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慢乙肝是我国的常见病和多发病,一旦患有该病,将会对患者的身体健康及正常生活质量带来巨大的负面影响。由于发病率高、需长期服药等特点,抗慢乙肝药物市场炙手可热,竞争激烈。核苷(酸)类似物具有口服给药方便、短期内抗病毒作用强、不良反应少等优势,临床使用量巨大,吸引了众多企业的投资目光:对抗慢乙肝核苷(酸)类似物整体市场及具体品种近期销售表现加以深入分析,有利于为相关食、世在制定营销决策和调整销售方案时参考借鉴。  相似文献   

上海市将今年年初才开设的观光巴士在8月底改为普通公交线路,运营不景气是其夭折的主要原因。7月20日,北京开通了两条观光巴士线路,9月25日,北京再次推出4条观光巴士线路,它们能摆脱上海观光巴士的阴霾顺利发展吗?  相似文献   

2012伦敦奥运会期间,伦敦街头出现了中国制造的双层观光巴士车,双层观光巴士是伦敦城市文化的重要象征,被亲切地成为"马路主人",这个"马路主人"今年由来自中国的安凯客车担当。共有20辆安凯观光巴士服务全球游客,分别是10辆半敞篷巴士和10辆敞篷巴士,观光巴士上还配有残疾人轮椅翻板、下车呼叫按钮、八国语言翻译系统,来到伦敦的游客,只要乘坐一辆安  相似文献   

3月13日起,途经徐家汇、淮海中路、豫园、南外滩等旅游观光景点的上海观光巴士1路的10辆双层敞篷巴士正式"下岗"。因为票价(3元)太高、间隔太长、线路重复等原因,曾经在上海风光一时的双层敞篷巴士黯然退出观光旅游线路。票制改革是关键"这条线路沿途缺少旅游客流,作为观光线的定位是失败的。"负责运营双层敞篷巴士的上海巴士新新公司相关负  相似文献   

近年来,随着城市的发展,南宁车辆激增,交通问题带给人们的困扰也与日俱增。日前,工作人员分别使用电动车、公交车、小轿车进行体验。同样的路程,电动车最快,用时35分钟;小车次之,用时70分钟,公交车最慢,用时73分钟。在三种交通工具的比拼中,公交车甘拜下风。如果再算上等车、换乘的时间,公交车慢得还不止这么多。"公交优先"的口号提了这么多年,"公交最慢"的事实不免让人有些尴尬。市民出行首要考虑的是快捷舒适,等不及、上不去、车太挤、走太慢等因素,让许多公众不得  相似文献   

今年清明假期,为应对扫墓、踏青、回家探亲等多种客流需求,方便市民出行,天津市交通集团所属各客运站针对短途客运高峰开出专线,为清明节小假期的公路客运注入一股新的力量。据《商用汽车新闻》记者了解,今年天津市开设的客运专线得到市民的青睐,乘客纷纷选择适合自己的线路出行,运行情况火爆。线路多客流量大为满足市民的祭扫、踏青和探亲等要求,天津交通集团开设的客运线路不仅数量多,而且涵盖面较广。  相似文献   

"老李服务热线"是河南省濮阳市公用事业局为方便百姓生活,以该局优秀共产党员李全芳姓氏命名的一条便民服务热线,1998年4月20日开通,主要负责为市民提供水、气、暖义务维修,公用行业政策、信息、业务咨询,服务质量投诉、应急抢险调度及相关资费查询等24小时全天候服务。热线开通以来,用户满意率连续14年达到99%以上,被市民亲切地称为解决难题的"及时雨",方便生活的"连心线"。李全芳,男,1947年出生,原濮阳市公用事业局调研员、"老李服务热线"创始人。他始终践行"有问必答、有求必应、有叫必到、有难必帮"的服务承诺,不计个人得失,以忘我的工作热情和务实的工作作风为市民打开方便之窗,架起了政府与市民间沟通的"桥梁",奏响了一曲为民服务的时代凯歌,先后荣获"全国人民满意的公务员""全国职工职业道德建设十佳标兵""全国先进工作者""全国五一劳动奖章"等荣誉称号。  相似文献   

