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Differences in ethical perceptions among individuals from varying cultures have been suggested as a source of concern for business firms involved in global activities. This study investigates a hypothesis based on the writings of Thorelli, that “lower” ethical perceptions exist among the residents of developing nations. This was accomplished by investigating the retail ethical perceptions of business students from a developing nation and comparing these perceptions with those of business students from a developed nation. The results suggest the retail ethical perceptions of students from different cultures attending collegiate institutions in their home countries differ, supporting the hypothesis. Implications are explored.  相似文献   

韩国应对劳工短缺的政策选择及其对中国的借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金永花 《人口与发展》2012,18(3):100-106
劳工短缺现象已成为东亚许多国家的普遍问题。这个问题并不是经济自发调节便可消除的暂时现象,如长期持续下去,将对各国的产品出口以及经济发展构成严重的制约。韩国自20世纪80年代末起便开始了对劳工短缺问题的调查研究,积累了大量的文献与实践经验。在描述韩国劳工短缺现状的基础上,探讨其成因并介绍韩国政府对此问题所采取的措施及实施效果。提出了对解决我国劳工短缺问题的可借鉴之处。  相似文献   

The vast majority of businesses in the United States are privately held, and approximately 99 percent meet a common government definition of “small.” However, we know surprisingly little about the market values of these organizations. In this paper, we estimate the market value of privately held firms in the United States from sources on earnings, assets, and reported market value of multiple forms of business entities, including corporations, partnerships, LLCs, and sole proprietorships. We discuss various theoretical and practical methods of valuing assets, including those arising from economics, neoclassical finance, portfolio theory, and tradition. Concluding that most of them are not appropriate for valuing private firms, we use insights from dynamic programming and ratio analyses from traditional technique to produce a new estimate based on reported taxable earnings, net worth, and tax filing status. Using this approach, we estimate that privately held U.S. firms had earnings that exceeded those of publicly held firms in two recent years by a significant margin. Moreover, the market value of these firms exceeded that of publicly traded firms. We also conclude that policymakers, perhaps grossly, underestimate the true scale of “small” and privately held firms in the economy.  相似文献   

What causes adolescents to prefer to shop with friends rather than family? A study of 570 adolescents assesses the combined effects of the individuation and assimilation needs that underlie adolescent shopping behaviours across two cultures (France and the United States). Whereas assimilation is more important than individuation to explain the frequency of shopping with friends in France, individuation is more important in the United States. Insights into the motives that drive adolescents to shop with friends suggest some cues that retailers might use to attract this growing segment, more effectively and across cultures.  相似文献   

This study examines and compares the market price of risk of the S&P 500, FTSE 100, All Ordinaries, and Nikkei 225 markets from 1984 to 2009 in the framework of Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model (ICAPM). We follow the Vector Autoregressive instrumental variable approach in identifying the risk and hedge components of market returns and argue that in the context of market integration, covariance with a world market portfolio is a better measure of market risk than conditional market variance. Evidence is documented in support of using covariance as a risk measure in explaining market risk premiums in the Australian and Japanese markets. CAY, the consumption wealth ratio from the US market is found to be a robust state variable that helps to explain both conditional variance and covariance processes in the four markets. The market prices of risk, after controlling for the hedging demands, are positive and significant with the United States having the highest price of risk. The results are confirmed using a series of robustness tests that include varying the sampling interval.  相似文献   

We address the issue of UK firms relatively poor record of corporate community contributions (CCCs) by subjecting them to formal comparison with those of US firms. To this end, we employ data on the top 100 UK, and top 100 US, contributors in 2001. Cross-country differences are described and discussed with reference to a stakeholder perspective on corporate social responsibility, and CCCs in particular. In this connection, we evaluate the role played by the sectoral composition of activities, as well as national, cultural and institutional factors. Our findings highlight a number of significant cross-country differences in the pattern of CCCs and suggest that UK and US firms operate within significantly different stakeholder environments.JEL Classification: M14Stephen Brammer is a Lecturer in Business Economics at University of Bath, with research interests in the area of corporate social responsibility. Much of his recent research has examined the stimuli for corporate socially responsive behaviour, the management of business social responsibilities, and the relationships between firm social performance and other dimensions of corporate performance. Recent publications include articles in the Journal of Management Studies, the European Management Journal and Business Ethics: A European Review.Stephen Pavelin is a Lecturer in Economics at the University of Reading, with research interests in foreign direct investment and corporate social responsibility. His current research agenda seeks to address: the effect of corporate social performance on the reputations and financial performance of firms; the incidence and quality of social and environmental reporting; demographic diversity (regarding gender and ethnicity) among corporate boards; and the effect of firms geographical diversification on their social performance. Recent publications include articles in the International Journal of Industrial Organisation, the Open Economies Review, the European Management Journal and Business Ethics: A European Review.  相似文献   

