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朱佳俊  周方召 《技术经济》2017,36(1):117-122
利用2008—2015年中国沪深A股房地产上市企业的数据,实证分析了负债融资和市场份额对企业价值的影响。结果显示:市场份额与负债水平正相关,两者之间存在显著的替代关系;从市场份额的角度看,负债水平能提升企业价值,且负债水平与企业价值的关系曲线呈U型;销售预期对企业价值具有调节作用,且高销售预期下这种调节作用更为明显。  相似文献   

从投融资实践看,企业内部存在一个活跃的资本市场;企业内部资本配置是区别于外部资本市场运作的资本配置机制。企业管理者运用内部资金实施投资项目的同时也就实施了一定的融资功能,因而企业组织本身就是金融体系的重要组成部分。传统的直接融资—间接融资或银行主导型—资本市场主导型二分法不足以刻画和概括金融体系的特征,新二分法"外部资本市场—企业内部资本市场"是对传统研究视角的有益补充。  相似文献   

企业的性质:要素使用权交易合约之履行过程   总被引:59,自引:0,他引:59  
本文对企业的性质进行了分析 ,发现企业的性质在于 ,企业是市场中由要素所有者签订的一组不完备的要素使用权交易合约的履行过程。要素使用权交易合约的履行过程包括要素投入、要素使用权 (核心是剩余控制权 )的行使以及要素增值的分配 (核心是剩余索取权的行使 )以及企业组织资本与组织资产的创造和使用等 ,这一过程融交易功能与生产功能于一体。该组合约的关键内容就在于企业剩余索取权与剩余控制权的安排。作为要素使用权交易合约的履行过程 ,企业与市场是不能截然对立分离的 ,即要素市场、资产及服务市场等与要素使用权交易合约的签订与履行是互为基础 ,互相促进的。  相似文献   

We ask if natural selection in markets favors profit-maximizing firms and, if so, is there a difference between the predictions of models which assume all firms are profit maximizers and the predictions of models which explicitly take account of population dynamics in the market. We show that market selection favors profit maximizing firms, but we also show that the long-run behavior of evolutionary market models is nonetheless not consistent with equilibrium models based on the profit-maximization hypothesis. Dynamic equilibrium paths with market selection are not Pareto optimal, nor even asymptotically optimal. The discrepancy arises because the dynamics created by firm evolution causes prices to vary over time and the resulting dynamical system need not have stable steady states.  相似文献   

A well-known result about market power in emission permit markets is that efficiency can be achieved by full free allocation to the dominant firm. I show that this result breaks down when taking the interaction between input and output markets into account, even if the dominant firm perceives market power in the permit market alone. I then examine the empirical evidence for price manipulation by the ten largest electricity firms during phase I of the EU ETS. I find that some firms’ excess allowance holdings are consistent with strategic price manipulation, and that they cannot be explained by price speculation or by precautionary purchases to insure against uncertain future emissions. My results suggest that market power is likely to be an empirically relevant concern during the early years of emission permit markets.  相似文献   

Multinational enterprises (MNEs) develop their networks of foreign affiliates gradually over time. Instead of exploring all profitable opportunities immediately, they first establish themselves in their home countries and then enter new markets stepwise. We argue that this behavior is driven by uncertainty concerning a firm's success in new markets. After entry, the firm collects information which is used to update its beliefs about its performance in a market. As conditions in different markets are correlated, the information gathered in one of them can also be used to update beliefs elsewhere – with the degree of correlation depending on issues such as the geographical or cultural distance between markets. This correlated learning may render it optimal to enter markets sequentially – investment in market A is only followed by entry in market B if the firm was sufficiently successful in A. The prediction that firms start their expansion in markets that are closer to their home base and then proceed step by step is supported by our empirical analysis, which features the universe of foreign affiliates held by German multinationals. Based on a rich set of benchmark estimates and sensitivity checks, we identify correlated learning across markets beyond alternative explanations as a key driver of gradualism in the genesis of MNEs' foreign affiliate networks.  相似文献   

