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A system approach for measuring the euro area NAIRU   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This paper addresses the issue of measuring the NAIRU for the euro area and assessing the robustness and precision of the obtained estimates. The empirical framework adopted is based on systems combining an Okun-type relationship between cyclical unemployment and the output gap with a Phillips curve and stochastic laws of motion for the NAIRU and potential output. Such systems have been estimated using Kalman-filter techniques. The results obtained point to an estimate of the area-wide NAIRU that is robust to changes in the underlying models. This robustness is shown to hold both in terms of the mean – i.e., the shape of the resulting NAIRU – and the variance of the process. The latter is derived through bootstrap exercises using the models alone or pooled together. The evidence found suggests that the increase in the aggregate NAIRU that took place in the early part of the sample period has come to a halt and may be about to be reversed.Jel classification: C11, C15, E31, E32The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Institutions they belong to. The authors are grateful to Per Jansson for providing parts of the econometric RATS code and to Gonzalo Camba-Mendez and Frank Smets of the ECB for useful comments. Comments and recommendations by two anonimous referees are also gratefully acnowledged. All the remaining errors are the authors responsibility. All correspondence to Ricardo Mestre.First version received: January 2002/Final version received December 2002  相似文献   

This paper estimates a VAR including labor productivity, real wage and unemployment rate, to identify the dynamic effects of technology, demand, and mark-up shocks, respectively, on the Italian labor market. Identification is achieved by imposing recursive restrictions on the matrix of long run multipliers. Our results show that both mark up and aggregate demand shocks permanently reduce the unemployment rate. Finally, technology shocks do not significantly affect the unemployment rate in the long run. These findings convey important policy implications: expansionary aggregate demand and deregulation policies reducing the mark up permanently decrease the Italian unemployment rate.Jel classification: C32, E32, J29This paper has been produced as part of a CEPR Research Network on New Approaches to the Study of Economic Fluctuations. We would like to thank Marcello DAmato, Mario Forni, Marco Lippi and Antonio Ribba for useful comments. We are also grateful to Bernd Sussmuth for pointing out to us several significant improvements to the paper.First version received: November 2001/Final version received: October 2002  相似文献   

This note shows the empirical dangers of the presence of large additive outliers when testing for unit roots using standard unit root statistics. Using recent proposed procedures applied to four Latin-American inflation series, I show that the unit root hypothesis cannot be rejected.Jel classification: C2, C3, C5I want to thank Pierre Perron for useful comments on a preliminary version of this paper. Helpful comments from an anonymous referee, and Yiagadeesen Samy are appreciated. I thank the Editor Baldev Raj for useful comments about the final structure of this paper. Finally, I also thank André Lucas for helpful suggestions concerning the use of his nice computer program Robust Inference Plus Estimation (RIPE).First revision received: August 2001/Final revision received: December 2002  相似文献   

Based on the 1992 US National Survey of Veterans, we analyzed veterans inpatient and outpatient health care utilization patterns by estimating count data two-part hurdle models. We also identified factors that affect veterans choice of health care between VA and non-VA facilities using count data selection models. Not surprisingly, we found that health condition measures are the most important factors in determining veterans health care utilization. Gender, disability, and employment status are also significant. Veterans with lower socio-economic status, without other health insurance coverages, or living near VA health care facilities are more likely to use VA health care system for outpatient visits and inpatient admissions. Our study underscores the role of alternative sources of health care and insurance in discerning the true effects of the explanatory variables on an individuals total demand for health care and its allocation between alternative providers.Jel classification: C35, I12, H51This research was done under a contract with the VA Health Care Network, Upstate New York (VISN 2). We are grateful to A. Colin Cameron, Diane Dewer, Joe Engelhardt, Terrance Kinal, Hamp Lankford, Frank Windmeijer, and two anonymous referees for helpful suggestions and comments. We alone are responsible for the views expressed, and deficiencies remaining, in the paper.First version received: September 2001/Final version received: February 2003  相似文献   

The paper empirically examines the dynamic relationship between financial development and economic growth in Australia in terms of bank-based and market-based financial structure. A time-series approach using the VAR Model is used to provide evidence for the dynamic relationship. The paper provides empirical evidence on the causal impact of the financial market on the economic growth of the Australian economy. The results suggest that financial intermediaries and financial markets have different impacts on economic growth given their diverse roles in the domestic economy. In particular there is evidence of causality from economic growth to the development of the financial intermediaries. On the other hand, development in the financial markets causes economic growth but there is no evidence of any causality from economic growth to financial markets. The sensitivity test using different interest rates does not change the results.I Jel classification: O16, G18, G28I We would like to thank Tilak Abeysinghe and Rajagurn Gunasekaran for their helpful comments on the first draft. Also, we would like to thank the Editor, Prof. Baldev Raj, and two anonymous referees for their helpful comments.First version received: October 2001/Final version received: October 2002  相似文献   

Summary. We derive (i) necessary and sufficient and (ii) sufficient conditions for monetary policies to conform to what the literature characterizes as good policies. We show that the biasing effects of omitted variables, measurement errors, and misspecifications of true functional forms on the coefficients of monetary-policy reaction functions present practical obstacles to verifying such conditions.Received: 30 September 2003, Revised: 6 February 2004, JEL Classification Numbers: E52, E58. Correspondence to: George S. TavlasWe thank Charalambos Aliprantis, Peter von zur Muehlen and an anonymous referee for helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper. The views expressed in this paper are the authors own and do not represent those of their respective institutions.  相似文献   

