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农业众筹作为新型的农业融资方式,支持者的参与意愿受到诸多因素的影响。选取地标农产品众筹项目为研究对象,从支持者心理动机的角度出发,实证分析功利动机、享乐动机与地标农产品众筹参与意愿的关系,以及时间偏好和品牌知名度对其调节作用。结果显示:支持者的功利动机和享乐动机均对地标农产品众筹参与意愿有正向影响,品牌知名度正向调节享乐动机和参与意愿的关系,负向调节功利动机和参与意愿的关系;同时,时间偏好作为消费者个性特征,在功利动机、享乐动机和众筹参与意愿之间的调节作用是非线性的。最后,根据研究结论提出地标农产品众筹项目的营销建议。  相似文献   

基于慈善理论,投资者动机分为内源动机、外源动机和提升声誉动机,这些动机既能影响众筹投资者的投资决策,也会相互影响。本文借助"众筹网"的投资数据,对投资者进行分类,考察投资者动机对众筹决策的影响。研究结果显示外源动机投资者、提升声誉动机投资者的投资金额更高;进一步探究内源动机与声誉动机的相互影响,结果显示二者负相关,内源动机投资者更关注内心满足,而对声誉需求较少。该研究可以辅助筹资者设置项目内容吸引不同动机投资者,并帮助众筹平台优化服务,从而提高项目融资效率和成功率。  相似文献   

通过对点名时间、京东众筹、众筹网与微信众筹平台的面向用户方案,针对用户进行分类,对影响不同类型用户的投资因素并对用户参与众筹行为面临的风险因素进行分析。结果表明,不同用户的投资行为分别是由众筹平台、项目的创新性、可参与程度、回报率与领投人等因素影响。  相似文献   

利用国内知名网站——众筹网不同融资项目的微观数据,在空间计量模型设定下实证分析众筹项目融资效率影响因素以及空间溢出效应。研究结果表明:对于众筹项目融资效率而言,广泛的备选因素中项目关注数、评论数等网络互动因素发挥了统计意义上显著的影响作用,设置较低的筹资目标有利于提高融资效率;不同众筹项目的融资效率在空间上具有正向的溢出效应。最后,结合经验研究提供了相关启示。  相似文献   

刘畅  陈守明 《投资研究》2022,(6):96-113
作为一种相对新颖且日益重要的资本来源形式,众筹能够为融资者提供融资渠道。已有研究表明,众筹的文本特征是影响众筹绩效的重要因素。本文从有限关注的视角,构建了文本信息含量指标,基于2018-2020年新浪微公益平台的众筹项目进行实证分析。研究结果显示,文本信息含量高的众筹项目有更好的众筹绩效表现。进一步的研究发现,相比医疗救助项目,非医疗救助项目的信息含量对众筹绩效有更为显著的正效应;文本长度会负向调节信息含量对众筹绩效的正效应。研究可以得出如下结论:新颖且精炼的众筹文本语言可以吸引项目投资者的注意力,从而提高众筹项目的绩效。  相似文献   

如何提高融资可得性是众筹研究的热点。为了帮助回报型众筹发起人提高融资绩效以及平台增加用户活跃度,本文基于感知价值理论构建模型,抓取"青橘众筹网"的520个样本,实证分析发起人以虚拟社会资本影响融资绩效的作用机制。结果显示:科技产品、艺术影音类项目的投资者感知价值在发起人外部社会资本与项目融资绩效间起完全中介作用,而在公益活动类项目中发挥不完全中介作用;科技产品、艺术影音类项目的投资者感知价值在发起人内部社会资本与项目融资绩效间发挥不完全中介作用,并且在公益类项目中内部社会资本对感知价值、项目融资绩效影响不显著。基于研究结论,本文对回报型众筹的两个主体(发起人、平台)分别提出了实践建议。  相似文献   

众筹融资是一种新型的互联网金融模式,近年来发展迅速。论文运用经济学理论首先分析了参与者参与众筹市场的激励因素,然后分析了信息不对称如何引起众筹市场失灵的问题,最后运用市场机制设计理论提供应对众筹市场失灵问题的解决方案。从鼓励金融创新和提高人民福利的角度,论文倡导积极尝试众筹融资这一创新模式,推动众筹市场的发展,同时加强众筹市场的立法和监管。  相似文献   

