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One of the missing pieces preventing us from understanding recent Chinese economic development is the role played by openness and capital accumulation in this process. The question is whether the sharp economic' growth that the Chinese economy has experienced is another case of export-led growth due to the open-door policy or whether, on the contrary, this growth has been caused by high domestic savings and investment rates (and the consequent capital accumulation). To answer this question, we employed an empirical framework of the cointegrated vector autoregressive model. The empirical results show that both investment (in physieal capital and R&D) and exports, as well as the exchange rate policy, are relevant factors in explaining China's long-run economic growth over the past 4 decades.  相似文献   

China's dairy industry has experienced rapid expansion in recent years, with an average annual growth rate of 23.8 percent from 2000 to 2006. However, there exists a serious geographical distribution imbalance in milk production and consumption. Approximately 85 percent of China's milk is produced in northern China, where 40 percent of the country's population reside. In contrast, only about 15 percent of the milk is produced in China's south, where 60percent of China's population reside. This has resulted in a significant gap between milk production and consumption in southern China and this gap is expected to rise. This paper considers China's milk demand and supply situation, analyzes the likely potential for China to expand its milk production and explores options for meeting milk demand-supply shortages. Policy and trade implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores why labor share in China has declined since the middle of the 1990s. Existing literature usually ascribes the labor share decline in developed countries to biased technological progress. However, our investigation shows that China "s case is different. Using a simultaneous equation model estimated with three-stage least squares, we find that FD1, levels of economic development and privatization have negative effects on the labor share. The negative influence of FDl on labor share results from regional competition for FD1, which weakens labor forces" bargaining power. A U-shaped relationship exists between labor share and the level of economic development, and China is now on the declining part of the curve. The negative effects of privatization on the labor share stem from the elimination of the so-called "wage costs eroding profit " situation and the positive supply shock on the labor market.  相似文献   

Since 2001, the exports of foreign‐invested enterprises (FIEs) have accounted for more than 50 percent of China's total exports. As foreign capital occupies a high proportion of the total capital of FIEs, most FIEs' capital gains are foreign factor income. Although these gains are calculated as a part of China's GDP, they do not belong to China's national income. To determine the real contribution of exports to China's welfare, the present paper analyses the impact of exports on China's national income using a non‐competitive input–output model capturing processing trade. The results show that every US$1000 of China's exports generates US$506.8 of national income. The real contribution of exports to China's welfare is much smaller than what we expected. This suggests that China should endeavor to improve the gains from international markets or find another engine to maintain its economic growth.  相似文献   

The sovereign wealth club acquired a new member with the official launch of the China Investment Corporation (CIC) on 29 September 2007. The arrival of CIC has further heated up debate regarding sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) and their potential implications for global financial markets. This is because, in carrying out its investments, CIC can tap into China's huge official foreign exchange reserves, which by April 2008 had surged to US$1.76tn. CIC's initial working capital of US$2OObn makes it the fifth largest SWFs in the world today. This article seeks to analyze CIC's investment strategies, as well as their potential economic and political implications for global as well as US financial markets.  相似文献   

What's So Special about China's Exports?   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
I. Introduction The phenomenal performance of China constitutes the great economic miracle of the last quarter century. China’s economy has expanded by leaps and bounds, at historically unprecedented rates that few economists would have found plausible or feasible ex ante. More importantly, this growth has lifted hundreds of millions of people from deep poverty and has helped improve health, education and other social standards. China has accomplished all this using its own brand of experime…  相似文献   

罗丹 《魅力中国》2014,(12):63-63
In the novel“In the pond”, Ha Jin prestents to the readers a complicated character Shao Bin, who, at the beginnig, strives to fight against the power and in the end surrenders to it. During the long confrontation to the leaders, Shao Bin has indeed left no stone unturned to obtain what he deserves and people in the lower class have ever suported him, but they al end up conpromising to the power and authority. They final y lost their selves and dreams. And they are easily bought of because in the depth of their hearts, the ideology of of ical standard prevails so much that they misuse it as a disguise for their evil doings.  相似文献   

