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在我国,企业营销道德问题的研究尚处于初步探索的阶段,并没有完整的理论框架。然而,随着全球经济一体化的发展,市场竞争的加剧,道德问题已成为企业不可忽视的重要方面。假冒伪劣,哄抬价格等营销道德的缺失现象已经严重地影响了企业的可持续发展,损害了社会及广大消费者的利益。本文主要从企业的角度,列举其在营销中道德缺失的一些表现,并提出加强营销道德建设的措施。  相似文献   

哪些因素影响企业员工做出道德决策.是现代企业管理者在实践中亟待解决的问题。本文综述了1978-2011年间英文道德决策实证研究中个人层面影响因素和研究结果.这些影响因素的研究为企业培育或干预员工的道德决策提供了有效的实证依据。  相似文献   

中国社会进入转型期以来,社会的方方面面都发生了巨大的变化。特别是由于经济体制和所有制形式的改变为企业的方方面面带来了前所未有的巨大变化,同时也带来了各种各样的问题,其中尤为突出的是道德问题,由于企业道德责任的缺失,带来了一系列的经济、社会、法律问题,本文通过揭示企业道德责任问题的表现、内涵来思考转型期中的企业道德治理问题,并提出解决问题的建议。  相似文献   

张莉  耿改智 《企业导报》2013,(1):127-128,30
道德,是人们在社会生活实践中关于善恶与是非的观念、情感和行为习惯,是依靠社会舆论和良心指导的人格完善与调节人与人、人与自然关系的规范系统。利益是道德的基础,利益的冲突产生了道德问题。企业的营销活动不可避免的会影响企业的利益相关者的利益。因此也就出现了营销道德问题。我国实行改革开放以来,推行社会主义市场经济体制,在传统社会向现代市场经济社会转型中的中国,传统道德的断层及商品经济带来的享乐主义的冲击。使营销人员的营销观念产生了偏差,产生了假冒伪劣、贿赂、欺骗、虚假广告等不道德营销行为,不仅侵害了消费者和社会大众的利益,而且对企业长远的发展非常不利。随着市场经济的发展和世界经济的加速融合,我国企业营销道德的问题愈显迫切。本文旨在从内部和外部两个方面,来分析我国企业营销道德缺失的原因,从而为尽快解决这一问题做出理论上的努力。  相似文献   

企业道德资本已是研究企业伦理的重要视角。本文主要依据当下我国企业道德资本建设存在的问题和社会发展的需要,从提升企业管理者的道德素养,塑造优秀的现代企业文化,健全相关机制,完善相关制度等方面,探讨了培育企业道德资本的主要途径。  相似文献   

企业道德资本已成为研究经济伦理的重要视角。本文试图将企业的人、事、物和由这三要素组织起来的企业管理制度与道德相结合进行研究,以期在道德力量的支援下,让企业运作更具效益,达到最佳状态,从而将柔性的道德渗透形成企业的无形资本,即道德资本。  相似文献   

人与组织道德匹配是从道德的角度分析员工与组织间的匹配问题。文章探讨了人-组织道德匹配的概念、模型及近年来的相关研究,认为当人与组织的道德匹配度高时,对员工的工作态度及行为有积极影响,建议从增加违约成本、加强舆论监督、改进企业领导者道德标准等方面提升企业道德。  相似文献   

陆丹 《企业导报》2012,(24):168-170
近年来随着企业道德危机的频繁发生及其带来的恶劣影响和重大损失,企业道德建设已成为公众、政府和企业日益关注的焦点问题。企业道德审计在企业道德建设中是十分重要的环节,而利益相关者理论的导入使得企业道德审计更为形象化和更具操作性。文章从企业道德的审计主体、内容、方法等方面具体探讨了有效的利益相关者视角企业道德审计体系的构建。  相似文献   

本文深入分析了我国企业管理道德建设的重要意义,分析了企业道德缺失的原因并提出了企业管理道德建设与评价的方法和途径,具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

