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旅游目的地营销应注重发挥好三个"效应"   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
旅游目的地营销是一项复杂的系统工程.它是以旅游目的地区域为营销主体,代表区域内各种相关机构、所有旅游企业和全体从业人员,以一个旅游目的地的整体形象加入到旅游市场激烈的市场竞争中,并以不同方式和手段传播旅游信息,制造兴奋点,展示新形象,增强吸引力,引发消费者注意力和兴奋点的全过程.旅游目的地营销是否成功,最终取决于潜在的旅游者对旅游目的地的印象是否深刻.笔者认为,充分发挥好三个"效应",是旅游目的地营销获得成功的有效手段.  相似文献   

随着公共投资审查的日益严格和目的地竞争的加剧,对旅游目的地营销绩效进行评价已经成为实践发展的必然要求.但由于目的地信息的多源性以及旅游者决策过程的复杂性,营销绩效评价一直是目的地营销研究领域中最具挑战性的问题.文章在回顾国内外相关研究文献的基础上,从旅游目的地营销组织绩效评价和旅游目的地营销传播活动绩效评价两个方面对国内外的研究状况进行了归纳,并指出了未来研究的重点和方向,以期为国内理论研究和实践活动的开展提供参考.  相似文献   

近年来,随着旅游业的深入发展,区域竞争在全球范围内的展开及加剧,旅游目的地营销日益成为增强目的地竞争力、促进目的地旅游业发展的重要战略手段.同一般市场营销活动一样,"谁来营销",即目的地营销组织问题,是目的地营销需要解决的一个重要问题.  相似文献   

旅游目的地成功实施整合营销传播的关键因素   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
近年来,旅游目的地营销在旅游营销管理上逐渐被重视,并成为旅游地提升竞争力的利器,也因此成为旅游学界关注的一个重要课题.笔者认为,在旅游目的地竞争日趋白热化的今天,单一的营销策略已很难奏效,必须借助整合营销传播(integrated marketing communication,IMC),通过广告、公关、目的地主题活动、节庆活动、形象推广活动和网络营销,传达一致的旅游目的地信息,实施全方位推销旅游目的地的策略.  相似文献   

曲凯 《旅游学刊》2017,(10):9-10
发展全域旅游势必会造成旅游目的地之间的竞争加剧.除了整合旅游资源,加强基础设施建设外,如何做好目的地的旅游营销成为摆在政府旅游主管部门面前的新课题.  相似文献   

国外旅游目的地营销研究综述   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文对国外旅游目的地营销研究进行综述.近10年来国外研究主要涉及旅游目的地形象、旅游目的地营销组织、旅游目的地促销、信息技术与目的地营销4大方面.文章在简要评述我国旅游目的地营销研究现状的基础上,结合国外研究情况,认为强化实证研究及定量分析、旅游目的地品牌及定位研究、旅游目的地营销组织、信息技术的促进作用和旅游目的地营销绩效评价应是我国近期旅游目的地营销研究的主要方向.  相似文献   

对旅游目的地形象概念的两种理解   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
李宏 《旅游学刊》2006,21(6):9-9
旅游目的地是旅游活动的承载空间,为旅游者提供了消费平台.旅游目的地的吸引力来自商业化的旅游服务、非商业化的原始景观和旅游目的地所拥有的独特氛围,其范畴远远超出了"整体旅游产品"的概念.然而,旅游目的地远离客源地,在旅游消费者看来是一个独立的区域,因此,如何吸引消费者的注意,在众多备选目的地中脱颖而出,增加目的地的旅游需求量,是旅游目的地营销活动的目标所在.一般来说,旅游目的地的营销组织是非营利机构,其营销工作的主要内容是宣传促销,目的在于在目标消费者的心目中建立有吸引力的目的地形象.  相似文献   

国家形象是国际商务和国际营销领域的重要概念,目的地形象是旅游领域的重要概念。在竞争日益激烈的全球化市场上,国家形象和目的地形象对于产品和旅游目的地获得竞争优势具有重要的战略价值。目前,国家形象和目的地形象研究基本上是独立的,文章在全面回顾两个领域最新研究进展的基础上,分析两概念定义、理论基础、形象主体和客体、形象内容等方面的异同;根据对国家形象、目的地形象与旅游研究中的其他社会心理变量之间关系的分析,提出整合这些变量的旅游意向模型以及相应的三个命题,以引导下一步的实证研究。  相似文献   

近些年来,有关目的地营销的探讨越来越多地为人们所关注,因为人们从世界各地的大量案例中认识到,一个旅游目的地一旦步入衰退,由此所带来的问题会在整个目的地社会中蔓延,各类旅游企业都会因此而感受到压力.旅游目的地营销工作千头万绪,需要探讨或开展工作的层面很多,但如何去定位一个旅游目的地、如何通过制定有效的定位战略去实现其旅游发展的最大化增长,始终是目的地营销研究和营销工作的核心课题.  相似文献   

对旅游目的地可持续性发展的几点看法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵小燕 《旅游学刊》2006,21(6):9-10
随着我国旅游市场的迅速发展,旅游目的地产品开发与营销受到了越来越普遍的重视,新开发的旅游目的地不胜枚举,营销手段日益丰富,其中,影视媒体的积极介入获得了良好的效果,在旅游目的地营销中成功有效地发挥了重大的先导作用,形成了若干新的旅游热点地区.但在火热的旅游目的地旅游盛况中,旅游目的地产品开发、规划和营销中的不足也日益暴露出来,而经济利益的市场导向作用更在一定程度上加剧了各地旅游目的地产品开发中的急功近利行为,对旅游目的地的可持续性发展构成了现实和潜在的威胁.  相似文献   

