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军事谋略本来只是军事家的专利品,但随着市场经济的发展,它与企业家逐渐结下了不解之缘。 企业家的成功之道各有不同,但成功的企业家似乎都懂得运用军事谋略。像常胜将军指挥打仗一样指挥生产经营活动。由于这种现象的存在,启迪了不少企业家自觉地钻研军事谋略。日本的企业家很早就注重对孙子兵法的探讨,有的大公司还专门举办《孙子》学习班,轮训中  相似文献   

武警部队作为一支担负着社会治安保卫任务的人民武装力量,国家为了保证其职能履行,每年都要通过财政预算,在国家行政事业费中安排一定的资金拨付给武警部队使用,这是武警部队赖以生存、发展和进行职能活动的物质基础。武警部队作为纯粹的军事消费集团,部队内部的经费是一种价值的单方面转移,虽不存在因转移增值,但在经费的整个运动过程中,管理工作的好坏直接决定着预算经费保障能力的高低。随着社会主义市场经济的确立,武警部队财务工作不断出现新问题、新情况,加强预算经费管理已经成为时代的要求。在武警部队财务工作中占据越来越重要的地位。  相似文献   

武警部队的会计工作作为部队经济管理中活动的一种,合理的监督能够有效地达到维护部队经济的发展秩序,有效地提高部队效益。武警部队社会化发展的不断保障、深化下,对会计监督提出了更高的要求。文章就武警部队会计监督中存在的问题进行分析,进而找出相应地解决对策。  相似文献   

中国人民武装警察部队是我国重要的武装力量之一,武警院校学员肩负着武警部队现代化建设的晕要使命,他们的发展关系到整个武警部队的未来.  相似文献   

<正> 一个企业要使其经营蒸蒸日上,柳暗花明,其千头万绪的工作,首先是制定经营谋略。所谓企业经营谋略,是指企业在调查、分析、研究、预测的基础上,用自身的人力、财力、物力,为市场提供商品或服务的计谋策略。诸如商品开发谋略、生产谋略、营销谋略、盈利谋略等。一、经营关键谋略制胜  相似文献   

谋略有大小之分。大谋略往往从战略目的出发,小谋略常常从战术手段出发。但谋略不论大小,有效性是其必要的条件。而有效性则蕴寓在新、奇、巧之中,蕴寓在反常规之中。 避实就虚。面对强大的竞争对手,不是蛮干硬拼,而是尽量避开正面冲突,注重巧斗,以己之长攻其之短,掌握市场竞争的主动权,从总体上取胜。无锡县“红豆”制衣公司是一家后起之秀,“红豆”公司在初创时期,论技术、装  相似文献   

目的:利用信息技术将学术研究、教育培训与部队实践相结合,将科研与实际指导工作结合于一体,使广大武警官兵可以充分利用以往只有专家、军校学员才能利用的资源。方法:采用软件工程原理进行该平台的开发。结果:通过建设武警部队心理数据库,利用信息技术推动武警部队心理健康普及教育具有重要意义。它能将部队院校的优势与基层官兵的心理健康干预结合在一起,全面提升武警官兵的战斗力,均衡发展武警部队心理健康教育,提高研究水平。结论:武警部队心理数据库可以促进武警部队官兵心理健康发展。  相似文献   

发展战略是对企业发展的谋略,是成功企业必须具备的一种总体战略。随着全球经济一体化时代的到来,企业竞争的程度空前加剧,企业之间的竞争,说到底还是人力资源综合素质的竞争。文章从人力资源管理角度出发,提出了促进企业发展战略实施的措施。  相似文献   

姬海君  李炫 《物流技术》2008,27(5):130-132
应用层次分析法理论知识,分析了各指标因素在武警部队应急营房保障评价系统中的权重,通过定量计算,定性地指出武警部队物资编配中存在的问题,便于今后进一步解决,并对于提高应急物资编配科学决策水平具有重要作用。  相似文献   

警棍是武警部队和公安干警装备的一种常用装备器具,它对于保障武警部队和公安干警依法有效地执行任务、维护治安起着非常重要的作用。从当前警棍的材料、结构、功能、人机工程等方面进行分析查找不足,并得出了当前警棍的发展趋势。  相似文献   