随着人口老龄化程度不断加剧,建立健全多层次、多支柱养老保险体系成为完善社会保障体系的重要内容,但现阶段我国养老保险体系发展仍不平衡、不充分,企业年金和商业养老保险参与度不足。本文从遗赠动机视角分析多层次养老保险参与的影响因素,首先将遗赠动机引入家庭跨期优化决策,理论分析遗赠动机对养老保险参与的影响,然后基于2018年CFPS数据,实证研究遗赠动机对多层次养老保险参与决策的影响,并检验了遗赠动机影响多层次养老保险参与的可能渠道。研究发现,遗赠动机不仅显著降低了居民参与养老保险的可能性,而且显著降低了多层次养老保险的参与概率;遗赠动机会通过增加居民储蓄率、房产购买及向上代际支持降低居民养老保险参与的可能性。稳健性检验进一步验证了以上结论。本研究揭示了影响居民参与多层次养老保险体系的传统家庭文化因素,对缓解遗赠动机的负面效应、推动我国多层次养老保险体系均衡充分地发展具有政策启示意义。  相似文献   

国家怎样在公益慈善互联网众筹趋势下构建全民微慈善社会救助公共服务体系是一个亟须研究的重大课题。本文基于长尾理论和责任扩散理论的学理内涵,选取1000个重大疾病救助众筹项目,探究民间匿名散捐力量主导的重大疾病救助善款众筹获取机制、内在逻辑和治理导向。研究发现:网络慈善众筹具有"救急不问病"和"偶遇点捐"的内生机理特征,特急救助捐赠的羊群效应较强;众筹周期和众筹绩效反相关,捐赠责任扩散效应先弱后强的特征明显;众筹绩效的社会长尾效应显著,慈善救助的公共福利效用纳什均衡特征不明显;在信用讯号被社会有效识别基础上,众筹绩效与项目执行方认同度正相关,且存在显著的机构类型差异和不显著的机构层级差异。在治理导向上,互联网众筹还需政府、公益慈善机构、互联网众筹平台合力逐步引导完善。  相似文献   

本文分析齐鲁股权交易中心发展股权众筹的案例以及台湾地区场外交易市场参与股权众筹发展的先进经验后认为:我国当前发展股权众筹的根本问题是缺乏股权众筹发展的法律土壤,同时传统的债权思想也成为制约股权众筹发展的重要因素;区域股权市场在开展股权众筹业务时具有资源、风险控制、股权退出等方面的优势,依托区域股权市场开展股权众筹试点可以成为我国发展股权众筹的路径选择。  相似文献   

目前我国高校越来越重视对教师的长效激励。高校长效激励在理论上还是崭新的,但长效激励及其理论与实践在企业中备受重视,相关研究已经很深入了。所以企业的长效激励实践与理论对于高校而言有着积极的借鉴意义。本文基于心理诱导逻辑的管理学激励理论和利益关联逻辑的经济学激励理论,对高校和企业的激励进行比较研究,并对高校和企业长效激励机制适用对象进行了比较分析,研究发现,高校不适合使用股权激励机制。  相似文献   

This article compares consumer expectations of bank website functionality for two online task scenarios: information search and transaction. This study uses task technology fit theory and follows a novel methodological approach by using expectation ‘fit’ according to a set of website attributes. An online questionnaire, distributed through e-mail invitation, achieved a sample of 469 Internet users. This research finds several points of similarity and difference with regard to consumer expectations of website attributes according to task context and makes an important and original contribution to both practice and theory. For marketing practitioners, the findings inform how they might ‘manage’ expectations to facilitate positive website experiences. Theoretical contributions are made through integrating IS and Marketing theory to identify the impact of goal-directed behaviour on satisfaction with website attributes.  相似文献   


