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Relationship Banking and the Pricing of Financial Services   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
We investigate pricing effects of the joint production of loans and security underwritings. We control for firm and borrower characteristics, including differences in sequencing, which are important for pricing. Contrary to previous studies, when banks combine lending and underwriting within the same customer relationship they charge premiums for both loans and underwriting services. Abstracting from effects of joint production within relationships, depository banks engaged in underwriting price lending and underwriting more cheaply than stand alone investment banks. One advantage borrowers enjoy from bundling products within a banking relationship is a form of liquidity risk insurance, which is manifested in a reduced demand for lines of credit. We also find evidence of a “road show” effect; firms enjoy loan pricing discounts on loans that are negotiated at times close to the debt underwritings, whether or not the same bank provides both services. Relationship effects are only visible when lending and underwriting both occur, and are stronger for equity-loan relationships than for debt-loan relationships. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Thanavut PornrojnangkoolEmail:

林谦 《金融论坛》2004,9(5):30-34
导入品牌战略管理、创新品牌营销手段、树立品牌核心价值和创建品牌企业文化,是国内银行业在入世后进行市场竞争的重要特征.作者回顾了深圳银行业品牌竞争从法人品牌竞争到产品品牌竞争再到客户品牌竞争阶段的发展进程;同时,分析了深圳银行业中国有商业银行、中小股份制商业银行和外资银行三大竞争群体所实施的差异化竞争策略;进而从操作层面提出了将品牌策略纳入银行整体战略、建立专业的品牌管理部门、明确并全力维护品牌的核心价值、推行产品全面质量管理、建立协调的品牌体系和全面整合品牌的沟通和营销等六大品牌竞争策略.  相似文献   

推进我国农村金融产业组织创新的战略思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会主义新农村建设的顺利推进,"三农"问题的最终解决,有赖于农村金融的大力支持.然而,我国农村金融的组织结构与服务体系并不能够适应农村经济发展的需要,农村金融的组织与操作层面仍然存在十分严重的问题.基于此,本文认为当前农村金融改革应当走出误区,树立产业金融意识,按产业发展规律推进农村金融产业组织创新,带动农村金融服务体系的逐步完善,从而实现农村金融与农村经济的协调发展.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how bankruptcy litigation affects the value of relationship banking. In our model, bankruptcy courts may make type 1 errors, i.e., they may declare that an insolvent firm is solvent; and they may make type 2 errors, i.e., they may declare that a solvent firm is insolvent. Our model provides four results. First, the cost of bank debt decreases when the probability that bankruptcy courts make type 2 errors increases. Second, the value of relationship banking increases when the probability that bankruptcy courts make type 1 errors increases. Third, the cost of credit intermediation decreases when the probability that bankruptcy courts make type 2 errors increases. Fourth, the diversification mechanism does not fully solve the delegated monitoring problem.  相似文献   

This paper examines institutions that underwrite IPOs and have asset management divisions from 1993 through 1998. We provide evidence that these firms use asset management funds as vehicles to help them earn more equity underwriting business. We also show that asset managers affiliated with IPO underwriters use their superior information about their own institution's IPOs to earn annualised market adjusted returns 7.6% above asset managers of firms who did not underwrite the IPO. Superior future returns by asset managers who trade affiliated IPOs are dependent on the information environment for the IPO and the underwriter reputation rank.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyse the effect of banking competition on industry economic growth using both structural measures of competition and measures based on the new empirical industrial organisation perspective. The evidence obtained in the period 1993–2003 for a sample of 53 sectors in 21 countries indicates that financial development promotes economic growth. The results also show that bank monopoly power has an inverted-U-shaped effect on economic growth, suggesting that bank market power has its highest growth effect at intermediate values. The latter result is consistent with the literature on relationship lending, which argues that bank competition can have a negative effect on the availability of finance for companies that are informationally more opaque.  相似文献   

The paper empirically analyses the determinants of banking system structure (as measured by bank assets, number, branches and employees) for 26 developed OECD countries. The estimated regressions are then applied to 23 transition economies, to obtain benchmarks for the efficient structure of their banking systems. The actual and benchmark measures of banking structure are compared to evaluate the state of banking system development, including the computation of a measure of 'banking system convergence'. The results are objective and replicable multidimensional measures of banking system development for the transition economies.  相似文献   

本文基于广东省的实践,分别考察了广东省金融结构、银行结构与产业结构调整的互动关系。运用2006-2011年广东省各市的面板数据,实证分析了广东省金融结构对产业结构调整影响,发现广东省银行业的发展对产业结构调整有明显的正向促进作用,而股票市场的发展对产业结构调整有一定的负向影响。这表明行业的发展在广东的经济发展中发挥着不可替代的作用,而股票市场由于不完善及多种非经济因素的影响,对产业结构调整产生了一定的阻碍作用。在此基础上运用1980-2011年广东省时间序列数据进一步分析了银行业结构与产业结构之间关系,结果表明广东省银行集中度的提高对产业结构调整有长期的负向影响。因此,必须提高银行业的竞争,逐步降低四大国有商业银行的垄断地位,同时加强股票市场的完善。  相似文献   