Tourism recognizes the growing interest in Halal tourism from both the perspectives of industry and research. Halal tourism can be summarized by any object or action which is permissible to use or engage in tourism industry, according to Islamic teachings. Therefore, the success of developing and marketing Halal tourism destination must be guided by the adoption of Islamic teachings and principles in all aspects of tourism activities. This paper explores the concept of Halal tourism along with the components which constitute the industry. It provides worldwide examples of some of the current best practises. The opportunities and challenges in developing and marketing Halal tourism are also discussed.  相似文献   

It has become a common practice for tourism organizations to form alliances in cooperative marketing efforts. The purpose of this exploratory study is to examine some of the specific motivations and constraints for tourism organizations to share knowledge and participate in tourism alliances. These results suggest that tourism professionals that feel positively towards tourism alliances still may feel uncomfortable sharing knowledge because of the possibility of loss of profit or confidentiality. The respondents with more industry experience report participating in strategic alliances more frequently than those respondents with little experience.  相似文献   

Informed by co-management theory this study revealed strategies destination marketing organizations can utilize to develop and engage a diverse set of advocates. Interviews were conducted with 31 destination stakeholders to measure their level of understanding of tourism's role in economic development, value in the community, and their intention to advocate for tourism. Strategies for stakeholder development revealed in this study indicate destination marketing organizations need to expand partnerships throughout the community, improve and personalize communication strategies with advocates, tell a more nuanced story showcasing how tourism contributes to residents' quality of life, and specify advocacy asks with actionable information for tourism advocates. By implementing these strategies destination marketing organizations can educate and empower a diverse set of advocates to limit negative policy impacts on the tourism industry.  相似文献   


The meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions (MICE) sector is one of the more rapidly growing market segments of Australian tourism. While demand for this form of tourism is increasing, there are several issues on the supply side which must be addressed. The paper identifies five key challenges relating to promoting cooperative behaviour among industry stakeholders, government support, infrastructure, training and service and marketing which must be met to maximise the scale and scope of these benefits. The paper discusses these issues in turn and assesses the implications for stakeholders in both the public and private sector. It concludes with some observations regarding the development of MICE tourism in Australia.  相似文献   

会展旅游的概念内涵与市场开发   总被引:51,自引:2,他引:51  
许峰 《旅游学刊》2002,17(4):56-59
基于对国内外文献的整理和对会展活动发生发展的思考,本文提出了会展旅游及其相关领域的概念界定,并着重从旅游业与会展业互动的关系出发追索会展旅游活动的特点,从而进一步阐述了会展旅游市场开发的能力培育问题,提出了相应的展望与预测。  相似文献   

Augmented reality (AR) is increasingly used as a marketing, information and experience channel within the tourism industry. However, little is known with regards to the actual value of AR for the tourism industry, with most research still in its infancy. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to explore the perceived value of AR for the tourism industry from the perspective of tourism experts. Using a qualitative and exploratory approach, this study conducted fifteen interviews with tourism experts in order to explore tourism specific AR value dimensions. Interviews were analysed using thematic analysis. This study revealed five value dimensions including marketing, economic, tourist, epistemic and organisational. Commonalities and differences between different perspectives are discussed. These findings provide important implications for strategy development, AR implementation, and tourist experience design.  相似文献   

Gamification has become a focus of attention in an increasing number of fields including business, education, and health care. Through a wide range of applications and support functions, its potential for the tourism industry is significant. Gamification of tourism can contribute to a more rewarding interactions and higher level of satisfaction, as well as increase brand awareness and loyalty to the destination. As one of the first attempts to conceptualize gamification of tourism, this paper examines gaming in general terms and the application of it in specific tourism fields. It identifies game design elements that can contribute to a meaningful gamification. A few cases of best practices are presented to show how this innovative concept can benefit tourism marketing. Implications for tourism marketing and management are discussed as well as future research recommendations.  相似文献   

Recently, medical tourism has been considered as a profitable economic sector in developing countries. In this study, we have reviewed articles from 2000 to 2017 on medical tourism marketing in Asian countries. We have found that perceived service quality and satisfaction are the most important factors to attract medical tourists. Moreover, a lack of factors like coordination among medical market stakeholders, medical services quality, insurance coverage, and effective laws are the major barriers to medical travel cited in studies. The results suggest that more specific models should be presented for Asian medical marketing, especially in niche markets of this industry.  相似文献   

This study reviews marketing research published in selected hospitality and tourism journals for the period of 2002–2003. The review includes summaries of research topics, industry applications, and methods of study design and data analyses. Significant topical research trends are identified and discussed to raise issues for future research. Included also are the industry-specific current trends and issues that dictate immediate research attention. The gaps between hospitality and tourism marketing research and industry's research needs are addressed to encourage additional research on neglected topics. The study concludes with general suggestions for future hospitality and tourism marketing research.  相似文献   


This paper is a case study of the repositioning of New Orleans as a tourism destination after the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. It examines the event from a post-disaster marketing viewpoint and first outlines the tourism industry in New Orleans before Hurricane Katrina, including visitor profile, destination image, and positioning statements. The article then recounts the effects of the hurricane on the tourism infrastructure. The effectiveness of recovery marketing strategies, including the repositioning strategies undertaken by the city's tourism marketing organizations, is examined. The disaster management frameworks as discussed in the literature are revisited and extended to include the lessons learned for post disaster market repositioning.  相似文献   

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