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国家间差异是影响跨国合作创新的关键因素,然而,已有文献较少涉及国家制度和文化差异影响研究。试图从国家制度和文化视角探讨国家间差异对跨国合作创新的影响。在区分正式制度距离与非正式制度距离的基础上,采用2005-2019年17个国家相互之间共同发明专利数据,实证分析两类制度距离对跨国合作创新绩效的影响,并进一步检验文化严格程度在这一影响过程中的调节作用。研究表明,正式制度距离和非正式制度距离均对跨国合作创新绩效具有显著负向影响;文化严格程度减弱了正式制度距离的影响,却增强了个人主义/集体主义和长期导向/短期导向两个维度上非正式制度距离的影响,但对其它维度和总体非正式制度距离影响的调节作用并不显著。结论不仅揭示了不同国家文化环境下制度距离对跨国合作创新绩效的影响机制,还可为各国制定跨国合作创新战略以及我国应对中美科技合作挑战提供理论指导和参考。  相似文献   

李彦龙  李燕 《金融评论》2023,(1):62-80+123
数字金融与收入差距是当前中国乃至全世界面临的两大重要课题。本文尝试采用多维数据从国内与国外、宏观与微观、直接与间接等多个视角综合考察数字金融对收入差距的影响。本文首先从宏观层面的国内、国外两大视角出发检验数字金融与收入差距之间的关系及其影响机制,之后以中国上市公司数据为样本,对数字金融存在的拉大高收入群体间收入差距的作用进行了检验,并有以下发现。第一,数字金融缩小了国家内部的收入差距,但数字金融与收入差距间存在着潜在“U”型关系,创新是上述潜在“U”型关系的重要解释,这与以往研究显示的简单线性关系不同。第二,数字金融拉大了国家之间的收入差距,并且这种扩大趋势在高收入国家中更加明显。第三,数字金融拉大了高收入群体间的收入差距,这一结论同时得到宏观和微观两个层面的实证支持。整体来看,本文不仅为数字金融与收入差距关系提供了新的经验证据,而且为如何通过数字金融发展缩小收入差距、实现共同富裕提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

在经济全球化的背景下,国际贸易的结构和规模随着生产要素的跨国流动产生了深刻的变化。本文以中国与“一带一路”沿线36个国家为样本,将资本和技术流动作为解释变量加入引力模型,分析了“一带一路”沿线国家间的要素流动对双边贸易的影响。实证分析发现,贸易伙伴国的经济规模、双边距离、中国对外直接投资存量均对两国对外贸易量具有显著影响。伙伴国国际专利申请数对中国的贸易总量和出口贸易影响显著,但对中国进口贸易的影响并不明显。中国与“一带一路”沿线国家的贸易潜力巨大。促进资本和技术的跨国有序流动对双边贸易具有明显的促进效应。中国在促进要素跨国有序流动的同时要着力培育核心优质要素参与国际分工,从而进一步提升国际竞争力。  相似文献   

地区间收入差距的扩大是地区发展不平衡的集中体现。数字普惠金融的发展是否起到了缩小地区间收入差距的作用依然存在争论,其作用机制同样值得进一步讨论。本文基于2007-2018年中国城市面板数据,实证研究了数字普惠金融对地区间收入差距的影响。实证表明:(1)数字普惠金融与地区收入差距存在着显著的正“U”型关系。(2)数字普惠金融与地区间资本错配存在着显著的倒“U”型关系。数字普惠金融发展到一定程度才能通过降低地区间资本错配来缩小地区间的收入差距。(3)扩展分析结果表明,数字普惠金融与前沿技术差距之间存在显著的倒“U”型关系。在替换核心变量度量方式以及考虑可能的内生性问题以后,主要研究结论依然成立。  相似文献   

中国城镇就业收入差距的扩大及其原因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放以来,随着中国城镇国有企业改革和私营企业的迅速发展,中国城镇就业者收入结构发生了巨大的变化,收入差距不断扩大。本文采用1988年和2007年中国住户收入调查(CHIP)城镇数据,分析了城镇个人就业收入差距不断扩大的幅度及其影响因素。本文的研究结果表明,劳动力市场对就业者人力资本的回报显著提高,成为收入不平等扩大的主要贡献因素。除此之外,性别间、省份间收入差距的扩大,都对城镇就业收入不平等的加剧有显著的影响作用。  相似文献   