文章从分析低碳环保的基础上引出低碳理念,从低碳经济到低碳社会的发展,综合两者所出现的低碳城市并关注低碳城市的发展,以低碳城市为主进行城市规划和布局分析。低碳城市是以低碳经济为主导模式,市民以低碳生活为理念和行为特征,政府以低碳社会为建设蓝图,城市规划以低碳理念为指导的新型城市环境建设。  相似文献   

近年来设计界出现并开始广泛传播一种新的设计观念,在满足产品功能性的同时,更强调人与人,人与产品,人与自然之间的情感交流,追求产品品质,渴望通过提供更充裕的设计时间来减缓工业产品的生产速率,通过“慢”来提高产品品质,减少资源浪费,寻求人与自然的和谐共处之道。这种观念被人们称为“慢设计”,实质上它是人类社会发展到一定阶段以后的一种反思,是应对快速消费和快速生产所带来的种种弊病的一种方案。严格来说,慢设计是不折不扣的舶来品,但由于其背后所指向表达的价值观、哲学意义以及对人性的高度关照,使其和中国传统文化在内核上具有逻辑演进上的一致性。介于此,慢设计所倡导的设计理念和设计方式能够在中国广泛传播乃至接受就变得容易理解。本文从内核及传播渠道两方面来分析慢设计理念和中国传统文化之间的衍生互动关系,进而梳理慢设计的人性关怀走向。  相似文献   

本文结合中国铝土矿资源现状,以贵州省为例分析当前铝土矿资源特征进行分析,探究铝土矿资源特征及矿业可持续发展面临的问题。结合铝土矿资源特征等内容,提出铝土矿资源特征及矿业可持续发展建议,通过加强地质勘察、合理开发资源、创新开采研究、加强重视矿山基本农田冲突问题等内容完善矿业可持续发展。  相似文献   

The growing U.S. trade deficit with Japan has provided the motivation for a number of comparative studies of U.S. and Japanese business firms in recent years. In this study, the financial characteristics of U.S. and Japanese electronics firms are compared using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) method. The findings indicate that the financial characteristics of U.S. and Japanese electronics firms are significantly different.  相似文献   

男性着装意识及其类型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对男性衬衫消费行为进行调查的基础上,将调查的数据用SPSS/PC+软件包进行了统计分析。根据着装意识进行了因子分析和聚类分析,男性的着装意识可分为"自我显示"、"互盾"和"舒适"3个因子。在聚类分析中将被调查者划分为"方便舒适型"、"时髦型"、"经济讲究型"、"讲究身份型"和"引人注目型",并分析了各组被调查者的消费行为和个人基本情况。  相似文献   

投资项目的风险分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
初步探讨投资项目风险的含义及主要分类方法,对几个决策失误的典型项目进行简要分析,提出要强化项目风险意识,科学、公正、谨慎决策,投资体制改革的核心问题是投资者自负盈亏。  相似文献   

Although the R&D/marketing interface has been extensively studied in U.S. firms, this article reports the results of a study of this important relationship in Japanese high-tech firms. Based on published studies of U.S. firms, Mark Parry and Michael Song hypothesize that Japanese R&D managers' perceptions of the ideal level of R&D/marketing integration will reflect perceptions of both their firm's strategy and environmental uncertainty. They also hypothesize that perceptions of the level of achieved R&D/marketing integration are related to perceptions of organizational structure and climate. To test these hypotheses, they examine the survey responses of 274 Japanese R&D managers. Their analysis suggests that R&D managers' perceptions of firm strategy and the level of environmental uncertainty are significantly correlated with the perceived need for integration. Findings also indicate that R&D managers' perceptions of achieved integration reflect perceptions of the quality of R&D/marketing relations, the value placed on integration by senior management, the business background of R&D personnel and the risk-orientation of senior management.  相似文献   

