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We develop a variant of intervention analysis designed to measure a change in the law of motion for the distribution of individuals in a cross-section, rather than modeling the moments of the distribution. To calculate a counterfactual forecast, we discretize the distribution and employ a Markov model in which the transition probabilities are modeled as a multinomial logit distribution. Our approach is scalable and is designed to be applied to micro-level data. A wide panel often carries with it several imperfections that complicate the analysis when using traditional time-series methods; our framework accommodates these imperfections. The result is a framework rich enough to detect intervention effects that not only shift the mean, but also those that shift higher moments, while leaving lower moments unchanged. We apply this framework to document the changes in credit usage of consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic. We consider multinomial logit models of the dependence of credit-card balances, with categorical variables representing monthly seasonality, homeownership status, and credit scores. We find that, relative to our forecasts, consumers have greatly reduced their use of credit. This result holds for homeowners and renters as well as consumers with both high and low credit scores.  相似文献   

We analyse the forecasting power of different monetary aggregates and credit variables for US GDP. Special attention is paid to the influence of the recent financial market crisis. For that purpose, in the first step we use a three-variable single-equation framework with real GDP, an interest rate spread and a monetary or credit variable, in forecasting horizons of one to eight quarters. This first stage thus serves to pre-select the variables with the highest forecasting content. In a second step, we use the selected monetary and credit variables within different VAR models, and compare their forecasting properties against a benchmark VAR model with GDP and the term spread (and univariate AR models). Our findings suggest that narrow monetary aggregates, as well as different credit variables, comprise useful predictive information for economic dynamics beyond that contained in the term spread. However, this finding only holds true in a sample that includes the most recent financial crisis. Looking forward, an open question is whether this change in the relationship between money, credit, the term spread and economic activity has been the result of a permanent structural break or whether we might return to the previous relationships.  相似文献   

In the current paper, we propose a new utility‐consistent modeling framework to explicitly link a count data model with an event‐type multinomial‐choice model. The proposed framework uses a multinomial probit kernel for the event‐type choice model and introduces unobserved heterogeneity in both the count and discrete‐choice components. Additionally, this paper establishes important new results regarding the distribution of the maximum of multivariate normally distributed variables, which form the basis to embed the multinomial probit model within a joint modeling system for multivariate count data. The model is applied to analyzing out‐of‐home non‐work episodes pursued by workers, using data from the National Household Travel Survey. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multiple event data are frequently encountered in medical follow‐up, engineering and other applications when the multiple events are considered as the major outcomes. They may be repetitions of the same event (recurrent events) or may be events of different nature. Times between successive events (gap times) are often of direct interest in these applications. The stochastic‐ordering structure and within‐subject dependence of multiple events generate statistical challenges for analysing such data, including induced dependent censoring and non‐identifiability of marginal distributions. This paper provides an overview of a class of existing non‐parametric estimation methods for gap time distributions for various types of multiple event data, where sampling bias from induced dependent censoring is effectively adjusted. We discuss the statistical issues in gap time analysis, describe the estimation procedures and illustrate the methods with a comparative simulation study and a real application to an AIDS clinical trial. A comprehensive understanding of challenges and available methods for non‐parametric analysis can be useful because there is no existing standard approach to identifying an appropriate gap time method that can be used to address research question of interest. The methods discussed in this review would allow practitioners to effectively handle a variety of real‐world multiple event data.  相似文献   

We introduce closed-form transition density expansions for multivariate affine jump-diffusion processes. The expansions rely on a general approximation theory which we develop in weighted Hilbert spaces for random variables which possess all polynomial moments. We establish parametric conditions which guarantee existence and differentiability of transition densities of affine models and show how they naturally fit into the approximation framework. Empirical applications in option pricing, credit risk, and likelihood inference highlight the usefulness of our expansions. The approximations are extremely fast to evaluate, and they perform very accurately and numerically stable.  相似文献   

Anna Gottard 《Metrika》2007,66(3):269-287
Graphical models use graphs to represent conditional independence relationships among random variables of a multivariate probability distribution. This paper introduces a new kind of chain graph models in which nodes also represent marked point processes. This is relevant to the analysis of event history data, i.e. data consisting of random sequences of events or time durations of states. Survival analysis and duration models are particular cases. This article considers the case of two marked point processes. The idea consists of representing a whole process by a single node and a conditional independence statement by a lack of connection. We refer to the resulting models as graphical duration models.  相似文献   