Productivity performance in European countries has been a policy concern for several decades. This paper shows that productivity can be enhanced by product market policies which, by increasing competition and efficiency, facilitate higher rates of firms’ entry and exit (i.e. firm churning). Drawing on annual country-sector data for the period 2000–2014 across the EU countries, we find that: (i) competition-enhancing regulation is associated with a higher rate of firm churning; (ii) firm churning, in turn, appears to be positively related to higher total factor productivity at the sector level by facilitating the entry of new competitive firms and the exit of less productive ones. Overall, we conclude that stringent product market regulation can be indirectly associated, via its impact on business dynamism, with the somewhat weak productivity performance in a number of EU countries. Thus, our results point towards substantial productivity gains that could follow from the introduction of further competition-enhancing measures in product markets.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of a risk averse multinational firm under exchange rate risk. The firm, which owns and controls assets in two countries, is engaged in production, sales and forward contracting whenever forward markets exist. First, we investigate the effects of exchange rate uncertainty without any risk sharing markets. It is shown that the firm internalizes missing hedging markets by increasing foreign production and lowering foreign sales. Therefore the firm hedges by repatriating foreign profits in the form of goods. Second, the implications of the existence of forward markets of global market decisions are discussed. It is shown that a separation theorem holds. This does not imply that the multinational firm shifts all the risk into the forward exchange market.  相似文献   

We use a novel approach based on a combination of network and cointegration analysis to examine linkages between stock markets across market cycles. Our results show that long-run linkages are likely to be global rather than regional and that market turbulence increases linkages. However, we find no widespread common stochastic trends between markets and neither are we able to draw a conclusion that major financial markets display influences network linkages.  相似文献   

替代、互补及互嵌:企业与市场关系的新考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现实世界中,企业市场关系呈现出替代、互补及互嵌等多种特征,使得单一的“替代”说或“互补”论均缺乏足够的解释力。本文从交易费用角度将交易关系分为三种类型并指出企业和市场谁更有利于交易费用的节约,主要取决于交易品的特征以及交易本身的具体职能。企业其实是一种通过非人力资本和人力资本、人力资本和人力资本间相互交易以实现生产功能的特殊履约机制。这样就不难理解,只有部分交易可以通过企业与市场间的相互替代来提高效率,而更多的交易则须通过改善企业内部管理或改进市场制度本身来提高其效率。  相似文献   

We investigate the optimal behavior of a public firm in a mixed market involving private firms and one public firm. Existing works show that welfare-maximizing behavior by the public firm is suboptimal when the number of firms is given exogenously. We allow free entry of private firms and find that, in contrast to the case with the fixed number of firms, welfare-maximizing behavior by the public firm is always optimal in mixed markets. Furthermore, we find that mixed markets are better than pure markets involving no public firm if and only if the public firm earns nonnegative profits.  相似文献   

In 2009, Sanofi-Aventis, whose generic subsidiary is Winthrop, merges with the generic firm, Zentiva. This article fills the gap in the theoretical literature concerning mergers in pharmaceutical markets. To prevent generic firms from increasing their market share, some brand-name firms produce generics themselves, called pseudo-generics. We develop a Cournot duopoly model by considering the pseudo-generics production as a mergers' catalyst. We show that a brand-name company always has an incentive to purchase its competitor. The key insight of this article is that the brand-name laboratory can increase its merger gain by producing pseudo-generics beforehand. In some cases, pseudo-generics would not otherwise be produced and this production is then a predatory strategy.  相似文献   

