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张民 《中国金融》2004,(22):42-43
社会主义市场经济体系虽已初步建立,但政府主导经济的格局并未根本改变 经过20多年的努力,我国的社会主义市场经济体制框架初步建立,市场在资源配置和经济运行中开始较大程度地发挥基础性作用。但是,应当清醒地认识到,这样的市场经济仍然不健全、不完善,传统计划经济遗留下来的深层矛盾尚未得到根本性解决,转轨过程中又面临诸多新的问题。在计划经济体制下,政府既是市场的组织者,又是资源配置者,基本不重视市场机制,处于“大政府、小市场”的状态。而现代市场经济的  相似文献   

<正> 我国经济体制改革的目标是建立社会主义市场经济体制,这是不容置疑的。然而,这个体制是否单靠市场机制包揽一切?组建政策性银行究竟是市场经济体制的伴生物,还是传统的计划经济旧体制的残留物?社会主义市场经济与农业政策性银行是如何相关相连的?农业发展银行在市场经济大潮中如何生存发展?造就政策性银行是否改革的权宜之计,它究竟能存在多久?这是本文讨论的主要问题。 一、由于市场配置资源存在着先天的局限性,因此,必须充分发挥政府的经济职能 1、市场机制存在先天不足。在现代市场经济的基本结构中,市场机制和原则虽然构成社会经济资源配置和经济运行调  相似文献   

推进利率市场化改革完善社会主义市场机制吴海军,庞介民在我国的社会主义市场经济体制改革向纵深推进的过程中,要保证经济的健康、稳定、高速增长,必须完善社会主义市场机制,发挥市场的自我约束、自我发展功能。要想在这方面取得较大进展,我们认为应以利率市场化改革...  相似文献   

在现代市场经济体制下,政府的干预必不可少。然而,我国正处于由计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制的转型时期,地方政府经济职能还存在错位、越位和缺位的现象。因此,要促进区域经济的发展,克服当前我国地方政府职能与行为在区域经济发展中的主要偏差,必须规范地方政府的经济职能。  相似文献   

证券市场均衡理论说明证券市场是在以市场制度为依托,市场机制充分发挥作用,经济当事人具有贝叶斯理性并能无障碍获得市场信息条件下,才能实现的均衡状态。我国证券市场是在计划经济向市场经济转轨中形成的,政府主导制度供给、干预证券市场运行。一方面政府行为直接推动了证券市场的发展,有利于证券市场服务于改革,服务于政策目标的实现;另一方面,由于政府行为也蕴含了与市场机制不相溶的因素,妨碍了证券市场功能的发挥。  相似文献   

<正> 转换银行经营机制,是我国社会主义经济体制改革的方向和发展市场经济的重要步骤。江泽民总书记在党的十四大报告中强调指出:“我国经济体制改革的目标是建立社会主义市场经济体制”。要推动社会主义市场经济发展,增强企业市场活力,提高企业综合经济效益,就必须强化银行经营机制的作用。一、当前银行经营机制中存在的问题问题之一,银行现行体制与企业运行机制不协  相似文献   

一、绪论市场经济是通过市场机制来合理地调配社会资源,同时利用市场机制实现经济资源节约的一种体制,随着我国市场经济制度的确立,我国经济得到了迅猛的发展,而传统的会计工作也发生了相应的变化,会计的职能和作用随着市场经济条件的确立得到了拓展和延伸,本文拟通过对计划经济和市场经济条件下会计作用的比较,来论述如何在市场经济进一步发挥会计的作用。二、计划经济和市场经济条件下会计作用的比较(一)计划经济时期会计的作用1.为国家宏观管理提供各项财务数据。在过去计划经济环境下,会计工作的  相似文献   

欧美中小银行的发展经验及其借鉴意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
丁志杰 《金融论坛》2002,7(4):52-56
发展中小银行是我国入世后完善金融机构体系的重要举措之一,发展中小银行既要符合世界金融业发展趋势,又要符合我国国情,要坚持规范化、市场化和本土化原则.本文介绍了欧美中小银行在经济金融发展中的作用以及政府发展中小银行的政策,着重分析了20世纪80年代以来各国中小银行发展面临的挑战和困难,以及为适应新的经济金融环境,中小银行应采取的战略取向.在此基础上,结合经济金融体制改革分析了发展我国中小银行的必要性,并就中小银行的定位、发展方向、发展途径、产权结构、监管和政府的作用等战略性问题的处理提出了具体的建议.  相似文献   