邹军君 《价值工程》2013,(2):300-301
我们通过对武警部队基层干部生长渠道、情感认知、"载重量"等三个方面的分析,发现基层干部在知识结构、心理素质等方面出现了一些变化,通过对这些变化的了解,为下一步武警部队基层干部的教育管理打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种适合于快速接入、灵活操作的转接的跨频多路通信转接平台设计。可实现灾害现场多种制式的通信系统的互联互通,尤其对于重大灾害事故、突发事件现场,可以通信转接平台为核心,实现现场通信指挥组网,并可实现消防、公安、武警、人防等多部门资源共享、信息互通,为灾害现场指挥构建了较为完善的指挥平台。  相似文献   

刘瑾 《价值工程》2011,30(11):160-161
文章结合国内外对政策营销的研究,主要从政策、政策营销概念及其策略模式等方面进行了介绍。首先,介绍了政策概念的综述;其次,对政策营销的发展进行了总结,并且综述了政策营销的概念定义;最后,对政策营销的模式以及营销策略,进行了综合总结。  相似文献   

The UK has recently proposed to develop a set of criteria whereby the economic analysis of police force efficiency is to be made standard. This follows a strategy of aiming for improvement through managerialism and best value performance indicators, similar to those implemented by US police forces after the Government Performance and Results Act 1993. In this paper we attempt to put this recent development of efficiency targeting into a UK historical/evolutionary context and provide one of the first attempts to use data envelopment analysis to analyse the allocative, as well as technical efficiency, of police forces in England and Wales. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

第三方物流在我国的发展研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
郭强  黄学良 《物流科技》2004,27(10):19-21
通过对国内外物流发展的研究分析、总结第三方物流业在中国发展的优势.同时也认识到第三方物流发展与国外一些发达国家还有相当距离。作者对一些不足之处进行较为深入分析,并提出相应策略。  相似文献   

Australia, like many other countries, suffers high turnover of nurses and police officers. Contributions to effectively manage the turnover challenge have been called for, and there are few Australian studies of nursing/policing turnover intentions. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of supervisor–subordinate relationships and perceived organisational support (POS) upon engagement, well-being, organisational commitment and turnover intentions. Second, we examined the similarities and differences between nursing and policing work contexts. The retention of nurses/police has been investigated from traditional management perspectives; however, we used a different theoretical approach – social exchange theory – and evaluated its utility as a framework. Findings are from Australian data collected during 2010–2011 from 510 nurses and 193 police officers, using a survey-based, self-report strategy. Partial least squares path modelling was used to analyse these data. Results indicated that for both samples, engagement predicts well-being and then, well-being predicts affective commitment and intentions to leave. MANOVA results suggested that nurses had significantly higher levels of satisfaction with their supervisor–subordinate relationships, POS, engagement, well-being and affective commitment than police officers. Only the intention to leave was similar for both groups. Given that turnover can be influenced by supervisors/management, this study provides new knowledge about targeted retention strategies.  相似文献   

Defence markets     
Although defence is a classic example of a public good, there are extensive opportunities for applying market solutions to the armed forces and defence industries. There are possibilities for beneficial inter-service rivalry and for creating profit centres within the armed forces; substitution is possible between parts of the armed forces, and competition can be used for purchasing weapons and for market-testing activities traditionally undertaken'in-house'by the armed forces. The analysis has implications for the UK strategic defence review.  相似文献   


This paper uses Social Exchange Theory as a lens for comparing the impact of management support upon police perceptions of discretionary power and employee engagement, across three countries. A survey-based, self-report process collected data from 193 police officers in Australia, 588 from the USA, and 249 from Malta. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data. The findings suggest a significantly different management support context across the three countries, as well as significantly different perceptions of discretionary power. Across the three countries, police perceived relatively poor satisfaction with organizational management support and only some engagement levels. However, USA police perceived significantly more discretionary power than the other country samples. These findings provide greater clarity about the link between management support, discretionary power and engagement for the police officers. Since employee engagement likely affects policing outcomes, the findings suggest that poor management support of police officers could negatively affect the provided service. Potential strategies to enhance police engagement include (a) training police managers about how to manage so as to promote greater engagement, and (b) modifying police managers’ performance indicators in line with achieving better police engagement.  相似文献   

论RFID在军事物流领域中的应用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
赵宏涛 《物流科技》2005,28(9):44-46
随着新军事变革的深入开展,军队对后勤物资可视化管理的需求进一步增长,而RFID作为一种先进的非接触式自动识别技术,未来必将在军事物流领域得到广泛应用。本文探讨了RFID在外军中当前的应用情况.展望了其未来发展趋势.并对我军发展RFID提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

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