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文章突破已有文献局限于具体企业社会责任活动与消费者响应关系的研究,以社会认同理论为基础,理论建构与实证分析企业社会责任特征对消费者响应的作用机制.结果表明:企业社会责任特征是企业获得消费者认同的重要前置因素,对消费者品牌态度和购买意愿具有正向影响作用,且消费者-企业认同在企业社会责任与品牌态度、购买意愿之间起部分中介效应,企业社会责任特征经由消费者-企业认同内化过程产生的间接效应大于其直接效应,但消费者-企业认同的调节效应不显著,进而提出相应的管理建议与未来研究方向. 相似文献
近年来,我国食品行业品牌丑闻频发,丑闻后企业修复品牌,其目的是获得消费者宽恕,然而,目前鲜有研究探讨丑闻后企业社会责任(CSR)策略影响消费者宽恕的内在机制.本文基于前期对食品业近百起品牌丑闻及丑闻后企业社会责任(CSR)行为的连续追踪,选取感知质量与丑闻范围这两个调节变量,探究丑闻之后企业普遍青睐的社区公益责任策略与组合式责任策略对品牌的救赎效果及作用边界.经由两个情境模拟实验法研究得到结论:社区公益和组合式责任策略均能获得消费者宽恕,且受感知质量的负向调节;丑闻范围正向调节组合式责任策略的救赎效果,但并不调节社区公益责任策略的积极作用.该研究为丑闻后企业正确选择救赎性CSR策略提供了思路. 相似文献
本文对企业社会责任、企业品牌价值的主要内涵进行了分析,提出了依托社会价值的履行,能够达到强化企业品牌价值的效果这一论点;主要从企业履行对政府的社会责任与企业品牌价值、企业履行对员工的社会责任与企业品牌价值、企业履行对消费者的社会责任与企业品牌价值、企业社会公益慈善事业促进企业品牌价值提升等方面入手,分析了企业社会责任与企业品牌之间的主要关系,并佐证论点;并提出了依托企业社会责任提升企业品牌价值的主要路径。 相似文献
随着各种企业组织的发展,管理理论的进步,企业社会责任已经由一种被社会认可的理念演变成为企业主动承担以赢得竞争优势的实际行为。大量的研究证实企业履行社会责任,将促进消费者的购买意愿。基于阐释意愿与行为之间关系的理性行为理论,融合顾客感知质量与企业声誉构建一个新模型,来分析CSR对消费者购买意愿的影响。 相似文献
企业社会责任的感知和期望对消费者购买意愿的影响研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文在社会责任消费者行为的基础上,定性分析消费者的企业社会责任信念和感知与期望的企业社会责任差距对消费者购买意愿的影响.企业社会责任对消费者购买意愿的正面影响只有在消费者的企业社会责任信念较强和消费者感知的企业社会责任与等于或超过其期望时发生.当消费者企业社会责任信念一般并且其感知低于期望或者信念较低或者信念较弱并且其期望超过感知时.企业社会责任负面地影响消费者购买意愿. 相似文献
企业社会责任是超越利润最大化目标的重要管理理念,强调要在生产过程中对利益相关者价值的关注,对环境、对社会等的贡献。社会责任一定程度上会受本国文化影响,本文从儒家文化的"仁"、"和"、"义"、"信"及其衍生思想阐述其对企业社会责任的影响,并基于儒家文化的影响,提出相关建议。 相似文献
本文探讨了企业社会责任对品牌资产的影响,以企业形象作为中介变量,借助网络平台进行实证研究。结果表明,企业社会责任的履行会经过企业形象这一中介的提升对品牌资产产生积极的正向作用。 相似文献
本文论述了企业社会责任和品牌竞争力的内涵,从品牌财务能力、品牌满足利益相关者能力和品牌成长能力三个方面,分析企业社会责任如何对其产生影响,从而得到企业社会责任对品牌竞争力的影响路径,提出建议。 相似文献
Janine S. Hiller 《Journal of Business Ethics》2013,118(2):287-301
In the wake of the most recent financial crisis, corporations have been criticized as being self-interested and unmindful of their relationship to society. Indeed, the blame is sometimes placed on the corporate legal form, which can exacerbate the tension between duties to shareholders and interests of stakeholders. In comparison, the Benefit Corporation (BC) is a new legal business entity that is obligated to pursue public benefit in addition to the responsibility to return profits to shareholders. It is legally a for-profit, socially obligated, corporate form of business, with all the traditional corporate characteristics combined with societal responsibilities. Considering the history and perception of shareholder primacy in United States law, it is argued that this new business structure is an ethical step toward empowering socially committed commercial entities. The contribution of this research is to provide a fundamental base of knowledge about the new legal form of business, the BC, upon which further study may rely. First, the legal history of the corporation is briefly reviewed in order to provide context to the relationship of the corporate form to society, including exploration of the premise that shareholder wealth maximization is its best and only purpose. Second, the BC is described in detail, and state statutes are compared. Third, the BC is placed within the context of corporate social responsibility. Finally, opportunities for future research are discussed. 相似文献