We consider the estimation of nonlinear models with mismeasured explanatory variables, when information on the marginal distribution of the true values of these variables is available. We derive a semi‐parametric MLE that is shown to be $\sqrt{n}$ consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. In a simulation experiment we find that the finite sample distribution of the estimator is close to the asymptotic approximation. The semi‐parametric MLE is applied to a duration model for AFDC welfare spells with misreported welfare benefits. The marginal distribution of the correctly measured welfare benefits is obtained from an administrative source. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper demonstrates how various parametric models for duration data such as the exponential, Weibull, and log-normal may be embedded in a single framework, and how such competing models may be assessed relative to a more comprehensive one. To illustrate the issues addressed, the survival patterns of marriages among 1203 Swedish men born 1936–1964 are studied by parametric and non-parametric survival methods. In particular, we study the sensitivity of model-choice with respect to level of aggregation of the time variable; and of covariate-effects with respect to the model chosen. In accordance with previous works our empirical results indicate that the choice of a parametric model for the duration variable is affected by the level of time aggregation. In contrast to previous results, however, our analysis shows that estimates of covariate effects are not always robust to distributional assumptions for the duration variable.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new class of dynamic models for forecasting extreme financial risk. This class of models is driven by the score of the conditional distribution with respect to both the duration between extreme events and the magnitude of these events. It is shown that the models are a feasible method for modeling the time-varying arrival intensity and magnitude of extreme events. It is also demonstrated how exogenous variables such as realized measures of volatility can easily be incorporated. An empirical analysis based on a set of major equity indices shows that both the arrival intensity and the size of extreme events vary greatly during times of market turmoil. The proposed framework performs well relative to competing approaches in forecasting extreme tail risk measures.  相似文献   

We consider estimation of nonparametric structural models under a functional coefficient representation for the regression function. Under this representation, models are linear in the endogenous components with coefficients given by unknown functions of the predetermined variables, a nonparametric generalization of random coefficient models. The functional coefficient restriction is an intermediate approach between fully nonparametric structural models that are ill posed when endogenous variables are continuously distributed, and partially linear models over which they have appreciable flexibility. We propose two-step estimators that use local linear approximations in both steps. The first step is to estimate a vector of reduced forms of regression models and the second step is local linear regression using the estimated reduced forms as regressors. Our large sample results include consistency and asymptotic normality of the proposed estimators. The high practical power of estimators is illustrated via both a Monte Carlo simulation study and an application to returns to education.  相似文献   

This paper extends the existing fully parametric Bayesian literature on stochastic volatility to allow for more general return distributions. Instead of specifying a particular distribution for the return innovation, nonparametric Bayesian methods are used to flexibly model the skewness and kurtosis of the distribution while the dynamics of volatility continue to be modeled with a parametric structure. Our semiparametric Bayesian approach provides a full characterization of parametric and distributional uncertainty. A Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling approach to estimation is presented with theoretical and computational issues for simulation from the posterior predictive distributions. An empirical example compares the new model to standard parametric stochastic volatility models.  相似文献   

We address the nonparametric model validation problem for hidden Markov models with partially observable variables and hidden states. We achieve this goal by constructing a nonparametric simultaneous confidence envelope for transition density function of the observable variables and checking whether the parametric density estimate is contained within such an envelope. Our specification test procedure is motivated by a functional connection between the transition density of the observable variables and the Markov transition kernel of the hidden states. Our approach is applicable for continuous-time diffusion models, stochastic volatility models, nonlinear time series models, and models with market microstructure noise.  相似文献   

Credit identification is one of core issues of financing process. Enterprise credit involves a lot of financial and non-financial measures, among which entrepreneurship is an important but rarely mentioned variable. Good entrepreneur credit often leads to good enterprise credit. A comprehensive analysis of enterprise credit identification is important to avoid losses, foster excellent enterprise and make the optimal allocation of resources. The existing literature mainly studied the impact of entrepreneurship on enterprise credit from the perspective of historical information, which is about average and tendency. Hence, those models were unable to explain the function of complex human nature and, consequently, linear models are unable to well describe the relationship between enterprise credit and entrepreneur credit. Given the deficiency of parametric models when discussing the impact of entrepreneur credit, a non parametric approach are proposed to individually describe the impact path of different individuals. This paper established a decision tree based on nonparametric approach to verify the practicability of the model in the evaluation of enterprise credit recognition. In the end of this paper, we demonstrate the validity of the non parametric model and the validation method of it.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(2):100979
This paper examines banking crises in a large sample of countries over a forty-year period. A multinomial modeling approach is applied to panel data in order to track and capture end-to-end cyclical crisis formations, which enhances the binary focus of previous research studies. Several macroeconomic and banking sector variables are shown to be emblematic of leading indicators across the idiosyncratic stages of a banking crisis. Gross domestic product is an early warning signal across all phases, and a concomitant deterioration in consumption spending and fixed capital formation, preceded by a credit boom, signal a banking crisis to come. Currency depreciation exemplifies ensuing financial distress, reinforced by developmental constructs and regional integration. Lower real interest rates, increasing imports, and rising deposits are frequently harbingers of a recovery. Period effects underscore the dynamic evolution of common contemporaneous precursors over time. Premised on pursuing cyclical movements through multiple outcomes, our findings on forecasting performance suggest enhanced predictive power. Several multinomial logistic models generate higher predictive accuracy in contrast to probit models. Compared to machine learning methods (which encompass artificial neural networks, gradient boost, k-nearest neighbors, and random forests methods), a multinomial logistic approach outperforms during pre-crisis periods and when crisis severity is modeled, whereas gradient boost has the highest predictive accuracy across numerous versions of the multinomial model. As investors and policy makers continue to confront banking crises, leading to high economic and social costs, enhanced multinomial modeling methods make a valuable contribution to improved forecasting performance.  相似文献   

