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股权结构、股东保护与上市公司现金持有量   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
我国上市公司的治理结构一直是各方关注的焦点,尤其是股权结构、中小股东保护等问题。本文选取了2000年上市公司样本991个,定义了基于股权结构的股东保护变量,并在此基础上研究了股东保护与现金持有量之间的关系。研究结果表明,上市公司现金持有量差异较大,并且在股东保护较好的情况下,现金持有量相对较小,二者之间呈现负相走的关系。由于影响现金持有量的因素较多,我们选取了相当数量的影响因素作为控制变量,检验在其进入模型的情况下,对股东保护与现金持有量之间关系的影响;结果表明,股权结构影响下的股东保护与现金持有量具有负的线性相关性。  相似文献   

本文分析高管的银行背景是否影响企业现金持有决策,以及这种影响在国有企业和民营企业之间是否存在显著差异。基于中国非金融类上市公司2003-2013年的数据,检验发现,那些聘请具有银行背景的人士担任高管的企业具有显著更低的现金持有水平和更快的现金持有调整速度。相对于国有企业,高管银行背景对企业现金持有决策的影响在民营企业显著更强。上述研究结论有助于揭示社会资本在促进企业发展中的具体运行机制,为上市公司做出更优的现金持有决策具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

张凤 《商业研究》2006,(10):62-64
经理人‘自利动机’可能会影响到公司现金持有量以及现金使用。不同治理结构又会对‘自利动机’构成不同的约束,从股权集中度、经理人所有权以及董事会构成、外部投资者受保护的程度等角度分析公司现金持有量与公司治理结构的关系,进一步研究公司治理结构与现金持有量,对我国上市公司实现现代化管理有重要意义。  相似文献   

We investigate the association between voluntary formation of board investment committee (IC) and corporate cash holdings of nonfinancial firms over the corporate life cycle stages for a large sample of Gulf Cooperation Council firms during 2005–2016. We find that IC increases corporate cash holdings in growth and maturity stages of firm, compared to introduction, shake‐out, and decline stages. These results have important implications for investors, policy makers, and regulators. Our findings are robust to various econometrics specifications.  相似文献   

融资约束、现金流风险与现金持有的预防性动机   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
文章基于现金持有的预防性动机来研究企业的现金持有量与现金流风险之间的关系.研究结果表明对面临融资约束的企业来说,现金流风险对现金持有量存在显著的正向影响.这意味着融资约束企业具有显著的预防性现金持有动机.在利用倾向得分理论解决了分组的非随机性对研究结论的影响后,研究结果同样支持了前述研究结论.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of foreign investors on stock price efficiency and return predictability in emerging markets. It finds that stocks fully investible for foreign investors exhibit stronger price momentum than non‐investible stocks. The difference in momentum effects between stocks with different levels of investibility cannot be fully explained by world market risk, size, turnover, or country‐specific factors. Further tests show that fully investible stocks have no post‐earnings‐announcement drift (PEAD), and their short‐term momentum reverses over a longer horizon. These results show that the stronger momentum of highly investible stocks does not appear to be driven by foreign investors' underreaction to firm‐specific information, but is more likely to be generated by their positive feedback trading.  相似文献   

基于持股权与控制权非对等配置逻辑,文章以2009—2019年A股国有上市企业为研究主体,实证检验非国有股东超额委派董事对企业现金持有水平的影响。研究发现,非国有股东超额委派董事显著提高参股国企的现金持有水平,且随着超额委派比例增加更加显著;进一步地,该正向作用在中央层级企业及市场化进程较高地区表现更为显著;明晰其作用机理,发现其通过抑制超额持现所致的过度投资行为、迫使无效耗散的现金尽快回流进而提高持现水平;此外,非国有股东超额委派董事和超额委派比例均有助于优化现金二次配置,促使企业将超额现金用于发放现金股利及进行创新投入,并最终提升现金持有价值和企业价值。文章结论不仅印证和延伸混改推进过程中非国有资本在高层治理维度所发挥的积极作用,更为进一步深化混合所有制改革及完善中小股东保护体系提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Despite the large literature on developed countries, little is known about the interactions between corporate governance, foreign ownership, and foreign bank lending in developing countries. Using data from five Latin American countries from 2001 to 2008, we provide one of the first pieces of evidence of how foreign ownership affects the loan cost of borrowers in emerging markets. We find that in terms of foreign bank lending, the cost of debt financing is significantly higher for firms whose largest shareholder is a foreign institutional one. The results support the hypothesis that because of potential agency conflicts between shareholders and creditors, having block institutional shareholders tend to increase the borrowers’ debt burden. There is further evidence supporting this agency conflict hypothesis as we find that the effects of large institutional shareholders on borrowing costs become larger (smaller) when the conflicts are aggravated (mitigated).  相似文献   

