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本文通过研究旅游与文化之间的内在联系,对培育秦皇岛"山、海之城"的旅游文化品牌进行了深入探讨,对秦皇岛旅游业的发展及旅游资源合理利用具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

随着生活水平的不断提高,人们对精神文化的需求也日益提高。本文首先诠释了什么是文化。然后,指出了打造石家庄文化特色品牌的重要性,最后,对如何打造石家庄文化特色品牌,全面提升石家庄文化内涵和品位进行了积极的探索,并给出了建设性的意见。  相似文献   

亚洲文化相对于其他文明,有非常鲜明的自身特色,因此形成了独特的区域人群特质及哲学,并渗透到生活的方方面面。同样也给酒店文化打上了鲜明的亚洲烙印。文章通对亚洲代表酒店品牌的个案分析,探讨了亚洲文化导入酒店品牌后的创新行为,为亚洲酒店品牌发展进行了有益的思考。  相似文献   

姬璇 《品牌》2013,(11)
社区文化是公共文化服务体系建设中最基层、最前沿的内容,而社区文化品牌则是社区优秀文化的集中体现,是社区文化品牌化的结果。社区文化具有四个特征:一是价值导向性;二是情感归属性;三是行为引导性;四是教育实践性。打造社区文化特色品牌,需从积极推进社区文化活动阵地建设、精心打造社区文化活动品牌、不断深化社区文化活动内涵、努力提高社区文化活动水平、积极开展科普进社区活动等几方面着手。  相似文献   

中都草原度假村位于坝上草原的核心区域,因其位于元代中都遗址而得名。但在其旅游业的发展过程中忽略了旅游者需求的多样性和个性化特征。针对张家口元中都草原旅游区在建设草原文化特色品牌过程出现的问题,笔者通过此文做了如下分析并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

纪峰  王建彦 《商》2014,(23):234+208-234
文化力是区域软实力的重要构成,区域特色文化品牌代表着区域的文化特色和个性,区域特色文化品牌的打造能够促进区域的持续健康发展。分析了区域特色文化品牌的内涵及意义,并分析了宿迁打造项羽文化品牌的现状以及存在的问题,在此基础之上提出了宿迁打造项羽文化品牌的对策:提升品牌背书效应;增强辐射效应;提倡全民参与,进行全员营销;发掘品牌价值,塑造品牌个性。  相似文献   

李宁文化特色对我国运动品牌营销的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上个世纪90年代以后,我国的运动品牌市场开始探索并逐渐形成。特别是本世纪初,大量运动品牌的出现带来了我国运动品市场发展的春天。在各种品牌层出不穷的今天,李宁作为上个世纪体育品牌的领军人物,一直在国内和国际市场上占据着重要的的地位。一个企业的发展,与自身企业文化的建设有着密切的联系,李宁品牌在发展的过程中形成了自身特有的文化气息。本文的主要内容就是通过对李宁的文化特色进行分析,为我国运动品牌的发展提供一些建议和意见。  相似文献   

新时期随着教育文化事业的繁荣发展,高职院校迎来了新的发展机遇,在新时期其发展朝着健康方向运转,在实践中我们发现高职院校对校园文化建设的重视程度在逐渐提升,打造行业特色院校成为目前高职院校校园文化建设的重要内容之一,对高职校园建设和发展产生了积极的影响。本文主要是对建设行业特色院校以及创建校园文化品牌的简单分析和介绍,希望可以起到抛砖引玉的作用,对高职院校的发展产生积极影响。  相似文献   

打造具有中原特色的文化品牌对促进中原经济区建设、促进中部地区崛起具有重要意义和推动作用。通过挖掘中原地区文化中蕴含的特色元素,对中原文化资源进行分类,为塑造中原文化品牌提供可借鉴的思路。  相似文献   

李兰  蒙婷怡 《北方经贸》2012,(4):66-67,74
公共文化服务的提供应由公共财政负责,相应的财政机制更应完善。从多视角将当前国内众多研究对公共文化服务方面财政机制的看法与反映进行总结,探讨这些层面研究的内涵、可参考性,认为在机制细节理论设计方面有不完善之处,通过调研全面考察、研究可以完善我国财政机制。  相似文献   

