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This paper analyzes the redistributive and labor supply effects of extending at national level the Minimum Insertion Income, introduced experimentally in 1999 in some Italian municipalities. We develop a behavioral microsimulation tax-benefit model that allows for simultaneous labor supply decisions by household members, endogenous choice between dependent employment and self-employment, complete representation of the current Italian tax-benefit system. The results show a positive impact on both inequality and poverty, while overall labor supply reduces. On average magnitude of labor supply disincentive is small for married individuals, relatively larger for single persons and, within this category, for women than men. 相似文献
Abstract. This paper exploits the significant reduction in impediments to labor mobility in the process of German re-unification in order to identify labor supply shocks in the West German labor market. The focus is on the quasi-experiment of the border removal in the regions situated at the German–German border that faced a massive increase of cross-border labor supply. The results indicate that despite a gain in employment, the border removal was accompanied by a decline in wages and an increase in unemployment relative to other West German regions. 相似文献
养老金对劳动力供给的影响研究综述 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文采取文献回顾的方法,就养老金对劳动力供给的影响问题进行探讨,指出在老龄化的趋势下研究此问题具有重要意义,并就此问题国外的研究现状和存在的缺陷作相应描述,最后指出中国关于此问题的研究现状.研究结果表明养老金并非肯定造成劳动力供给的增加或减少,而要视具体情况而定. 相似文献
John Baffoe-Bonnie 《International Review of Applied Economics》2001,15(1):107-128
This paper estimates the effect of income taxation on the labor supply of part-time and full-time workers in the United States. Using a model that incorporates the endogeneity of the net wage rate and the virtual income, and correcting for self-selection into part-time and full-time jobs, the results indicate that part-time workers are relatively more responsive to changes in income tax than full-time workers. Estimated wage elasticities are relatively larger for part-time than for full-time workers.The simulation results indicate that income tax has a disincentive effect on both part-time and full-time workers, with part-time and full-time workers reducing their labor supply by 0.87 and 0.58 hours, respectively, if a 5% tax is imposed. However, the percentage reduction in hours of work is very small, and a tax policy may have little effect on the labor supply of workers.The results seem to suggest that female and black part-time workers are more likely to drop out of the labor force at higher levels of income tax. It also tests the hypothesis that the labor supply behavior of parttime and full-time workers differs.The test results indicate that the determinants of the labor supply of part-time workers are different from those of full-time workers. It is noted that there is a significant difference between the labor supply of male part-time and female parttime workers, as well as between the black part-time and white part-time workers. In order to reduce voluntary unemployment in market activities among married females and blacks, the government can encourage part-time work by sponsoring legislation or instituting a scheme that will allow part-time workers to pay relatively less in payroll taxes. 相似文献
在经济集聚形成的多种机制中,劳动力要素的流动无疑是经济集聚最重要的因素.在企业生产函数中引入外部效应参数,将城市内部空间结构整合到模型框架中,使模型更加接近现实.本文模型的函数解析与数值模拟表明,劳动力流动引致前后向联系与循环累积效应的“金融外部性”和马歇尔外部性,对于经济集聚具有明显的正向促进效应.但随着城市人口大量集聚,企业生产负外部性、劳动力拥挤成本等分散力量会降低经济集聚的程度. 相似文献
基于中国人口结构新特征,分析了劳动力年龄结构对中国经济发展的影响,在索罗经济增长模型的基础上扩展得到人口变量与经济变量的关系。通过建立面板结构向量自回归模型(PSVAR)发现,中国经济发展的波动与劳动力年龄结构的波动密切相关。其中,30~45岁劳动力占比的波动冲击对经济波动有正向影响,46~64岁劳动力占比的波动冲击对经济波动有负向影响,而15~29岁劳动力占比的波动冲击随着第三产业的发展对经济波动产生正向影响。使用Leslie模型方法对未来人口年龄结构进行预测。结果发现,若生育率逐渐升高,则未来青壮年劳动力的比例波动趋缓会对缓解经济波动起到一定的积极作用。最后,提出了完善生育政策,优化劳动力年龄结构的政策建议。 相似文献
"民工潮"与"民工荒"--农民工劳动供给行为视角的经济学分析 总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32
当今中国农民工不再是一个高度同质的群体,而是已经在内部产生了分化.本文主要通过对第一代农民工和第二代农民工的特征及其劳动力供给的经济学分析,揭示世纪之交前后我国出现“民工潮”和“民工荒”的微观层面的原因,认为第二代农民工是最需要市民化也是最容易市民化的群体,但同时需要相应的制度创新和政策安排. 相似文献
