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There is little doubt that employees are critical to the delivery of the service brand. Although existing models propose methods of internal branding, very little is known about the actual corporate experience. Academics around the world have spent decades probing internal marketing, its subset—internal branding—and the impact of internal branding on service delivery. This research focuses on how organisations execute internal branding, revealing critical success factors as well as obstacles encountered. The research was conducted in five large organisations in the financial services sector in South Africa. Each organisation is a highly recognisable consumer brand; the oldest of which is nearing 200 years of being in business and the youngest is just 20 years old. This research adds to the body of knowledge regarding organisational practice of internal branding. Key themes are identified, three of which are largely absent from extant models and literature.  相似文献   

In today's global world, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasing public demand for greater transparency from multinational companies. CSR is a new and growing financial risk factor. If it is mismanaged, a firm's corporate reputation can be badly damaged and a direct negative impact on its business and bottom-line may result. Instead of simply campaigning directly against industrial groups and lobbying governments and international organisations to issue new legislation, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are increasingly putting pressure on the financial services groups and insurance companies. This new global tactic may affect a bank's relationship with its clients and shareholders.There are market benefits and competitive advantages for those companies whose business policies integrate CSR. The growth in socially responsible investments and in CSR awareness among City people persuades some bankers that the most successful firms of the future will be those who proactively balance short-term financial goals with long-term sustainable franchise building. To respond to this challenge, corporations will have to convince citizens they can trust both their brands and the people behind them. In this context, one must recognise that finance brands have been clumsily managed. Nowadays, several big consumer brands are used as societal role models, but they are also the targets of anti-globalisation and anti-logo activists. In order to avoid such an outcome — not to mention corporate mortification — the key social marketing strategy must be to communicate proactively the business activity's raison d'être to opinion leaders and the general public. In general, industry does not yet care enough and many companies are reacting only when put under pressure by public opinion. It is time, however, to market the social raison d'être of a business and indeed to contest its current exclusion from ‘civil society’. Consumer and service sectors lead the field. In view of the downturn of the global economy, more than ever before, CSR branding is of paramount importance to the financial sector if bankers do not want to become the easy scapegoats. It is necessary to make it clear that financial services companies are global citizens too.  相似文献   

Fostering and maintaining high levels of trust in the financial services sector is seen as crucial because of the characteristics of many financial service and in order to promote consumer engagement in the sector. In this article, we report evidence from a body of work and other commentary to provide an insight into trends in consumer trust in the sector as a whole, in comparison with other organisations and how different types of financial services provider have performed relative to each other. We show that the financial services sector as a whole is trusted more than some comparator institutions, and that aggregate levels of trust in the sector have fluctuated a relatively small amount subsequent to the financial crisis. However, important differences between provider types are apparent and these differences have become more profound in the recent past. We provide suggestions as to how trust in the sector may be improved and provider an analysis of current initiatives to improve trust levels in the sector in general and in banking in particular.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the factors that have influenced WTO members to take on their chosen level of liberalization commitments in the framework of liberalization of trade in financial services and the impact of such commitments on financial sector stability. The most important factors are economic growth, current account, trends in banking sector development, policy restrictiveness, and peer-group effects. The econometric evidence suggests that more liberal commitments may be associated with greater vulnerability to currency and banking crises—most likely a short-term effect, which should be mitigated with time through increased market efficiency and better resource allocation.  相似文献   

The services sector now accounts for more than two-thirds of GNP in the UK and yet much of the work on branding is based on fast-moving consumer goods. This paper presents key factors for effective brand and brand loyalty building in financial services direct marketing and examines why these success factors may be missing from most financial services direct mail. The issues are examined here from a direct marketing (DM) agency and DM brand experts' perspective. Key objectives for successful branding in financial services direct marketing emerge. Barriers believed to be preventing the consumer financial services sector from using the direct marketing medium to its full brand-building potential are reported and recommendations are made for overcoming some of these problems.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes and models the significant components of international trade in financial services, namely, foreign direct investment in banking for the US, the UK and Germany. It distinguishes between banks' activities abroad and FDI in banking by banks and non-banks. A model for FDI in banking is proposed which contains certain explanatory variables peculiar to FDI in banking as compared to FDI in manufacturing. The components of the model of FDI in banking is different from those models designed to explain banks activities abroad. The empirical results of this study of FDI in banking indicate that bilateral trade, banks' foreign assets, the cost of capital, relative economic growth, exchange rates and FDI in non-finance industries are the major determinants of foreign investment in banking.  相似文献   

This paper presents new evidence on the relationship between competition and innovation by extending previous literature from manufacturing to financial services. We introduce a new measure of overall innovation by estimating and enveloping annual minimum cost frontiers to create a global frontier. The distance to the global frontier constitutes each bank’s technology gap, which decreases if the bank manages to innovate. Our innovation measure enables us to derive and estimate the model of Aghion et al. (2005b) at the firm level for the US banking industry. Based on individual bank Call Report data for the period 1984–2004, consistent with theoretical and empirical work by Aghion et al., we find evidence of an inverted-U relationship between competition and innovation that is robust over several different specifications. Further evidence on major structural changes in the US banking industry indicates that banks moved beyond their optimal innovation level and that interstate banking deregulation resulted in lower bank innovation. Policy implications to financial reform and prudential regulation are discussed also.  相似文献   

