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诺基亚并购诺西之后,更可能的结果是利用诺西来为诺基亚的手机业务补血。近期,有关诺基亚并购诺西50%股份后的战略走向成为业内热议的焦点。有一种观点认为,收购诺西之后,诺基亚很可能会撤离(通过出售)自己的手机业务,理由乍看倒也很明了简单,诺基亚手机业务赔钱且似乎未来前景暗淡。尽管诺西相关负责人对媒体称,诺基亚并购诺西和改名之后,诺基亚会保  相似文献   

赵冉  冷眉 《中国电业》2007,(8):49-51
“2007品质杭州·国际冰灯冰雪艺术节。”让杭州陷入媒体和网络的争议圈。各种媒体和论坛对其的关注程度如同杭州近日的气温,不断升高。 “在杭州这样南方城市的炎炎夏日,能欣赏到北国冰雪的景观,对市民来说是一件好事,同时冰雪节也为市民提供一个消暑纳凉的好去处。”赞成者这样认为。而更多的评论则认为:在用电紧张的夏季搞冰雪节,特别是在杭州这样的缺电城市,是极大的浪费,同时也与我国当前的节能减排形势相抵触,应该叫停。[编者按]  相似文献   

7月19日,诺基亚西门子(以下简称诺西)宣布耗资12亿美元收购摩托罗拉的大部分无线网络设备业务,正在萎缩的无线设备市场进一步整合。这桩巨资并购,看上去风光无限,然而事实上却可能是徒有虚表,不仅难于对爱立信和华为等第一阵营无线设备提供商造成实质影响,而且对诺西本身的贡献也不会太大。  相似文献   

诺西的躯壳已经合并,但是精神与基因的彼此融合却刚刚上路。8月底,白伟贤(Simon Beresford-Wylie)又一次来到中国。虽然在过  相似文献   

张久 《汽车与社会》2014,(18):74-76
前些日子有同行发微博说:“传统媒体还没死,自媒体就已经烂大街了”。 还有同行在微信上说:“自媒体火了,火到这个概念已经混沌不清。一个人开个公众账号叫自媒体,一堆人开一个也叫自媒体。一个公司开一个,还叫自媒体。”  相似文献   

星期天晚上22:21,杭州火车站。 丘立涛第一个从G7389次列车刚打开的车门中蹦下来,向着出站口一路狂奔而去。他的目的地是火车站的出租车排队处,尽管到杭州工作还不到一年,但丘立涛已经深深体会到杭州这座“中国最难打车城市”的厉害,也成为很老到的“抢车”高手。  相似文献   

2月底,福田皮卡用户及长三角区域媒体-同相聚美丽的杭州,共同品鉴了具备北美风范的男人座驾-拓陆者。有“中国车王”之称的卢宁军将参加本次活动,对福田皮卡用户及媒体朋友进行全方位的专业性指导。拓陆者与“中国车王”卢宁军的激情碰撞,带给用户更多的专业体验与期待。  相似文献   

2003年11月5日晚,由杭州市旅游委员会、中国国际贸易促进委员会杭州分会及新丝路模特经纪有限公司共同举办中国时尚界第一个最高规格的国际级模特赛事——“时尚杭州之旅,2003新丝路世界模特大赛”总决赛晚会在浙江省人民大会堂为杭州市民献上了本年度“秀冠中国”的一场时尚盛典!  相似文献   

海泰发展(600082,SH)2月22日召开股东大会,选举王卫东、王琚华、冯金有、齐二石、任建成、张志强、张建民、温健、靳祥麟、薄熙成为公司第五届董事会董事,其中齐二石、靳祥麟、薄熙成为独立董事。同日召开的五届一次董事会会议选举王卫东任公司第五届董事会董事长,聘任王卫东为公司总经理,聘任温健为公司董事会秘书。  相似文献   

杭州机床集团公司是原国家机械工业部重点骨干厂、全国最大的平面磨床专业制造厂杭州机床厂和全国最早批量生产电火花数控线切割机的专业生产厂家杭州无线电专用设备一厂,根据强强联合,优势互补原则组建的。年产平面磨床40多个品种2700余台和电火花线切割机床20个品种380多台。企业拥有国优、省优产品11个,产品畅销国内,远销美国、日本、意大利等60多个国家和地区。在经济全球化的趋势越来越明显、经济运行节拍越来越快的今天,我们认识到,“快”是当前市场竞争的一个重要特点,信息传递快,市场变化快,产品更新快,新…  相似文献   

刘琪 《IT经理世界》2012,(Z1):47-49,8
危机感让华为不得不"算计"云,但它真正需要"算计"的却是如何对抗自己。上个月26日,任正非写了一篇内部文章——《一江春水向东流》。在文中,他这样形容自己,"我知识的底蕴不够,也并不够聪明。"这个不够聪明的人,1996年曾找来专家制定了《华为基本法》,还给自己下了一个"套":"我们将永不进入信息服务业。"但华为在2003年接受了IBM一系列的内部管理咨询以后,其触角早已延  相似文献   

华为不仅要为百度等互联网企业“淘金”提供“工具”,也要亲自体验互联网“淘金”的感觉。  相似文献   

左手洽购3Com,右手又在拥抱赛门铁克,左右手同时出击的华为,在与跨国公司进行的商业游戏中显得游刃有余,华为究竟意欲何为呢?赛门铁克和3Com都是美国公司,而北美市场一直都是华为觊觎已久但又是不得门而入的"世外桃源",尽管联合贝恩资本洽购3Com未果,但是华为和赛门铁克的合作却已经拉开序幕。无论最终会与赛门铁克和3Com这两大跨国公司形成什么样的战略关系,华为始终是这场利益互换游戏中的主导者。而且,当市场不断为华为增加筹码,竞合游戏的天平自然而然就会向华为倾斜。在和跨国公司的反复竞合中,我们看到的是华为日益惊人的商业驾驭能力和市场掌控能力。  相似文献   