The strategic logic of Japanese high-technology venture capital investment reveals the existence of an implicit call option, or ‘shadow option’, on new technology. This option is exercised by further investment in product development, manufacturing and distribution. The process is described with reference to a comparative study of Japanese and U.S. venture capital firms. Similarities and differences between the two groups are reported, and a conceptual model of Japanese option strategy is formulated. The implications for our understanding of Japanese strategy and for strategic management theory are discussed.  相似文献   

On Hofstede's treatment of Chinese and Japanese values   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hofstede has identified four important work-related values, but he imposes his mental programming on the interpretation of other cultures, which are qualitatively different from those on which he relies to develop his constructs. This criticism is evidenced by Hofstede's treatment of Chinese and Japanese values. This paper discusses the treatment along the four value dimensions: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism and masculinity, and their integration. The paper concludes that Hofstede's analysis of Chinese and Japanese values is inadequate because Japanese and Chinese (including people in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore) may either have different interpretations of the same value scale, or have other value dimensions not tapped by Hofstede's value framework.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a questionnaire survey sent to a sample of automobile manufacturers in the United States and Japan (including Japanese-managed plants in the United States) during the spring of 1990. The data support observations that Japanese and U.S. practices tend to differ in key areas and Japanese suppliers perform better in dimensions such as quality (defects) and prices (meeting targets, reducing prices over time); and that Japanese-managed auto plants established in the United States have, in general, adopted Japanese practices and receive extremely high levels of quality from Japanese as well as U.S. suppliers. These findings provide evidence that Japanese practices and performance levels are transferable outside Japan and suggest that considerable improvements are possible for U.S. suppliers supplying U.S. auto plants. In addition, the survey indicates that U.S. firms have adopted at least some practices traditionally associated with Japanese firms, apparently reflecting some convergence toward Japanese practices and higher performance levels in supplier management.  相似文献   

The success story of Japanese firms, both in their home country and their overseas subsidiaries, has been the focus of comparative management research in the 1970s and early 1980s. Several scholars attributed the impressive productivity gains in Japanese industries to the basic principles of Japanese management. Further, they advocated the adoption of these principles by American and European businesses to solve employee morale and productivity problems. However, in recent years, the validity of the “happy worker” hypothesis in explaining the effectiveness of Japanese management has been seriously questioned. In fact, the results of several empirical studies indicate that Japanese firms are facing manpower management problems both at home and in their overseas subsidiaries. The main purpose of this article is to identify and discuss the Japanese management problems of overseas subsidiaries, based on several empirical studies of Japanese overseas subsidiaries undertaken by the authors of this article and other scholars during the last 17 years (1968 to 1985). These studies are:
  • Localisation Problems of Japanese Subsidiaries Overseas: A Comparative Study in Southeast-Asian Countries.
  • A comparative study of American, Japanese and local firms in Taiwan.
  • A comparative study of American, European and Japanese multinationals' subsidiaries in Brazil, Peru, India, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand.
  • A comparative study of American, German, and Japanese multinations in the United States, Western European countries, Australia, and Japan.
  • A comparative study of upper-level Japanese and American managers of subsidiaries of Japanese firms in the United States.
  • A comparative study of subsidiaries of American and Japanese multinationals in Singapore.
  • An intensive case study of a Japanese subsidiary in Australia.
  •   相似文献   

    This paper documents the adoption of the Japanese model of manufacturing in the U.K. motor industry. Internal developments by the vehicle assemblers and their suppliers are examined. It is argued that the Japanese model involves very high intra- and interorganizational dependencies. Although this does not cause problems in Japan due to the structure of the Japanese motor industry, the structure of the UK vehicle industry presents severe obstacles to the successful use of Japanese methods. Pursuit of the pure Japanese model within the existing industry structure appears to be fraught with problems. Moreover, such an exercise risks sweeping away potential strengths of the existing structure.  相似文献   

    SPA服装品牌在全世界都有了良好的发展,但是在中国还是以传统订货会为主要模式的服装品牌比比皆是,本文通过对日本SPA品牌的研究分析了日本SPA品牌的发展和运营方式,与中国服装品牌进行了对比分析,得出适合中国SPA服装品牌发展的新方法。  相似文献   

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