This paper compares the three recent episodes of boom and bust cycles in asset prices: Japan in the late 1980s to the 1990s; the USA since the mid‐1990s; and China during the past decade. Although we have not yet seen a collapse of Chinese property prices, their increases so far are comparable to those in the other two episodes and a careful comparative study is warranted. The present paper first examines the behavior of asset prices, of property prices in particular, in the three cases, and highlights some similarities. The paper emphasizes the role played by extremely easy monetary policy in generating bubble‐like asset price behavior in the three cases. The reason for easy monetary policies is investigated. In the US case, the monetary authority was concerned about the risk of deflation in the early to mid‐2000s. The experiences of Japan and China are quite similar in that the monetary authorities of both countries were seriously concerned about the possible deflationary effects of exchange rate appreciation on the economy. The implications of such a finding for the future of Chinese macroeconomic policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Through review of relevant studies and analysis,this article indicates that the "middle-income trap " is in line with the framework of the mainstream economic growth theories, and,therefore,it is a useful concept through which we can analyze economic growth phenomena in specific economic growth phases.The empirical experiences of many countries also indicate that at specific middle-income stages,economies with high rates of growth tend to encounter economic slowdown or even stagnation.The article shows that China is facing the challenge of determining how to move smoothly beyond the middle-income stage of economic development,while taking into account the shifting population structure,changing resource endowment and growth patterns.The article,drawing on international experiences, puts forward several policy suggestions relating to improvement in total factor productivity, expansion of human capital accumulation and deepening of system and government function reforms.  相似文献   

What's So Special about China's Exports? A Comment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dani Rodrik argues that China's exports are unusually sophisticated for a country at its income level. He also claims that China's export sophistication reflects the government's successful industrial policy and has been instrumental in the recent acceleration of its economic growth. Although Rodrik's interpretation of China's economic growth is broadly correct, the accuracy of his empirical analysis is questionable. This note identifies several problems regarding the “export sophistication” index used in his empirical work and casts doubt on his analysis.  相似文献   

According to the theory of comparative advantage, the relation between China's accession to WTO and China's economic development is studied. And a positive conclusion is presented in this article.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the assessment of China's rural labor markets. According to our data, the increase in off-farm employment that China experienced during the 1980s and 1990s continued during the 2000s. Our analysis shows that migration has become the most prevalent off-farm activity, although the destination of migrants is shifting from outside of one's province to destinations closer to home. The present paperfinds that large shares of male and female individuals, especially those under 40 years, are working off the farm. These findings represent an important contribution to the labor economics field. First, the results of the present paper reveal that the labor transition from the agricultural sector to the non-agricultural sector for key segments of China's rural labor force is nearly complete. Second, although a large share of China "s rural labor force work in agriculture, most of these workers are older men and women (and likely would not be willing to take low-wage, labor-intensive jobs). Third, the rising unskilled wage rate in China is partially a result of the tightening of the labor force in the young age cohorts. Finally, due to factors associated with the one child policy and other demographic transition forces, successive age cohorts will continue to fall in absolute number in the coming decade. Assuming China's growth continues, we expect to see further wage increases since it will take higher wages to coax more workers to work off the farm.  相似文献   

The paper discovers the source of china's labor comparative advantage by international comparison and demonstrates whether this advantage can last long from the aspects of both theories and facts. Based on analysis, the paper thinks the labor cost advantage in China mainly results from a low-cost labor level, which doesn't have any advantage actually compared to some other developing countries. According to the factor-price equalization theorem and empirical data, it's hard for China's labor cost advantage to last long .To keep it, China has to improve its labor efficiency and added value ratio.  相似文献   

