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近年来,随着烟草企业数字化转型不断推进、新型客我关系逐步建立、工商零协同营销不断深入,卷烟营销队伍转型升级已然势在必行。以ZMET隐喻抽取技术和扎根理论为理论基础,通过对烟草零售客户关于卷烟营销工作服务体验的调研,构建零售客户的体验心智模型,从而了解对于服务对象而言,成功开展卷烟营销工作包含的属性元素、用户需求以及价值,形成H(属性)、C(用户需求)、V(价值)共识地图,进而找出当前卷烟营销一线人员在市场营销服务工作中存在的问题。最后,从行业、企业、员工三个层面提出烟草营销队伍转型的建议。  相似文献   

随着ISO9000质量管理体系的有效建立与运行,烟草商业企业引入QC小组活动也是大势所趋.当前,也正是烟草商业企业QC小组活动的推广时期.本文对QC小组活动的概念、特点和开展的重要意义进行了介绍,并结合实际,研究探讨在烟草商业企业中深入推进QC小组活动的有效方法.  相似文献   

史晓 《中国经贸》2013,(8):28-28
基于烟草企业设备管理的需求和烟草企业内部管理的实际状况,集成设备管理系统的体系结构的提出,实现设备管理的目标,不仅能够提供对设备管理主要任务的综合管理,而且能够在对设备管理的基础上进行实时监控,通过移动通信技术和数据采集技术,设计实现集成的设备管理系统,并与烟草企业其它系统形成系统集成,提高烟草企业设备管理信息化水平。本文通过对烟草企业集成设备管理系统需求的分析.设计实现集成设备管理信息系统。  相似文献   

熊展  黄敏 《老区建设》2014,(6):39-41
名词化现象在英文广告语篇中普遍存在,它使得广告语言简洁、正式。名词化具有的隐喻功能更赋予广告语言丰富的内涵。名词化是否还同时具备评价功能?研究表明,广告语篇中并非所有的名词化了的词语同时具有隐喻和评价功能,且其评价功能在评价理论三个维度中的分配差异明显。  相似文献   

全面预算管理是企业内部管理控制的重要方法,烟草行业是国家重要的税利来源,近几年来,随着全社会禁烟运动的开展,烟草企业的快速增长逐渐回落,烟草企业面临销量和结构增长的压力,如何通过全面预算管理提升管理水平,实现降本增效,为行业实现经营目标服务,从而促进烟草企业的可持续发展。文章通过分析烟草商业企业全面预算管理中存在的一些问题,以及提出加强烟草商业企业全面预算管理的对策,期望能进一步促进全面预算水平的提高。  相似文献   

于勤 《中国经贸》2009,(4):16-17
人民币升值通过可支配收入、国际间的比较优势、进出口弹性影响我国烟草进出口的国际市场价格,从而影响我国烟草产品的国际市场竞争力。通过分析,人民币升值对我国烟草出口影响大于进口,但总体影响并不大。并根据我国烟草进出口情况提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

赵忠琼 《魅力中国》2013,(22):282-282
随着我国烟草事业的发展,烟草基层办公室的管理工作引起了越来越多的关注。在办公室工作中,尤其是档案管理选部分内容占据着重要的地位。目前。办公室档案管理取得了一定的成效,逐步实现了档案信息化建设和管理.但其中仍存在着一些问题。管理流程的规范性、科学性还有待提高。本文依辖境阶段烟草基层办公室的档案管理现状进行分析,并提出一些规范管理的措施。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,企业将越来越多的精力投入到了自身的科学化管理中。企业要做好精细化的管理,最重要的是对财务管理进行细化工作,财务管理的工作能够帮助企业进一步提升自身的经济效益,加强本企业的核心竞争力,促进企业的良性发展。文章具体分析了烟草企业在进行财务管理的过程当中应当注意的问题,并针对这些问题提出了一些解决措施,希望能够帮助烟草企业提高经济运营效率从而更好的发展。  相似文献   

要提高竞争力,降低烟草物流成本,只有依靠商业企业全面物流信息化.烟草商业企业才能在市场上求生存、谋发展.文章通过对烟草商业企业物流信息化的现状及建设意义的分析,提出物流信息系统的建设理念,从而帮助构建烟草商业企业的物流信息系统,提高行业的服务质量和在国际烟草市场中的竞争能力.  相似文献   

烟草企业集团经济效益实证分析何大昭许绍定随着我国经济政策的调整和城市经济体制改革的深入,以山东(四家)、上海为代表组织的区域性烟草企业集团顺应改革的大趋势,经过一段时间运行的实践,已显示出优越性和生命力。组建烟草企业集团、办好烟草企业集团是实现烟草行...  相似文献   

阳光 《中国西部》2006,(1):28-29
如果说1840年以后的相当长时间,中国人是“被迫”在现代化的道路上行进;那么,孙中山先生“今日之世界,非铁道无以立国”的呼吁,则应被看成是现代化的“主动”与“自觉”了。西方人比我们更早地认识到近代工业利器的作用。蒸汽机、电等一系列重大发明包括铁路的大量修筑,其一百年时间里所创造的物质文明超过了人类几千年的努力。清政府内部的洋务运动,激  相似文献   

