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This article investigates the interactions among sales management tools and practices used in six key areas of managerial responsibility, namely: organization, selection, training, remuneration, supervision, and evaluation. The results are based principally upon a mail survey of 113 U.K. manufacturing companies. Our data suggest that the sales management tools and practices used by the sample companies in the aforementioned managerial areas tend to be interrelated. Specificially, the practices pertaining to the organization and selection of the sales force are linked with the training practices employed. Also, the selection and the training practices used by manufacturing companies tend to be linked with the evaluation practices. Finally, the remuneration practices and policies are linked to the practices pertaining to the supervision and evaluation of the sales force.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to test and extend a multidimensional ethics scale developed by Reidenbach and Robin to selected marketing groups. Different marketing practices and groups were used in order to give these measures a wide variety of exposures. These measures performed well in all settings and for all practices. Factor structures in fifteen different trials identified the same three dimensions with one exception. In that exception, two dimensions merged together in five of those fifteen trials. While these dimensions captured much of the variance in the global concept of “ethical/unethical”, they did a better job of predicting the respondents’ intention to behave than the global measure. These measures also provide the researcher with a partial explanation of why the respondents answered in the manner that they did. The shifting relative importance of the three dimensions in accounting for the variance in the behavioral intention measure provides this explanation.  相似文献   

The authros examine from the perspective of marketing professionals the incidence of unethical research practices and the influence of organizational factors as determinants of the incidence of unethical research practices. The results indicate some degree of indicence of unethical research practices, particularly of those involving respondents. In addition, the results suggest four organizational variables— extent of ethical problems within the organization, top management actions on ethics, organizational role, and industry category—as determinants of the incidence of unethical research partices.  相似文献   

浅谈证券营销管理的创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对我国证券营销的现状和营销管理创新的意义,提出了创新证券营销管理的途径:一是证券营销的市场化管理,二是证券营销的客户关系管理,并以一个证券营业部为例,阐述了具体做法.  相似文献   

针对我国证券营销的现状和营销管理创新的意义,提出了创新证券营销管理的途径:一是证券营销的市场化管理,二是证券营销的客户关系管理,并以一个证券营业部为例,阐述了具体做法。  相似文献   

Analysis of variance, often the method of choice in evaluating the outcomes of marketing tests, can be significantly enhanced in its decision-support value. For this purpose one may apply more recently developed supplementary approaches: (1) Evaluation of main effects and interactions with Decision-Line (DL) criteria; (2) graphic multi-comparative analysis contrasted against the DL's; and (3) estimation of net component of variance for factor and interaction effects. An illustrative case history serves to highlight the more comprehensive overview and better understanding of experiment outcomes thus achieved.  相似文献   

The appropriate structure and design of marketing units is important in achieving a company’s long term strategic goals. This research addresses this issue by examining the design of marketing decision making structures (level of decision making decentralization) in a sample of 30 advanced technology manufacturing companies located in Canada. Respondents were asked to report for each of seven marketing decisions whether authority to make those decisions was with the senior marketing manager, above, or below the senior marketing manager. The results show that while marketing decision making is to a considerable degree a general management responsibility, autonomy of marketing managers is related to market, product, and overall organizational characteristics of the companies studied. Key words: decision making autonomy, marketing manager, advanced technology, marketing success.  相似文献   

随着我国资本市场的不断发展和上市公司规模的不断扩大,盈余管理已成为财务会计领域亟待探讨和研究的课题之一.关联方交易,作为资本市场成熟后的新型交易,对会计盈余的影响越来越大.利用关联交易进行盈余管理也越来越被管理者所偏爱,本文拟从关联方交易这一角度,来探讨上市公司如何进行盈余管理,并提出了相应的治理对策.  相似文献   

上市公司是股市的微观基础,其经营的好坏对股票价格有直接影响。本文根据有关公司年报,对1997-2001年广东省上市公司部分经营指标做了全样本统计与分析,指出了广东省上市公司目前存在的风险和问题。  相似文献   

上市公司财务信息的披露一直是证券市场关注的焦点 ,财务信息直接影响投资者的投资决策 ,从公司利润表营利结构的特征、收益指标和失真信息的存在 3个方面对上市公司的利润作了深层分析 ,阐述了公司盈利与公司实际投资价值之间的关系  相似文献   

盈余管理的本质是一种利润操纵行为。我国上市公司盈余管理的实施主体不但包括上市公司的管理者,也包括上市公司控股股东,盈余管理的手段多种多样。新的企业会计制度规范了企业的会计操纵行为,有效地遏止了上市公司的盈余管理,但新的企业会计制度对抑制盈余管理不是万能的,我们必须采取相应的措施,尽可能予以防范。  相似文献   

Although research continues to debate the future of the marketing concept, practitioners have taken the lead, appraising customer experience management (CEM) as one of the most promising marketing approaches in consumer industries. In research, however, the notion of CEM is not well understood, is fragmented across a variety of contexts, and is insufficiently demarcated from other marketing management concepts. By integrating field-based insights of 52 managers engaging in CEM with supplementary literature, this study provides an empirically and theoretically solid conceptualization. Specifically, it introduces CEM as a higher-order resource of cultural mindsets toward customer experiences (CEs), strategic directions for designing CEs, and firm capabilities for continually renewing CEs, with the goals of achieving and sustaining long-term customer loyalty. We disclose a typology of four distinct CEM patterns, with firm size and exchange continuity delineating the pertinent contingency factors of this generalized understanding. Finally, we discuss the findings in relation to recent theoretical research, proposing that CEM can comprehensively systemize and serve the implementation of an evolving marketing concept.  相似文献   