The Indian banking sector can take advantage of the proliferation of smartphones as well as the government’s encouragement of cashless transactions to accelerate the use of mobile and online banking. The purpose of this study is to understand the initial acceptance of mobile banking by existing online banking users. Few studies have focused on online banking users’ behavioural intention to use similar services (such as mobile banking) in India. To this end, a theoretical model was developed using the technology acceptance model, which was extended to cover the adoption factors that influence users of online banking to use mobile banking. These adoption factors comprise perceived ease of use, perceived security, mobile self-efficacy, social influence and customer support. The dependent variable is customers’ behavioural intention to use mobile banking. A partial least squares structural equation modelling analysis was used to test the theoretical model with sample data from 420 online banking customers of various public, private, foreign and co-operative banks in India. The study found that the adoption factors had a significant impact on customers’ behavioural intention to use mobile banking. The findings of this study provide insight into digital banking channels, contribute to existing research on digital banking adoption and will educate banks and financial institutions on the adoption of mobile banking in India.


Past research has focused on the dimensions (consequences) of perceived risk and the effect of global risk on e-commerce adoption by consumers. This paper uses a new approach to examine the influence of perceived risk on e-commerce adoption and, on the basis of the Theory of Planned behaviour (TPB), develops an integrative model that includes the effect of three risk sources (i.e. technology, vendor and product) on the attitude towards the website use and online purchasing intention of users. In addition, this study examines how involvement, one of the main determinants of consumer behaviour, affects the role of these sources of perceived risk in e-commerce adoption. The results obtained in a sample of 1083 users of tourist services suggest that technology risk is the main determinant of online purchasing intention, which is also influenced by the variables from the TPB model. For its part, the technology risk and vendor risk have a negative influence on attitude towards the website use. In addition, both types of risk have a higher negative effect on attitude in the case of high-involvement users, supporting the moderating influence of involvement on e-commerce adoption. From a practical point of view, the findings of this research help managers to implement actions aimed at reinforcing the users’ trust in their websites and, consequently, at fostering the online purchase.  相似文献   

以2009-2016年沪深 A 股上市房地产公司为研究样本,基于资产专用性基本理论,实证检验供应商/客户关系型交易是否以及如何影响投资性房地产公允价值的选择使用,并考察内部控制在其中的调节作用.研究发现:随着关系型交易比例的增加,公司对投资性房地产使用公允价值后续计量的动机增强,但是这种动机在内控质量高的公司会受到一定程度的抑制.同时,供应商/客户关系型交易对企业会计政策选择行为具有重要影响,而健全有效的内部控制具有对企业会计选择行为的利弊制衡与风险管控作用.  相似文献   

As a novel form of external financing, equity crowdfunding enables small and early stage firms to raise capital from the public through an online platform. There has been criticism of the benefits and costs of mandating financial statements to promote this alternative form of financing. Using a setting where disclosure of financial statements is optional, this study provides evidence that financial statements influence investors’ decisions and facilitate borderless capital formation. The provision of financial statements appears to enhance how investors view other aspects of disclosure, suggesting a positive reporting externality. These market-wide benefits provide important insights on the role of financial disclosures for market participants, policymakers, and academics.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of all publications of the Journal of Financial Services Marketing (JFSM), from 2000 until the end of 2012. The objectives of this study were: (i) to compare the subjects covered by the journal with industry trends, and identify opportunities for future research, and (ii) to assess the journal’s development over time and its influence in the field of financial services marketing. Data for this content analysis was collected manually from the publisher’s Website and from each paper, and a grounded theory approach was used to group the papers into clusters based on emerging themes. The study indicates that JFSM has been successful in covering the industry’s most important trends, including mobile banking, relationship management, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and service quality. A number of gaps were identified, in particular regarding mobile banking services and the impact of new online business models (for example, PayPal, crowdfunding, Bitcoin). These findings should assist JFSM’s editorial board to determine its future direction, and offer readers insight into industry trends and the journal’s role in covering them.  相似文献   

In 2014, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange introduced “Rules for the Implementation of Online Voting” to standardize the implementation of online voting for its listed companies. Using this event as an exogenous shock, we design a difference-in-differences model to show that minority shareholders’ participation in online voting improves firms’ corporate social responsibility performance. We reveal that this improvement is achieved through minority shareholders’ positive influence on firms’ internal control and transparency and is more pronounced for private firms and firms with lower levels of profitability and less external monitoring. Accordingly, since the standardization of online voting, minority shareholders have played an important role in corporate governance and have a positive influence on firms’ sustainable development.  相似文献   

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