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科技领域安全是国家安全的重要组成部分,而复杂的国际局势、严苛的技术限制以及当代科技面临的颠覆性发展趋势已引发一系列关涉科技安全的重大问题,给我国国家安全和公共安全带来严峻挑战。从风险评估与安全预警视角出发,依循“变量识别—数据评估—安全预警—预案调用”的预警思路,运用专家访谈、扎根理论和层次分析法,构建科技安全风险评估框架,并提出科技安全监测预警系统构建逻辑。其中,科技安全风险评估框架主要包括要素性、自反性、自主性、保障性风险4类关键指标;监测预警系统建立在风险评估框架基础上,主要包含警情评估、警情报告、管理决策、应急预案4个子系统。基于研究结果,针对我国科技安全监测预警系统构建提出相关建议,以期为我国科技治理及保障科技安全提供新思路。  相似文献   

The arguments, analysis and observations in this paper are based on 10 years of research with partners in the European and US aerospace and defence industries. During this period, the authors were part of a team of researchers who were seeking to develop a new methodology and tool set for project management, particularly aimed at large aerospace projects. The research was motivated by the seemingly ubiquitous reality of project failure, with large engineering projects apparently always late and over budget. Here the authors focus on aerospace and defence, but the problems are generic across all branches of engineering. In their view, aerospace and defence have more excuses than most, because not only are the projects huge, but also they are globally distributed and highly complex. As work progressed, a fundamental conundrum emerged. Through discussions with project managers and assessment of the teams that were undertaking the projects, it became obvious that they were well educated, intelligent, highly motivated and very capable people. So why were so many projects going wrong? And it was not just aerospace and defence, as projects were failing in many different sectors and in numerous geographic locations. Obviously the problems were not to do with incompetence, as they were clearly so generic. As a result, the authors focused their analysis on factors inherent in the way all major projects are undertaken. The ultimate finding has been that the very technology available for managing projects today is inadequate. As argued within the paper, modern, complex projects cannot be planned and executed using 50-year-old project management tools. The paper tells the story of what is wrong with the current technology and how and why it needs to change. The authors are well aware that there are also cultural problems in project management, but many of these are exacerbated by the use of inadequate tools.  相似文献   

A technology assessment (TA) program was launched in Switzerland in 1991. One project in the series of pilot projects was meant to assess the impact of so-called LESIT technologies on energy consumption. (LESIT was a priority research program and a German acronym for power electronics, systems and information technology.) In this paper the institutional environment, applied methods and main results of the TA study are summarised. One of the questions that arose was whether it is reasonable to expect a high-tech engineering research program to serve any societal goals other than the more immediate technical and economic goals the research partners in university and industry are accustomed to follow. It was found that without special efforts this expectation was not realistic. Politically desirable goals are best served when enough emphasis, time, and money are given to the process of bringing together research partners from academia and industry who all have a (self-serving) interest in furthering the politically desirable goal and then support their collaboration.  相似文献   

R&D项目执行不同阶段中风险和相关量之间的关系表明,项目生命周期早期阶段的风险管理对于整个项目成败至关重要。本文将质量功能展开(QFD)和风险管理有效地结合起来,构建基于QFD的研发项目风险管理模型。该模型借助风险评估矩阵、风险分析矩阵和风险处理矩阵解决R&D项目的利益攸关者在产品研发旱期的困惑,通过风险管理的不断改进,进而增进R&D项目的执行效率和品质。  相似文献   

