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随着机器学习、图像识别等技术的发展,国家越来越重视人工智能技术在各领域的应用推广。在国家整体发展战略部署政策的引导以及支持下,智慧管网、智慧城市、智慧工业以及智能电网等概念逐渐被提出。文章首先对智慧管网的发展以及政策进行了梳理分析;然后对智慧管网方面的国内外发展现状进行了梳理,随后对物联网技术架构进行了分析;在此基础上,引入物联网操作系统平台的概念,提出一种基于物联网操作系统平台构建智慧管网的思路;最后对智慧管网建设进行了总结与展望。  相似文献   

AI-based voice assistants are some of the most popular consumer products of artificial intelligence technology. This study investigates the influence of the reasoning process on overall consumer attitudes and adoption intentions towards AI-based voice assistants. Behavioural reasoning theory was applied to hypothesize relationships between values, context-specific reasons, attitudes, and adoption intention. Partial least squares structural equation modelling was used to test the research model and hypotheses using data from 550 potential consumers in India. This research suggests a positive influence of consumers' ‘reasons for’ on their attitude and adoption intentions towards AI-based voice assistants, as well as a favourable impact of consumers' values on ‘reasons for’. This study discovered that ‘reasons for’ and ‘reasons against’ are not only opposites but are entirely autonomous and have an independent impact on consumers' attitudes towards AI-based voice assistants. This research improved our understanding of AI-based product adoption by identifying the paramount role of consumers' values and the ‘reasons for’ and ‘reasons against’ in shaping their attitudes and adoption intentions towards AI-based voice assistants.  相似文献   


Because the Internet enhances consumer control over online marketing transactions, more expert web users are hypothesized to generalize this web expertise to their expectations of offline service encounters. This hypothesis is supported for consumers with moderate web expertise as compared to those with little web expertise. However, web users with high levels of expertise have lower expectations of offline encounters than those with moderate expertise. The lower expectations of the most expert web users are likely to be due to a lower level of involvement with offline service encounter, a greater awareness and use of online information by the most expert, and possibly a greater propensity to distinguish between online and offline encounters.  相似文献   

网上银行服务质量包括网站外观、可获取性、可靠性、响应性、安全性和产品质量等6个要素。由此本文构建了网上银行服务质量要素、关系长度、竞争者吸引力与交叉购买之间的关系模型。通过对502个有效样本的实证研究发现,网站外观、可获取性、可靠性、安全性和产品质量等网上银行服务质量要素对交叉购买有显著的正向影响,关系长度、竞争者吸引力在服务质量要素与交叉购买关系中具有一定的调节作用。为了促进网上银行顾客交叉购买,需要全面优化网上银行不同服务质量要素,并针对顾客关系长度和竞争者吸引力来选择改进服务质量的侧重点。  相似文献   

The present study compares the influence of text-based recommendations; traditionally known as online consumer reviews, and the influence of voice-based recommendations provided by voice-driven virtual assistants on consumer behaviors. Based on media richness theory, the research model investigates how voice versus text modality influences consumers' perceptions of credibility and usefulness, as well as their behavioral intentions and actual behaviors. In addition, the study analyses if these relationships vary based on the type of product and compares the influence of masculine and feminine voices. Two studies were conducted using between-subjects experimental designs, partial least squares-structural equation modeling, and logistic regression. The core finding is that voice-based recommendations are more effective than online consumer reviews in altering consumer behaviors. In addition, the first study showed that the influence of recommendations on behavioral intentions is mediated by consumers' perceptions of their credibility and usefulness. The second study confirmed, in a realistic setting, that voice-based recommendations affect consumer choices to a greater extent. Recommendations for search products and provided by males are also found to be more effective. These results contribute to the voice assistant and e-WOM literature by highlighting the effectiveness of voice-based recommendations in predicting consumer behaviors, confirming that credibility and usefulness are key factors that determine the influence of recommendations, and showing that recommendations are more effective when they focus on search products.  相似文献   