The paper studies the way in which labor supply responses enable households to smooth consumption in the face of crop loss. The 1993 Indonesian Family Life Survey is unusual because it contains self-reported information on crop loss and on household responses to crop loss. Of those households that report a crop loss, 41.6% also report that they responded by taking an extra job. Using these self-reported measures, the authors find evidence which suggests that the income associated with this shock-induced labor supply is important in allowing the household to avoid reducing consumption expenditure. Household members, however, do not seem to increase their total hours of work. They appear to just reallocate their time from household farming to other labor market activities. 相似文献
健康变化对劳动供给和收入影响的实证分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文使用中国健康与营养调查(CHNS)数据检验了居民健康状况变化对居民劳动供给和家庭收入的影响。通过控制基期健康状况和一系列个人特征,本文重点检验了可以被视作外生冲击的健康变化对居民劳动供给和家庭收入的影响。考虑到城乡居民以及性别在劳动供给以及收入上的差异,本文还分别分城乡和性别进行了回归分析。研究发现,滞后期健康状况与当期劳动供给和家庭收入显著正相关;健康恶化显著降低劳动供给和家庭收入。此外,健康与劳动供给和家庭收入之间的关系在城乡居民和性别之间均存在差异,具体地,城市居民和男性更容易因健康恶化退出劳动供给,农村居民和女性则会因健康改善增加劳动供给。这表明在评估健康干预政策时要综合考虑健康变化对公民社会经济状况(SES)可能造成的影响,同时,对城市居民和农村居民以及对男性和女性要区别考虑。 相似文献
The European employment strategy initiated in 1997 is critically dependent upon the further integration of women into the labor market. The European Union has set a specific target employment rate for women of 60 percent by 2010 and is also committed to providing more and better child care facilities. This gender focus is reinforced by the requirement for gender mainstreaming in all aspects of European employment policy. There is an implied Europe-wide, universal policy of encouraging female labor-market participation and reducing the care work performed by domestic labor. However, the European Commission continues to have limited competence in areas of family, social, and welfare policy. As a result, these common employment objectives for women are thus being pursued against a background of quite different systems of social, family, welfare, and indeed labor-market organization. These systems have different economic and employment implications, such that the outcomes of the common European employment strategy will also be highly variable. 相似文献
20世纪60年代,伴随着日本经济起飞,城市加工产业对劳动力的需求急剧扩大,在城乡巨大收入差距的诱惑下,日本农村的青壮年劳动力大量涌入城市,造成农村劳动力严重短缺,在农户家庭内部劳动力互补机制的作用下,缓解了劳动力不足,在一定程度上稳定了农业生产。从分析日本经济起飞时期农村劳动力的结构变动入手,通过实证分析把握劳动力供给结构变化的经济影响;进而分析未来日本劳动力供给结构变化的趋势,在此基础上结合中国的实际情况说明农村劳动力互补机制对于城市化进程中中国农村的借鉴意义。 相似文献
通过研究1978~2007年中国工业化演进与劳工环境变化的关系,本文认为:工业化进程通过产业结构的演进、劳动生产率的提升与城市化的扩展这三条路径实现对劳工环境的影响.劳动生产率是劳工环境变化的基本影响因素和前提条件;产业结构决定劳工环境变化的效率和速度;城市化进程决定了劳工环境变化的综合性、系统性、持续性.在1978~2007年间,随着工业化进程的推进,中国的劳工环境在不断改善;劳工环境的改善应与产业结构的提升保持一致,不能脱离产业结构水平人为地提高或降低劳工标准. 相似文献
通过人力资本分层的视角来研究劳动供给的跨期替代.我们发现低收入阶层劳动力由于受到信贷约束以及生活、教育、医疗等基本保障的约束,不能在实际中进行劳动供给的跨期替代,中高收入阶层具备了进行劳动供给跨期替代的条件,但由于传统文化习俗、工作合约和潜在失业威胁的存在,一般也不会轻易进行劳动供给的跨期替代. 相似文献
Gustavo Yamada 《Review of Development Economics》2008,12(4):737-750
The author finds evidence of a downward‐sloping labor supply curve for urban areas in Peru from cross‐sectional household data for 2002 and pooled data for available years from 1985 to 2000. Individuals respond to lower hourly earnings with an increase in the quantity supplied of work hours. This behavior would help to explain the increasing trend in average work hours in Peru (this average for male workers in Lima, the capital city, rose from 50.5 to 53.9 weekly hours between 1985 and 2000; meanwhile, 33.4% of workers had weekly schedules above 60 hours in 2002). Another finding is the increase in hours supplied due to pressure from the more numerous cohorts recently entering the Peruvian labor market. 相似文献
马克思的劳动价值理论是科学的完整的理论体系.在现代西方经济学的价值理论中,边际生产力理论是一个虚假的理论,是不能成立的;均衡价格理论和实物价格理论都是对价值价格的一个特定层次的研究,这些价值理论都不能构成科学完整的价值理论,存在严重的理论缺陷.我们应在马克思劳动价值理论基础上,吸收这些理论的合理成分,推进价值理论的发展. 相似文献
技术冲击和劳动供给对经济波动的影响分析--基于可分劳动RBC模型的实证检验 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6
文章根据国内外经济波动的不同特征,构建了用于研究中国经济波动的可分劳动RBC模型,并对改革开放以来的中国经济进行了实证检验,从供给角度考察技术冲击对中国经济波动的影响,并在RBC模型框架下分析了技术进步对中国劳动市场的影响。研究发现,一是在固定劳动和可分劳动RBC模型中,技术冲击可以解释中国经济波动的主要部分;二是可分劳动RBC模型的实证结果表明,劳动供给变动对经济波动的影响较小,技术进步对改革后的产出、居民消费和就业都产生了正向冲击效应。技术进步对就业增长效应较小,致使我国的劳动需求增长率明显小于劳动供给增长率,劳动市场供需严重不平衡,这也是导致就业波动较为平缓、失业问题日趋严峻的一个重要原因。 相似文献