This study examines the relationships between a company's emphasis on discretionary social responsibility, environment, and firm performance. It tests the proposition that environmental munificence and dynamism moderate the relationship between discretionary social responsibility and financial performance. Social responsibility was measured with a three-item scale in a sample of 62 firms using a questionnaire. Environmental munificence and dynamism were measured using archival sources as was financial performance (return on assets and return on sales). The results of moderated regression analyses and subgroup analyses found a significant moderating effect of environment on the social responsibility-firm performance relationship. Discretionary social responsibility contributes to firm performance in environments that are dynamic and munificent. 相似文献
日益频发的品牌代言人丑闻无论是给代言人还是给品牌商以及消费者都带来了巨大的消极影响,但目前相关的研究却极为匮乏.通过两个实验研究发现:虽然品牌代言人悖德丑闻与违法丑闻都会降低消费者的品牌信任,但前者较之于后者的影响更严重;心理契约违背与犬儒主义心理会共同在品牌代言人丑闻对消费者品牌信任的影响中起中介作用;消费者传统性不仅会直接调节品牌代言人丑闻对犬儒主义心理的影响,而且会对双中介产生调节作用,但不会对品牌代言人丑闻影响心理契约违背产生直接的调节作用.该研究不仅对深化和完善品牌代言危机等理论具有重要意义,而且对品牌商、代言人、消费者和监管机构等有重要的管理启示. 相似文献
The Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Performance: The Mediating Effect of Industrial Brand Equity and Corporate Reputation 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Chi-Shiun Lai Chih-Jen Chiu Chin-Fang Yang Da-Chang Pai 《Journal of Business Ethics》2010,95(3):457-469
In this article, the researchers explore the following question. Can corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the corporate reputation of a firm lead to its brand equity in business-to-business (B2B) markets? This study discusses CSR from customers’ viewpoints by taking the sample of industrial purchasers from Taiwan small-medium enterprises. The aims of this study are to investigate: first, the effects of CSR and corporate reputation on industrial brand equity; second, the effects of CSR, corporate reputation, and brand equity on brand performance; and third, the mediating effects of corporate reputation and industrial brand equity on the relationship between CSR and brand performance. Empirical results support the study’s hypotheses and indicate that CSR and corporate reputation have positive effects on industrial brand equity and brand performance. In addition, corporate reputation and industrial brand equity partially mediate the relationship between CSR and brand performance. 相似文献
面对日益复杂的市场竞争态势,有效的危机管理对于企业的生存和发展至关重要。实践与研究表明,企业社会责任是有效危机管理的核心。本文从企业社会责任的理论角度出发,探讨企业社会责任和危机管理之间的关系,并结合企业社会责任管理和危机管理,给出基于社会责任的危机管理策略。 相似文献
当前企业社会责任越来越受到关注,什么是企业社会责任以及企业应该如何履行社会责任成为业界和学术界研究的重点.为了防止企业陷入认识误区,本文运用了三重底线理论,提出了企业社会责任首先是股东利益最大化,企业追求利润最大化与履行社会责任并不矛盾的观点,并在引用案例和理论研究成果的基础上,对所提出的观点加以论证. 相似文献