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超市物流配送中心模式的合理选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来,我国国民经济一直持续稳定增长,居民消费需求发生了深刻变化,这种经济环境形成了连锁超市发展的温床,使得我国的连锁超市迅速而且蓬勃的发展起来。连锁超市是否能够成功经营,在很大程度上取决于与之相适应的配送中心的建设。本文将就我国连锁超市配送中心的建设这一问题进行研究,在深入分析配送中心建设进程中存在的问题的基础上,提出适宜我国连锁超市的配送中心模式和今后的发展趋势,  相似文献   

李翠芝 《商场现代化》2007,(19):124-125
连锁超市越来越成为全国商业领域各种零售业态中增长最快的业态之一,构筑成现代化城市的风景线。同时“连锁超市业呼唤现代物流”也已成为人们的共识,本文针对山西连锁超市及连锁超市配送中心的发展现状,指出配送中心的重要作用,并提出建设和发展连锁超市配送中心的建议,为我们连锁企业的成长提供保障。  相似文献   

张强 《商业科技》2008,(28):129-129
一个成功的连锁超市离不开高质量的配送中心,它对于超市采购的成本、运营的效率等等有着至关重要的影响,本文着重探讨了配送中心的方方面面,以期改进配送中心的运营模式。  相似文献   

一个成功的连锁超市离不开高质量的配送中心,它对于超市采购的成本、运营的效率等等有着至关重要的影响,本文着重探讨了配送中心的方方面面,以期改进配送中心的运营模式。  相似文献   

当下城市化建设进程加快,城市大众的生活方式愈发多样化,网络购物也成了当下购物的主流,连锁超市要保证或提高自己的市场份额,那就要开拓多种购物渠道,提高连锁超市的服务质量,丰富人们购物体验。本文重点对连锁超市的物流配送模式进行探究评价,在现有的基础上提出优化改进建议。  相似文献   

本文首先分析连锁超市这一零售业态的现状,然后在介绍连锁超市配送中心功能的基础上讨论了配送中心信息系统的构建。  相似文献   

连锁超市物流配送模式及其选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贾兴洪 《商场现代化》2007,(20):141-142
连锁超市物流配送模式可以归为四类:自营配送模式、第三方物流模式、共同化配送模式、供应商配送模式。连锁超市应根据自身的规模选择适合自己发展的物流配送模式。  相似文献   

在连锁超市飞速发展的今天,竞争日益激烈,成本控制成为超市经营的重点,越来越多的连锁超市把成本控制的重点放在物流成本控制上,而配送成本在物流成本中占有很大的比重,因此需要进行深层次的分析和规划。本文在对物流配送系统基础理论理解的基础上,针对中国连锁超市配送系统存在的问题提出建议并对未来中国连锁超市配送系统的发展进行展望。我们的目的在于使我国连锁超市物流配送系统发展步伐加快,尽快达到以至超过国外同行业发展水平,在不久的将来实现我国连锁超市行业的腾飞。  相似文献   

本文首先分析连锁超市这一零售业态的现状,然后在介绍连锁超市配送中心功能的基础上讨论了配送中心信息系统的构建。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的飞速发展,集装箱运输规模不断扩大,尽快提升铁路运输在港口集装箱集疏运输中的比重,发展海铁联运枢纽,是推进我国集装箱运输进一步发展的紧迫任务.本文通过分析推进我国集装箱海铁联运发展模式的重要意义,针对当前发展我国集装箱海铁联运面临的问题提出几点对策,以期通过本文的阐述完善制约我们集装箱海铁联运发展的制度体系、信息网络和操作流程问题,从而促使海铁联运真正实现高效运输.  相似文献   

所谓国防动员供应链,是指围绕动员需求,将一切可动员的社会资源中的物资流、信息流、资金流、技术流和服务流等链接成一个集成化的整体网链.动员供应链是经济全球化和社会信息化条件下的产物,是一个以动员需求为导向、以供应链上的资源共享为基础、以军民和平战间的同步与协调运行为前提的利益共同体.  相似文献   

物流配送作为一种专业化、社会化的服务模式,适应了经济一体化的需要和社会化大生产的发展,体现了现代经济的发展趋势.世界上一些发达国家和地区诸如美国、日本和我国台湾地区已经形成了从生产资料到最终商品的现代化配送和流通体系.比较和分析国外现代物流配送模式,对构建我国本土特色的现代商业配送体系具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

