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谢瑜  赵金蕊 《中国市场》2024,(3):131-135
广告是品牌与消费者沟通的重要桥梁,利用广告激发消费者的潜在需求,促使消费者产生购买意愿并做出购买行为,是营销界关注的重点。为探讨不同广告诉求方式对消费者国货品牌购买意愿的影响,对来自全国各地区的174份有效调查问卷进行了独立样本t检验。结果表明,不同的广告诉求方式对消费者国货品牌的购买意愿具有不同的影响,且感性广告诉求更易激发消费者对国货品牌的购买欲望。  相似文献   

基于认知失调理论和心理抗拒理论,通过两个实验探究了企业道德营销中内疚与非内疚诉求影响消费者道德消费意愿的心理作用机制。结果表明,内疚诉求比非内疚诉求更能促进消费者的道德消费意愿,强迫性感受和操纵意图推断发挥了中介作用,且该中介作用受到消费者涉入度的调节。具体而言,低消费者涉入度情境中,相比于非内疚诉求,内疚诉求能够降低消费者的强迫性感受和操纵意图推断,进而增强其道德消费意愿;高消费者涉入度情境中,相比于内疚诉求,非内疚诉求能够降低消费者的强迫性感受和操纵意图推断,进而增强其道德消费意愿。研究结论有助于企业设计道德属性产品的广告策略,有效降低受众心理抗拒反应,提升受众广告体验,进而推动道德消费。  相似文献   

近年来有关广告诉求有效性的研究较多,但关于理性诉求和感性诉求哪一个更能导致积极的购买行为并无统一定论,且对各种广告诉求方式的适用条件也缺乏深入探讨。文章以我国某所大学的年轻消费群体为研究对象,通过实验设计与问卷测量实证研究不同广告诉求与消费者购买意愿之间的关系,并检验不同产品类型和产品涉入程度在以上关系中所起的交互作用。研究发现,不同广告诉求方式对消费者购买意愿具有显著的差异化影响,且广告理性诉求通常情况下会比感性诉求效果更佳。产品类型对广告诉求与消费者购买意愿关系的影响取决于消费者产品涉入程度,当消费者购买实用型产品且产品涉入程度较高时,广告理性诉求会比感性诉求更容易提高消费者购买意愿,且广告理性诉求与消费者购买意愿之间的关系得到强化;而当消费者购买享乐型产品且产品涉入程度较低时,广告感性诉求会比理性诉求更容易提高消费者购买意愿,且广告感性诉求与消费者购买意愿之间的关系得到进一步强化。  相似文献   

自我赠礼的行为逐渐普遍,但它并不总是给消费者带来正面的情绪反应,有时会引起消费者的内疚情感。了解自我赠礼情境下消费者内疚的诱发机制,有利于企业制定针对消费者心理的细分营销策略。在阐述了自我赠礼与消费者内疚概念的基础上,归纳了自我赠礼引起消费者内疚的原因及分类,最后探讨了消费者的反应模式并提出了营销建议。  相似文献   

自我赠礼是新兴的现代消费趋势,但它并不总是给消费者带来正面的情绪反应,有时会引起消费者的内疚情感。了解自我赠礼情境下消费者内疚的诱发机制,有助于企业制定针对消费者心理的细分营销策略。在阐述了自我赠礼与消费者内疚概念的基础上,分析了自我赠礼导致消费者内疚的原因,最后探讨了消费者内疚的发生及消退并提出了营销建议。  相似文献   

笔记本电脑品牌形象对消费者购买意愿的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着笔记本电脑行业的竞争激烈化以及消费者对商品象征价值的重视程度的提高,笔记本电脑生产企业越来越注重品牌形象的建设。文章通过对99份消费者调查问卷的实证研究,发现:笔记本电脑品牌的企业形象、产品或服务形象及使用者形象对消费者购买意愿都具有显著正向影响。此外,消费者的自身背景对消费者的购买意愿部分具有显著差异。  相似文献   

网购市场竞争的白热化使得网络卖家需要有效运用视觉营销来引起消费者的关注与共鸣,激发其产生购买意愿。以视觉营销理论为研究基础,基于心理学中的“S-O-R”模型范式,构建出网络购物中视觉营销对消费者购买意愿影响的理论模型,并通过对有效问卷的统计分析进行假设检验,所得研究结论与提出的针对性建议能为卖家更好地利用视觉营销实现销售最大化提供参考。  相似文献   

在互联网的推动下,网络口碑对消费者的购买意愿的影响也越来越大,本研究主要从网络口碑的评论质量、评论数量和传播形态这三个方面与消费者购买意愿的关系构建了研究模型,以熟悉网购的年轻人为调查对象,应用SPSS分析软件对数据进行描述性分析、效度分析、信度分析、相关分析和回归分析,得出:第一,网络口碑质量对年轻人的购买意愿影响不显著,第二,评论数量与消费者购买意愿具有显著关系,第三,传播形态对购买意愿也有一定的影响作用。  相似文献   

随着互联网的快速发展,人们的工作和生活方式有了明显的改变,其中最显著的变化就是改变了人们传统的消费方式,网络购物已逐渐代替实体商店购物而成为当前社会购物的主流趋势。网络购物在快速发展的同时其面临的竞争压力也不断增大,为保障网络产品的销量就必须对网络消费者的购买意愿进行深度分析,才能促进网络电子商务平台的持续和快速发展。本文主要探究了网络消费者购买意愿影响因素。  相似文献   

黄璜 《现代商业》2012,(32):56-57
本文所探讨的不是楼盘开发商是否应该或者该怎样营造他们宣传的、消费者预期的"生活方式"的问题,而是希望从广告心理学及文化传播的角度分析在现有条件下如何使开发商的广告宣传与他们的产品之间形成一个更好的融合点,以此促进楼盘销售的同时在业界和消费者中形成口碑,树立品牌形象,更为关键的是引导一种健康向上并可持续发展的居住理念。  相似文献   