The security of energy supply at national level is one of the most fundamental missions of every government. This task becomes especially vital in view of the current situation on global energy markets. The planning of technological development in the energy and fuel sectors is a relevant element of energy security strategies. This in turn leads to a more rational and efficient energy use in the future. Technology foresight, which emerged as a proven instrument of technology policy during the 1950s, becomes nowadays one of the essential tools for the creation of the future technological development worldwide. A project entitled: “The Scenarios of Technological Development of Fuel and Energy Sector for National Energy Security” was the first foresight project in the field of energy technologies and at the same time the first technology foresight activity in Poland. This project was being carried out in the period of 2006-2007 by a consortium of research and development institutes on the request of the Polish Ministry of Economy. The aim of the project was to indicate energy and fuel sector development directions in the time horizon up to 2030 and identify key energy technologies of strategic importance. As a result of the foresight activity, technology development scenarios in the energy and fuel sector in Poland as well as corresponding roadmaps for their implementation were formulated. The project results should be helpful in drafting national energy policies and they will indicate priority pathways of research and development (R&D) activities in the next years.The energy foresight project was based mainly on a Delphi method that is nowadays widely applied as a valuable foresight tool. This future-oriented intuitive method was engaged for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of probable developments in the future and for their time scale evaluation as well. In this article, the results of the conducted two-round Delphi survey were presented.  相似文献   

There is now a large literature dealing with the policy question of public participation in technical choice and technology assessment (TA). Files such as the mad cow crisis, genetically modified food, and the emerging nanotechnologies have been edified into a public problem, and have given place to a number of experiments and reviews about participatory arrangements. Much less attention has been devoted so far to the application of the TA framework to more local and limited projects-not yet and maybe never reaching the public problem status-and the management of their societal dimensions. Among them, new energy technology represents a very interesting field for investigation: many of the new energy enjoy a global positive public image whereas the local implementation of their implantation often raises societal questions and oppositions. This paper describes an original experiment conducted in the field of new energy technologies during which a participatory technology assessment inspired approach was applied to a number of individual and local projects. A framework methodology called ESTEEM was developed to facilitate such participatory process to take place, and it was tested and evaluated in 5 projects located in 5 different countries over Europe. A detailed discussion of the ESTEEM method and its application to one case study, a Carbon Sequestration project in The Netherlands, is provided. We show that a major question in the application in such participatory framework is to establish a reflective practice of project management based on situated and constructive interactions between project promoters and project stakeholders.  相似文献   

复杂技术如同一个多元技术网络系统,其网络化布局存在潜在的横向风险、纵向风险及结构风险。对应三维度风险分析,从网络合作规则设计、技术网络治理与技术网络资金支撑体系构建以及产权制度创新3个方面,提出了应对复杂技术网络化布局风险的规避策略与制度设计,对了解我国复杂技术创新网络以及加强网络风险治理具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

现代武器装备的复杂性大大提高,其研制过程必然存在着不确定性和风险性,因此为了降低风险,对武器装备研制项目的风险因素进行识别是必不可少的内容。本文从武器研制项目风险因素的组成结构出发,从环境、技术、管理组织、费用这四个方面提出武器装备研制项目的21个潜在风险因素假设,在此基础上从风险因素和风险后果因素两方面设计调查问卷并进行实际调研,通过对调查问卷进行整理和统计之后,依次对调查问卷结果的内部一致信度进行检验、对风险因素变量进行因子分析以减少风险因素变量的个数、对风险因素与风险后果之间的关系进行线性回归分析,从而识别出对武器装备研制项目风险后果具有显著影响的19个风险因素。分析结果显示,武器装备研制项目风险因素的组成有其自身的独特性,许多关于一般意义上的产品研制项目风险因素研究结论对武器装备研制项目并不成立。  相似文献   

New technologies often give rise to previously unknown ethical problems, and it often takes many years to fully integrate them in society. We propose a new form of technology assessment that will focus on the ethical implications of new technologies; ethical technology assessment (eTA). Ethical technology assessment will serve as a tool for identifying adverse effects of new technologies at an early stage. It should be undertaken in dialogue with technology developers and have the form of a continuous dialogue rather than a single evaluation at a specific point in time. eTA can be conducted on the basis of a check-list that refers to nine crucial ethical aspects of technology; (1) Dissemination and use of information, (2) Control, influence and power, (3) Impact on social contact patterns, (4) Privacy, (5) Sustainability, (6) Human reproduction, (7) Gender, minorities and justice, (8) International relations, and (9) Impact on human values. Ethical technology assessments should not be committed to any particular moral theory. Instead they should be open to different perspectives and solutions.  相似文献   