隐喻经历了一个从修辞到认知的转换研究过程.隐喻具有普遍性,隐喻在本质上是概念的,是有价值的认知工具.概念隐喻通常以结构隐喻、方位隐喻和实体隐喻的方式来实现.隐喻是人类组织概念系统的基础,是人类组织经验的工具,为人类提供了认识事物的新视角.因此,在外语教学中,教师要明确引导学生认识和理解语言的隐喻性,注重培养学生的隐喻思维能力,利用隐喻来取得良好的教学效果.  相似文献   

Well aware that it is the consumer who makes or breaks an advertisement, the advertising industry has long paid close attention to its audience. However, advertising historians have generally overlooked the industry's efforts to define the consumer and the impact this has had upon advertisements and the advertising industry itself. By examining the changing conceptualisation of the Australian consumer featured in the locally produced advertising literature during the early twentieth century, this study offers an insight into the inner workings of Australia's fledgling advertising industry. It demonstrates the ways in which advertising interacted with the world around it.  相似文献   

An oligopolist's advertising behavior depends upon the externalities generated. Negative externalities occur when the firm's advertising gains in sales are a result of a loss to the rest of the industry. On the other hand, positive externalities may result because advertising by any single firm may increase that firm's sales while at the same time increasing sales in the rest of the industry.In the literature these types of externalities are referred to as "predatory advertising" and "cooperative advertising," respectively. Market shares are redistributed when advertising is purely predatory, and advertising is a public good when advertising is purely cooperative. The effect of advertising externalities on the firm's incentive to advertise is investigated in this paper.  相似文献   

A model of optimal advertising expenditures in a dynamic duopoly   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper develops a dynamic model of oligopolistic advertising competition. The model is general enough to include predatory advertising and informative advertising as particular cases. The analysis is conducted in a differential game framework and compares the open-loop and feedback equilibria to the efficient outcome. It is found that for the informative advertising competition game, advertising levels are closer to the collusive outcomes in a feedback equilibrium. In the case of predatory advertising, expenditures are inefficiently high in a feedback equilibrium and the open-loop solution is more efficient.  相似文献   

When a manufacturer advertises, what is the impact on retailer advertising? I analyze a contest model of advertising where total advertising by the manufacturer and by retailers determines market size, and the relative level of advertising by each retailer determines market share. If retailers are symmetric I show that there is a crowding‐in effect so increased manufacturer advertising increases retail advertising. But if one retailer is stronger, then marginal increases in manufacturer advertising have a crowding‐out effect on retailer advertising, while sufficiently large increases have a crowding‐in effect by “jump‐starting” competition between retailers for the larger market. Furthermore, asymmetric abilities in such contests can lead the weaker player to effectively drop out of the contest, thereby undermining the ability of increased prizes to increase effort by intensifying competition.  相似文献   

《旅行社管理条例》针对组团社虚假宣传,地接社低价接待,导游付费买团,旅游过程中的欺骗、胁迫购物加点等零负团费产品运行环节,做出了明确规定。只有坚持《旅行社管理条例》的指导,进一步加大监督、处罚力度,重视旅行社产品创新,构建垂直分销渠道并加强旅游者教育,才能从根本上解决零负团费问题,规范江苏旅游市场。  相似文献   

任何国家在进入信息社会的时候,传统文化与网络文化都会发生冲突碰撞,这是一种历史的必然.但是,中国传统文化与网络文化的冲突碰撞却尤为激烈,具体体现在天理与人欲、有限与无限、伦理与技术、前喻与后喻、现实与虚拟、封闭与开放、纵向与横向、繁琐与简便等十个方面.这种冲突碰撞激烈化的原因,是由于中国传统社会的历史悠久、中国社会的非常态发展、中国社会转型任务的复杂性所决定的.  相似文献   

Intermarket network externalities occur when the utility of a good produced in a given industry varies with the size of the demand for a good produced in another. A particularly significant example of this phenomenon is provided by the interaction between the media and advertising industries. Media consumers vary according to their willingness to pay for a media good, which depends on the advertising volume. In the advertising market, advertisers vary according to their willingness to pay for an advertisement, which also depends positively on the audience reached. We model a situation of competition between two content providers who are rivals in both the media and advertising industries, choosing simultaneously the newspaper prices and the advertising rates. We characterize the equilibria of the game and explore how they depend on audience attitudes towards advertising. Our main finding is that two-sided interactions may induce exit by one of the media companies from either only the advertising market or both markets.  相似文献   

本文针对我国广告创意产业发展路径存在的问题,结合全球广告产业发展趋势,提出我国广告创意产业发展的路径创新策略,即以专门化和专业化强力重建广告产业核心竞争力,并在广告产业集群基础上,通过并购与联合等资本运作方式实现集团化发展,提升广告产业规模和专业代理能力。  相似文献   

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