本文利用全球2005-2017年的国别数据和双重差分法,系统检验了"一带一路"倡议对共建国家收入差距的影响效应.检验结果表明:"一带一路"倡议的实施对共建国家的收入差距水平具有显著的缩小作用,使得共建国家较非共建国家收入差距水平平均降低了8.9%.这说明"一带一路"倡议的实施有利于缩小共建国家的收入差距.此外,本文还发现,"一带一路"倡议同时缩小了相邻共建国家和非相邻共建国家的收入差距水平,且更大程度上缩小了相邻共建国家的收入差距水平;该倡议虽然显著缩小了陆上丝绸之路国家的收入差距水平,但对海上丝绸之路国家没有产生显著影响.本文研究表明,基础设施建设、互联互通能够通过缩短区域空间距离,提高可达性,降低时间成本、交易成本和运输成本,加快要素流动,并降低垄断程度,从而缩小共建国家的收入差距水平,促进社会公平,为共建国家的和谐发展创造条件.  相似文献   

货币政策并不以缓解收入分配差距为目标,但近年来兴起的相关理论研究发现它具有直接或间接的收入分配效应。本文选取125个国家和地区1980—2021年的面板数据实证分析了货币政策的收入分配效应,并以中国、日本和韩国为实例进行比较分析。研究表明,扩张性货币政策有助于缩小收入差距,并且,数量型货币政策的效应比价格型货币政策更为显著;劳动收入正向调节数量型货币政策与收入差距间的关系;而通货膨胀正向调节数量型货币政策与收入差距间的关系,即负向调节价格型货币政策与收入差距间的关系;此外,财政再分配水平提高有助于发挥扩张性货币政策缩小收入差距的效应。  相似文献   

本文分析了改革开放以来中国城乡收入不平等的变动趋势,采用中国1995-2009年省级面板数据实证考察了财政支出规模及支出结构对城乡收入差距的影响效应。研究结果表明:由于长期实施的财政支出城市偏向分配机制,财政支出显著地扩大了城乡间收入差距;而不同项目的财政支出对城乡收入差距的影响互异,其中农林水务支出能够显著缩小城乡间相对收入差距,而公共安全支出以及社会保障支出的受益范围主要局限于城市,显著不利于城乡间收入状况的改善。本文的政策含义是:要扭转城乡收入差距不断扩大的趋势,必须转变财政支出市民导向的既定模式,进一步加大对农村地区的社会文教以及农林水务支出,扩大公共安全支出和社会保障支出在农村的覆盖率。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展,居民收入差距不断拉大,经济增长引发了一系列环境问题.从供给和需求的角度分析表明收入差距的扩大会加剧环境污染;结合我国的具体情况,我国目前不仅城乡收入差距显著,而且地区间的收入差距也在不断的扩大,具体从城乡收入差距与地区收入差距两个视角来分析我国收入差距对中国环境污染的影响,分析表明收入差距的扩大会促进我国环境污染的加剧.  相似文献   

胡晓 《财经科学》2010,(12):83-90
本文从房地产同时具有消费属性和资产属性出发,通过构建一个理论模型,分析收入差距对房地产价格的影响机制,理论模型认为收入差距对房地产价格具有正向影响,经济的基本面和房地产的基本面对房价的上涨不具有完全的解释力。在理论模型的基础上,利用中国的数据实证分析收入差距对中国房地产价格的影响,实证结果表明收入差距对房地产价格具有显著的正向影响,说明中国当前较大的收入差距是房地产价格上升的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

This study explores the factors that affect visits between national leaders in the world, shedding light on their ancestral origins. We combine data on visits involving Chinese leaders from 1993 to 2013 with genetic distance that captures ethnic differences transmitted intergenerationally. Empirical analysis shows that there are more visits between Chinese leaders and leaders of countries that have smaller genetic distance to China. Furthermore, the impact of genetic distance is achieved primarily through trade and positioning of political relationships, which are proxies for economic and political exchanges, respectively. Our findings show that ancestral relatedness plays an important part in modern diplomatic activities.  相似文献   

市场因素和政府收入再分配政策是决定一国居民收入不平等程度的两个重要因素。本文采用中国家庭收入调查(China Household Income Project ,CHIP)住户数据,计算出我国居民市场收入基尼系数与可支配收入基尼系数,并同发达国家进行比较,借此探讨目前我国居民收入不平等是由市场力量造成的,还是政府收入再分配政策力度不足的结果。研究发现,从市场收入基尼系数来看,我国与发达国家之间的差距并不大。由此认为,政府收入再分配政策效果不明显是导致我国居民收入分配不平等状况较发达国家严重的主要原因。加大转移支付等再分配政策力度是缓解和改善目前我国居民收入不平等的主要途径。  相似文献   

Income, income inequality, and health: Evidence from China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper tests using survey data from China whether individual health is associated with income and community-level income inequality. Although poor health and high inequality are key features of many developing countries, most of the earlier literature has drawn on data from developed countries in studying the association between the two. We find that self-reported health status increases with per capita income, but at a decreasing rate. Controlling for per capita income, we find an inverted-U association between self-reported health status and income inequality, which suggests that high inequality in a community poses threats to health. We also find that high inequality increases the probability of health-compromising behavior such as smoking and alcohol consumption. Most of our findings are robust to different measures of health status and income inequality. Journal of Comparative Economics 34 (4) (2006) 668–693.  相似文献   

