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This paper revisits, by means of both time series and panel data analyses, the empirical regularity popularized by Okun's (Proc Bus Econ Sect, 98‐103, 1962) seminal paper focusing on a sample of 20 advanced economies between 1978 and 2015. Not only do we provide arguably better estimates of the Okun's Law coefficient (OLC) (using the gap version) by employing a new filtering technique, but more importantly, we also contest the hypothesis that the OLC has been static over time. By estimating country‐specific time‐varying Okun coefficient models, we confirm that the unemployment‐output responsiveness has been changing over time. The dispersion between countries’ OLCs has been determined by some (structural) characteristics. The starting level of unemployment and the phase of the business cycle increase the estimated OLCs, while informality and certain labour and product market policies lower them. Our evidence sustains the fact that aggregate demand policies aiming at increasing output growth can equally contribute to the recovery in labour markets.  相似文献   

China's abundant supply of cheap labor has played an important role in its remarkable economic and social development. Recently, however, China has experienced a labor shortage and rising wages, implying that the country's long‐lasting competitive advantage based on its “unlimited” labor supply and low costs is vanishing. We find that structural demographic changes, regional economic growth disparities and the household registration system may have caused the labor shortage. Furthermore, China's continued low wages, relatively low labor share of gross national income, declining proportion of household consumption to GDP , and productivity improvements as well as increasing unit labor costs can be used to explain the recent wage increases. The dramatic development of its labor market signals that China is entering a new stage of economic development. The country's prior successful model of economic development needs to be adjusted to adapt to the new situation in its labor market to achieve sustainable economic development.  相似文献   

This research theoretically and empirically studies China's labor market integration and the effect of economic openness. We introduce an open parameter to the previous theoretical framework and, based on that, we carry out an empirical study of China's labor market integration measurement from 1987 to 2006, and focus on the impact of economic openness. Research indicates that economic openness has an obvious effect on promoting China's labor market integration. The labor market integration progress differs between regions, with labor markets of coastal areas such as North China, East China and South China, which have one or two labor market centers, being better integrated than those of other interior areas.  相似文献   

China introduced a new Labor Contract Law (LCL, 2008) to protect employees’ working conditions and welfare. Early evaluations of labour market outcomes suggest positive effects for workers. In the same period, however, China faced labor market tightening, which facilitated the LCL's introduction and enforcement. Existing evaluations of the LCL treat the introduction of the LCL as being exogenous. We show that labor market tightening and individuals’ self‐selection into jobs whichcomply with the Law have affected migrant labor market outcomes. Taking these factors separately into account suggests that, the LCL has had varying effects on labor market outcomes: a negative effect on wages and hours; an unclear effect on having a written contract, and a positive effect on social insurance participation. Data inadequacies prevent us from considering these factors simultaneously.  相似文献   

新疆农民工基本现状调查报告指出了农民工对城市生活适应能力强、生活节俭、法律意识日渐增强等优点。报告也指出了农民工在基本合法权益、职业技能培训、社会保障等方面遇到的问题,以期国家和社会对其予以关注。  相似文献   

We estimate Okun's relationship for four European countries (France, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain) with a nonparametric procedure, without imposing a previous specific functional form. We apply the non parametric MARS methodology that endogenously detects multiple thresholds and therefore is able to identify multiple possible regimes. In addition, we control for the Euro area crisis to capture possible effects of the economic activity of neighbour countries on domestic unemployment rate variations. Our results confirm the existence of two regimes in each country but significantly different thresholds across countries. The form of Okun's relationship for Germany, France and the Netherlands are similar and quite different from Spain where it is much steeper. Differences between Okun coefficients below and above the threshold are consistent with the “firm's risk aversion hypothesis”, but different thresholds across countries may be related to the “labour hoarding hypothesis”. The negative value of the threshold in Spain may reflect the “institutional rigidity hypothesis”. Finally, the fact that the Euro area crisis may affect the domestic Okun's law is consistent with decision makers with risk aversion who use information from the economic area they are operating in. These results not only potentially enrich Okun's law estimations but also open the debate over how the different theoretical hypothesis intervene and shape Okun's law for each country.  相似文献   

城镇劳动力市场分割决定了环境规制对二元劳动力就业影响存在差异性。基于环境规制对城镇二元劳动力就业影响理论分析,本文首先利用1998—2014年30省份面板数据实证分析了环境规制对城镇二元劳动力就业影响的差异性,进一步采用面板门限模型,考察了环境规制对城镇农民工就业影响的劳动力市场分割门槛效应。研究发现:(1)环境规制对城镇农民工就业负面冲击大于对城镇本地劳动力就业冲击;(2)环境规制对农民工城镇就业存在显著的劳动力市场分割门槛效应,当劳动力市场分割程度高于2002时,环境规制对农民工城镇就业抑制效应为-0116;当劳动力市场分割介于1199到2002之间时,抑制效应较大程度下降,为-0042;而当劳动力市场分割程度小于1199时,抑制效应转变为正向促进效应,为0106。未来应继续深化户籍制度改革,打破劳动力市场分割,加强技能培训,提高人力资本积累,降低环境规制对农民工城镇就业抑制效应,进一步提高城镇化水平,有效发挥城镇化经济增长效应。  相似文献   