Over many years, technological developments have enabled financial services products to be sold and administered via remote distribution channels. E-business is the latest channel whose potential is being explored by both traditional financial services players and new entrants alike. But, in their haste to ‘go online’, are organisations, new and old, falling into the ‘technology trap’ and ignoring the fundamentals underpinning financial services retailing and, perhaps, undermining some of their ‘segment-of-one’ strategies? This paper concludes that the key to successful e-financial services retailing is to take the nuances, attributes, techniques and skills that have accompanied financial services products in the physical world and reinvent them in an e-environment. Only by following this approach will e-business avoid being labelled as a solution looking for a problem. UK high street banks are continuing to extend the choice of channel through which customers can manage their money, eg e-banking. But it is suggested that channels such as e-banking potentially reduce the level of personal contact between bank and customer to the extent that a ‘virtual’ relationship develops. This paper concludes that, given the tendency towards ‘virtualisation’, it is inconceivable that bank–customer relationships will become any more intimate in the future. Indeed, a greater degree of personalisation in customer communication may be the very best that banks are able to offer.  相似文献   

Although studies have been conducted to advance our understanding of the concept of expectations, a number of challenges have been created in relation to the nature, types and dynamics of these expectations, and the effects of expectations on subsequent evaluations, both of which need closer attention. The objectives of this paper are to examine these challenges in the context of financial services, and discuss how financial service providers can manage customer expectations to their advantage. A set of propositions is developed, and suggestions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article revisits and uses the so-called U-Commerce framework to challenge financial services marketing decision makers to consider reformulating marketing objectives in an age of ubiquitous technological networks. It outlines the 4 U’s of U-Commerce – ubiquity, universality, unison and uniqueness, and revisits the original framework used to conceptualize U-Commerce. Then it identifies and describes four broad marketing objectives that financial services marketers can strive for, including amplification, attenuation, contextualization and transcension. Four broad marketing strategies can be used to achieve these objectives, namely nexus marketing, sync marketing, immersion marketing and transcension marketing. Examples specific to financial services marketing are used to illustrate and discuss these strategies.  相似文献   

厉诗 《国际融资》2012,(5):53-56
安永预测:欧元区整体经济今年仍然面临着非常严峻的各种挑战,财政紧缩、信贷紧缩以及失业率上升等等,这些导致增长缓慢的因素只不过是欧元区的成员国和其金融机构面临问题的一部分而已,因此,  相似文献   

The questions of whether there ever existed excessive risk-taking incentives from executive compensation in the financial industry, and whether top executives of financial services firms actually responded to such excessive incentives that eventually led to the crisis remain unanswered. The prior research has attempted to answer the second question, however, with conflicting evidence and without a clear definition of excessive. To answer the first question, this paper uses a numerical calibration approach to estimate the optimal level of CEO pay and derive the excessive compensation which provides excessive risk-taking incentives. We then examine the extent of excessive compensation in the financial industry relative to the non-financial industries during the 2000s and whether there were changes in compensation practices between the post Sarbanes–Oxley period and the pre-crisis period. We find mixed evidence in favor of the presence of higher excessive pay in the financial industry, and the CEO compensation practices remained largely unchanged over time. In addition, the relation between excessive pay and excessive risk-taking in the financial industry is somewhat weak, suggesting that CEO compensation might not be a major cause for the crisis in 2008.  相似文献   

Trust in UK financial services: A longitudinal analysis   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
The role and importance of trust for the development and maintenance of relationships in the financial services sector cannot be disputed. In a business to consumer context, this article presents a model for measuring trust for financial services organisations and positions trustworthiness as its key antecedent. The work also presents five important determinants of trustworthiness and ultimately trust. Our work is based on 5 years’ data before and during the ‘credit crunch’, and across the seven main types of product provider in the United Kingdom. The findings show that the overall trust rating for financial services has remained remarkably stable throughout the period of the study. The research also reveals that trust ratings are highest in relation to consumers who are older and that consumers are typically more trusting of brokers than any other type of product provider.  相似文献   

The use of multiple channels is probably the most common distribution strategy nowadays. Surprisingly, the determinants of this strategy remain largely unexplored. This paper aims to address the problem by elaborating on the configuration of a multiple channel strategy. A framework is proposed that attempts to elaborate on the entire channel mix decision starting with the factors that influence and constrain the choice of channels, and finishing with key outcomes of a channel mix. It is proposed that a multiple channel structure should be thought of along three dimensions or properties: number of channels; channel integration; and extent of customer contact afforded by the channel mix. The relationships between these properties of a mix of channels and the performance of the channel, measured by sales and costs, control and flexibility is discussed. It is hoped the framework will be useful to channel managers and researchers alike. Directions for future research are developed.  相似文献   

Customer value analysis in financial services   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This study investigates what creates value for customers and how providers can improve value for their customers. A comprehensive analytical model with a four-step approach is presented and applied in the field of financial services. In a first step, the main customer value drivers are identified and five value dimensions are derived, based on qualitative interviews with customers. These results are then compared to value assumptions made by customer-contact employees, and gaps between customer and employee perceptions are analysed. Based on these identified gaps, a multitude of implications for managing company customer value at the normative, strategic, and operational level of management are derived, and finally implications of findings for service marketing practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the interaction of information technology and the current consolidation in the financial services industry. It suggests that an important reason for financial service firms to consolidate and not outsource their information technology may be to retain the strategic option to be more diversified firms that offer both financial and information services in the future.  相似文献   

A division of a major UK insurance company manufactures insurance products for wholesale clients to retail into their banking and building society customer bases. This paper discusses the CRM challenges of leveraging insurance business from existing partnership relationships, including issues of confidentiality between client portfolios, the strategic use of data marts rather than data warehouses and the sharing of information. It describes the issues involved in implementing CRM, such as rolling out customer contact management and call centre systems. The study concludes with an appraisal of lessons learned, which include a better understanding of who the customers are and which of them are profitable, together with the characteristics that contribute to them becoming profitable or unprofitable.  相似文献   

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