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In 1989, the Hong Kong government embarked on a program to increase the provision of first-year first-degree places. The expansion of tertiary education represents a large and exogenous increase in the supply of university graduates to the territory. This article measures the labor market effects of the expansion program by studying the changes in earnings premium for university graduates. Two alternative hypotheses—crowding and quality effects—are identified to explain why the earnings premium shrank. The results support the view that the declining quality of university graduates is the prime candidate for the declining earnings premium. (JEL J31 , I28 , J18 )  相似文献   

We examine the determinants of occupational earnings of UK 1993 graduates and focus on the influence of the type of school the graduate attended prior to university entrance. For data reasons, we restrict attention to graduates who attended school in England. We estimate that, on average, a male (female) graduate who attended an Independent school receives an earnings premium of 3.1 per cent (3.4 per cent) over and above the earnings of a graduate who attended an LEA school, ceteris paribus . We also find considerable variation across different Independent schools in the size of the graduate earnings premium, especially for males, and show that in the case of males the premium increases with the level of school fees, but is not statistically related to measures of school–level average academic performance.  相似文献   

Ted Wannell 《Applied economics》2013,45(17):1967-1978
This paper reports the results of an empirical analysis of the gender earnings gap among recent Canadian Bachelor's level university graduates. The overall gap as of two years leaving university narrowed significantly across successive cohorts of graduates, but widened significantly from two to five years out for all groups. Differences in the explanatory variables ‘explain’ account for between 40% and essentially the entire gap across the different periods, this portion rising from two to five years out and across cohorts. By the final group, all of the gap is thus ‘explained’ at the two-year point in time, and most of it is explained at the five-year mark, meaning that labour market returns (measured in this manner) are largely gender-neutral for the last group of graduates. Hours of work is the single most important influence, while past work experience, job characteristics, family status, and province of residence and language have smaller and more mixed effects.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects of the changing composition of academic majors during expansion of higher education on the dynamics of wage distribution. Using a unique dataset constructed from open-ended responses in the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey, we conduct a structural analysis of wage distribution dynamics for higher education graduates over 2002–2016. In addition to the standard mean wage estimations across majors we explore within-major and across-cohort variation, as well as major-specific permanent and transitory variance components and their time paths.The results suggest that changing wage inequality among university graduates is due to both changes in skill prices and wage shocks induced by economic fluctuations. Moreover, variation in skill prices relates to equilibrium effects induced by changes in the supply of graduates specialized in different fields. Uneven expansion in certain majors induces labor market saturation and leads to an increase in the wage variance of graduates from the fastest growing majors. The estimation results also show the importance of accounting for within-major heterogeneity across cohorts, which could reflect differences in student ability distribution, changes in academic content, and changes in educational quality over time. Finally, this study suggests that focusing only on mean wage returns, without assessing the distributional implications, might substantially understate the labor market impact of the changing major composition.  相似文献   

University quality and labour market outcomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper uses proxies for university quality derived from the Research Assessment Exercise and the Teaching Quality Assurance Agency to assess the impact of university quality on the labour market outcomes of a cohort of UK graduates. The impacts on job quality and earnings were mainly limited to graduates in particular disciplines or those obtaining ‘poor’ degrees from ‘good’ universities. The results suggest that, after controlling for pre-entry qualifications, labour market outcomes for most graduates depended more on the subject studied and degree classification awarded than on the university attended.  相似文献   

在大学生的教育工作中,人们无法将智育与德育分开,也就是说智育不是任课教师的专利,德育也不是辅导教师的专利,学生任何一方面素质的发展与提高都包含在教育的各个环节当中,分析了在"院长—分院院长—系主任—导师"的四级管理模式下,辅导教师与导师如何默契配合,共同做好学生教育工作的问题。  相似文献   

I find that self-selection into teacher training programs in Germany is co-determined with ideology. Incoming teacher-trainees are more left-wing in ideology and political preferences than the average incoming university student. I find also that teacher training programs exert a socialization effect: as compared to the average student, teacher trainees’ views are reinforced and they become more left-wing as they progress in their studies. In a third step, I use the German Socio-Economic Panel to compare tenured teachers’ political attitudes with other university graduates and other civil servants, and find that tenured teachers are more left-wing than the average in the respective reference groups. I consider possible explanations for the left-wing orientation of teachers in the German educational system and implications of indoctrination and imbalance of views.  相似文献   

College Quality and Wages in the United States   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract. We estimate the effects of the quality of the college a student attends on their later earnings using data from a cohort of US college students from the late 1970s and early 1980s. We rely on a linear selection on observables identification strategy, which is justified in our context by a very rich set of conditioning variables. We find economically important earnings effects of college quality for men and women, as well as effects on educational attainment, spousal earnings and other demographic variables. These effects remain roughly constant over time and result primarily from effects on wages, rather than from effects on hours or labor force participation. We find that, over the lower part of the range of college quality, increases in college quality (which entail higher expenditures per student) pass a simple social cost–benefit test.  相似文献   