Unemployment and proprietorship can be related in several ways. As unemployment increases, individuals with fewer job alternatives may choose to start their own business resulting in an increase in proprietorship. Alternatively, if an increase in unemployment is the result of a depressed economy, higher unemployment may lead to less demand for the products and services of proprietors, thus reducing proprietorship. Finally, greater proprietorship may lead to future increases in employment as these businesses grow. This can potentially reduce unemployment in the long run. We apply a panel vector autoregressive model to unemployment and proprietorship data from the U.S. states for the years 1976 to 2009 to examine if these effects are apparent in the data. We find that unemployment Granger causes proprietorship, but proprietorship does not Granger cause unemployment.  相似文献   


Business disciplines, including international business, are influenced by economics. This paper examines the facilitating role played by the English language in the dissemination of works in economics and attempts to show that authors who use English gain significant advantage over others. A look into the backgrounds of Nobel Prize winning economists and the predominance of American and British journals lend support to this view. Also, the overwhelming influence of quantitative neo-classical economics, which has gained great strength in the United States, seems to spread to the rest of the world. Still, international business is markedly different from economics not only in content but also in its relationship with other social sciences.  相似文献   

顾辉 《广告大观》2005,(12):160-161
本次招标会上,家居建材成为今年招标的一匹“黑马”,仅地板企业就有三家成功中标——德尔、宏耐、柯诺,一改地板行业低调行事的模式,其中德尔地板更是以超亿元大手笔下注央视广告,宏耐和柯诺也均斥资数千万元。  相似文献   

刘海娜  张平 《大经贸》2002,(2):20-26
熟悉WTO规则的八都知道这一点:WTO表面上看起来是政府间的协议,实际上在很大程度上体现的是各成员方企业和行业的利益,很多WTO纠纷实质就是成员方的企业之间对市场的争夺。所以,关于中国入世的话题,不应再停留在挑战、机遇及应对这些宏观层面的探讨上,而应进入指导企业如何实际操作中。而企业,尤其是大中型企业,有进出口业务的企业,在中国入世之后更需要WTO法律专家或律师的帮助。鉴于此,国家司法部、国家外国专家局于年前在10多万律师从业大军中,选拔出10名律师和7名法学院教师,首次赴美研修WTO争端解决机制。中国律师此行情况如何,他们给中国企业带来了哪些实质性东西成了业界关注焦点。  相似文献   

Does US government policy purposefully benefit particular industries or is industrial policy absent in the USA? Based on a review of recent US policies this paper argues that the USA applies many policies with an industry-specific impact. But these policies do not differ significantly from those in other countries and the process in which US industrial policies emerge severely limits their consistency. What differentiates the USA is a microeconomic business environment that enables a high degree of regional specialization, benefits especially knowledge-driven industries, and raises the impact of innovation and entrepreneurship policies.  相似文献   

本文运用GARCH模型和主成分分析方法,从分析极端风险溢出机理出发,实证研究国际金融危机前后美国股票市场、债券市场及金银市场对德国股票市场的风险溢出效应,发现标准普尔500指数对德国法兰克福DAX指数日收率不仅存在极端风险溢出效应,且在金融危机前后的三个时期都存在风险溢出效应;而美国13周国债指数日收益率对德国法兰克福DAX指数日收益率在金融危机前后的三个时期都不存在风险溢出效应;费城金银指数的日收益率只在金融危机时期对德国法兰克福DAX指数日收益率产生风险溢出效应,即仅存在极端风险溢出效应。  相似文献   

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