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We extend the seminal home market effect model of Helpman and Krugman (Market structure and foreign trade, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1985) by incorporating asymmetric cultural discounting. In addition to the home market effect, our model predicts that a country subject to a relatively lower cultural discount factor becomes a net exporter as trade liberalisation accelerates. Using international box office revenues in the motion picture industry and developing a measure of asymmetric cultural discount based on tourist‐arrival statistics, we find empirical support for this hypothesis. Our model provides an explanation for the continued cultural dominance of smaller English‐speaking countries in larger non‐English‐speaking countries, which cannot be explained by the home market effect alone.  相似文献   

无锡市惠山古镇历史文化街区是具有江南鲜明旅游及休闲文化特色的历史文化街区之一。在古镇的发展及运营过程中,无锡市民及国内外游客的到访对其有不同的认识。文章采取现场调查法,对惠山古镇的发展现状和存在的问题作分析,并提出建设性的市场营销策略,强调树立鲜明的古镇形象和祠堂文化的主题理念,注重体验互动性休闲旅游产品的塑造,是当前古镇建设及营销的重点。  相似文献   

文创产品是科技馆展览功能和教育功能的有效补充和延伸,是可以带回家的“移动科技馆”,开发成功的文创产品可以辅助科技馆更好地传播科学和服务公众。本文通过梳理国内外博物馆文创产品的开发现状及有效做法,结合中国科技馆文创产品开发试点工作的实践经验,对博物馆文创产品的内涵进行了界定,并围绕科技馆行业如何更好地发展文创产业提出建议和对策,以期为全国的科技馆文创产品开发工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This article examines the various factors that have shaped the internationalisation of the Japanese cosmetics industry over six decades of economic transformation from 1951 to 2015. Whilst Japanese cosmetics companies have expanded overseas, their focus has largely been in Asia. This article advances a multifactorial explanation that analyses a number of factors that led to regionalisation, including foreign consumers’ perception of Japan, managerial perceptions and strategies toward export markets, as well as the challenges pertaining to cross-border mergers and acquisitions activities by Japanese firms. Using Shiseido as the case example, the article offers a highly-textured account rooted in an understanding of the evolving historical setting, cautions against simple explanations and extends previous discussions concerning the reasons behind the regional orientation of the Japanese cosmetics industry.  相似文献   


This article offers a contribution to the Japan market entry model selection. It critically analyzes the various models such as the eclectic, transaction cost analysis, Uppsala, resource-based, interactive network, and bargaining power models, with examples as they relate to foreign firms that had used some of these models to successfully establish their businesses in Japan, as well as some foreign firms that have failed in the market. Data were gathered from the past academic journals, the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), newsmagazines, and other sources. Knowledge of corporate Japan and the society played a major role in gathering data for this study. The aim of this article is not to prescribe or offer a solution for the best-available model to use in the market entry into Japan but rather to act as a trigger for a critical checkup on foreign firms planning to internationalize their business and enter the Japanese market. Since there has not been a specific model designed for a Confucian society like Japan, an integrated model combining all the models together was examined using the market entry in Japan of Vodafone, Yahoo, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and Bayer Yakuhin as examples. Finally, the article offers some suggestions on how to enter and expand business in the Japanese market.  相似文献   

This study considers the role of global marketing strategy and its relation to market orientation, international experience, and performance in the high tech products context. Knowledge of this important domain of global marketing strategy and performance remains limited. In this respect, the study raises a number of important questions concerning how market orientation, international experience and global marketing strategy impact performance. The study empirically tests predictions of relationships by using mail survey data from 172 business units of high tech firms. Findings from the research sample support the argument that market orientation, international experience, and global marketing strategy are the key antecedents of organizational performance. Market orientation and international experience influence global marketing. The article concludes with theoretical and managerial implications of the research findings.  相似文献   