TBT is one kind of the non-tariff barriers, which has its special characteristics. More and more countries have imposed technical barriers on China's exports in order to protect their domestic industries. In the process of melting into the international economy, China should deal with TBT more actively not only by counter-attacking them with the aid of the legitimate weapon, but also by establishing China's own technical standard system in full use of its rationality.  相似文献   

In the present study, five stylized facts about China "s producer services are established through international, intersectoral and intertemporal comparisons based on input --output tables. First, the overall service input ratio is the lowest in all the sample economies. Second, most producer services are supplied by the traditional labor-intensive sectors. Third, manufacturing is the biggest user of producer services, and service industry is the second, while the opposite is true for most of the other sample economies. Fourth, unlike other economies, China "s "R&D" is characterized more by consumer services than producer services. Fifth, China has fairly lower service input ratios in almost all the industries. The backward and forward linkages coefficients are both smaller for "real estate activities" and "finance and insurance. "" Policy reform should focus not only on specific producer services but also on reducing obstacles that are inhibiting the balanced development of diverse producer services that will help China to optimize its economic structure.  相似文献   

This article retests the separability of China’s rural households in light of growing doubt about the sustainability of high economic growth in China.If a household’s production decisions are "separable "from the household’s consumption decisions,generally this suggests there is no surplus labor.Many scholars aver that China’s surplus rural labor has spurred rapid economic growth,but concerns have arisen as to whether China still has surplus labor available.We investigate this issue using rural household panel data from 1993 to 2009.The regression results confirm that households in rural China have progressed from being non-separable to separable.The estimation results for both the entire country and regions reject the separability hypothesis before 2004 but fail to reject the hypothesis after 2004(with the exception of the central region).These results suggest that China ’s surplus labor supply is dwindling,especially in the eastern and the western regions.The sustainability of China’s high economic growth is questionable in the absence of a large reservoir of surplus rural labor.  相似文献   

China' s economy has witnessed serious excessive investment over the past 5 years, mainly in the infrastructure and real estate. Excessive investment has adverse impacts on both economic growth and macroeconomic stability. The main causes of this excessive investment are inappropriate growth strategies, low interest rates and weak constraints on government investment expenditure. To effectively control excessive investment, China needs to adjust its growth strategy, to speed up the process of interest rate marketization, and reform the existing public expenditure system.  相似文献   

It is an important issue to advice leaders and managers how to act in difficult managerial situations caused by the multicultural communality. Racism paves the way to the bad society. Racism understood as cultural phenomenon gives interesting prospects for the development of anti-racist organization culture. Leaders, who inspire their followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the organization and who is capable of having a profound and extraordinary effect on the followers, are in the main focus of this article.  相似文献   

I. Introduction As the biggest developing country, China’s energy consumption has increased substantially. China is now the second largest energy consumer in the world and its primary energy consumption accounts for 13.6 percent of the world total. In the global energy market, China seems to have an endless appetite for oil and gas. China depends on imports for more than 40 percent of its oil. According to an estimation by British Petroleum (BP, 2005), from 2000–2004, China’s oil consum…  相似文献   

China "s state-owned banks have undergone radical changes over the past two decades, including partial privatization and listing in both the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the Shanghai Stock Exchange. This paper evaluates the effects of these changes by analyzing the efficiency of Chinese banks over the period 1998-2012 using two frontier techniques and comparative analysis. The findings suggest that the performance and technical efficiency of the Big Four banks improved considerably after property rights reform, but this improvement is not sufficient to keep the banks at the production frontier. Tobit regressions confirm that static ownership effects are negative but that the property rights reform has had significant and positive effects on the technical efficiency of state-owned commercial banks. GDP growth and the financial crisis have had positive effects on the efficiency of Chinese banks, which is more significant for joint stock commercial banks than state-owned commercial banks. The results indicate the value of ownership reforms of state-owned asset management companies and insurance companies and the establishment of a countercyclical capital buffer.  相似文献   

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