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19世纪末因亡国危机降临而激起的中国近代经济自由主义,在对系统性社会危机的响应和与国家干预主义及社会激进主义的论争中,分别于19世纪与20世纪之交、20中期和晚期,经历了三次潮涨潮落。显示了20世纪中国经济自由主义的演化历程,即从多种理论倾向逐渐收敛到发展中心主义的经济自由主义。  相似文献   

法经济学体系的建立,依赖于两大理论作基础,一是经济学理论,二是法理学基础。在经济学方面,古典自由主义的经济学说为法经济学提供了思想武器,新古典经济学为法经济学提供了重要的理论基础,新制度经济学则直接为法经济学提供了方法论基础。  相似文献   

“任何一种法思考都不可避免的带有它得以塑造的历史气候”,中国法理学的发展从一开始就被不知不觉的限制在历史可能性与规定性的界限之内。中国法理学在发展之初,由于受历史条件的限制,移植西方法理学的模式,甚至盲目照搬苏联的学科建制模式,把“国家与法的理论”合二为一,法理学并没有作为一门独立的学科而存在。从揭示这一现象并指明其危害入手,按照历史线索记述法理学的独立过程,从而用现代人的眼光对中国法理学的未来给予一个前瞻性的描述。  相似文献   

通过对南北朝鲜与东西德国分裂之比较,从德国的统一来看朝鲜半岛统一的问题,探析影响朝鲜统一的因素及德国统一对朝鲜半岛统一的启示。  相似文献   

文章以德国、法国、意大利、英国、挪威等欧洲国家为例,讨论了社会公共服务提供机制的演变过程:从19世纪地方政府或慈善组织开始提供社会公共服务,发展到20世纪60年代的高福利国家(国家承担着广泛的社会公共服务职能与任务),及至20世纪80年代,受到新自由主义思潮和欧盟市场自由化政策的影响,出现了服务提供的私有化浪潮,最近又出现了再市政化的趋势。这样的演变路径对转型国家有一定的启示。  相似文献   

中国或许能在21世纪的“后现代模式”下继续走下去,不过,戴在中国头上的面具偶尔也会滑落,于是,中国的另一面展示在众人面前。与19世纪一样,中国充满了民族主义的自尊,雄心勃勃而又心存怨恨。  相似文献   

目的要求:法理学教程属法学基础理论课,包括绪论、法的一般理论、法的结构、法的运行和法与社会五部分。学习本课程,应从我国法制建设的实际出发,系统掌握法理学的基本原理和法制建设中的基本问题,注意运用所学理论分析现实中违背法制的事件,树立法律至上观念,坚定依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家的信心。  相似文献   

林枫 《时代经贸》2010,(6):198-199
20世纪上半叶,德国的会计研究成就主要体现在账户理论、资产负债表理论、成本会计以及会计史方面。文中对20世纪上半叶德国会计研究中地位显著的账户分类理论、战后通货膨胀期前后的资产负债表主要理论,包括静态理论、以奥根·施玛伦巴赫(Eugen Schmalenbach)为代表的动态理论和以弗里茨·施密特(Fritz.Schmidt)为代表的组织理论,以及德国在成本会计研究方面的成就作了简要评介。  相似文献   

覃阳 《开放时代》2001,(6):103-105
赫伯特·哈特(Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart)是英国当代最著名的法理学大师,以其深刻而独特的法律思想饮誉西方法理学界。作为新分析实证主义法学的创始人,哈特继承和发展了奥斯丁(Jhn.Austin)的分析实证主义法学的基本理念,特别是奥斯丁关于一般法理学研究的范围是分析实在法的共同概念的观点以及法律和道德、实在法与理想法之两分法;并在继承的基础之上,发展了古典实证主义法学。本文试图通过对哈特的法律思想与奥斯丁的古典实证主义法学的异同比较,阐明哈特对实证主义法学理论的基本贡献…  相似文献   

我国统一人力资源市场的障碍与出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李雄 《经济经纬》2008,(2):162-165
建立统一人力资源市场不仅是我国劳动力市场发展的新目标,也是促进平等就业与公平分享改革发展成果的新要求。我国统一人力市场既要与计划经济的"遗产"相对接,又要直面新形势、新问题和新要求,面临若干现实困境和障碍。冲破我国统一人力资源市场重重障碍的关键,是着力解决好三个主要问题:改革我国户籍制度,创造劳动力自由流动的制度环境;塑造我国平等的就业制度和劳动报酬制度,拯救统一人力资源市场脆弱的激励机制;完善我国社会保障制度,构筑统一人力资源市场的社会"安全网"。  相似文献   

李宏 《技术经济》2007,26(5):113-116
19世纪末德国社会保险制度的建立是现代意义上的社会保障制度诞生的标志。德国的社会保险制度主要由养老、医疗、失业、工伤以及护理等五大保险构成,其主要特征是立法健全、自治管理、统放结合和三方合作。战后尤其是20世纪70年代以来,德国社会保险制度逐渐面临着开支膨胀、老龄化问题严重等危机,德国政府积极探索改革之道,希望通过开源节流、增加制度中个人的责任等措施来缓解社会保险与经济发展过程中存在的问题。  相似文献   

