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基于异质性企业全要素生产率和融资约束视角,从理论和实证两个方面对我国出口企业选择加工贸易的原因进行了研究。理论分析表明,生产率较低、融资约束较高的企业倾向于选择加工贸易从事出口;采用2000-2006年中国工业企业数据库和中国海关进出口数据库对应后的数据、利用probit二元离散选择模型和工具变量ivprobit模型估计方法的实证结果表明,我国出口企业融资约束程度越大、生产率水平越低,越倾向于选择加工贸易。稳健性检验结果进一步表明,融资约束较为严重、生产率水平较低的加工贸易企业,将提高加工贸易强度。  相似文献   

笔者采用2001年~2007年中国工业企业微观面板数据,基于所有制、资本密集度、企业规模等企业异质性,探索出口强度、吸收能力与生产率之间的关系。研究结果表明:中国出口企业存在生产率优势,但出口强度与生产率呈倒U型关系,一方面纯出口企业拉低了出口企业的整体水平,另一方面短期内负的学习效应导致生产率下降。吸收能力则有利于企业生产率的提高,对出口活动具有正向调节效应,即当吸收能力较强时,随着企业出口强度的增加,生产率有所提升。  相似文献   

采用企业层面数据,实证检验出口对高技术企业生产率的影响,结果发现,中国高技术企业存在较为明显的出口学习效应,但随时间而递减。此外,还考察企业所有制、补贴强度、中间投入强度、研发强度,以及出口强度等对高技术企业生产率的影响,并根据实证结果,提出一些建议。  相似文献   

本文通过参数和半参数的方法对中国1998-2007年的制造业生产率进行估计并做横向对比.在分行业考察出口企业和非出口企业生产率后发现:(1)半参数的估计方法能较好的解决同时性偏误和样本选择偏误带来的估计结果有偏的问题,并且OP法优于LP法;(2)从总体来看,除沿用前人将资本和劳动贡献率分别赋值1/3和2/3的方法证实了“生产率悖论”存在外,在其他相对更为准确的估计方法下出口企业的平均生产率均高于非出口企业;(3)样本初期的出口企业的生产率均高于非出口企业.随着时间的推移,非出口企业追赶并超过了出口企业的生产率,从而呈现部分行业在特定年份非出口企业生产率更高的情形.经过进一步分析,我们认为这一现象并未违背Melitz这一静态模型的结论,因此将其称为“生产率悖论”可能并不准确.  相似文献   

胡兵  张明 《财经科学》2011,(1):82-90
本文在运用非参数DEA方法测算中国省际Malmquist生产率指数基础上,构建动态面板模型实证检验了中国蓬勃发展的加工贸易出口是否促进了生产率增长。结果发现,加工贸易出口对中国生产率增长的促进作用并不显著,市场化水平、人力资本、研发能力、二元结构状况、金融发展、基础设施以及宏观经济稳定等因素制约了这一作用的发挥;而且,在全国尤其是中西部地区,市场化水平、基础设施等多个变量的平均值尚未达到促进这一作用发挥的临界值。  相似文献   

刘斌  屠新泉  王杰 《财经研究》2015,(11):83-94
出口目的地会影响企业生产率吗?何种类型的企业会在出口目的地的选择中受益?文章在新新贸易理论的基础上,试图进一步解释中国企业生产率持续增长的原因.文章采用中国工业企业数据和中国海关进出口数据的合并数据,运用倾向评分匹配和倍差法解决样本选择的内生性问题,系统考察了出口市场转变对企业生产率的影响.研究表明:(1)与只出口到发展中国家的企业相比,企业出口目的地由发展中国家转向发达国家后,生产率得到了更大幅度的提高,在运用两阶段最小二乘法控制计量模型的内生性问题后,检验结果依然稳健;(2)民营企业和多产品企业在出口目的地由发展中国家转向发达国家后,其生产率提升更为明显,而且出口阅历的积累更有利于企业出口学习效应的发挥和创新能力的提高.文章结论对中国企业的出口目的地选择以及不同类型企业生产率的提升具有重要的启示.  相似文献   