This article assesses the empirical relationship between per capita income growth fluctuations and the age-structured human capital variations across four groups of geographically clustered developed and developing countries from spatial perspective. We estimate a spatial Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model of income dynamics where the distance between countries is defined on relational space based on their similarity in appropriation tendency of human capital in the production processes. These distances are computed using a newly developed human capital data set which fully characterizes the demographic structure of human capital, and thus underlines the joint relevance of demography and human capital in economic growth. Spatial effects on growth interdependence and complementarity are then explored with respect to the proposed distance metrics. Our results imply that significant cross-country growth interdependence based on human capital distances exists among defined country groups suggesting the need for a cooperative policy programme among them. We also find that the relationship between economic growth and human capital is highly nonlinear as a function of the proposed human capital distance.  相似文献   

Does the effect of international trade on income growth depend on the economy’s level of development? More specifically, is trade more beneficial to lower income economies? Does trade contribute to a smaller international income inequality? The present paper seeks to answer these questions by employing the empirical model of Frankel and Romer (1999 ), which shows trade increases income growth in a cross section of 150 countries. We find evidence in support of the hypothesis that international trade benefits the lower income economies more than it benefits the higher income economies. This finding is robust in the presence of control variables including distance from the equator and institutional quality.  相似文献   

在研究我国现阶段分配问题时应该重视研究劳动所得,不应把重点放在非劳动收入上,劳动所得可以通过按劳分配获得,也可以通过按要素分配获得。生产要素按贡献参与分配的原则不等于按生产要素分配,生产要素按贡献参与分配原则中的“贡献”是指对使用价值生产的贡献,不能用分配工作的具体形式的某些共同性模糊不同分配方式的根本区别。  相似文献   

Haitao Yin  Kai Zhu 《Applied economics》2016,48(28):2587-2599
While it has stabilized in developed world, the per capita residential electricity consumption (REC) in developing countries such as China is growing very rapidly and this trend is very likely to continue. Built upon a provincial level panel data, we employ a partial adjustment model to investigate the future trend of REC in China and factors that affect it. We estimate the income and price short-term and long-term elasticities for urban and rural China, respectively and compare the results with REC studies in other countries or regions. The findings provide useful information to understand how the REC would grow in China as household income increases and how effective that price could be as an intervention tool.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship between income and corruption which provides an insight to the changes in the level of perceived corruption and economic development across countries. An existing shortcoming is that previous studies have focused only on detecting the linear effects of income on corruption. We therefore use the hierarchical polynomial regression to evaluate any existence of a non-linear relationship after controlling for socio-economic and institutional factors. Our results challenge some of the findings of a negative income–corruption association in the literature, and provide some new inferences. The findings indicate a quadratic function that best fits the data, and despite an upsurge of corruption among the low-to-medium income countries, the advanced stages of development eventually reduce corruption level substantially. The results persist when per capita income is instrumented for by latitude distance and life expectancy. The policy implications suggest a combination of economic, institutional and social policies that can effectively, in turn, reduce and lower the effects of corruption on the society, economy and development.  相似文献   

This study empirically analyzes the direct impacts derived from the swift increase in exports to China (referred to as “the impact of China”) on the economic growth of three selected South American countries, Brazil, Chile, and Peru, during the commodity boom between 2001 and 2008. The results stemming from the balance-of-payments-constrained growth model suggest that the magnitude of China’s impact was less than 1 percent, although it ranged from the largest to the second largest impact among all trading partners for the three countries. The estimated balance-of-payments growth rate of domestic income is lower than the real growth rate of domestic income. This is because the growth rates of the export volumes were not sufficient even during the commodity boom, on account of the continued increasing trends of income elasticity of demand for imports. Furthermore, the income elasticities of demand for imports from China were especially high. Therefore, the three countries will continue to face further increase in the income elasticity of demand for imports as well as a stagnant growth rate of export volumes. Thus, the balance-of-payments position will continue to be the main growth constraint for these countries.  相似文献   

Economic and social policies vary across countries, reflecting their cultures and shaping them. People in some countries are more loss averse than in others. People in some countries express stronger preferences for income equality than do people in others, and some countries offer stronger safety nets than others do. The cultural dimension of uncertainty avoidance expresses the degree to which people in a country feel uncomfortable with uncertainty and the way a country deals with the fact that the future can never be known. The author finds that uncertainty avoidance is associated with loss aversion. People are more loss averse in the domains of both portfolios and jobs in countries where uncertainty avoidance is high. Moreover, people in countries where uncertainty avoidance is high express stronger preferences for income equality, and social spending in such countries is high. The cultural dimension of power distance expresses the degree to which the less powerful members of a society accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. The author finds that people in countries where power distance is high express weaker preference for income equality, and social spending in such countries is low.  相似文献   

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