The paper estimates a variety of inequality measures for three sub-samples of the German population using cross-sectional data on equivalent income from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP). The sub-populations under consideration are residents of West Germany including foreigners for the years 1984 to 1996, residents of East Germany for the years 1990 to 1996 and a comprehensive German population for the years 1990 to 1996. Bootstrap methods are applied to test whether changes in inequality are statistically significant. In order to account for panel attrition and over-sampling, sample weights are incorporated into the estimation procedure. The empirical results confirm the relative stability of the West German income distribution. While income inequality in West Germany has generally not altered in an economically relevant way over the period 1985 to 1996, inequality in East Germany has increased after reunification. Despite this increase, inequality remains substantially higher in the western part of the country. Convergence of eastern mean income to the western level generally overcompensated the rise in inequality in East Germany, so that the level of inequality in unified Germany is lower in 1996 than in 1990.  相似文献   

The theory of pluralism has been developed mainly in our century, but its theoretical and practical roots go back far into the last century. Pluralism has flourished in the Anglo-Saxon world, but even though there is no tradition of pluralism in German history, some German thinkers developed ideas which came remarkably close to later English and American pluralists. They opposed political authoritarianism, the Hegelian concept of the ‘state as such’, and the notion of Roman law as the legal guideline. Georg Beseler and Otto Gierke tried to show a German common law tradition instead. Later Hugo Preuss came to bold democratic interpretations of this theory which put him at odds not only with other legal scholars, but with the Prussian state as well. The article deals with this development, as well as with the reception of Gierke's works by the English pluralists. I would like to express my gratitude to Jens Drews and Rick Woodward for their most helpful remarks on an earlier draft of this paper.  相似文献   

在德国,法律十分重视平衡和保护言论自由,法律对人们言论的规制要受到来自个人名誉、尊严和道德方面的限制。但德国法律对言论自由的保护也有诸多不足:一是德国对言论自由的限制有过于宽松之嫌;二是在言词与行为之间没有作出区分;三是德国的基本法对言论自由的保护着重在民法方面,而没有刑法方面的保护。  相似文献   

用统计方法分析人文强国空间转移轨迹,得出15世纪至20世纪60年代近代人文社会科学强国在英国、意大利、法国、德国、美国之间发生的10余次转移。基于此,进一步研究人文强国的强盛期、强国竞争力、转移模式等人文强国特征;最后,探讨了人文强国绝对人文社会科学家人数平均值的指数增长情况。  相似文献   

贾琼 《经济研究导刊》2010,(33):243-244
中国在封建社会末期几乎断绝了与外界的一切联系,而其原本辉煌灿烂的科学文化也早已陷入故步自封的境地。正是在这种情况下西方传教士的到来给原本沉闷的中国科学界带来了一丝生气。他们向中国人介绍的西方现代科学在一定程度上推动了当时中国科学的发展,并对之后中国科学的艰难发展作出了不可磨灭的贡献。  相似文献   

This paper uses nonparametric techniques to study GDP convergence across German labor market regions and counties during the period 1992–2004. The main result is that regional convergence in unified Germany has been substantial. In the first years after German unification the distribution of GDP has been characterized by a pronounced bimodality. The dispersion of the GDP distribution has become substantially smaller over time. Although some bimodality remains in most recent years, this bimodality is weak in comparison to previous years. Nevertheless, disparities among regions located in the Eastern and Western part of the country are still apparent.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The aim of this article is to explain the pattern of public enterprise in Western Europe, Japan and the USA in the late 20th century, just before the onset of privatization. This requires an examination of the origins which date from the early 19th century. A common misconception is that public enterprise was a device for overcoming problems of natural monopoly and/or a socialist instrument for mitigating worker exploitation. It is argued that the former was mainly dealt with by arms’ length regulation and that socialist forces were limited. Public enterprise was common in grid networks everywhere and, in manufacturing, more common in Germany, Spain, Italy than elsewhere. Why also were the USA and UK (up to 1939) different and what does the privatization experience tell us about public enterprise? The answer is that public enterprise was often an instrument for promoting social and political unification, securing national defence and related strategic considerations, increasingly in the 20th century for promoting economic growth, with regulatory failures and socialist pressures playing a more subsidiary and/or occasional role.  相似文献   

The paper sets up a two-region endogenous growth model to discuss growth and regional convergence of unified Germany. It emphasizes the role of private and public capital accumulation during the developing process. The theoretical part derives fiscal policy rules which establish convergence of regional output per capita and convergence of regional human wealth. To assess the speed of convergence the model is calibrated with German data. Given a fiscal policy rule that is consistent with the data on government spending in East and West Germany after unification the model suggests that East Germany will reach 80 per cent of West Germany's income per capita between 20 and 30 years after unification and that actual transfers are approximately sufficient to equalize regional human wealth. The results are compared with an extension of the model that includes wage-setting behaviour and unemployment in the eastern region.  相似文献   

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