服务性企业营销道德决策影响因素及模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪60年代以来,西方学者开始关注企业营销道德。近年来,我国理论界和实业界也开始关注企业的营销道德问题。然而,更多的研究集中于制造业企业的营销道德问题。近年来,随着服务业在国民经济生产总值中比例的不断上升以及人们生活水平的提高,服务业正成为人们生活中不可或缺的重要组成部分。而由于服务业自身的一些特性以及服务业尚未成熟,使得服务性企业的营销道德问题比制造型企业更突出,危害也更大。因而,本文对服务性企业营销道德决策影响因素进行分析,以促进服务业的健康、有序发展。  相似文献   

基于三层次金字塔模型的企业社会责任实现路径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高山  石建伟 《企业活力》2010,(10):83-86
企业社会责任是社会寄希望于企业履行之义务,社会不仅要求企业实现其经济上的使命,还期望企业能遵守法律、承担伦理责任、善行公益。目前我国企业社会责任缺失,急功近利的短期经营行为使企业的可持续发展能力受到削弱。企业价值最大化与企业社会责任的实现这两者之间是存在均衡的,是相辅相成的、相容的。应在制度设计、文化道德、内部管理、外部监督等方面加强建设,使履行社会责任成为企业的能动行为。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the ethical frameworks of social enterprises, out of two basic organizational documents which are unveiling the corporate moral discourse (codes of ethics and values statements). Three types of well-known social entreprises have been chosen : (1) charitable clubs and associations ; (2) cooperatives and mutuals ; (3) conventional private sector foundations. The main contribution of the article is to present the basic connections between social enterprises’moral discourses and some philosophical schools of thought. The paper show how the moral discourse of social entreprises is more or less philosophically coherent. Rational coherence could be applied to values (axiological coherence), or to the philosophical grounds of the discourse (philosophical coherence). The ethical framework of social entreprises is conveying business concerns as well as socially-focused and philosophically-rooted concerns. It is both enhancing economic (business-focused) and non-economic (social) aims. The philosophical challenge of social entreprises is to build up sense of collective identity, without having an ambiguous moral discourse. The moral discourse of social entreprises should have an inner coherence : the various documents (such as the code of ethics and the values statement) should enhance the same set of values. Moreover, if social entrepreneurs are unable to provide a basic philosophical orientation to their corporate moral discourse, then they will not contribute to any social change, since their moral discourse will not be trusted by anyone who is carefully reading the main organizational sources of corporate moral discourse.  相似文献   

Systematic investigation of leaders and their influence on organizations has been a major area of research interest. In examining the upper echelon-organizational outcome linkage, researchers have come to focus on the issue of executive succession. This focus has been due in large part to an emerging theoretical perspective that managerial differences may explain much of the variance in organizational outcomes. The purpose of this study is to ascertain whether or not top management succession affects subsequent corporate strategy. This article extends previous research efforts by longitudinally examining the linkage between executive succession and the extent of corporate strategic change across a sample of Fortune 1000 diversified firms. The findings confirm that the nature of executive succession has substantial consequences for corporate strategy. Firms have a greater likelihood of experiencing significant changes in strategy when they choose successors from outside the organization; firms that select their key executives by promoting from within are more likely to experience significantly less change in their corporate strategy. The results of this longitudinal investigation of the strategic outcomes of succession have significant implications for those in a position to select successors to the executive ranks.  相似文献   

Contracts to Communities: A Processual Model of Organizational Virtue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
abstract In the face of systemic challenges to corporate legitimacy, scholars and managers alike have been rethinking traditional answers to the question: What does it take to be a good company? We approach this question in two novel ways. We offer a normative answer, grounded in virtue ethics, by introducing a threefold typology of organizational forms. The moral goodness of each form depends on the congruence between its purpose and virtues. But we also offer a positive answer in the form of a processual model which traces corporate goodness to its empirical antecedents and consequences. The model defies a view of organizations as innately good or evil, but rather portrays virtue as the sediment of a value infusion process. We predict that if managers succeed in establishing in their organizations the kind of virtues necessary to support collective moral agency, they can expect to reap gains like enhanced effectiveness and legitimacy. However, when they neglect their moral responsibilities, the result will likely be organizational demise.  相似文献   