科技馆开发文创产品,能够更好地实现自身的社会功能,对于延伸科技馆科普教育功能、满足公众对科普事业的需求具有重要意义。激光切割技术,作为一种加工制作方法,为文创产品研发设计提供了技术支持。本文基于激光切割技术的文创产品(拼插玩具)的开发实践,阐述激光切割技术在文创产品开发中的应用、科普文创产品设计理念与开发策略、自研科普文创产品研发思路与开发流程等,以期对科技馆行业内的文创产品开发工作有所启示。  相似文献   

Previous research on how cultural distance impacts the choice of entry mode shows contradictory findings. This study uses a strategic fit perspective to examine the impact of distinct cultural factors as predictors of equity entry scale of Chinese firms. Findings from a sample of 667 Chinese firms demonstrate that the effects of cultural fit on equity entry scale vary across cultural dimensions. Whereas a collectivism cultural fit motivates Chinese investors to secure a high-equity entry scale in foreign firms, a lower power distance cultural fit (“misfit”) leads to higher entry involvement.  相似文献   

我国农产品出口现状与对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加入WTO以来,我国农产品出口增长明显,但为此也付出了沉重的代价,其原因主要是多边农产品贸易的制度缺陷、国际市场定位不准、营销对策不当等。文章提出,在激烈的国际市场竞争中,面对种种贸易和非贸易壁垒,我们应在保证市场定位正确的基础上,加强国家间的政治、经济、社会和文化交流,全面提高农产品质量和农业生产效率,重视国际市场营销对策的研究和选择,从比较优势出发,推动我国农产品国际贸易的健康持续发展。  相似文献   

It has been reported that consumers in different countries have distinctive perceptions of, and attitudes to, products. This study investigated consumers’ thoughts on new food products in south‐east England (n = 222) and Beijing, China (n = 139), using a questionnaire‐based largely on the Theory of Reasoned Action. Results indicated that consumers in both countries believe it is necessary for the food industry in their respective countries to introduce new food products and they would like to try new products. There appears to be great interest in new products among the Beijing Chinese, with most interest in new healthy food products. The influences on choices suggest that a marketing focus on quality, utility and health benefits would be most fruitful, as personal beliefs were more important in intention to purchase than the influence of other people. Results point away from the expected result that the Chinese, as a collectivist culture, would place more emphasis on others’ opinions than their own beliefs. This may be linked to food not being an item of conspicuous consumption, or to a cultural shift among urban Chinese.  相似文献   

南京农业文化遗产旅游产品开发思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业文化遗产旅游开发对发展南京农业旅游有重要意义。南京农业文化遗产旅游资源特点,主要体现在遗产类型以非物质类农业文化遗产占优势,农业文化遗产分布相对集中,文化交流性明显及其环境景观多样等方面。南京农业文化遗产旅游产品开发,应该遵循生活化、教育化、参与性、品牌化、综合化的开发方向,以弥补其规模与品位上的不足。  相似文献   

This research examines the effects of consumers' insecurity on their preferences for nostalgic products. Using survey data from a sample of 356 Chinese consumers, the analysis shows that existential insecurity and social insecurity enhance consumers' preference for nostalgic products. In addition, the results suggest that marketers can use nostalgic elements to promote sales by relieving consumers' insecurity, through designing nostalgic appearance and creating meaningful stories for products.  相似文献   

日本是中国农产品出口的主要对象国,两国贸易关系相当密切。本文采用CMS模型对中国农产品出口日本市场的增长因素进行实证研究得出:中国输日农产品增长主要由日本国内市场需求增长所引致;产品结构效应对中国农产品输日增长具有显著的正向影响,而综合竞争力效应和产品竞争力效应对中国农产品输日增长产生阻碍作用。为扩大中国农产品对日出口,本文针对不同影响因素提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   


As a way to think about gender in marketing, this article reflects on recent events of the ‘Gamergate’ scandal, in which an online analyst of gender in video games was severely harassed and threatened. We focus largely of representational conventions of gender, and introduce conceptual tools such as ethics of representation and performative iteration to illuminate key concerns within marketing representation. We raise several important issues for future work on gender and marketing, and urge a move beyond a search for ‘effects’.  相似文献   