品牌价值研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高鑫  董志文 《江苏商论》2014,(11):17-21
基于中国知网和期刊论文网,锁定"品牌价值"为关键词,选取2004—2014的国内学术文献进行整理、归纳、分析,研究得出近年已有有关品牌价值的学术成果主要集中于两大研究方向,综述结果为品牌价值研究视角较狭窄,影响因素缺乏系统性;研究内容与具体实践相脱离,政府性行为有待完善,品牌价值测量模糊,研究方法缺乏专业性和创新性等。  相似文献   

运用生态学和复杂性科学前沿理论,研究城市品牌生态系统协同演化问题,是城市品牌理论和实践的全新视角。本文基于生态学理论,提出了全新的城市品牌与城市品牌生态系统概念,运用CAS理论,阐释了城市品牌生态系统的特征和机制。  相似文献   

Given the potential utility of brand personality for marketers, the present research conceptualizes and investigates the relationships between five brand personality dimensions and brand trust as well as brand affect. This research proposes that some brand personality dimensions relate more to brand trust, whereas other dimensions relate more to brand affect. The results suggest that Sincerity and Ruggedness brand personality dimensions are more likely to influence the level of brand trust than brand affect, whereas the Excitement and Sophistication dimensions relate more to brand affect than to brand trust. The Competence dimension appears to have similar effects on both brand trust and brand affect. The research findings are consistent with marketing and consumer researchers' assertions that brand personality can increase levels of brand trust and evoke brand affect, which in turn builds the level of brand loyalty. Theoretical and practical contributions and implications are discussed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is two-fold. First, to explore the factors that help to create brand equity in cultural organizations from the visitor viewpoint and second, to examine the impact of cultural brand equity on visitor satisfaction as well as on future intentions. A model of the relationships is developed and empirically tested using data collected from visitors attending The Ages of Mankind cultural exhibition in Castilla and León, Spain. In the present study, evidence is found to support the propositions that brand equity is closely linked to the particular image it conveys, to the event's recognition, the quality of the exhibitions and the cultural values it transmits. Brand equity also impacts visitor perception of the most recent exhibition, as well as future intentions to attend or even pay an admission fee.  相似文献   

Brand-extension strategies enhance success chances of new products, even though they expose brand image to dilution risks. The present work analyzes how brand-extension evaluation can affect the current brand image and proposes a theoretical model formed by five main factors related to brand associations, extension congruency and extension attitude. The model estimation includes structural equation analysis using data from 699 surveys developed under market conditions. The results verify that extension attitude influences brand image, whereas initial brand associations and perceived fit between the new product and either the remaining products (category fit) or the brand image (image fit) are able to strengthen consumer attitude. The study also explains the role of consumer innovativeness as a moderating factor, suggesting that the characteristics of consumer personality could be more important than expected.  相似文献   

This research examines the role consumption situations play in determining the effects of brand image on consumers' brand evaluations. Results from the first experiment suggest that when consumption situations are experimentally manipulated for the same brand, conspicuousness does not significantly moderate the relative effects of actual and ideal congruence on brand evaluations. Further, marketers can manage the effects of image congruence (between brand image and self-image) by promoting varying consumption situations. Results from the second experiment demonstrate how a dynamic concept of situational ideal self-image (the image consumers perceive as being ideal to project in a particular situation) is a better predictor of brand attitudes than are static concepts of self-image such as actual and ideal self-image. Developing effective brand images must be coupled with a consideration of the potential situations in which the product is to be consumed. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

贾丽军 《广告大观》2009,(10):166-166
品牌美是精神与社会因素较强的审美客观活动,对其描述和测定时具有很大的不确定性,但采用模糊数学的方法则能表现出一种明晰性。  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of brand personality on consumer loyalty and the moderating role of relative brand identification for multiple brands in the same product category. Survey data were collected from 1,651 respondents in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. Results indicate that dimensions of brand personality that are positively associated with consumer brand loyalty vary across brands in the mobile phone category. Furthermore, relative brand identification not only positively affects consumer loyalty, it also moderates the relationship between brand personality and consumer loyalty. Copyright © 2015 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

面对经济的快速发展,曾经在中华大地上风光无限的一些"中华老字号"品牌逐步走向衰弱。老字号品牌日渐式微究竟是出自内因还是出自外因呢?本项目组为了了解老字号品牌的生存现状,替老字号把脉并探寻重振之路,以老字号集中度较高的北京"中华老字号"作为研究对象,针对消费者进行了问卷调查。从认知、消费、偏好、品牌传播等方面出发,试图发掘出针对新时代消费者的老字号品牌重振方略。  相似文献   

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