试述公共财政模式下的财政支农重点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一、社会主义市场经济与公共财政 市场经济就是市场在资源配置中起基础性作用的经济体制形式。我国实行社会主义市场经济体制,就是国家宏观调控下使市场在资源配套中起基础性作用的经济体制形式。实践证明,市场是一种有效率的运行机制,能够有效地调节供给和需求,使社会资源得到合理配置,从而有效提供产品,满足社会公共需要。 但市场机制并非是万能的,存在着“市场失灵”的领域,突出表现在公共产品不能通过市场机制来提供,即私人部门在提供社会基本需要方面存在局限性。此外,一些具有“外部效应”的领域也存在市场失灵的问题。这就为政府的介入或干预提供了活动的舞台。市场失灵时,需要政府进行一定限度的干预或介入,发挥政府在资源配置中的重要作用,弥补市场缺陷,促进经济协调运作。 政府干预市场有多种手段,其  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济体制改革的深入和人们对政府与市场关系认识上的深化,引发了对财政定位及财政职能的重新思考。市场经济体制意味着市场机制在社会经济活动中居主导地位,市场对经济活动的调节发挥基础性作用。然而我国现行的财政制度,却存在着明显的缺陷:一是财政定位...  相似文献   

Doubts about the accuracy with which outside investors can assess a banking firm’s value motivate many government interventions in the banking market. Although the available empirical evidence is somewhat mixed, the recent financial crisis has reinforced a common assessment that banks are unusually opaque. This paper examines bank equity’s trading characteristics during “normal” periods and two “crisis” periods between 1993 and 2009. We find only limited (mixed) evidence that banks are unusually opaque during normal periods. However, consistent with theory, crises raise the adverse selection costs of trading bank shares relative to those of nonbank control firms. A bank’s balance sheet composition significantly affects its equity opacity, but we cannot detect specific balance sheet categories that have robust effects.  相似文献   

邵天春 《征信》2020,38(4):79-81
中国人民银行安顺市中心支行主动作为,积极探索建立信用信息共享平台,促进辖区信用信息整合应用。通过积极向政府汇报,与职能部门沟通联系,形成“政府主导、人行牵头、多方参与、服务社会”的工作模式,牵头搭建了农村和中小微企业信用信息系统。该系统具有自主研发、系统开放、资源共享、信息安全等特征,致力于推进部门间信息共享、解决信息不对称、实现银企供需对接、解决信息主体融资难题。通过信息共享,为联合奖惩提供数据支撑,提升全社会的信用意识,形成珍视信用的共识,助推社会信用体系建设。  相似文献   

Integration of Lending and Underwriting: Implications of Scope Economies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Informational scope economies provide a cost advantage to universal banks offering “one‐stop shopping” for lending and underwriting that enables them to “lock in” their clients' subsequent business. This market power reduces universal banks' incentive, relative to that of specialized investment banks, to apply costly underwriting efforts; consequently, universal banks are less successful in selling their clients' securities. Our results suggest that an integrated financial services market is less innovative than one with specialized intermediaries. Our analysis also identifies economy, intermediary, and firm characteristics that motivate either the integration or segmentation of bank lending and underwriting.  相似文献   

With a financial market dominated by indirect financing, China's banking system played a critical role in the government's response to COVID-19, which piqued our interest in the short-term impact of COVID-19 on the risk of China's banks. Examining the stock price of A-share listed banks and the number of confirmed cases in China and the US during the short time window surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic's outbreak, this study reveals that COVID-19 increased the A-share banking price volatility in both China and the US, reflecting a strong spillover effect of the US economic and financial system. Furthermore, COVID-19 in China has a smaller impact on the stock price volatility of China's state-owned banks (SOBs) than that of medium- and small-sized (M&S) banks, reflecting the higher risk resistance capability of large SOBs. Further analysis confirms that the impact primarily reflected systematic risk rather than idiosyncratic risk, as small and micro enterprises and M&S banks received more targeted financial support from the government. In contrast, large banks took on more responsibilities in the emergency financial stimulus, narrowing the idiosyncratic risk gap between the two types of banks and allowing the banking industry to better play its core role in the recovery of real economy in China. These findings will assist us in better understanding the effectiveness of financial assistance policies during the epidemic and will provide insights for future policymaking during similar crises.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of preferential regulatory treatment on banks' demand for government bonds. Using unique transaction‐level data, our analysis suggests that preferential treatment in microprudential liquidity and capital regulation significantly increases banks' demand for government bonds. Liquidity and capital regulation also seem to incentivize banks to substitute other bonds with government bonds. We also find evidence that this “regulatory effect” leads banks to reduce lending to the real economy.  相似文献   