The allegiance of a particular customer, and the distribution across customers of strength of affiliation to a store are important indicators of store health. It is therefore important to understand the extent and determinants of shopper mobility among competing retailers. While shoppers often patronize many stores, they typically have a primary affiliation to a “main store” that captures the majority of their purchases. We examine, in detail, the tendencies of shoppers to transition away from the current main store and adopt another in its place. That is, rather than study all types of store switching behavior, we focus on the decision to change primary allegiance. The model is established in a discrete time hazard framework and estimated as random-effects probit. Data from 548 households taking 88,945 shopping trips among five stores are used to calibrate the model.We find that state dependence is prevalent with nearly three quarters of the shoppers showing progressive attachment to their current main store. Interestingly, this finding is not simply driven by location (i.e., because shoppers are captive to a single store based on geographical distance). More likely, shoppers are unwilling to give up the benefits of store-specific knowledge of assortment, layout and prices. Second, the decision to transition from a current main store is not influenced by temporary price promotions on a common basket of items: Shoppers will cherry-pick, but this alone does not cause them to change primary allegiance. The majority of transitions occur across competing stores of the same price format, which suggests “format loyalty” is an important aspect of shopper behavior. After controlling for unobserved heterogeneity, we find little relationship between observable demographics and the transition probability. We do, however, find that shoppers who spend more per trip are less likely to change main stores, as are less frequent shoppers. Implications for retail management strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

中心城市的城市化发展对全国城市有辐射效应,城市化水平代表一个城市的发达程度,分析评价中心城市的城市化水平对促进城市化发展以及带动全国城市共同进步有重要意义.对于36个中心城市,选取11个衡量城市化水平的指标,通过因子分析方法实现对数据的降维,从而对城市化水平进行综合评价,针对城市排名分析36个中心城市城市化发展的差异,进而得出城市化发展的结论与建议.  相似文献   

This research takes a retrospective view of the COVID-19 pandemic and attempts to accurately measure its impact on sales of different product categories in grocery retail. In total 150 product categories were analyzed using the data of a major supermarket chain in the Netherlands. We propose to measure the pandemic impact by excess sales – the difference of actual and expected sales. We show that the pandemic impact is twofold: (1) There was a large but brief growth at 30.6% in excess sales associated with panic buying across most product categories within a two-week period; and (2) People spending most of their time at home due to imposed restrictions resulted in an estimated 5.4% increase in total sales lasting as long as the restrictions were active. The pandemic impact on different product categories varies in magnitudes and timing. Using time series clustering, we identified eight clusters of categories with similar pandemic impacts. Using clustering results, we project that product categories used for cooking, baking or meal preparation in general will have elevated sales even after the pandemic.  相似文献   

We address the problem of estimating retail business potential at alternative sites, with concern for assessing performance relative to potential in existing markets and for identifying the best sites for expansion into new markets. At question is the utility of information typically used in formal retail patronage models, in comparison with additional information considered important by retail executives. Relevant data are gathered from secondary sources and intensive in-store surveys are conducted to produce a portfolio of information about neighbourhood demographics, store ambience, variety and quality of products and services, relative prices of selected products, etc. for stores in a retail grocery chain and competitive stores in the chain's markets. We experiment with alternative statistical models for store performance to determine the consequence of restricting the types of data available when constructing the models. Our findings suggest that while information about store location and surrounding areas, store characteristics and competitive position are all required to obtain the best assessment for business potential at a site, a few key variables on each dimension offer the bulk of explanatory power. Further, the spatial-locational variables affect all measures of store performance in intuitive directions, whereas the effects of other variables differ according to performance measure and reflect the store's market position.  相似文献   

国有企业薪酬分配模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立和完善薪酬体系是企业改革的重要组成部分.加强薪酬管理,规范薪酬分配行为,对充分发挥薪酬激励作用,进一步调动职工积极性,提高劳动效率,促进企业持续发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

供应链管理是物流、信息流、资金流三流的综合体,但在企业管理中往往忽视了资金流管理的重要性.本文通过分析传统财务管理缺陷和财务成本驱动因素,总结出基于供应链的财务管理模式,为企业进一步缩减成本提供了新途径.  相似文献   

建立和完善薪酬体系是企业改革的重要组成部分.加强薪酬管理,规范薪酬分配行为,对充分发挥薪酬激励作用,进一步调动职工积极性,提高劳动效率,促进企业持续发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

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