secondary schools in New South Wales Australia is a compelling yet under-researched area of interest. This review starts by exploring how food curricula have evolved since the 1700s to the present day juxtaposed on socio-economic and political factors. This review is interested in the role secondary food education may play in ‘supplying’ people into professional studies towards a career as a food technologist. Accordingly this review compares contemporary secondary food curriculum with related curricula in the higher education sector and establishes a marked dissonance between the two. The implications of this are then put forward. The drive to empower students to be enterprising and innovative twenty first century problem solvers in relation to food design through the interdisciplinary nature of food science is discussed, despite the uncertainty as to what degree Food Technology in schools is currently promoting these life-long and life-wide abilities in students. The authors suggest the lack of a theoretical underpinning may be holding the subject back from becoming a robust discipline. For this reason this review puts forward a conceptual framework for the study of food. The following review is relevant to secondary and higher education food education stakeholders (teachers, academics, curriculum developers, professional food industry) and higher education providers nationally and internationally, as the way in which food education is presented in secondary schooling is not contained to the Australian context alone.  相似文献   

Merger policy in Australia has been formulated for a small open economy. Tight merger control has been avoided in order not to impede rationalisation and improved international competitiveness. From 1977 to early 1993 a merger or acquisition was only prohibited if it would lead to a firm gaining a dominant position in a substantial market. As a result, few mergers were stopped and some which would probably have substantially lessened competition were allowed to proceed without detailed investigation. Since January 1993 a threshold test of substantial lessening of competition has applied — a reversion to the test included in the original 1974 Trade Practices Act. This is likely to mean that more proposed mergers will come under scrutiny and the trade-offs between efficiency gains and anti-competitive detriments will need to be evaluated in a greater number of individual cases. New draft merger guidelines released in November 1992 generally reflect contemporary thinking in industrial economics.  相似文献   

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