During the last decade, economists have shown that the inverse relationship between economic growth and unemployment rate varies over time. Rolling regression has been the main tool used to quantify such a relationship. This methodology suffers from several well‐known problems which lead to spurious non‐linear patterns in the Okun's coefficient behaviour over time. Here, we take a penalized regression spline approach to estimate the Okun's time‐varying effects. As a result, spurious non‐linearities are suppressed and hence important time‐varying coefficient features revealed. Our empirical results show that the inverse relationship in some Euro area countries is spatially heterogeneous and time‐varying. The findings are complemented by the calculation of the rate of output growth needed for a stable unemployment rate, as proposed by Knotek.  相似文献   

中国城市化进程中农民工对经济产出的贡献与收益分享   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在城市化进程中,农民工群体已经成为中国城市第二、三产业劳动力的重要组成部分。文章充分考虑了农民工与城镇职工在劳动生产率和劳动强度上的差异,运用柯布-道格拉斯生产函数分析1991~2010年农民工群体对中国非农经济产出的贡献率及其收入水平,得出的基本结论是:农民工对我国非农经济产出的贡献率平均为16.37%,其对中国国民经济增长做出了重要贡献,相应地,农民工群体的收入水平相对于其对非农经济产出的贡献比城镇职工偏低。城镇职工对非农经济产出的贡献是农民工的1.63倍,然而城镇职工收入平均是农民工收入的3.43倍。文章的研究结论为中国"十二五"期间新一轮扩大内需政策提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

The institutional settings in China, including the land allocation system and the household registration system, lead to a rural–urban labour migration pattern that differs from that in other countries. Individual peasants' labour is often split (typically over different times of the year) into two or more parts as a result of institutional factors. Individuals work both as peasants on the land and as temporary migrant workers in urban areas (or in rural non‐agricultural sectors). We examine this issue using province‐level panel data. The present study provides a new interpretation of the phenomenon of labour shortages in coastal cities and rising rural migrant wages in China in recent years, and discusses whether the Lewisian turning point has been reached. Under part migration, the rural labour supply to urban areas is smaller than would be the case with full migration of workers to urban areas, so that the Lewisian turning point occurs earlier. This finding has important policy implications for China's future development.  相似文献   

We analyze the impact of China's integration into the global economy on other countries, Asian countries in particular. We first examine how the growth of China's exports is affecting the exports of other countries in Asia and the rest of the world. Our innovation is to distinguish exports of capital goods, consumer goods, and intermediates and to disaggregate textiles and consumer electronics, the most visible sectors where China's presence is felt. We next look to the impact of China on direct foreign investment flows. Here our innovation is to distinguish vertical and horizontal foreign direct investment (FDI) and to consider how they are affected by supply‐chain relationships. We then look more closely at factors influencing the articulation of these supply chains, the fragmentation of production, and the emerging international division of labor, focusing on two industries, electronics and autos, that exhibit very different responses. The results suggest that countries specializing in the production and export of components and raw materials feel positive effects from China's growth, while countries specializing in the production of consumer goods feel negative effects. Similarly, countries that compete with China for horizontal FDI find it more difficult to attract foreign investment as a result of that country's emergence, while countries that are potentially attractive destinations for vertical FDI find it easier to attract foreign investment as a result of trade links, especially in components and intermediates, that allow them to take advantage of supply chains involving their large and dynamically growing neighbor.  相似文献   

This paper studies the degree of integration of China's domestic market and investigates the determinants of inter‐provincial trade barriers under the rubric endogenous trade policy theory. I rely on industry‐level trade flows extracted from provincial input–output tables to develop a model that analyzes the magnitude and evolution of Chinese provinces’ engagement in domestic trade by computing all‐inclusive indicators of trade barriers. Results underline that over the 1990s, not only was China's domestic market fragmentation along provincial borders great, but it also has become more severe at least between 1992 and 1997. The investigation of province‐level and industry‐level trade barriers confirms the relevance of applying the framework of endogenous protection to explain the level of impediments to trade between Chinese provinces. Findings emphasize that provinces’ domestic trade protection pursues a dual objective of socio‐economic stability preservation and fiscal revenues maximization.  相似文献   

Using repeated cross-sectional survey data, we analyze whether China's growing economic engagement in Latin America has an effect on citizens’ perceptions of China within 18 Latin American countries over the 2002–2013 period. Our instrumental-variables regressions exploit exogenous variation in the supply of Chinese exports, aid, and investment. Specifically, we use China's market penetration of developing countries outside of Latin America as the instrumental variable. In contrast to the widespread criticism, we do not find evidence that China's growing economic activities in the respective countries diminish average attitudes towards China—neither at the national nor at the provincial level. However, China's economic engagement appears to contribute to more polarized opinions on China: more individuals develop either very positive or very negative opinions on China. We interpret this as suggestive evidence that China's economic engagement creates winners and losers.  相似文献   