This article investigates the preferences of student and newly graduated nurses for pecuniary and nonpecuniary aspects of nursing jobs. It is the first study applying methods based on discrete choice experiments to a developed country nursing workforce. It is also the first to focus on the transition through university training and into work. This is particularly important as junior nurses have the lowest retention levels in the profession. We sample 526 individuals from nursing programmes in two Australian universities. Flexible and newly developed models combining heteroscedasticity with unobserved heterogeneity in scale and preference weights are estimated. Overall, salary remains the most important feature in increasing the probability that a job will be selected. ‘Supportive management/staff’ and ‘quality of care’ follow as the most important attributes from a list of 11 nonpecuniary characteristics. However, the subset of new graduates rank ‘supportive management/staff’ above salary increases, emphasizing the importance of a supportive workplace in the transition from university to the workplace. We find substantial preference heterogeneity and some attributes, such as the opportunity for clinical rotations, are found to be attractive to some nurses while seen as negative by others. Nursing retention could be improved by designing different employment packages to appeal to these different tastes.  相似文献   

近三年的连续调查表明,北京高校大学毕业生创业的比例不高,创业大学生的经营状况也比较困难,没成为我国创业型发展的主要推动力量.大学生创业率较低的成因是多方面的,一是大学生创业意识薄弱,具有生存型创业意愿的分别占43.9%、45.8%、42.9%,宁可失业也不选择创业的占32.2%、20.6%、25.7%;二是大学生创业能力不足,90%的大学生不具备足够的创业能力;三是创业环境较差.应采取多种措施全面推进大学生创业,大学生要提高创业意识和创业能力;高校要大力发展创业教育,加大宣传,扩大创业教育规模,提高教育质量;政府要形成尊重创业的社会氛囤,建立创业基金,成立专业化服务机构,深化户籍、社会保障制度改革,制定优惠政策,优化创业环境,以推动我国大学生创业活动.  相似文献   

This study investigated main banks’ influence on the quality of accounting firms’ audits and corporate firms’ earnings, focusing on companies on Japan’s Nikkei 500 index. We posed three questions in this research study about main banks’ influence on corporate clients’ earnings management. First, does a weakened main bank relationship influence corporate clients’ financial reporting quality? Second, does Japan’s firewall deregulation influence firms’ earnings quality? Finally, does the relationship between accounting firms and main banks affect client firms’ earnings quality? Our main findings were that main banks are not related to client firms’ earnings management; however, main banks mitigate client firms’ earnings management after firewall deregulation. On the other hand, firewall deregulation does motivate firms to manipulate their earnings management. Finally, using Pong and Kita’s (2006) study as a framework, we found that main banks and client firms using the same accounting firms had no influence on earnings management. Based on these evidences presented, our findings suggest that the quality of corporate clients’ financial reporting changes before and after firewall deregulation.  相似文献   

This article analyses the relationship between a university’s score in international university rankings, its expenditure per student and other factors such as university mission, size and productive inefficiency. We develop an economic model of rankings and universities and estimate this model with data on universities classified in the top 200 by the Times Higher Education Supplement ranking of 2007. We find that the elasticity of a university’s ranking score for the expenditure per student is between 4% and 9%, and that there are no clear signs of inefficiency in production among the top 200 universities. University mission and size are also significant predictors of ranking score. These results are especially interesting given the relevance attributed to rankings by government officials, university directors and students.  相似文献   


Recent research in the United States has found that wives' absolute earnings level is more important than their earnings relative to their spouses in determining time spent on housework. Utilizing data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey, this article examines whether women's housework time in Australia is associated with relative or absolute earnings and extends previous work by examining possible mechanisms linking women's earnings with their time on housework, outsourcing through the use of paid domestic help, and unmeasured heterogeneity among women. The research finds that women's housework time is more strongly affected by women's relative earnings than by their absolute earnings, and neither outsourcing nor unobserved heterogeneity can explain the relationship between women's earnings and their housework time in Australia. These results indicate that Australia has a strong male-breadwinner institutional framework that continues to hinder gender equality in paid and unpaid work.  相似文献   

曾凡 《经济研究导刊》2012,(10):134-138
20世纪30年代前期,专科以上学校毕业生失业严重。在学生运动风起云涌之际,设立专科以上学校毕业生就业训导班,被国民政府赋予解决专科以上学校毕业生就业问题的重大使命。就业训导班声势大、力量强、目标明确,部分反映了国民政府试图纠正专科以上学校毕业生就业问题的努力。然而该班的设立因被动、临时、人数有限,且并不触及就业问题的根本,而成为国民政府安抚学生和社会情绪的又一项权宜之计。  相似文献   

