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如今,60%以上的国际奢侈品品牌在中国代工,比如天伯伦、普拉达、阿玛尼、雨果·波士等。有的是部分代工,运回本国后,或装上一条拉链,或钉上一个扣子,最后缝上一一个商标,打上Madein Italy或Madein France;有的是全部代工,打上了Made in China,中国产,中国销。 相似文献
原产地形象效应研究领域内相关成果述评 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
原产地形象效应作用机制与混合型产品原产地形象效应是原产地形象效应研究中两个重要的子领域.本文对上述两个领域的研究成果进行了综述与评价,并对今后该领域的研究方向阐述了笔者的观点. 相似文献
Bottega Veneta宣布启用新中文名葆蝶家的微博被转发了4140次,对于奢侈品牌来说,这个转发数量意味着它已经不仅仅是小圈子里的更名事件,而是挑动了大众的调侃神经。 相似文献
戴姆勒正在新浪微博上宣传其Smart汽车,苹果将提供iPhone的分期付款计划:这两个迹象都说明,在华外资零售商正在探寻新的方式,以吸引不再盲目崇拜外国产品的中国消费者。只要在中国的某条商业街上开店,就能指望稳定销售外国品牌的日子已经过去了——百思买、家得宝、芭比娃娃们想必已深刻领会到了这一点。 相似文献
近年来,随着经济的不断发展、人民生活水平的提高,我国逐渐成为奢侈品消费大国。但放眼望去,这些奢侈品品牌几乎全部来自国外,少有国产奢侈品品牌的出现。除了在营销手段和管理经验上存在差距之外,是否也存在原产地效应的影响?本文首先回顾了原产地效应领域的相关理论,然后分析了中国奢侈品市场的消费现状,最后从提高原产地形象的角度出发,探讨本土奢侈品品牌的发展策略,旨在为中国的奢侈品企业提供一种新的营销观点、拓展新的营销活动。 相似文献
2006年至2007年,在中国一直处于消费者心理高端的洋品牌进入了多事之秋,从食品到手机,从化妆品到服饰,发生的质量问题令人瞠目结舌。很多人开始说,洋品牌其实不怎么样,洋品牌的华丽外表下很多本质是不行的,中国人不必对洋品牌太感冒了。似乎中国品牌可以和洋品牌平等了,当真是这样的吗?要回答这些问题,不能就事论事,而需要站在更高的角度了解国货和洋货的竞争现状, 相似文献
廖文杰 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2010,(16)
本文从外国直接投资的两重性角度,用和合理念的思维方法,结合当今国内众多品牌被外资收购的实例,分析了外资收购国内品牌对企业经营和区域经济发展的影响,并分别对政府部门和企业、外国投资者提出了相关的建议. 相似文献
The time-honored brand is the best brand retained from centuries of business and handicraft competition, representing inestimable brand, economic and cultural value. However, it has encountered the issue of heritage in the new era. To address this issue, in view of the critical role of customer word-of-mouth (WOM) in brand inheritance and reputation, this study constructed and examined the WOM path of time-honored catering brands by investigating 606 customers. Its conclusions highlight the positive antecedent of brand authenticity for customers' in-person WOM and EWOM. The path is influenced by the mediation mechanisms of response (awakening of interest), cognition (brand experience) and affection (brand identification). Moreover, the interaction between creative performance and brand authenticity can positively promote customers' brand experience. However, cultural proximity plays different roles in the stages of customers' brand attitudes and behaviors. The results provide managerial implications for how to promote the sustainable inheritance of traditional brands. 相似文献
目前全球经济正在走向复苏,但也面临着诸多困难和挑战.后危机时代,自主创新能力不足,产能过剩,产业结构不合理等问题更加突出,出口需求仍然不足,这些严重制约着我国经济的可持续发展基于此,本文就后危机时代产业升级进行研究,借鉴国外产业升级经验深入分析,提出当前经济形势下我国产业升级的启示和对策. 相似文献
关于中国对外贸易顺差的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
赵明霞 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2011,(2)
我国的对外贸易顺差始于1994年的外汇体制改革,对外贸易顺差一直是我国经济进出口领域的焦点问题,近年来我国贸易顺差增长较快.不仅国人关注,更是引起了某些居心叵测的国家的非议.在本文中,笔者就相关问题进行了分析和探讨. 相似文献
我国的对外贸易顺差始于1994年的外汇体制改革,对外贸易顺差一直是我国经济进出口领域的焦点问题,近年来我国贸易顺差增长较快.不仅国人关注,更是引起了某些居心叵测的国家的非议.在本文中.笔者就相关问题进行了分析和探讨. 相似文献
This study used two comparison studies to examine the potential brand perception of localized and foreign restaurants to predict consumer behavior. A total of 680 participants (e.g., 318 foreign restaurant customers and 362 localized restaurant customers) were included to discover and confirm the causal relationships among the quality of food and meals, environmental evaluation, willingness to pay more, and recommendations. Our study of foreign restaurant brands (Study 1) found that food and meals may indirectly affect the willingness to pay more and recommendations through providing a friendly environment. The destination's moderating role is also confirmed. Additionally, our study of localized restaurant customers (Study 2) identified the mediating roles of risk evaluation and willingness to pay more, which link the relationship between food and meals and recommendation behavior. Furthermore, destination trust was found to strengthen the relationship between risk evaluation and willingness to pay more. 相似文献
纵观世界各国,无论是在发达国家还是在发展中国家,经济增长都与外贸发展有着密切的联系.在改革开放的中国,外商直接投资(FDI)和对外贸易同步发展,两者相互促进、相互补充共同推动了中国经济的发展.本文旨在分析外商直接投资对中国外贸总量、进出口、外贸结构等方面的影响,并对提高外商直接投资的外贸效益给出了政策性的建议. 相似文献
田诗婧 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2011,(4)
纵现世界各国,无论是在发达国家还是在发展中国家,经济增长都与外贸发展有着密切的联系.在改革开放的中国,外商直接投资(FDI)和对外贸易同步发展,两者相互促进、相互补充共同推动了中国经济的发展.本文旨在分析外商直接投资对中国外贸总量、进出口、外贸结构等方面的影响,并对提高外商直接投资的外贸效益给出了政策性的建议. 相似文献
上市公司财务舞弊行为在当今全球证券市场上是一个普遍存在的现象。财务舞弊严重地削弱了市场的资源配置功能,影响了证券市场的健康发展,具有极大的社会危害性,因此,对上市公司财务舞弊的动机和防范对策进行分析具有重要的现实意义。 相似文献
In this paper, we examine how trade liberalisation affects firms' branding behaviours. We investigate this question with China's accession to the WTO in late 2001. We find that firms in sectors with large import tariff reductions discontinue more trademarks. Meanwhile, these firms file more trademark applications and their total number of effective trademarks increases after trade liberalisation. This growth in trademarks is mainly driven by large firms, as measured by the number of employees. In fact, small firms' applications and effective trademarks decline during trade liberalisation. It is also found that trademark applications are mainly filed for the traditionally non-dominant products of industries. We provide a conceptual model that incorporates the channels through which both passive and active responses occur. 相似文献