Negative consumer behavior is an important research topic as it explores consumer behaviors that threaten a brand's image and financial stability. However, prior research offers conflicting findings on whether a strong consumer‐brand relationship hurts or protects a brand after a market disruption or a brand transgression. To provide clarity on this issue, this work argues that disrupting the consumer‐activity relationship motivates consumers to reaffirm and protect their identity, thereby leading to negative consumer behavior. The data reveal that, after a brand‐initiated market disruption, consumers with high activity identity fusion are more likely to spread negative word‐of‐mouth, boycott the brand, and avoid repurchasing the brand in the future. Moreover, the data suggest that high brand identity fusion protects the brand during market disruptions; therefore, prior conflicting results may be due to the fact that the consumer‐activity relationship was not accounted for. Theoretically, this work establishes that consumers' relationship with their consumption activities has significant impacts on consumer behavior. Brand managers and marketers are urged to develop strategies that focus on strengthening the consumer‐brand relationship and not the consumer‐activity relationship.  相似文献   

A potentially powerful way to assist consumers in making dynamic shopping decisions is to disclose price information to them before they shop, for example by posting prices on the Internet. This paper addresses the differential impact of disclosing either only current, or both current and future prices, on consumer shopping decisions in multi-period tasks involving multiple product purchases. In the context of an Internet-based experiment, we find that consumer expenditure deviates more strongly from that of a normative model when both current and future prices are disclosed than if only current prices are disclosed. We investigate the behavioral effects underlying this finding by estimating a model that allows for variations in consumer discounting, strength of store price format preferences, as well as choice consistency between different price disclosure conditions.  相似文献   

Relational governance affects manufacturers’ ability to adapt flexibly to uncertainty in manufacturer–supplier relationships. Enhancing manufacturer–supplier relationships requires considering supplier willingness and opinions on the relational governance of their focal manufacturer and the effect of relational governance on relational exchange performance. After reviewing the related literature, I identified the antecedents of relational governance affecting suppliers’ relationships with their focal manufacturers and explored the effect of relational governance on relational exchange performance, taking relationship value and relationship norms as the intervening constructs. Data were collected from 241 usable questionnaires that had been completed by suppliers for all Taiwanese automobile manufacturers. The hypotheses were tested with respondent data by using a structural equation model. The results indicated that relational governance directly and positively relates to relationship value and relationship norms, relationship value and relationship norms directly and positively relate to relational exchange performance, and customer focus and competitive priorities directly and positively relate to relational governance.  相似文献   

人工智能技术的快速发展正催生第四次工业革命,可能引发全球价值链深度重构和世界经贸格局重大变革。世界主要经济强国将发展人工智能技术作为争夺新一轮产业竞争优势的重要战略抓手。本文基于全球价值链视角研究人工智能技术变革对国际贸易的影响,我们发现人工智能技术变革可能推动国际贸易规模扩大,提升服务贸易份额,并促进国际贸易交易模式平台化、小宗化,可为中小企业创造更多参与国际贸易的机会。然而,人工智能技术变革也可能通过降低企业劳动力需求从而对我国等发展中国家的出口拉动型增长模式造成严重的潜在威胁。为应对人工智能技术变革,我国应部署并强化对人工智能产业发展的政策支持,加快培育制造业国际竞争新优势,大力推动先进制造业与现代生产性服务业深度融合发展,全面促进"中国制造"攀升全球价值链中高端。  相似文献   

This study investigates the mediating mechanisms through which relation-specific investments (RSIs) can contribute to channel performance in China. We distinguish between property-based RSIs and knowledge-based RSIs and propose that these two types of RSIs rely on different governance mechanisms to impact channel performance. Specifically, although property-based RSIs prompt the drafting and utilization of formal contracts, they promote channel performance through relationship communication. In contrast, knowledge-based RSIs enhance relational trust and relationship communication, which can increase the profitability of the channel relationship. However, both types of RSIs can enhance channel performance directly. Our study shows that relationship communication plays an important role in strengthening the effects of governance mechanisms for both types of RSIs in China. In addition, relational governance mechanisms have greater effects than formal contracts on channel performance. These results enrich our understanding of RSIs in the emerging market.  相似文献   