余心玎 《技术经济》2014,(4):107-113
采用1998—2007年中国工业企业数据,对出口与生产率的关系进行了再探讨,具体研究了出口企业是否具有更高的生产率、企业在做出口决策的过程中是否存在自我选择机制以及出口行为本身是否能促进企业生产率的增长。研究结果显示:当用TFP衡量生产率时,企业出口决策中存在自我选择机制,因此出口企业的生产率相对较高——这与异质企业贸易模型的预期结果一致;当用劳动生产率(人均附加值)衡量企业生产率时,则"生产率悖论"存在,即出口者的生产率反而较低;当企业刚进入出口市场时,其生产率会经历短期的快速增长,但从长期来看,出口对企业生产率增长的作用在整体上是负向的。  相似文献   

本文基于异质性企业贸易理论,利用中国700余家汽车企业的微观数据,实证分析了企业生产率与出口行为的关系。出口企业的生产率水平高于非出口企业,生产率水平决定企业的出口决策,总体上存在企业的自我选择效应。在一定条件下,生产率水平最高的企业进入发达国家市场,生产率较高的企业进入发展中国家市场,而生产率最低的企业在国内经营,生产率水平决定了企业的出口市场选择。以发达国家为出口市场的企业生产率的增长速度与非出口企业相比没有明显的差异,没有显著的出口学习效应,但是以发展中国家为出口市场的企业生产率的增长速度要高于非出口企业,存在显著的出口学习效应。  相似文献   

基于双城模型,本文构建了大城市企业生产率溢价的概念框架,考察了选择效应、分类效应、集聚效应与竞争效应如何导致城市间异质性企业生产率分布差异;同时,基于1998—2007年规模以上工业企业数据,实证回答了中国大城市的企业生产率溢价之谜。研究发现:(1)城市的企业生产率溢价是集聚效应、选择效应、分类效应和竞争效应共同作用的结果,不同行业中这四种作用的溢价贡献不同;(2)集聚效应提高了大部分行业的企业生产率溢价;(3)竞争效应不一定导致大城市企业生产率呈现更大的"贫富不均";(4)城市间异质性企业区位选择存在着"水往高处流"现象;(5)大城市并不一定有更高的市场进入门槛。  相似文献   

利用2000—2015年中国纺织服装业的相关数据,借助中国出口配额取消这一政策冲击,对中国企业的出口-生产率悖论进行了实证分析,并根据营商环境的相关数据提出假设——企业在寻租能力与创新能力上的双重异质性是理解该悖论的关键。在经典Melitz模型的基础上引入制度因素——企业的寻租能力,建立了具有二维异质性的拓展Melitz模型并进行了均衡分析,从企业选择的视角对悖论进行了全新解读,并据此讨论了反腐与企业创新的内在关系。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between firms’ productivity improvement and the volume of exports, and shows that it can be sometimes negative, which seems to be an empirical puzzle. The key lies in that we simultaneously take into account intermediate retailers (i.e. vertically) and multimarket linkages (i.e. horizontally). With convex cost functions, when market conditions worsen, the manufacturer increases supply to the retailer who is larger or more efficient in trade cost.  相似文献   

本文研究两个问题:一是不断深化的进口关税减免对我国企业生产率提升有何影响,二是企业参与加工贸易能否有助于促进企业生产率的提升。一方面,最终产品的进口关税减免强化了企业间在本土市场的竞争,从而有助于提高生产率;另一方面,企业参与加工贸易能得到额外的贸易所得,从而促进企业生产率的增长。通过采用2000—2006年间我国外贸产品的海关数据和规模以上制造业企业生产方面的大型微观数据,本文构建了各企业所面临的关税税率,并精确计算出企业的全要素生产率。基准回归结果显示,关税下降10%,企业生产率会上升大约3%—6%。更重要的是,在考虑企业间由所有权造成的差异性后,发现加工贸易企业相对于非加工贸易企业有更高的生产率。  相似文献   