Access to credit information and the ability to process this information effectively determine the conditions of competition in the credit market. Traditionally, local banks have had an advantage in relationship lending (based on soft credit information), whereas foreign banks are considered to base on hard credit information. With the advent of financial technology (or “fintech”) companies (or “fintechs”) and giant technology (or “bigtech”) companies (or “bigtechs”) providing alternative credit, the conditions of competition in the credit market have changed. In this empirical study, we shed light on the nature of the information advantages fintech and bigtech companies have compared to banks and how alternative lenders use them. We analyze competition in the consumer lending segment between banks and fintechs as well as bigtechs providing alternative lending. We used a database combining bank-level characteristics and country-level proxies for 72 countries from 2013 to 2018. We find that in developed markets, the relationships between fintech and bigtech credit providers and banks are similar and competitive in nature. However, banks' consumer lending grows simultaneously with fintech credit market development in emerging economies, but decreases in the aftermath of the emergence of bigtech credit. Fintech credit seems to penetrate market segments not serviced by banks; thus, it plays a complementary role, however only in emerging economies. Bigtech companies compete even more with banks and push some banking offers out of the market, both in emerging and developed economies. Furthermore, we show that domestic and privately-owned banks are more negatively affected by competition from technology-based lending, particularly bigtech, than foreign banks. Thus, bigtech lending may be treated as a serious competition for banks' relationship lending based on soft credit information processing, traditionally provisioned by local banks.  相似文献   

低碳经济是全球保护环境、实现可持续发展的必然趋势,我国国有大型商业银行一直在金融机构体系中占主导地位,积极推进低碳经济建设、发展碳金融业务为商业银行提升其在国际市场上的综合竞争力提供了一个新的主要方向,但由于刚刚起步,许多问题和困难同时存在,因此,深入研究碳金融问题,有利于商业银行在发展低碳经济中发挥巨大作用.  相似文献   

What do innovative new firms in our dynamic economy do to the value of existing firms? Using Schumpeter’s creative destruction idea, we expand the valuation model to incorporate these dynamics. Our model shows that these dynamics should have a greater effect on smaller firms, those in closer to perfect product market competition and those with less financial market following, as they get less market feedback for warning of new competition. This additional consideration in valuation is named the “real put” as it is an optionagainst value. Simply stated, it is an amount subtracted from a firm’s market value of capitalized earnings, plus any growth potential (that might create destructive competition against other producers) to get its net value. Following Schumpeter, new entrepreneurs and larger firms that mimic existing entrepreneurs are the innovators of new products and services. They create the real put against value in their potential competitors. We empirically test this using Morningstar’s “moat” classification of firms. We find firms with “wider moats” meaning greater product market power have much lower delisting rates that indicate smaller puts against value being exercised. While we are not the first in finance to view Schumpeter’s ideas, this is the first paper to consider its direct effect on valuation.  相似文献   

本文利用修正的Hotelling模型对我国银行理财产品收益率的市场化演进机制进行了理论分析,并使用2005至2019年的银行理财产品历史数据进行了实证检验,得到了一系列结论。第一,收益率落后的“输家”银行下期将以更大的相对幅度提高其收益率,呈现出“输家”追赶“赢家”的锦标赛竞争机制。第二,上述竞争机制受到“输家”银行排名、不同银行之间收益率差距和监管政策的影响。“输家”银行排名越靠后、不同银行之间的收益率差距越大,那么,下期“输家”银行提高其理财产品收益率的相对幅度就越大,不同银行之间的竞争行为就越强烈;与之相对的,监管政策越严,则不同银行之间的竞争强度越弱。本文的研究结论对进一步深入理解我国存款市场化利率的形成机制、加强对商业银行的监管和引导有一定的借鉴和启示意义。  相似文献   

We examine the impact of the Nigerian government’s Treasury Single Account (TSA) policy to withdraw the funds of Ministries, Departments and Agencies from commercial banks. Following the economic policy uncertainty theory, we use an event study methodology to measure the impact of the TSA policy on the shareholders’ wealth. Our results reveal that the announcements and subsequent final implementation of the TSA policy caused negative abnormal returns and losses on the wealth of the commercial banks’ shareholders. This article contributes to the literature on stock market reaction to policy announcements and the unintended consequences government policy can have in an emerging economy.  相似文献   

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