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彭学兵  相颖  刘玥伶  奉小斌 《技术经济》2020,39(12):100-109
文章分析因果推理和效果推理两种决策逻辑对新创企业绩效的影响,及创业资源整合的中介作用。通过对407份新创企业问卷数据的实证研究发现,因果推理和效果推理对新创企业绩效都有正向影响,因果推理和效果推理对创业资源整合也都有正向影响,创业资源整合在因果推理和效果推理与新创企业绩效的正向关系中均具有部分正向中介作用。  相似文献   

以"高校创新创业教育协作网络"组织并开展的"2015年在校大学生创业态度和创业意向调查"为数据来源,分析了来自全国37所本科院校和15所高职院校的15624份问卷。通过探索性因子分析研究了本科学生和高职学生在创业意向、创业态度、创业环境感受和创业要素认知4个构念下多个维度的情况;通过单因素方差分析研究了本科学生和高职学生在创业意向、创业态度、创业环境感受和创业要素认知方面的差异。研究发现:高职学生的创业意向比本科学生强烈;本科学生和高职学生都认为自我实现是创业的最大价值;本科学生偏向于将经济追求置于第二位,而高职学生认为社会贡献是第二位的;高职学生比本科学生对创业环境的认可度更高,两者在家庭环境感受上的差异最大;本科学生和高职学生都认为创业成功的关键要素中"资源要素>理念要素>社会要素"。在上述研究结果的基础上,对国内高校开展差异化创业教育提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

胡杨成  郭晓虹 《技术经济》2014,33(10):51-58
以知识管理能力作为中介变量,将非营利组织(nonprofit organizations,NPO)的绩效分解为社会绩效和财务绩效,构建了社会创业导向与NPO绩效关联的理论模型。利用针对158家NPO所做的问卷调查的数据,借助结构方程建模等对理论模型进行实证分析。结果表明:社会创业导向、知识管理能力对NPO的社会绩效和财务绩效均有显著的正向影响;知识管理能力在社会创业导向与NPO的社会绩效和财务绩效的关系中分别具有部分中介作用和完全中介作用。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to contribute to the debate on the redesigning of financial systems in Central and Eastern European and developing countries by focusing attention on specific financial institutions appropriate to easing the transition and fostering the creation of markets. The paper argues that the immediate emulation of the better-known institutions of the most developed, market-based financial systems, i.e. the US and the UK, should not be taken for granted. It underlines, instead, the importance of drawing inspiration from the experiences of a variety of institutions and financial systems. Particularly relevant are those systems that have experienced forms of transition and a mix, over time, of market and state intervention.
The approach of this paper is one of institutional financial economics (Neave, 1991 and Williamson, 1986), in which structural details of financial institutions and contracts, in our case French financial institutions, are analysed. We argue that the principles on which some French financial institutions are based and aspects of their functioning are of value to reformers. We discuss the lessons that can be learnt from the Crédit National, the Commissariat Général du Plan, the CODEVI and the SOFARIS.  相似文献   

金融摩擦会导致企业间的资本误配,进而降低全要素生产率。本文基于Midrigan&Xu(2014)的分析框架,结合我国1998-2007年制造业企业微观数据,对由金融摩擦引起的生产效率损失分行业进行了估算。结果显示,资本误配造成了我国制造业18%-33%左右的生产效率损失,且在2003年后,随着外部融资环境的恶化,效率损失大幅增加。进一步研究发现,金融摩擦通过扭曲企业的进入和退出机制,进而加剧资本误配,抑制行业生产效率的改进。  相似文献   

Motivated by empirical facts, I construct an endogenous growth model in which heterogeneous research and development (R&D) firms are financially constrained and use cash to finance R&D investments. I also examine the optimal monetary policy. The effects of financial constraint crucially depend on whether R&D firms are homogeneous or heterogeneous regarding R&D productivity. If R&D firms are homogeneous, then the zero nominal interest rate (i.e., the Friedman rule) is always optimal under severe financial constraint. Heterogeneity in R&D productivity leads to the opposite result. With heterogeneity, severe financial constraint makes the strictly positive nominal interest rate welfare-improving under a plausible condition.  相似文献   