This article analyses comovements and discusses possibly greater market integration between aggregate food commodity and stock prices in the period 1990 to 2012. Return correlations, price return distributions, cointegration and Granger-causalities are tested in subsamples on monthly FAO Food Price Index and MSCI World Stock Market Index. Empirical results suggest that while there is only weak indication of greater comovements concurrent with structural changes such as changed agricultural policies, new demand due to growth in emerging markets and energy mandates and the financialization of food markets since the early 2000s, they did start to increase substantially in particular during the financial stress of the Lehman crisis and the Great Recession. While structural changes may have amplified price linkages across markets, results do not suggest that they are the key factors for greater price comovements. Instead, the effects of the late-2000s recession as a time of great economic weakness and uncertainty may have changed concurrently the behaviour of both food and financial market participants, such that different market prices exhibit large comovements.  相似文献   

越南在东南亚地区拥有的战略地位,根据日前的多项调查,越南一跃成为东盟10国中的最佳投资国。越南是中国企业"走出去"的重要目标市场,伴随企业而产生和发展的会计师事务所,理应迎合中国企业走进越南的"浪潮",积极寻求在越南市场的落足点。中国会计师事务所"走出去"不仅有益于自身的发展,也有益于中国经济的健康快速发展,对加强境外国有资产的监督管理及服务中国企业"走出去"有重要意义。  相似文献   

关于我国证券市场的发展与监管问题   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
我国证券市场经过十余年的发展,取得了长足的进步。证券市场在经济发展中发挥着不可替代的作用,在国民经济中占据着重要地位。但是,我国证券市场也存在着历史遗留问题,改革方案设计不够科学及价值判断偏差等三类问题,主要表现在市场基础不够稳固,市场存在较大缺陷,证券监督有待加强,证券公司发展滞后。必须通过全面提高上市公司素质,完善市场运行机制,加强市场监管,推动券商的发展等措施来完善市场功能。  相似文献   

We consider a situation in whichn firms located in market 1 andm firms located in market 2 each sell a commodity which is homogeneous within each market but may differ between markets. All firms sell on both markets. Each market has its own currency. The market demand functions differ. We give some basic results on the effects of exchange-rate changes and then show the following. When these markets are independent on the cost side (constant marginal costs) and demands are linear, a reduction in the number of firms (which might result from a merger) in market 1 increases the pass-through (of an appreciation of currency 2) in market 1 and decreases the pass-through in market 2. A similar occurrence in market 2 has the opposite effect. We give conditions under which, with identical economies of scope linking the markets, the sign of the price changes will be reversed when the number of foreign firms is small enough compared to the number of local firms. However, such sign reversals cannot occur in the two markets simultaneously.  相似文献   

证券市场的层次结构与中国金融市场改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发达的证券市场都表现出多层次结构,大量的理论和经验证据表明;资本市场,尤其是中小型资本市场要受到逆向选择行为和高昂的直接融资成本的影响;而市场结构的型式,例如,二板市场是否平行于交易所市场,是否采取交易商制度等则成为影响小型资本市场成败的决定性因素。这些根据为我国的金融市场改革提供了理论参考和经验借鉴。  相似文献   

刘镜秀  门明 《技术经济》2016,(11):97-104
构建Copula-GARCH模型,并利用2013—2016年中国P2P网络借贷市场、股票市场和债券市场的日收益率数据,实证研究了P2P网络借贷市场对资本市场的风险溢出效应。结果显示:P2P网络借贷市场与股票市场之间存在"跷跷板"效应,与债券市场之间呈现出较弱的联动效应;P2P网络借贷市场与股票市场和债券市场的上、下尾部相关性均很弱,风险溢出效应不显著。结论表明:在确保金融系统稳定的同时,中国可以适度发展P2P网络借贷行业。  相似文献   

This paper reports new evidence on the existence of both large and small price divergent clusters for China's energy markets, 2000–2009. The largest convergent price clusters suggest that the coal and gasoline markets are well integrated, however, small convergent price clusters suggest that electricity and diesel markets are proving harder to integrate. The paper argues that the traditional approach to price convergence analysis should be applied with caution, especially in a transitional economy such as China where questions to be asked should relate to the ‘degree of market‐orientation’ and not simply whether it is a market‐based economy or not.  相似文献   

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