Using data on immigrants from the Canadian Census, we compare immigrants who received a bachelor's degree from a Canadian university to immigrants who receive a bachelor's degree in their home country, in order to investigate the returns to skills acquired in Canada versus skills acquired abroad. Our measure of skill is based on postsecondary fields of study linked to the O*NET matrix of skills and competencies. We find that immigrants educated in Canada receive higher returns to their communication skills than those educated abroad. To a lesser degree, they also receive higher returns to their logical and technical skills. These gaps in skill returns explain the entirety of Canadian-educated immigrant's 10% earnings advantage. Our results are robust to controlling for the quality of universities in the immigrant's country of study and for occupation and industry choice. The gaps are stable across time and across quantiles of the immigrant earnings distribution.  相似文献   

A model combining student preferences for college with university admissions decisions is estimated to provide information on the role of test scores in the determination of post-secondary educational opportunities in the U.S. In contrast to implications of much of the recent criticism of tests and their use, we find that scholastic aptitude test scores are more strongly related to student application and choice of college ‘quality’ than to college admissions decisions. In addition, although there is a substantial correlation between test scores and high school performance, we find that both post-secondary school preferences and ultimate opportunities are related as much to performance in high school as to test scores themselves. Although SAT scores certainly exclude some persons from schools, our findings indicate that they do not represent an overriding constraint on the college opportunities of high school graduates.  相似文献   

We examine voluntary contributions in a two-stage public good experiment with ‘carryover.’ In two treatments, each subject's second-stage endowment is determined by the return from the public good in the first-stage. We manipulate payoffs across treatments such that, relative to our no-carryover baseline, earnings from either Nash Equilibrium (constant NE) play or Pareto Optimal (constant PO) play are held constant. The remaining two treatments maintain a constant endowment in each stage, but vary the marginal per capita return (MPCR high or MCPR low) to contributions in the second-stage. Our results indicate that carryover increases first-stage contributions. Our implementation of carryover enables us to examine the effects of changing endowments and a wide range of MPCR's. Consistent with the literature, we find that MPCR and endowment effects are important determinants of subject contributions to the group account. While stage 1 contributions tend to increase in the presence of carryover, efficiency levels across both stages fall relative to the baseline. Efficiency levels fall because the maximum earnings possible increase with carryover (due to higher endowments or MPCR levels in stage 2).  相似文献   

Data envelopment analysis (DEA) and multilevel modelling (MLM) are applied to a data set of 54,564 graduates from UK universities in 1993 to assess whether the choice of technique affects the measurement of universities’ performance. A methodology developed by Thanassoulis and Portela (2002; Education Economics, 10(2), pp. 183–207) allows each individual's DEA efficiency score to be decomposed into two components: one attributable to the university at which the student studied and the other attributable to the individual student. From the former component, a measure of each institution's teaching efficiency is derived and compared to the university effects from various multilevel models. The comparisons are made within four broad subjects: pure science, applied science, social science and arts. The results show that the rankings of universities derived from the DEA efficiencies which measure the universities’ own performance (i.e., having excluded the efforts of the individuals) are not strongly correlated with the university rankings derived from the university effects of the multilevel models. The data were also used to perform a university‐level DEA. The university efficiency scores derived from these DEAs are largely unrelated to the scores from the individual‐level DEAs, confirming a result from a smaller data set (Johnes, 2006a; European Journal of Operational Research, forthcoming). However, the university‐level DEAs provide efficiency scores which are generally strongly related to the university effects of the multilevel models.  相似文献   

There is limited and uncertain evidence on how financial aid affects dropout from or the completion of higher education. A large-scale reform of the Danish student grant and loan system that among others increased student grants by up to $3,000 per year (57 %) was used to identify causal effects of financial aid on outcomes for university students. Estimates were obtained from year-of-study specific models for students observed just before and after the reform, controlling for student, parental and labour-market characteristics. The estimates indicate that the reform lowered dropout rates, but had no overall effect on completion rates, although with substantial variation across population subgroups. The impact on dropout rates was found to be higher for students from a lower socio-economic background and the impact on completion rates was found to be higher three years after the designated study time to completion. The reform seems to have performed as intended by increasing the take-up of student grants and lowering work hours while studying.  相似文献   

Employing the U.S. data for the 1990’s, we disentangle state dependence from unobserved heterogeneity in earnings mobility. The fixed effects dynamic multinomial logit utilized to model earnings quintiles dynamics fits the data very well, much more so than the autocorrelated dynamic ordered probit. Unordered models should thus be preferred to study earnings mobility. State dependence is found to be significant. It has a protective (anti-fall) effect at the top of the distribution and a detrimental (anti-rise) effect at the bottom. Consequently, the difficulty of climbing the ladder is not exclusively a question of individual characteristics. Public policies could thus be implemented to improve information about individuals’ ability and job offers, and to design more efficient wage-setting institutions.  相似文献   

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