We provide a theoretical framework to analyze how financial constraints hinder migration. Introducing wealth heterogeneity and borrowing constraints into a random utility maximization model of migration, we find evidence of multilateral resistance to migration stemming from borrowing constraints. We calibrate the model on 22 European countries, and we show that omitting the constraints biases upward the estimation of bilateral migration rates. We then simulate an increase in the bilateral cost of migration to the United Kingdom. We find that omitting the constraints biases downward the change entailed by the cost increase in the bilateral rates of migration to all destinations.  相似文献   

管理科学知识的广泛应用和市场经济体制的逐步建立,催生了我国的创业型经济;创业型经济的快速发展,客观上要求中小企业管理必须持续创新。面对竞争日趋激烈的国内外市场和日新月异的知识经济,为了生存发展,把企业做大做强,中小企业必须持续进行管理思想、管理模式、管理体系、管理内容、管理方法和管理手段的创新,逐步实现企业知识化、信息化和管理科学化、现代化,最终全面提升企业管理水平和核心竞争能力。  相似文献   

创业团队内冲突、企业家精神与公司绩效关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不但初创小企业采用团队创业的行为比较普遍,而且即使是在大公司中,公司高管层也越来越多地倾向于采用团队决策模式,以应对日趋动态化和复杂化的外部竞争环境。研究结果显示,创业团队内情感冲突与创业团队企业家精神、公司绩效显著负相关;创业团队内认知冲突与创业团队企业家精神、公司绩效显著正相关。与此同时,创业团队企业家精神作为中介变量,在冲突与公司绩效间起一定的调节效应。  相似文献   

We explore the migration‐trade nexus in the case of Germany over the period 2000–09, disentangling the two dimensions of intra‐industry trade (vertical and horizontal). We find that immigration is positively and significantly related to intra‐industry trade. However, the magnitude and statistical significance of migration's impact on trade are considerably higher for horizontal intra‐industry trade and increase with the difference in the level of development between Germany and the partner countries. This pattern is consistent with the view that information flows between migrant communities and their country of origin may be more important for consumer goods (where trade in varieties prevails) and that this information effect is more important if trading countries are very different.  相似文献   

对处于转型经济时期的中国高科技企业的创业导向和绩效之间的关系,以及企业的资源禀赋对该关系的影响作用进行研究发现:对于当前处于内外压力下的中国高科技企业而言,积极的创业导向更能提高企业的绩效;积极创业导向与绩效之间的正向关系还受到企业资源禀赋的影响,即高的资源禀赋能够强化这种关系,而低的资源禀赋则会削弱这种关系。  相似文献   

唐根丽  钱丽  陈忠卫 《技术经济》2008,27(12):43-49
利用GEM专家问卷调查数据,对安徽省芜湖、合肥、亳州三地市的创业环境进行了均值比较和方差分析。研究发现:合肥与芜湖在金融支持、市场开放程度、有形基础设施、文化与社会规范等方面存在显著差异;亳州与芜湖在金融支持、政府项目、教育与培训、研究与开发转移、商务环境、市场开放程度、有形基础设施、文化与社会规范等方面存在显著差异;亳州与合肥在金融支持、政府项目、研究与开发转移、市场开放程度等方面存在差异;总体上看,芜湖的创业环境最好,合肥的创业环境中等,亳州的创业环境相时较差。最后,结合创业环境的9大因素,提出了改善安徽省创业环境、缩小城市间创业环境差异性、进而推动中小企业成长的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国企业创业学习:维度与检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章基于创业学习的前沿文献,针对我国创业企业,利用Nvivo8.0分析软件,通过内容分析等质性研究提炼出与创业企业发展特点紧密相关的可操作的创业学习维度。在此基础上,文章采用访谈、问卷调查方法,通过系列定量研究对创业学习的测量量表进行了检验,以期对创业学习的实证研究做出有益的贡献。结果发现,创业学习可从创新思考、外部资源获取、信息共享、经验反思和战略试验五个维度进行构建,这对于目前经济状况下对企业进行创业创新指导具有重要意义。  相似文献   