Snapshot samples     
Edward H. Kaplan 《Socio》1997,31(4):281-291
We consider a coverage model where an initial event that occurs at some point in time triggers an activity of random duration that leads to some subsequent event. A snapshot sample is constructed at a fixed point in chronological time either by sampling only subjects where the initial event has occurred but the subsequent event has yet to occur (active subjects), or by sampling only subjects where both the initial and subsequent events have occurred (inactive subjects). The biases inherent in snapshot sampling can be neatly characterized by the properties of two random variables: the history (defined as the time the initial event occurs as measured into the past from the chronological point of sampling), and the active time (defined as the length of time between the initial and subsequent events). Though snapshot samples are biased, recognizing the biases enables correct inferences to be drawn from snapshot-sampled data. Considering only the case where and are independent random variables, this paper presents the probability models associated with snapshot sampling, demonstrates the problems that can occur, offers procedures for overcoming these problems, and applies the methods to interesting data sets.  相似文献   

A new empirical reduced-form model for credit rating transitions is introduced. It is a parametric intensity-based duration model with multiple states and driven by exogenous covariates and latent dynamic factors. The model has a generalized semi-Markov structure designed to accommodate many of the stylized facts of credit rating migrations. Parameter estimation is based on Monte Carlo maximum likelihood methods for which the details are discussed in this paper. A simulation experiment is carried out to show the effectiveness of the estimation procedure. An empirical application is presented for transitions in a 7 grade rating system. The model includes a common dynamic component that can be interpreted as the credit cycle. Asymmetric effects of this cycle across rating grades and additional semi-Markov dynamics are found to be statistically significant. Finally, we investigate whether the common factor model suffices to capture systematic risk in rating transition data by introducing multiple factors in the model.  相似文献   

This paper deals with models for the duration of an event that are misspecified by the neglect of random multiplicative heterogeneity in the hazard function. This type of misspecification has been widely discussed in the literature [e.g., Heckman and Singer (1982), Lancaster and Nickell (1980)], but no study of its effect on maximum likelihood estimators has been given. This paper aims to provide such a study with particular reference to the Weibull regression model which is by far the most frequently used parametric model [e.g., Heckman and Borjas (1980), Lancaster (1979)]. In this paper we define generalised errors and residuals in the sense of Cox and Snell (1968, 1971) and show how their use materially simplifies the analysis of both true and misspecified duration models. We show that multiplicative heterogeneity in the hazard of the Weibull model has two errors in variables interpretations. We give the exact asymptotic inconsistency of M.L. estimation in the Weibull model and give a general expression for the inconsistency of M.L. estimators due to neglected heterogeneity for any duration model to O(σ2), where σ2 is the variance of the error term. We also discuss the information matrix test for neglected heterogeneity in duration models and consider its behaviour when σ2>0.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》1987,34(3):305-334
In this paper, bounds on asymptotic efficiency are derived for a class of non-parametric models. The data are independent and identically distributed according to some unknown distribution F. There is a given function of the data and a parameter. The restrictions are that a conditional expectation of this function is zero at some point in the parameter space; this point is to be estimated. If F is assumed to be a multinomial distribution with known (finite) support, then the problem becomes parametric and the bound can be obtained from the information matrix. This bound turns out to depend only upon certain conditional moments, and not upon the support of the distribution. Since a general F can be approximated by a multinomial distribution, the multinomial bound applies to the general case.  相似文献   

A framework for studying the timing of events in migration histories and other micro-level longitudinal data is presented. The framework derives from a general stochastic model of the histories in which moves depend on the past history of the process, time varying individual characteristics, and exogenous constraints and opportunities. The semi-Markov model plays a distinguished role. The framework emphasizes the range of stochastic models available, the different types of time intervals and observational schemes that can be considered, distributions that can be used to characterize intervals, and statistical methodology. The use and crucial importance of the framework in empirical research is illustrated in the sequel.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide guidelines for empirical researchers who use a class of bivariate threshold crossing models with dummy endogenous variables. A common practice employed by the researchers is the specification of the joint distribution of unobservables as a bivariate normal distribution, which results in a bivariate probit model. To address the problem of misspecification in this practice, we propose an easy‐to‐implement semiparametric estimation framework with parametric copula and nonparametric marginal distributions. We establish asymptotic theory, including root‐n normality, for the sieve maximum likelihood estimators that can be used to conduct inference on the individual structural parameters and the average treatment effect (ATE). In order to show the practical relevance of the proposed framework, we conduct a sensitivity analysis via extensive Monte Carlo simulation exercises. The results suggest that estimates of the parameters, especially the ATE, are sensitive to parametric specification, while semiparametric estimation exhibits robustness to underlying data‐generating processes. We then provide an empirical illustration where we estimate the effect of health insurance on doctor visits. In this paper, we also show that the absence of excluded instruments may result in identification failure, in contrast to what some practitioners believe.  相似文献   

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