建筑业资源消耗量巨大,发展绿色工程迫在眉睫,但基于现有技术实现绿色工程存在不少困难。探索将BIM技术运用到工程项目中,实现工程绿色化。介绍了绿色工程的概念,分析了BIM应用现状,以成都市南城都汇六期汇彩园商业及住宅项目BIM实践为例,从BIM策划、投标报价策略分析、管综优化、限额领料等方面进行剖析和论证,阐述了BIM应用于绿色工程的实践效果。  相似文献   

This paper conceives technology assessment potentially to be a constructively democratic, reflective and discursive process. The paper reviews selected literature focusing on the notion and practice of constructive technology assessment (CTA). CTA aims to produce better technology in a better society, and emphasises the early involvement of a broad array of actors to facilitate social learning about technology and potential impacts. The paper presents a new perspective of CTA based on a discussion of contiguous research on the social implications and control of technology, reflexivity and reflection in the ‘risk society’ (Beck), and on public understanding and participation in science and technology. The paper concludes that the future development of CTA is well served by improved articulation or revision of core elements of the approach, for example by emphasising a concern for interaction and socio-technical criticism based on democratic principles. In addition, to conceive of CTA as a discursive activity may facilitate the analysis of the limitations in practice on the role of non-experts participating in technology assessment and the capacity for self-reflection of all actors.  相似文献   

新型研发机构科技成果转移转化模式对促进产业转型升级、区域经济提质增效意义深远。从理论模型展开推演,对巴斯德象限进行再发展,构建符合新时期新型研发机构科技成果转移转化特征的新巴斯德象限。在此基础上,对江苏省产业技术研究院科技成果转移转化模式从“使命-结构-行动”3个维度展开剖析并凝练其成功经验。最后,提出当前新型研发机构科技成果转移转化应注重组织领导和顶层设计布局、探索混合所有制建设路径、推进科技成果产业化项目落地孵化、注重财政专项支持与民间资本并举、发挥考核评价对各利益相关方的引导作用等5个方面的建议。  相似文献   

海外油气富集地区大部分社会文化背景错综复杂,矛盾冲突持续不断,石油公司进入海外区块的难度日益增大.同时资源国多变的政策法规、日趋苛刻的合同条款以及区块内难以确定的地质条件和作业环境等,也使得石油公司从事油气勘探开发活动的风险越来越高.本文从风险源的角度对海外油气勘探开发过程中的风险进行分类,从三个层面阐述了风险因素的识别方法;建立以经济收益为核心的风险因素关联关系分析模型,提出了基于预计最低收益的风险指数并给出了其计算方法;收集整理了中亚地区实际数据资料,通过模型计算,给出了各区块的风险-效益分析;结果表明,哈萨克斯坦大部分油气区块位于低风险区域,土库曼斯坦的油气项目多数属于高风险高收益,投资者在乌兹别克斯坦投资石油项目往往面临高风险低收益.  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,国家在航空航天、通信计算机、智能制造、新材料等多个领域先后推出一系列重大科技项目,致力于突破关键技术、保障国防安全、推动社会经济发展。20世纪90年代末,我国将中高空长航时无人机研发作为重大战略性科技项目,在几乎一穷二白的困境下由高校牵头开展原型机自主研制并最终取得成功。以具有划时代意义的长鹰无人机研制历程为例,基于扎根理论归纳国家重大科技项目特征及科研组织模式,探讨模式中的关键组成要素及相互作用关系。结果发现,该模式以面向国家战略需求导向的大项目为牵引,在跨建制、跨单位、跨系统建成的国家队与产学研合作大平台的相互作用下,促成总体目标实现、人才队伍培养、产业发展带动等重大成果的正向激励反馈。在新时代背景下,该研究结论能为高校服务国家重大战略需求、更好地发挥科技创新生力军作用提供有价值的实践路径和管理经验。  相似文献   