随着电子商务的发展,传统企业开展网络业务已成为大势所趋。企业在转型发展的过程中,企业品牌资产起到的作用以及线下品牌资产对消费者线上购买意愿的影响是值得探讨的课题。本研究将线下品牌资产分为线下品牌认知、线下品牌形象和线下品牌态度三个维度,并构建了线下品牌资产对消费者线上购买意愿的影响研究模型。通过实证研究的结果表明,线下品牌资产通过线上信任和线上态度间接影响消费者的线上购买意愿。  相似文献   

The understanding of the determinant factors of customer purchase intention is necessary, and it is equally important to study the online purchase context, since this context is disseminated among customers. A theoretical model has been elaborated on and tested, considering the constructs of information quality, distrust, and perceived risk as antecedents of purchase intention, and aiming to analyze the relationship among these constructs in the online purchase context. A quantitative research study has been performed by means of the application of a survey. Multivariate statistics techniques have been applied for data analyses, including structural equation modeling. This study contributes to the evolution of the empirically tested concepts by providing a greater individual understanding of each construct presented in the theoretical model, as well as the relationship among them as determinants of purchase intention; the indication is that meaningful relationships were found which may impact greater profitability and, consequently, greater competition for online retailers.  相似文献   

消费者经常被与其社会身份相关联的产品和品牌所吸引,本文引入消费认同概念,试图揭示消费认同对品牌购买的影响机制。研究结果表明:消费认同、积极情感、否认态度对品牌选择意愿有显著正向影响,积极情感、否认态度在消费认同与品牌购买意愿之间起显著中介作用,品牌自我一致性在否认态度与品牌购买意愿之间起显著调节效应。  相似文献   

目前消费者在面对公益广告时,态度与行为存在明显的不一致性.本文从态度-行为差异视角分析利己/利他导向的公益广告诉求对个体亲社会性消费行为的影响,并进一步探究自我控制在两者间的中介作用.结果表明:利己导向的广告诉求对个体态度的影响要弱于利他导向的广告诉求,但对于个体行为倾向的影响却强于利他导向的广告;利他导向广告诉求背景下被试的自我控制水平明显弱于利己导向的广告诉求背景下的被试,但是自我控制对个体亲社会性消费的态度与行为未产生显著影响;自我控制的中介作用未得到证实,表明公益广告在激发个体自觉性方面未能产生理想效果.文章在上述结论的基础上提出了一些关于公益广告管理的建议.  相似文献   

Donors to the U.S. Special Olympics were surveyed to determine which buyer considerations in a cause-related market- ing scenario (product, cause and/or price) are most important. Donors are most likely to participate in a CRM promotion for a brand they regularly use, for a cause they are familiar with, and when the CRM brand costs the same or less than the competing brands. In general, younger, more educated adults and women were more likely to participate in CRM promotions. Organizations may be more suc- cessful with CRM programs aimed at these demographic segments.  相似文献   

This study examines the link between consumer weight level, food type, and consumer attitude toward both food and food advertisements. Further, this research explores how food advertisements containing emotional or informational claims influence the attitudes of overweight and normal-weight consumers. Two experiments were conducted to study the interaction between weight levels, food types (meat vs. vegetables), and advertising appeals (emotional vs. informational). The results showed mixed support for the six hypotheses. The findings indicate that consumer weight level interacts with food types, and emotional/information appeals affecting food evaluation and attitudes toward food advertisements. Managerial implications for food manufacturers and advertisers are discussed.  相似文献   

Three experiments tested whether brand‐name products placed in a short story would be more often selected when two identical products with different brand names were presented in either a picture or text format in forced choice purchase intention and placement recognition tests. In Experiments 1a and 1b, there was no significant influence of product placement in a pictorial purchase intention task. However, in Experiments 2a and 2b, a reliable and equal level of recognition memory was observed, regardless of whether the products were presented in a picture (Exp. 2a) or text (Exp. 2b) format. In Experiment 3, the products were presented in a text format in the purchase intention task and participants more often and more quickly chose the brand‐name product from the story. At a practical level, these results suggest some limits to the usefulness of product placement in text.  相似文献   

This article examines how egoistic (versus altruistic) appeals in charity advertising help regulate guilt and result in more favorable ad attitudes and donation intentions. The proposed affect forecasting and regulation model depicts the process by which guilt states are mitigated more effectively by egoistic appeals, because they strengthen the affect forecasting belief that giving to charity leads to happiness. Such enhanced affect forecasting beliefs further improve ad attitudes, which lead to greater donation intentions. This research tests the proposed model by exploring three possible types of guilt: existing guilt (Study 1), integral guilt (Study 2), and incidental guilt (Study 3).  相似文献   

This study investigates the effectiveness of guilt-arousing communication in promoting prosocial behavior. By analyzing the distinct effects of anticipatory versus reactive guilt appeals, we contribute to the discussion of guilt appeals as drivers of prosocial behavior, especially blood donation. Research on persuasive communication provides the theoretical basis of our study and we validate our hypotheses by means of two 2?×?2 factorial between-subjects designs. We find that anticipatory rather than reactive guilt appeals are more effective in generating prosocial action tendencies. Compared to noninformational reference group influences, messages endorsed by members of informational reference groups yielded more favorable attitudinal responses. Besides their significant main effect, two-sided messages reinforce the favorable impact of anticipatory guilt appeals. The study concludes with practical implications for nonprofit organizations and public blood donor services as well as avenues for future research.  相似文献   

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