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平压模切机是一种对纸板进行切断和压痕的印后设备.一般由机座、机身(定平板)、动平板、模切版、曲柄连杆机构、动力传输机构等组成.模切版上装有压线刀和切线刀,用板框固定在定平板上,需要模切的纸板(制件)放在动平板上,动平板由曲柄连杆机构带动对动平板实行挤压.  相似文献   

电脑横切机能够实现高效、精确的运行,并广泛应用于纸板生产线,这与其具有优良的电控装置是分不开的.除具有先进的主控电脑外,还配置了可靠、稳定的直流电机驱动及整机电气安全保护系统,使得纸板生产效率和安全性能大大提高,成为中高速纸板生产线理想的配套设备之一.  相似文献   

我国在医疗中使用CT设备已经有30余年,随着现代科学技术的不断应用和发展,CT种类逐渐增多,构造愈加复杂。基于计算机的应用,CT从过去的二维影像发展到三维影像,探测器的层数增加,影像扫描时间间隔逐渐减小,CT医疗设备的维修难度也在逐渐加大,无疑加大了维修人员的工作难度。做好日常维保可保障CT扫描图像质量,延长设备年限,降低维修成本,提高CT使用价值。  相似文献   

本文主要对活塞式空气压缩机的折断与断裂、过度发热、排气量降低、异常的声响、异常工作情况等故障的主要原因进行了分析,并提出了排除方法。  相似文献   

工业化进程持续推进促使液压系统在工业生产领域中的功能作用越来越明显。液压控制阀作为液压系统的核心元器件,很大程度上对液压系统整体安全运行效果产生重要影响。因此,现场工作人员必须加强对液压控制阀运行过程控制管理,尤其强调分析液压控制阀故障排除与修理方法。本文结合经验,阐明液压控制阀应用类型,总结归纳常见的液压控制阀故障排除与修理方法。  相似文献   

排污泵输送的介质是一些含有固体物料的混合液体,在密封、电机承载能力、轴承布置及选用等方面的要求比一般污水泵要高。排污泵选型和使用中最关键的问题是可靠性,ZW自吸排污泵结构简单、排污能力强和使用维修方便,在城市污水管网系  相似文献   

医疗设备一直以来就是医疗和临床学科中不可或缺的客观因素之一,在从事临床治疗工作时,若发生医疗设备电路故障,将会对正在接受治疗的病患带来相当大的危害,同时也不利于医院未来的发展。基于以上原因,医院方需经常对医疗设备本身及电路进行有效的检查维修,才能杜绝危险事态的发生。研究维修人员如何判断医疗设备及电路是否故障以及相关的维修措施。  相似文献   

小城镇产业结构调整目标与保障措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从小城镇产业结构特性及以往三次产业调整速度出发,提出2010年小城镇产业调整目标,并分析了论述了小城镇产业调整途径与实现目标的保障措施。  相似文献   

本文探讨了在物价变动的情况下 ,通过计提“增补折旧”或用“资产减值准备”账户对折旧额进行调整的会计方法 ,以期更合理地计算折旧费用 ,实现实体资本保全。  相似文献   

While anti-citizenship behavior (ACB) is under-researched across all academic domains, sales and marketing researchers have not done any work in the area. This oversight is significant given recent survey data that suggests sales representatives are misbehaving at an alarming rate; 60% of sales managers have caught their reps cheating on expense reports (an example of ACB) and 36% believe such behavior has gotten worse over the past several years. Directed towards the goal of understanding salesperson ACB, this research provides the first conceptual model of ACB in the sales force. The model contends that characteristics of the organization (justice and intra-firm competition) and contextual factors (fit and job stress) directly affect the performance of ACB while individual level factors (locus of control, self-monitoring and introversion) moderate the performance of these behaviors. In addition, this research explains the intra- and inter-organizational consequences of salesperson ACB and suggests several ways by which managers can address this issue.  相似文献   