In this article, I try to answer three questions: (1) How do relationship lending and transaction lending vary over the cycle? (2) How do economic systems that are more “bank oriented” perform compared to “market-oriented” systems? (3) What are the consequences on relationship banking of the recent structural bank regulation reforms adopted to separate specific investment and commercial banking activities? Building on some recent evidence, the main conclusions are as follows: (1) Relationship banks protect their clients in normal downturns; (2) when recessions coincide with a financial crisis, countries that rely relatively more on bank financing tend to be more severely hit; (3) the effects of structural bank regulation initiatives on relationship banking are uncertain.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of technological change and regulatory competition on governmental efforts to generate rents for banks in two stylized regulatory environments. In the first environment, incentive-conflicted regulators attempt to create rents by restricting the size and scope of individual banking organizations. In the second, rents come from efforts to supply deposit guarantees to troubled banks. In both cases, innovations in financial technology and in competing domestic and offshore regulatory arrangements make the costs of delivering rents to banks more transparent to taxpayers and encourage customers to push rent-dependent banking systems into crisis. This analysis portrays the banking crises that have roiled world markets in recent years as information-producing events that identify and discredit inefficient strategies of regulating banking markets.  相似文献   

外资银行进入我国,一方面会带来先进的技术、管理理念和金融创新方法等示范效应;另一方面,外资银行又会依靠其在管理与经营、资产质量、产品创新和人力资源等方面的优势给我国银行业带来严峻的挑战.运用我国13家商业银行1996~2007年的面板数据,实证检验外资银行进入对我国银行业效率的实际影响效果,结果表明外资银行的进入对我国银行效率起到了促进作用.  相似文献   

鲍延磊 《新金融》2009,(11):14-18
本文使用英国《银行家》杂志1998年-2009年的统计数据,从产业组织理论的角度,对全球银行业的结构、行为和绩效进行比较分析。研究发现,世界银行业规模不断扩大,集中度不断提高,正在走向垄断竞争的新格局。本文还联系银行业发展演变的历程和经济环境,简要探讨了未来银行业的并购和综合经营的发展趋势。  相似文献   

谢建敢 《海南金融》2007,23(5):20-23
在世界经济全球化和金融自由化背景下,银行业国际化进程不断加快,对世界经济产生了深远的影响,以此为线索,本文重点分析了现代银行业国际化的形成、特点及其对发展中国家金融市场的影响,认为全球真正意义上的银行业国际化开始于20世纪50年代末,欧洲和美国的经济背景、欧洲美元市场的兴起、金融创新和金融自由化等因素推动其发展.随着银行业国际化规模不断扩大、国际化步伐不断加快、绩效日趋改善,其对发展中国家银行业效率系统的稳定、货币市场、外汇市场和资本市场等方面的影响加大.  相似文献   

We analyse the factors influencing the target company's choice of bank advisor in mergers and acquisitions (M&As). We first examine the choice of hiring an advisor, which is nontrivial, since in one‐third of transactions our sample target companies did not hire one. We also analyse the choice to hire as advisor a bank with a strong prior relationship with the company (i.e., the main bank). Using data on 473 European M&A transactions completed in the period 1994–2003, we find evidence that the decision to hire an advisor depends on three main factors: (i) the intensity of the previous banking relationship, (ii) the reputation of the bidder company's advisor, and (iii) the complexity of the deal. We also investigate the impact of the bank advisor on shareholder wealth. We find that the abnormal returns of target company shareholders increase with the intensity of the previous banking relationship, thus indicating a ‘certification role’ on the part of investment banks.  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze whether banks' deviation from the mainstream in terms of asset and liability allocation enables them to perform better than their competition. Overall, deviation in the liability structure seems to have a significant impact on performance. In a second regression, the results obtained from the analysis of liability allocation are further examined by focusing on the effects of the deposit base on bank performance. Our analysis brings out the significance of liability allocation and of the effect of deposit strategies as a primary source of funding. The major difference of this study from the existing literature is that we focus primarily on both asset and liability allocation strategies of banks, and we further analyze the components of the liability structure to evaluate the impact of liability deviation on the banking strategy.  相似文献   

本文按照不同研究主线,对2000年前后至今银行业竞争度研究的相关文献进行系统整理。文献资料表明,国外研究主要从银行业竞争与经济金融发展与稳定的关系、银行业竞争度的测算方法、银行业竞争度在国别和规模上的差异以及银行业竞争度的影响因素这四个方面展开。国内研究则主要从中国银行业竞争度的识别、银行业竞争度的地区和规模差异、银行...  相似文献   

银行业危机:金融泡沫视角的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自20世纪80年代以来,银行业危机爆发越显频繁。然而,通过对银行业危机内部形成机理分析可以发现,银行业危机的爆发其实是伴随着金融泡沫的形成与破灭这一过程的。在金融泡沫的形成过程中,银行往往会给一些高风险行业发放贷款,从而增加银行经营风险;而在金融泡沫破灭之后,这将直接或间接地导致银行产生大量的不良贷款,从而使银行业危机最终爆发。因此,我国应尽快化解国有商业银行的不良资产;完善银行微观治理结构;建立和完善金融监管机制。  相似文献   

This paper investigates competitive conditions in the banking markets of all EU member and candidate countries over the period 1995-2007. The Panzar and Rosse (1987) model is implemented on bank-level data. In particular, the unscaled revenue equation is employed to assess market structure. Country-specific empirical results suggest a wide variation in the competitive conditions of the banking systems in the sampled countries. Nineteen banking systems are characterized as monopolistically competitive, nine as monopolies or perfectly colluding oligopolies, and two as perfectly competitive over the sample period. This study also investigates whether competition conditions changed over the sample period, using 2001 as an endogenously determined break year. The empirical evidence reveals that banking systems became less competitive after that time.  相似文献   

将信息不对称理论纳入银行业市场竞争模型是当前跨经济学与金融学两个领域的热点问题。本文从理清产业组织理论中银行业市场结构与竞争和现代金融学中银行业信息不对称研究的发展脉络出发,对信息不对称与银行信息垄断和市场进入壁垒、信息不对称条件下银行的市场竞争行为等文献进行综述,评估银行业市场竞争程度的测量方法和实证分析结果。希望此综述对未来进一步的研究有所启示。  相似文献   

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