The establishment of new interdisciplinary fields such as ecological economics, human ecology or technology assessment can be interpreted as a logical consequence of striving for new sustainability sciences that address current global, multi-dimensional and multi-scale challenges. These set out to bridge the gap between the natural and the social sphere, between scientific analysis and societal action. This paper aims at re-assessing the contribution of established inter-disciplines to sustainable development. Journal articles of ecological economics, technology assessment and science and technology studies are evaluated and compared along several proposed features of sustainability science. The results converge in two crucial aspects. (1) Concise societal or political recommendations are not part of present day ‘normal science’, be it a disciplinary or an explicitly interdisciplinary research context. (2) Participatory exercises are rarely applied as a socio-politically embedded practice, despite a high interest in such exercises as an object of study and discussion.  相似文献   

Roadmapping serves both short and long term (strategic) alignment in science and technology (S&T). Forecasts of the likely future development of S&T are generated; then research and development (R&D) efforts necessary to realize various goals are backcast. But for new and emerging S&T this trusted principle does not work: the likely products are not articulated yet. A promising approach however is building mapping tools based on underlying patterns and indicators of the dynamics of emergence. This paper discusses, based on a first round application in the field of micro and nanotechnologies for single cell analysis, the methodology of such a new approach. The work is linked to a programme of Future oriented Technology Assessment (FTA) activities coordinated within a European nanotechnology research network.

Our paper addresses well-known lacunae of alignment tools from the viewpoints of the path creation/dependency literatures. We then apply these insights to lab-on-a-chip devices for cell analysis. Dynamics of emerging paths can be used to articulate a future structured in terms of prospective innovation chains and potential paradigms. We demonstrate a plausible variety of paths, which provides a broader set of strategic choices. This enables management of expectations and hype by which emerging S&T are characterised, and leads to alignment of actors. Our tool can be applied in strategic management of research and R&D at the level of science-to-industry networks. These are becoming an important element in European S&T policy but will only be successful if ways are found for closing gaps in the innovation chain.  相似文献   

Recently Korean Government announced ambitious IT strategy to establish Korea as one of leaders in world IT market. To implement this strategy, technology transfer from research lab to market should be successfully performed. This study is to identify factors influencing technology transfer and to examine contribution of these factors on success of technology transfer in Korean IT industry. Survey results show that technology project leaders evaluated “Concreteness of Technology” as the most influential factor for technology transfer, followed by “Communication Channels,” “Collaboration among Participants,” “Management Support,” “Government Support,” and “Incentives for Transfer.” Out of 135 technology transfer projects, respondents rated 33 projects as sustaining (28.44%), 38 as promoting (28.15%), 26 as demonstrating (19.26%), 27 in incubating (20.00%), and the remaining 7 in imaging stage (8.15%). This statistics means that 28.15% of technology transfer projects did not reach production stage. Regression analysis identifies that “Communication Channels,” “Management Support,” “Concreteness of Technology” “Sense of Common Purpose,” and “Awareness of Technology Transfer” were statistically significant in explaining success of technology transfer.  相似文献   

对黑河项目生态环境影响进行综合后评价,是促进整个西北地区可持续发展的客观要求。本文综合运用层次分析法、成功度评价法以及模糊综合评判法,对黑河项目的生态环境影响程度进行综合后评价。这一方法可以克服传统定性评价方法的主观性缺点,从而得出比较客观、科学的评价结论。通过生态环境影响综合后评价,发现项目实施中所存在的问题,并针对存在的问题提出切实可行的建议,为后续项目及其他同类项目的决策提供较为科学的依据。  相似文献   

近年来我国企业特别是高新科技企业纷纷加大了对RD活动的投入力度,但相对滞后的RD投资中风险项目的管理方法已经不再适用于如今具有高技术特征的RD投资的快速发展。故而,文章在深入分析RD投资中风险项目影响因素的基础上,提出了不确定环境下的RD投资项目的风险管理框架,利用QFD软件平台上的风险管理框架评估实验方法,邀请行波型超声电动机研发中的实验人员分组进行了风险评估决策对比实验。最终,对该项目运行的QFD风险管理框架的试验和评估结果表明,QFD软件平台不仅能够在客户需求数量及风险类别数量方面为决策者提供较为充足的现实数据还能大大减少决策者执行决策所耗费的时间。对此,文章认为QFD风险管理方法能够行之有效地影响到决策者决策的执行,可被广大投资商引为一种灵活有效的RD项目风险及不确定性管理办法。  相似文献   

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