在明确界定核心概念的基础上,借助具有时效性和代表性的调查数据,描述了流动人口的流动过程特征。人口流动模式存在家庭式和非家庭式流动双峰并存的特点;家庭成员多分批达到流入地,家庭团聚具有梯次性。但是,在中部地区和跨县流者中,完整家庭式流动的比例最高,家庭成员团聚的批次较少、间隔较短,而在经济发达和欠发达之地,完整家庭式流动的比例都低,折射出发达地区家庭团聚的门槛或生活成本较高,而欠发达地区优质资源的不足对流动人口携家带口的吸引力不够。  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to explain differences in economic performance between a subset of OECD countries. We classify countries in terms of their degree of rigidity in the labor market, and use a matching model with labor/leisure choice, bargaining frictions, and labor income taxation to capture these rigidity differences. Added flexibility improves economic performance in different ways depending on whether income taxation is high or low. Feeding income taxation rates estimated from the countries at hand, we find that the model is able to replicate the observed rigidity levels. The model is also shown to reproduce well cross-country differences in non-employment population ratios and the share of part-time jobs. In the absence of rigidity differences, taxation shows little promise to replicate cross-country differences, as it has insufficient quantitative effects on production and productivity. However, the interaction of rigidity and income taxation is crucial in explaining the empirical patterns of the non-employment rate and of the share of part-time jobs.  相似文献   

张帏  叶雨明 《技术经济》2012,31(7):59-65
基于囚徒困境理论,提出影响创业团队成员合作决策的概念模型。以L公司为案例,考察其初创、转型发展、出现团队冲突、最后解体的发展过程,分析创业团队的合作与背叛行为,研究高科技创业企业的创业团队合作驱动因素。研究发现:合适的团队组成是创业团队顺利合作的关键前提;背叛成本、预期回报、有效沟通以及创业伙伴间的价值认同和信任是影响创业团队成员合作的主要因素;设计合理的核心团队成员进入和退出机制有助于创业团队的成长和转型。在此基础上,构建了高科技创业团队合作驱动因素模型。  相似文献   

李宝新  岳亮 《经济问题》2008,342(2):49-51
企业家能力对企业的绩效有重要影响.建立了一个中小企业企业家能力与企业绩效之间的综合模型,系统研究了中小企业企业家能力和企业绩效之间的关系,对基于能力和基于资源的理论进行了完善和发展.研究结果显示,不同的企业家的能力会对企业绩效产生不同的作用.因此,对于中国中小企业来说,充分利用企业家能力,可以增强企业的竞争力,从而提高企业绩效.  相似文献   

There is a regular emphasis on the significant role of inward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in promoting economic growth. This favourable relationship has induced many governments to adopt policies intended to increase FDI inflows and, thereby, to create conducive business and economic conditions for Multinational Enterprises (MNEs). This paper examines the effects of Economic Freedom (EF) and its sub-components reflecting the Quality of Institutions (QIs) on FDI inflows, using indices derived from the Fraser Institute and from the Heritage Foundation. The empirical analysis is carried out for a panel dataset using different econometric methodologies and empirical specifications. The results underline positive effects of EF on FDI inflows. They reveal that EF sub-components have varying impacts on FDI inflows, where rule of law, market openness, and less-restrictive regulatory environment stand out as the major FDI-promoting institutional factors. Also, there is an empirical evidence that the effects of EF sub-components on FDI inflows exhibit variations through the economic characteristics of the host countries and across geo-economic regions. The results suggest that governments should pursue EF-improving policies, which should be tailored according to the economic and geo-economic characteristics of the host countries, to increase FDI inflows.  相似文献   

本文首先基于可持续生计框架,引入劳动力迁移的视角,之后改进农户模型以分析劳动力外出务工对流出地家庭生计策略的影响机理,并利用陕西秦岭北麓地区1074户的调查数据进行验证。结果发现:外地打工虽然有利于家庭的资本积累,但会阻碍流出地非农生计活动的参与和劳动力供给;本地打工在促进资本积累的同时,对参与林(经济)作物种植、养殖和自营等生计活动有显著的促进作用,但过多的劳动力外出务工仍然会减少本地其它活动的收入水平。  相似文献   

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