Empirical papers show that successful exporting firms either use unaffiliated foreign trade intermediaries or own foreign wholesale subsidiaries. However, conventional trade theory models assume that producers can directly access foreign consumers. We introduce intermediaries in an international trade model where producers differ with respect to productivity as well as regarding their varieties' perceived quality and tradability. Trade intermediation is prone to frictions owing to the absence of enforceable cross‐country contracts while own wholesale subsidiaries require additional capital investment. The sorting pattern of firms depends on their degree of competitive advantage; the equilibrium prevalence of intermediation in the industry depends negatively on the heterogeneity among producers, and the market‐specificity of goods, and positively on expropriation risk. Using sectoral US export data by destination country, we confirm the empirical validity of these predictions.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of tariff reduction following China's World Trade Organization (WTO) entry on the productivity of Chinese manufacturing firms using a firm‐level panel database that comprises all of China's manufacturing firms with an annual turnover above 5 million yuan and that spans the period of 2000–2006. An instrumental variable estimator is used to account for the endogeneity of the tariff reduction. The results indicate that China's trade liberalization in the five years following its WTO entry has led to a 0.94% annual increase in total factor productivity for Chinese manufacturing firms. However, the overall productivity gain from the tariff reduction is a net result of a productivity depressing effect of output tariff reduction and a productivity enhancing effect of input tariff reduction. Both effects have diminished in magnitude over the years after China joined the WTO. Firm heterogeneity and turnover plays an important role in generating gains from trade liberalization. The surviving firms have managed to cope with and take advantage of lower tariffs. The extent to which the tariff reduction affects Chinese firms' productivity is also dependent on the ownership structure of the firms with foreign‐invested firms being the clear winner.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of broad capital in explaining Anglo-German labour productivity differences in manufacturing, where broad capital includes physical capital, workforce skills and R&D expenditure. All three forms of capital are found to have a significant impact on relative productivity but only workforce skills have a coefficient greater than that implied by standard ‘growth accounting’ methods. This is interpreted as supporting the idea that there are some external effects from human capital formation which raise the productivity of all workers in an industry. After allowing for broad capital the results suggest that Britain had a multifactor productivity advantage over Germany in the late 1980s.  相似文献   

This study examines the interdependency between Chinese agricultural and industrial sectors. A dual economic model was developed to investigate the relationship between the two sectors and factors affecting Chinese economic development. The study reveals that inputs, such as labor, are important to Chinese economic development. Capital investment contributed to the growth of the Chinese industrial sector. The results also suggest that foreign trade has made a significant contribution to economic development. Growth of the Chinese agricultural sector seems to depend on industrial growth, but growth of the industrial sector does not rely on agricultural growth.  相似文献   


In this paper we examine the relationships between business cycles in the G7 countries. We focus on whether recessionary periods in one country are independent of the timing of recessions in other countries in the G7, using three different methods for dating recessions. We find that the evidence is mixed on whether phases of the business cycle in North America and in European countries are independent, or whether there is a common phase structure in the business cycle across all the G7 economies. NBER dates suggest that business cycles are synchronised, while other methods for generating business cycle chronologies are more consistent with regional, rather than international cycles. We also find mixed evidence on whether the UK is synchronised with European countries, while Japan quite clearly has the cycle that is most independent of other G7 countries.  相似文献   

加工贸易梯度转移研究——基于“雁行理论”的视角   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
改革开放以来,中国加工贸易快速发展,但地区分布严重不均。由于中国中西部地区存在物流成本高、产业配套水平低、市场环境较差等问题,因此,应借鉴东亚国家和地区加工贸易梯度转移的经验,在"雁行理论"的指导下进行加工贸易梯度转移,以便形成更为合理而高效的"雁行"格局。  相似文献   

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