在文化消费多样化和移动互联网技术兴起的发展趋势下,中国演艺市场面临着高成本、低回报的经营困境,作为新兴产业的演艺行业,不管是运行秩序还是行业规则方面,都有需要完善的地方。以演出产品定价为主要研究视角,提出了演出产品定价存在机制不完善、价格水平整体偏高、炒票现象严重等问题,并从建立演出产品价格管理体系、实行差异化定价策略、科学管理演艺市场3个方面提出了建议。笔者将鲍莫尔的病态成本理论作为演艺产品差异化定价的理论依据,菲利普·莱斯利的百老汇价格歧视作为将科学管理手段应用于演出产品价格管理的例证,对演艺产品定价机制及完善对策进行了初步探究。  相似文献   


Despite strong empirical validation of the relationship between market orientation and business performance, the literature is inconclusive on the implementation of the strategy. This paper reviews the implementation of market orientation, and investigates the associations between market orientation and marketing planning and their associations with business performance. A survey of 216 Australian larger business organisations was conducted to find evidence of these relationships. The results highlight a close association between market orientation and marketing planning, with virtually the same level of association between them, and the business performance measures used. This evidence suggests that they arguably represent the same domain. The results suggest that marketing practitioners may use the marketing planning technique as an intangible productive resource to operationalise the market orientation strategy, and use it to design a specific style and magnitude of market orientation suitable for an organisation.  相似文献   


This research compares the effectiveness of advertising and relational marketing in two countries characterized by varying levels of both Hofstede's and Inglehart's cultural dimensions – Peru (high-power distance, high collectivism, survival and traditional values) and Canada (low-power distance, high individualism, self-expression and secular-rational values). Survey data from a high credence service sector (higher education) in both countries is used for the analysis. The results indicate that advertising and relational marketing have direct effects on choice in Peru, but do not have significant direct effects on choice in Canada. Advertising does, however, affect positively perceptual outcome measures (perceived marketing effectiveness) in Canada. Additionally, we find that advertising and relational marketing have an indirect impact on choice and perceived marketing effectiveness through the mediation of perceived informativeness and influencers in both countries. These results point to the need to account for mechanisms and mediating variables when building theoretical frameworks in cross-country studies.  相似文献   


This article explores the historical development of Japanese wholesalers in the food and drink industry in modern Japan. Despite many criticisms of Japanese wholesalers as being “multi-layered,” “old-fashioned,” and “outmoded,” there were historical reasons for the existence of wholesalers. While the traditional wholesalers remained even after the Meiji Restoration, the new wholesalers emerged by dealing with new products that appeared for the first time in modern Japan. Utilizing the historical conditions of both producers and retailers, the newcomers such as Kokubu boosted their development by innovative activities and gradually superseded the traditional wholesale market, firmly establishing their position as general wholesalers before the Second World War.  相似文献   

我国畜产品产销现状与发展对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,加入WTO以后,国际市场价格开始对我国畜产品市场发生作用,我国畜牧企业经营规模小、经营效率低等具体问题开始显现;面对我国畜产品消费需求的快速增长,要加快科技进步,发展畜产品加工,做大产业经营规模,构建现代化畜产品市场产销体系,提高畜产品产销效率,增强畜产品市场竞争能力;要推行市场禁入和准入制度,组建畜产品产销行业协会,加强畜产品市场定位和产销研究,积极推动我国畜产品出口,促进我国畜产品产销持续健康发展。  相似文献   

文化建设是城镇化的重要内容,城镇化进程会从供给、需求、交流等方面促进中国文化产品贸易。结合贸易双方城镇化进程、文化产业投入等因素,基于扩展引力模型分析中国文化产品贸易的影响因素,结果表明:对象国城镇化进程、人口数量、人均GDP和信息技术水平对中国文化产品贸易有显著的正向影响,双方的地理距离则对其呈现显著的负向影响,同时,中国的信息技术水平对中国文化产品贸易也具有显著的正向促进作用。  相似文献   

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