Corporate reputation (CR) is an increasingly emphasized issue in the management and organizational studies. Many research studies on the corporate reputation have revealed the impact of that issue on the informal performances of employees. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between corporate reputation and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The survey method has been conducted through random sampling. Four TV companies and four banks have been included in the survey. Results have been evaluated comparatively across two different sectors. The research has been composed of two parts; in the first part the corporate reputations of the chosen companies have been measured according to the Cravens et al. (2003) index. In the second part of the research the organizational citizenship behaviors of the employees in the eight companies have been measured and the relationship between corporate reputations of the companies and the employees’ OCBs have been analyzed through the correlation and regression analysis. It is revealed that there is a statistically significant effect of CR on OCB.  相似文献   

员工绿色行为作为提升组织环保绩效、促进企业可持续发展的关键因素,越来越多的学者对其进行了深入探讨。然而,现有研究大多从态度、动机和领导者行为等方面考察员工绿色行为的形成过程,忽视了组织特征因素,以及员工内在的道德认知和道德情绪因素的共同作用。本文基于道德决策理论,从理性道德认知和非理性道德情绪出发,建构企业社会责任特征与员工绿色行为的关系模型,并分析员工的道德认知与道德情绪交互作用对员工绿色行为的即时影响。研究结果将从道德决策视角拓展员工绿色行为的理论版图;实践上为培育员工的生态素养、激发员工绿色行为寻求道德动力,为组织环保实践和绿色可持续发展提供管理依据和策略。  相似文献   

如何激励高管主动承担企业社会责任一直是学术研究的热点话题。利用中国A股上市公司数据对高管股权激励与企业社会责任间的关系进行实证检验,研究结果表明,高管股权激励能够推动企业承担社会责任,表现为实施股权激励的样本有更高的企业社会责任得分。在年度政策不确定程度更高的样本中,高管股权激励对企业社会责任有更明显的推动作用;在地区市场化程度更高的样本中,高管股权激励对企业社会责任有更明显的抑制作用。作用机制检验表明,高管股权激励主要通过激励风险承担和缓和融资约束两条路径对企业承担社会责任产生积极的影响,表现为在风险回避倾向更高的样本以及融资约束更严重的样本中,股权激励与企业社会责任得分的正相关关系更显著。经济后果检验表明,实施股权激励企业的社会责任得分越高,企业的财务业绩和市场业绩也越好。  相似文献   

This paper uses a sample of Chinese firms to examine the impact of corporate opacity on the relationship between family control and firms’ cost of debt. We find that family control is associated with a lower cost of debt on average, and a negative impact exists mainly in firms with relatively low corporate opacity. We further provide evidence that the moderating effect of corporate opacity becomes more pronounced when investors’ perception of controlling families’ moral hazard of expropriation is higher. Our results are robust to alternative opacity proxies and controlling for endogeneity of family control using the instrumental variable method. Our study highlights that controlling families are heterogeneous in their impact on the shareholder–debtholder relationship in family firms, and debtholders view corporate opacity as an important reference in assessing the extent of potential agency conflicts in China.  相似文献   

Global surveys of business leaders identify the environment as a major issue of concern, but uncertainties about how to address the challenges of environmental sustainability are cited as a significant inhibitor to business responses. Persistent levels of corporate uncertainty in this domain may be due to the complexity of issues and difficulties in meaningfully capturing this complexity. Calls have been made for new ways to produce knowledge about complex societal challenges, including environmental sustainability. This paper aims to reduce business uncertainties and to stimulate business and research initiatives. The paper describes a field study of a global corporation's pioneering responses to environmental sustainability. The study highlights academic and practitioner collaboration to generate, transfer and implement new knowledge through an innovative research approach. The outcome is a transdisciplinary, exploratory model, presenting a progression of integrated activities and processes within eight categories of corporate responses. Implications for research and practice are considered. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

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