城市就业包容性的提升是实现城镇化发展的重要内容,而异质外来移民对原有居民的就业机会将产生不同影响.文章运用动态监测数据,按劳动力的技能水平、所属行业和流入时期分析城市劳动力市场的就业包容性,衡量人力资本等因素在异质外来劳动力就业过程中的作用机制.研究发现:(1)总体而言,人力资本的差异性取代传统的行业壁垒已成为获取就业机会的主要因素.(2)进一步使用工具变量,对劳动力组群的就业决定模型进行估计发现,外来劳动力占比每上升10%,城市原有劳动力的就业率将下降0.04-1.99个百分点,表现为外来劳动力对城市原有低技能劳动力就业率的影响并不明显,但对高技能劳动力的就业率产生显著冲击,且此现象在部分高进入门槛行业尤为明显.(3)城市劳动力市场对不同时期流入的高技能组劳动力的包容性显著低于低技能组,高技能组劳动力之间存在更高的替代性.(4)与本地劳动力的就业率相比,新进入的外来劳动力对前期进入的外来劳动力的就业率的影响会更大,且这种影响同样会随着受教育程度的提高而递增.因此,在完善就业市场的同时,应在就业的前置和后置环节制定更有针对性的人才培养机制和引入措施.  相似文献   

This paper specifically models rigidities in the labor market in China and analyzes the effect of labor market liberalization on economic growth using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. Our results indicate that labor market reforms are essential to the realization of significant gains from China's accession in November 2001 to the World Trade Organization (WTO). In the absence of labor market reform, the gains to accession to the WTO are estimated to be minimal.  相似文献   

This paper examines the interdependence of China's policy uncertainty, the global oil market and stock market returns in China. A structural VAR model is estimated that shows that a positive shock to economic policy uncertainty in China has a delayed negative effect on global oil production, real oil prices and real stock market returns. Shocks to oil market‐specific demand significantly raise China's economic policy uncertainty and reduce the real stock market returns. As measured by a spillover index, the interdependence between these variables has been rising since 2003 as China's influence in the oil market has increased. An equivalent spillover index calculated for the US is smaller and has been largely flat over time.  相似文献   

After the reunification of Hong Kong and China in 1997, Hong Kong is assured of a high degree of autonomy by the Basic Law. However, there remains some worry about the territory's economic viability and financial stability. Whether Chinese policies and China's remarkable growth momentum could continue to boost Hong Kong's prosperity has become an issue of concern. As the Chinese economic reform proceeds, the ‘China factor’ has been generating an increasing influence on the performance of the Hong Kong economy. Unfortunately, there have been very few rigorous quantitative analyses of this rapidly evolving development. To fill the gap, we have constructed a macroeconometric model of Hong Kong which takes into detailed account the linkages of the two economies including trade and capital flows. Estimation of the model incorporates error correction techniques to establish short-run dynamics and long-run equilibria. Our findings have identified crucial channels through which the ‘China factor’ has exerted impact on the Hong Kong economy. It is shown that the factor was not overwhelming up to the recent past, in terms of its stabilizing effects in the financial market and its stimulation on growth, although its influence may rise in the post-1997 era.  相似文献   

Using a panel of China's enterprises from 1999 to 2007, this paper examined how market‐oriented economic transition affects the productivity of China's enterprises given the various stages of enterprises in the commercialization process and given the market segmentation among Chinese different regions. The main findings are that: (i) enterprises with higher degrees of commercialization have relatively higher productivity, whereas enterprises with higher degrees of market segmentation have relatively lower productivity; (ii) the commercialization process and market segmentation act indirectly affect productivity through enterprises' capacity to export, innovate and obtain business loans; and (iii) the indirect effects are found to be significantly different between the commercialization process and market segmentation, highlighting the effects of the market‐oriented economic transition on enterprises' productivity. This paper provides reliable enterprise‐level evidence regarding the sources and evolution of enterprise productivity during different stages of market‐oriented economic transition in China.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of the changing composition of the USA economy on Okun's Law. The article begins by reformulating Okun's Law to take account of the asymmetric nature of the USA business cycle, and estimates of the reformulated model confirm a break in the Okun coefficient around 1974. The principal findings are that the Okun coefficient has increased, and that the cycle has become more asymmetric. These changes are due to changes in the pattern of employment growth which has become more cyclically sensitive, and to a change in female labour supply behaviour which is now less affected by downturns.  相似文献   

In 2002, US net exports of advanced technology products (ATPs) registered a deficit of US$16.6 billion for the first time. By 2006, the ATP trade deficit reached US$43.7 billion. This is primarily due to China's increasing importance as an ATP import source and does not indicate a wholesale loss of US competitiveness in ATPs. Mostly, China's market share gain came at the expense of other Asian countries. This geographical shift in China's favor is due to her greater integration with Asian supply chains. Trade gravity regressions show that the USA exports more advanced technology parts and accessories to lower income countries but advanced technology capital and consumer goods imports by the USA are not correlated with the income of the import source countries. Thus, there is weak evidence that labor cost savings via foreign assembly operations dominate US ATP trade with middle and low income countries.  相似文献   

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