Personal selling and sales management: A relationship marketing perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors examine how the practice of personal selling and sales management is changing as a result of the increased attention on long-term, buyer-seller relationships and identify some implications of these changes. Changes in the traditional personal selling and sales management activities are needed to support the emergence of the part-nering role for salespeople. For salespeople in the part-nering role, the personal selling shifts from a focus on influencing buyer behavior to managing the conflict inherent in buyer-seller relationships. The emphasis on building relationships rather than making short-term sales and the use of sales teams dictates changes in the way firms select, train, evaluate, and compensate salespeople and members of sales teams. In this article, the authors have suggested some issues concerning the emerging partnering role for salespeople that deserve the attention of scholars interested in personal selling and sales management research. Barton A. Weitz is the J. C. Penney Eminent Scholar Chair in Retail Management at the Warrington College of Business Administration at the University of Florida. He received his Ph.D. from Stanford University and his research interests are in the areas of personal selling effectiveness, salesperson motivation, and channel relationships. His research has been published in theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, andAdministrative Science Quarterly. He has coauthored two textbooks,Selling: Building Relationships andRetail Management. Kevin D. Bradford is an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Notre Dame. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Florida. His research interests include issues in buyerseller relationships and increasing salesperson effectiveness.  相似文献   

不同类型旅游上市公司业绩差异分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
将旅游上市公司分为酒店类、景点娱乐类和综合类三类,对其业绩进行评价,可知酒店类旅游上市公司在各个方面都不如其他两类,主要原因在于市场竞争激励、结构失衡以及管理上的问题.因此,酒店类旅游上市公司应完善内部管理、不断实现经营创新,并适当采取退出战略.  相似文献   

This article examines the hypothesis that marketing concepts and techniques can be as useful to purchasing managers performing the buying function in the 1970s and 1980s as they were to advertisers and sales managers engaged in marketing in the 1950s and 1960s. Relevant concepts are briefly reviewed, and results of a survey of purchasing managers are reported. The data suggest the potential—but not actual—value of marketing-oriented thinking for purchasing managers.  相似文献   

对上市公司股份回购的实证分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对上市公司回购社会公众股新一轮热潮中所蕴涵的问题,通过对我国已成功实施股份回购公司和拟实施股份回购公司的相关数据进行理性与实证分析表明,股份回购在完善我国上市公司股权结构与资本结构的同时,在其实施过程中也存在一些亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

以净资产收益率、高管持股比例、公司规模、国有股比例和赫德芬指数等为解释变量,利用描述性统计、回归分析和相关性分析等方法,对广州市深、沪上市公司高管薪酬影响因素进行分析,结果表明上市公司高管薪酬与平均净资产收益率、高管持股比例、公司规模、国有股比例和赫德芬指数等因素之间存在相关关系。应以股权分置改革为契机,加快推进以高管期权等为激励手段的长期激励机制建设,并加强公司治理结构建设。  相似文献   

There has been growing interest in both management and marketing regarding how individuals become identified with organizations and how organizations attempt to manage these identifications. The authors present a framework built on explicit and implicit points of convergence in research conducted in both these disciplines. In their review of the management and marketing literatures, the authors suggest three fundamental mechanisms, or “bases”, for managing organizational identification: relational, behavioral, and symbolic. Furthermore, the authors argue that how an individual is affiliated with an organization will impact the relative influence of these identification management bases. The authors conclude by suggesting how management and marketing scholars can create a theoretical space for future interdisciplinary work Such a change would involve moving away from “employees” versus “customers” as a prime division between the fields and moving toward a more fine-grained approach that emphasizes the unique characteristics of individual-organizational relationships. M. Teresa Cardador (cardador@uiuc.edu) is a doctoral student in management at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research explores issues related to workplace attachment and identification, work orientation, and the experience of employees who find work highly meaningful and engaging. Michael G. Pratt (mpratt@uiuc.edu) is a James F. Towey Fellow and an associate professor of management at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Michigan. His articles have appeared in leading management outlets, includingAdministrative Science Quarterly, theAcademy of Management Journal, theAcademy of Management Review, andResearch in Organizational Behavior. He recently coedited (with Anat Rafaeli) a book titledArtifacts and Organizations: Beyond Mere Symbolism (Lawrence Erlbaum, 2005). His current research examines issues of organizational attachment (e.g., identification and commitment), multiple identities and meaning, and intuition. Dr. Pratt’s work focuses largely on professionals in both traditional and dispersed work contexts.  相似文献   

工程公司是中国现代化和城镇化中重要的建设力量,他们的行为对中国经济的繁荣和增长存在意义深远的影响。但国内众多工程公司基本都由勘察设计企业转制而来,现有的人力资源管理体系难以支撑其成功转型。本文通过大量文献资料,对10家优秀的工程公司人力资源实践进行归纳性分析,研究得到工程公司人力资源最佳实践:(1)工程公司人力资源实践必须承接公司发展的使命和人本价值的假设;(2)工程公司人力资源实践体现在人才挑选前、挑选中、挑选后的人才资源价值创造,蕴含在通过各种方式进行经营、职能、技术、项目四大人才梯队的招聘,培养,激励,进而促使其产生价值和提升自我的过程;(3)人文环境、人本文化(员工参与)等因素则是提升人力资本价值创造的关键中介条件。这些最佳实践为工程公司的成功转型提供了重要的人力资源启示。  相似文献   

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