左手洽购3Com,右手又在拥抱赛门铁克,左右手同时出击的华为,在与跨国公司进行的商业游戏中显得游刃有余,华为究竟意欲何为呢?赛门铁克和3Com都是美国公司,而北美市场一直都是华为觊觎已久但又是不得门而入的"世外桃源",尽管联合贝恩资本洽购3Com未果,但是华为和赛门铁克的合作却已经拉开序幕。无论最终会与赛门铁克和3Com这两大跨国公司形成什么样的战略关系,华为始终是这场利益互换游戏中的主导者。而且,当市场不断为华为增加筹码,竞合游戏的天平自然而然就会向华为倾斜。在和跨国公司的反复竞合中,我们看到的是华为日益惊人的商业驾驭能力和市场掌控能力。  相似文献   

手机舞台上的戏码从未像今天这样精彩过。自美国人马蒂.库珀发明了全球第一部手机以来,通信终端这台大戏已经开唱了39年。舞台上的角儿们你方唱罢我登场,各领风骚三五年。所有人似乎都已经习惯了这样的节奏和腔调。  相似文献   

India needs inclusive growth to pull millions out of poverty. Despite the best efforts of mainstream financial institutions, financial exclusion is depriving millions of poor any chance to attain adequate standard of living. Telecommunication infrastructure growth especially mobile phone penetration has created an opportunity for providing financial inclusion. The current state of mobile banking is characterized by a top-down approach. This paper presents a bottom-up approach of designing mobile banking service which would be acceptable and accessible to the poor customers. The results point to clear preference of the urban poor for a joint bank–telecom led mobile banking model. Conjoint analysis of the data points to preference for attributes related to security/safety of a bank along with the coverage, accessibility and nimbleness of a telecom service provider with minimal documentation. The paper in its conclusion exhorts the regulators, telecom service providers and financial institutions to involve end-users in order to create a sustainable mobile banking service for financial inclusion.  相似文献   

The emergence of 5G and the trade dispute between China and the United States have made Huawei a global hot topic. Owning 37% of the patents, Huawei is undoubtedly one of the key players in the development of 5G. For both governmental policy-makers and business decision-makers, an in-depth understanding of this rapidly growing manufacturer is therefore of significant implications to formulate 5G policy and strategies. Given the lack of systematic studies of how Huawei has grown from a local technology follower to a global technology leader in less than three decades, this paper provides a comprehensive review of Huawei's practice in implementing open innovation. Open innovation is perhaps one of the most powerful key factors behind Huawei's rapid development. The findings shed new lights on the use of open innovation governance models and how to source and work with academic partners. The implications of Huawei's case will also be discussed.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study is to examine the spillover effect of South Korea's telecom industry on other industries until its evolution to the 4th generation. By using Input-Output Table Data to compute Forward and Backward Linkage Effects in South Korea's telecom industry throughout Generational Changes, this study aims to analyze South Korea's telecom industry's impacts and changes on upstream and downstream industries to offer implications for its evolution to the 5th generation. This study used empirical input-output data for the period between the years 2000–2014 to conduct input-output analysis to evaluate forward and backward linkages in South Korea's telecom industry for each generation of it. The results revealed that (1) Korea's telecom industry can be defined as a dependent manufacturing industry due to its below-average forward linkage and above-average backward linkage over the whole study period, and (2) backward linkage in South Korea's telecom industry was higher than the economy-wide average value during our study period although it decreased with the industry's generational shifts. The results indicate that telecommunications companies should create new markets in which they can propagate emerging technologies of the 4IR (4th Industrial Revolution) to other industries, in order to ensure that the 5th generation telecom industry maintain its position as a key industry. On the other hand, the government should make policies to support start-ups and SMEs in telecom industry and implement structural reforms in Korea's oligopolistic telecom market.  相似文献   

平衡计分卡绩效评价法在国际电信业的应用十分广泛,由于我国电信行业还处于垄断阶段,该模型是否适合在我国推广需要进行验证和修正。本文以中国网通江苏地区13家分公司为例,通过综合使用层次分析法、主成分分析法对平衡计分卡中的财务、客户、内部业务、学习及成长等四个层面进行赋权,优化了平衡计分卡绩效模型指标。通过因果逻辑检验选择了电信企业平衡计分卡绩效评价的部分关键指标,首次验证了平衡计分卡绩效评价模型在我国电信企业的适用性和局限所在,并纠正了发达地区等因素对企业绩效有正相关的错误认识,为电信企业战略管理决策提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The Indian telecom sector, post-liberalization, is characterized by the heavy dependence on the imports of telecom products, even though several policy initiatives have been taken by the government during the last three decades to reduce import dependence. This study investigates to what extent the policy measures adopted after 2012 have impacted the import, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), and domestic manufacturing performance in the telecom sector. A series of non-linear time series techniques are employed to capture the complex dynamics among these variables. The outcomes of the study suggest that the import, FDI, and Index of Industrial Production (IIP) in the telecom sector share non-linear relationships that exhibit regime shifts, time-varying behavior, and asymmetry. The study highlights that the FDI drives the import and, in normal circumstances, FDI and imports have the potential to influence IIP in the telecom sector in the long-run. The findings indicate that the policy measures adopted by the government are justifiable as the import substitution strategies have the potential to get transmitted to the telecom sector in the future. Based on the empirical findings, the study proposes a set of policy measures, which should help the sector to grow intrinsically while lowering the import dependence.  相似文献   

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