This paper posits that differences in corporate governance structure partly result from differences in institutional arrangements linked to business systems. We developed a new international triad of business systems: the Anglo-American, the Communitarian and the Emerging system, building on the frameworks of Choi et al. (British Academy of Management (Kynoch Birmingham) 1996, Management International Review 39, 257–279, 1999). A common factor determining the success of a corporate governance structure is the extent to which it is transparent to market forces. Such transparency is more than pure financial transparency; as it can also be based on factors such as governmental, banking and other types of institutional transparency mechanism. There may also be a choice for firms to adopt voluntary corporate disclosure in situations where mandatory disclosure is not established. The Asian financial crisis of 1997–1999 and the more recent corporate governance scandals such as Enron, Andersen and Worldcom in the United States and Ahold and Parmalat in Europe show that corporate governance and business ethics issues exist throughout the world. As an illustration we focus on Asia’s emerging1 markets, as, both in view of the pressure of globalization and taking into account the institutional arrangements peculiar to the emerging business system, these issues are important there. Particularly for those who have to find an accommodation between the corporate governance structures and disclosure standards of the Emerging system and those of the Anglo-American and Communitarian systems.  相似文献   

宏观经济风险对公司投融资行为有显著影响.本文以2007~2015年沪深两市2291家上市公司的非平衡面板数据为样本,分析宏观经济风险影响公司现金持有量的机制,并探究其影响效果.经验结果表明:宏观经济风险显著影响上市公司现金持有量行为,即宏观经济风险越大,则公司持有现金越多,反之亦然;与国有企业相比,非国有企业的现金持有行为对宏观经济风险更加敏感;金融危机期间,宏观经济风险对现金持有量产生负向影响.  相似文献   

本文以我国部分上市公司为样本实证研究了公司治理机制对公司现金持有量的影响。结果表明,公司治理机制并未对公司现金持有量形成显著影响,从公司现金持有量的视角为我国上市公司治理机制的不完善性提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

Emerging Markets     


Emerging Markets  相似文献   

Our paper offers analysis of tendencies and determinants of development of local currency corporate bond markets in the period from 2006 to 2015. We consider a wide range of macroeconomic and institutional factors for 15 bond markets. The sample consists of 600 country-quarter observations. Multifactor linear regression models and the generalized method of moments are applied for the balanced panel data. Our analyses reveals that inflation and its stability, exchange rate, and market capitalization have a significant influence on the share of local currency bonds. Financial and macroeconomic instability stimulates the growth of local currency bond markets.  相似文献   

Nowadays foreign exchange interventions occur in emerging market economies, whereas empirical studies on interventions mainly refer to advanced economies. However, interventions in emerging markets are different from those in advanced economies: they occur ‘regularly’ and central banks have considerable leverage, derived from relatively high reserves, some non‐sterilisation, the central bank’s information advantage and capital controls. Consequently, these interventions often successfully impact the level and volatility of exchange rates. Nevertheless, more research on interventions in emerging markets is needed analysing the influence of heterogeneous institutional circumstances, examining the role of central bank communication and using high‐frequency data.  相似文献   

近年来,中国对新兴经济体进出口总体保持较快增长。由于新兴经济体自身存在的政治、经济结构等问题,决定了这是一个机遇和风险并存的市场。通过梳理我国外贸企业在新兴市场面临的主要风险,初步设计了外贸企业新兴市场客户风险评价指标体系,旨在帮助外贸企业进行客户风险评估,在出口市场多元化的同时,尽量规避风险。总体而言,来自于新兴市场的需求可以减少我国企业对传统市场的依赖,分散经营风险,但是由于新兴市场经济体自身存在的诸多经济结构问题,使其极易受到外部影响,贸易政策表现出重大的不确定性。我国外贸企业必须对此有充分的认识,并且努力设法规避这些风险,从建立内部风险管理机制着手,这样才能在分享新兴市场盛宴的同时,保护好自身利益。  相似文献   

基于融资约束理论的分析发现,房地产公司的现金持有与现金流量、货币供给正相关.因此,鉴于货币政策对中国房地产上市公司影响的复杂性,必须将其与其它调控措施更加紧密地协调以形成合力,才能对房地产市场实施有效管理.  相似文献   

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