消费者创新性对顾客忠诚的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着买方市场特征的日益显著,企业竞争策略开始从单纯的争夺顾客向保留顾客转变。鉴于当前消费者创新性对顾客忠诚的重要作用,研究消费者创新性对顾客忠诚的影响,对于我们更好地认识顾客忠诚形成机制并指导顾客关系管理实践具有十分重要的意义。基于消费者视角,借助计划理论与调节聚焦理论探讨消费者创新性对顾客忠诚影响的内在机理可以发现,消费者创新性对顾客忠诚具有负向影响,且这种负向效应不受顾客满意度水平高低影响。同时,消费者创新性对顾客忠诚两个维度的影响存在差异,即消费者创新性负向影响行为忠诚,而对态度忠诚并无显著影响。考虑到消费者创新性对顾客忠诚及其具体维度的影响,为更好地进行企业顾客关系管理,必须关注目标顾客消费者创新性程度,特别是重视目标市场中消费者创新性程度较高的那部分顾客。企业在追求顾客忠诚时,不能仅仅关注顾客满意,还要充分认识消费者创新性对顾客忠诚的负向影响,将注意力转向企业外部,关注消费者创新性程度,采取适当的营销策略合理防止消费者创新性程度较高的顾客发生购买行为转移。  相似文献   

文章运用电商高频价格大数据,分析了新冠肺炎疫情对商品价格变化的影响。研究发现:根据公平定价理论,在突发疫情下商家会加入消费者情绪制定价格策略,商品价格经过调整后趋于稳定;并且,商品价格表现出较低的价格黏性,对称的交错调价使得新冠肺炎疫情对商品价格的冲击有限。因此,政府部门可利用线上商品价格编制大数据物价指标,及时反映市场供求变化,促进资源优化配置,为宏观政策制定提供依据;同时,加快推进消费数字化转型,优化线上交易环境,建立预警机制来应对突发情况。  相似文献   

作为企业营销者,了解个体消费者行为的特点是必要的,但是消费者的行为并非孤立存在,而是因诸多外在的和内在的因素而相互影响。了解和把握消费者的相互影响在新产品的扩散过程和参照群体的地位是成功营销战略的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

Experts and Amateurs: The Role of Experience in Internet Auctions   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
The use of auctions as a pricing mechanism has grown dramatically over the last few years. The introduction of electronic auctions has significantly widened the pool of consumers who participate in auctions and increased the number of companies attempting to sell their products in an auction format. Previous empirical research on auctions has focused almost exclusively on the behavior of professional bidders in high stakes common value auctions or the behavior of students in laboratory experiments. We collect data on a large number of electronic auctions, across four product categories, to explore the behavior of consumers bidding in a real marketplace. In particular, we focus on the role experience plays in their bidding behavior to uncover whether consumer learning drives the bidding process towards outcomes described in the theoretical literature on auctions. We find that experience does indeed lead to behavior which is more consistent with theory although the proportion of experienced bidders who behave in a manner inconsistent with theory remains quite large.  相似文献   

The aggregate measures frequently used to evaluate customer relationship management (CRM) performance may mask the true impact of CRM activities and make it difficult to tease out which activities might be helping (or hurting) the relationship capabilities of the firm. We posit that examining the impact of CRM on individual firm performance indicators provides better diagnostic value for managers. To test our hypothesis, we examine the impact of 6 CRM activities on 4 dimensions of firm performance and compare the results with the impact of the same activities on a composite score of the 4 dimensions. As expected, the pattern of regression coefficients is different between the equation with composite performance as the dependent variable and each of the remaining 4 equations. Managerially speaking, our results provide direction for marketing and customer managers in decision making related to prioritizing CRM activities. Theoretically speaking, they imply that researchers should consider examining the impact of CRM on individual performance dimensions as well.  相似文献   