Identifying food insecure households in an accurate and cost-effective way is important for targeted food policy interventions. Since predictive accuracy depends partly on which indicators are used to identify food insecure households, it is important to assess the performance of indicators that are relatively easy and inexpensive to collect yet can proxy for the “gold standard” food security indicator, calorie intake. We study the effectiveness of different variable combinations and methods in predicting calorie-based food security among poor households and communities in rural Bangladesh. We use basic household information as a benchmark set for predicting calorie-based food security. We then assess the gain in predictive power obtained by adding subjective food security indicators (e.g., self-reported days without sufficient food), the dietary diversity score (DDS), and the combination of both sets to our model of calorie-based food security. We apply machine learning as well as traditional econometric methods in estimation. We find that the overall predictive accuracy rises from 63% to 69% when we add the subjective and DDS sets to the benchmark set. Our study demonstrates that while alternative indicators and methods are not always accurate in predicting calorie intake, DDS related indicators do improve accuracy compared to a simple benchmark set.  相似文献   

Vertical integration is a fundamental corporate strategy of interest to the fields of strategic management and organizational economics. This paper synthesizes theoretical arguments and empirical findings from this literature to identify the underlying advantages and disadvantages of choosing vertical financial ownership relative to vertical contracts. It then suggests that in the absence of agency and transaction costs, vertical financial ownership and vertical contracting are equivalent governance structures for achieving corporate objectives. However, given a world of positive agency and transaction costs, the key theoretic question then becomes predicting when market mechanisms are sufficient, when intermediate forms of vertical contracting become necessary, and when vertical financial ownership becomes the preferred governance structure. The concluding section of the paper provides a framework for making this analysis based on a synthesis of agency and transaction costs perspectives.  相似文献   

With novel data on ex-post quality after used-car purchases, I evaluate left-digit bias, a type of inattention bias, for underlying quality of used cars. My main result is that the used-car market exhibits a quality discontinuity in parallel to a price discontinuity at 10,000 multiples of mileage. I discuss explanations for how quality adjusts to the price discontinuity. The explanations differentiate between exogenous and endogenous quality, and by the extent of the information asymmetry about quality. Quality assurance mechanisms, like used-car knowledge, trust, or recommendations, can reduce information asymmetry. Additional evidence on quality assurance shows that buyers use much more information — both before and after the purchase — than the pure inattention interpretation of left-digit-bias would suggest.  相似文献   

顾强 《中国纺织》2003,(1):63-65
2001年的世界纺织服装行业,市场疲软、贸易额下降,可谓阴云密布.2002年世界经济出现微弱复苏,世界各国纺织服装业表现不一,除了中国、越南等少数国家纺织服装业表现抢眼外,大部分国家的纺织服装业仍处于困境之中.  相似文献   

党的十六大特别是十六届三中全会之后,国企改革面对来自外部与内部、横向与纵向的多方面压力,已明显加快,出现了实质性的转折--转入到一个更加艰难但又更加逼近全胜终局的攻坚阶段.  相似文献   

In January, 1985, the Department of Justice issued Vertical Restraints Guidelines intended to clarify the legal status of vertical restraints, which had remained indefinite since the Supreme Court had declared in 1977 that the “rule of reason” was applicable to a large class of these restraints, and to outline an enforcement policy fair to all concerned and economically justified. The guidelines are mainly concerned with the two most controversial types of arrangement: territorial or customer restraints and exclusive dealing arrangements. Separately treated are tying arrangements, where the enforcement policy strictly follows lines indicated by a recent Supreme Court decision. A large part of the text of the guidelines is devoted to a detailed explanation of ways in which a given vertical restraint may be freed from the suspicion of anticompetitive effect. The analysis employs defective tests for anticompetitive impact and does not deal adequately with practices with both good and bad effects. Therefore, the guidelines do not appear to have accomplished their stated purpose.  相似文献   

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