While many durable products are sold through intermediaries, there is limited understanding of how channel performance is influenced by transactions involving durable goods in a competitive market. In particular, extant research shows that intermediaries can significantly impact the leasing versus selling policy of a monopolistic manufacturer. This article seeks to fill that gap by examining the selling versus leasing choice of duopolistic manufacturers in the context of decentralized channels. Our analysis demonstrates that in addition to the unique equilibrium of selling, a prisoner's dilemma may arise where both manufacturers are better off if they were to lease their products.  相似文献   


Purpose: This work addresses the mixed findings in relationship marketing studies regarding the importance of traditional culture-level (i.e., interpersonal) relationships on service firm outcomes.

Methodology/approach: This article leverages customer relationship marketing (CRM) theory to advance a framework for understanding the causal relationship between the Chinese cultural worldview and relationship marketing in order to better predict firm performance.

Findings: The author suggests that five major Chinese cultural characteristics—iren-qing, wa-pao, mianzi, chaxu-geju, and collectivism—can qualify the business-to-business (B-to-B) relationship building process and impact the effectiveness of interpersonal and/or group relationships on service firm outcomes.

Research implications: The study’s framework suggests that Chinese cultural characteristics, universal concepts manifest in the activities of Chinese society and organizations, have a positive effect on customer relationship marketing. Chinese culture characteristics can be used to generate excellent relationships with customers and thus create a consumer preference for certain companies and drive service marketing repurchase.

Originality/value/contribution: This study’s theoretical framework (a) distinguishes between Chinese cultural characteristic and relationship marketing relationships; (b) suggests that Chinese cultural characteristics and customer relationship marketing have a positive and substantial effect on service firm performance and that Chinese cultural characteristics are related to customer relationship marketing in their effect on service firm performance; and (c) provides managerially relevant guidelines for strategic sales planning.  相似文献   


Emerging literature on the impact of the Internet on business-to-business (B2B) marketing has primarily focused on examining this issue from the perspective of manufacturers and buyers. This study focuses on the sales agent, a third prominent actor in B2B markets, and tests a conceptual model that relates a sales agent's personality, demographic, and user-situational constructs to that sales agent's Internet utilization for selling activities. Further, the model tested in this study relates a sales agent's Internet utilization to perceived sales performance. Findings in this study indicate that internal locus of control, learning orientation, and sales related Internet training relate positively to a sales agent's Internet utilization, and that a sales agent's age relates negatively to Internet utilization. Further, the results support a positive relationship between a sales agent's Internet utilization and sales performance. This study emphasizes that the Internet can be a productive tool for sales agents. The implications of the results of this study for sales agents with respect to training and recruitment are discussed and avenues for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

利用抽样调查资料,分析探讨城市流动家庭中亲子关系的状况及影响因素。城市流动家庭中的亲子关系是正常的和良好的,母子(女)关系要比父子(女)关系密切。年级、是否独生子女、媒介接触、家庭外部交往、相对剥夺感对其亲子关系有显著性影响。  相似文献   

受新冠肺炎疫情的影响,大多消费者只能在线观看企业通过互联网实施的品牌仪式,然而以往研究更多揭示的是消费者直接参与的仪式效应,鲜有消费者不直接参与的仪式研究。基于社会交换理论,文章运用实验法探讨了当消费者见到但不实际参与品牌仪式时,品牌仪式对消费者信任的影响机制,即品牌仪式的“见”之效应。结果表明:作为视觉材料呈现的品牌仪式(对比随机动作)也能激活消费者的仪式感知,增加消费者对品牌的信任。原因在于当消费者从品牌仪式的互动体验中获取相应的积极情感资源(心流体验)后,会更倾向与品牌建立信任关系。此外,消费者品牌关系规范会调节品牌仪式对消费者信任的影响,对于共享型关系中的消费者,品牌仪式通过增强消费者心流体验,进而增加消费者对品牌的信任,但对于交易型关系中的消费者,该效应消失。  相似文献   

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