Summary.  At a stationary Markov equilibrium of a Markovian economy of overlapping generations, prices at a date-event are determined by the realization of the shock, the distribution of wealth and, with production, the stock of capital. Stationary Markov equilibria may not exist; this is the case with intra-generational heterogeneity and multiple commodities or long life spans. Generalized Markov equilibria exist if prices are allowed to vary also with the realization of the shock, prices and the allocation of consumption and production at the predecessor date-event. (Stationary) Markov -equilibria always exist; as allocations and prices converge to equilibrium prices and allocations that, however, need not be stationary.Received: 2 March 2004, Revised: 2 April 2004, JEL Classification Numbers:   D50, D52, D60, D80, D90.Correspondence to: Felix KublerWe thank participants in seminars in Athens and Lund, at Penn, at IMPA and at Stanford, the 2002 CEME (NBER) General Equilibrium Conference and the 2002 SED meetings, and especially Martin Hellwig, George Mailath and an anonymous referee for very helpful comments.  相似文献   

Technical and environmental efficiency of some coal-fired thermal power plants in India is estimated using a methodology that accounts for firm’s efforts to increase the production of good output and reduce pollution with the given resources and technology. The methodology used is directional output distance function. Estimates of firm-specific shadow prices of pollutants (bad outputs), and elasticity of substitution between good and bad outputs are also obtained. The technical and environmental inefficiency of a representative firm is estimated as 0.06 implying that the thermal power generating industry in Andhra Pradesh state of India could increase production of electricity by 6/ while decreasing generation of pollution by 6%. This result shows that there are incentives or win–win opportunities for the firms to voluntarily comply with the environmental regulation. It is found that there is a significant variation in marginal cost of pollution abatement or shadow prices of bad outputs across the firms and an increasing marginal cost of pollution abatement with respect to pollution reduction by the firms. This result calls for the use of economic instruments like pollution taxes instead of command and control regulation used currently in India to reduce air pollution.
M. N. MurtyEmail:

In the recent past, the operations of the capital-rich Sovereign-Wealth Funds (SWFs) went on increasing in the global capital markets. As the global economic crisis that started in 2007 deepened, SWF operations dramatically spurted, leading to further progressive increase in their significance for the global capital markets. For all appearances they are going to be important financial players in the foreseeable future. This article focuses on the basic concept of SWFs, their structure and operations. It attempts to analyze and elucidate on them. Notwithstanding the fact that SWFs are an instrument of enhancing liquidity and financial resource allocation in the international capital market, they managed to become a source of controversies. Consequently they became a source of escalation in financial protectionism in several advanced industrial economies, in particular the USA. The article concludes that this was unwarranted. Recently SWFs have attempted to device an array of best practices to improve the transparency of their global financial operations. These measures are expected to enhance the acceptance of SWFs as well as global recognition of their operations. They would also help in dispelling the negative image that SWFs have held in several advanced industrial economies.
Dilip K. DasEmail:

This study examines a hithertoneglected set of benefits from climate policy,viz., the reduction in emissions of localair pollutants and the associated healthbenefits, in this case for residents ofSantiago de Chile. By using an economy-widemodel, we are able to compare these monetisedbenefits to the direct costs of carbonabatement, thereby determining the scope for no regrets CO2 reductions. Sensitivityanalysis is performed in recognition of theuncertainty surrounding certain key parameterand exogenous variable values – notably,households' willingness to pay (WTP) forreduced mortality and morbidity risk, and thesubstitution elasticities among energy sourcesand between energy and other inputs. Ourresults suggest that, even with the mostconservative assumptions (low WTP, lowelasticities), Chile could reduce CO2emissions by almost 20% from the 2010 baselinewith no net welfare loss, though a 10%reduction is closer to optimal. If insteadChile were to target a 20% reduction inparticulate concentrations, a particulate taxwould incur slightly lower costs than anequivalent carbon tax to achieve the samehealth benefits. While the latter is asecond-best method of addressing localpollution, the welfare loss of choosing thisinstrument could be fully compensated by carboncredit sales at a world market price of$20/tC.  相似文献   

The Edgeworth-Sargan density has been shown capable of capturing empirical regularities of financial data (thick tails and asymmetries). When compared to other densities used in applied finance, it has the advantage of its analytical simplicity, and the ability to improve data fits by adding more parameters in a natural way. This paper develops an explicit form for the multivariate Edgeworth-Sargan density and compare its performance to the multivariate Students t. The comparison is carried out with daily financial observations, spanning 25 years of data for several financial variables that include stock markets indices and interest and exchange rates for several countries.JEL Classification: C12, G1The author acknowledges Prof. Ignacio Mauleón, PhD supervisor of the dissertation this article is based on, and also to Esther del Brío, Helen Jones and two anonymous referees for their helpful and constructive comments. This paper is financed by the C.I.C.Y.T. under project SEC98-1112 and the J.C.Y.L. under project SA29/99. Responsibility for the contents, as well as possible deficiencies, remains solely with the author.  相似文献   

In a study of European growth in the interwar period, the Swedish economist Ingvar Svennilson integrated a Keynesian theory of demand-led cumulative growth with a Schumpeterian analysis of transformation. Today, Svennilson is seen, together with the Schumpeterian economists Johan Åkerman and Erik Dahmén, as members of a unique Swedish growth school. A combination of Keynes and Schumpeter with Svennilson as a mediator has been facilitated by neo-Schumpeterian theories of demand-led innovations. But it has been obstructed by a hypothesis in the Schumpeterian tradition that productivity growth is stimulated by low aggregate demand and by Svennilsons strong commitment to Verdoorns Law which actually is Svennilsons Law. However, Svennilsons analyses of the importance of short-run imbalances for economic growth and the existence of imperfect capital markets discriminating progressive new firms have direct equivalences in modern macroeconomics. Svennilsons main contributions to economics of today are his syntheses between macroeconomic and structural analysis, short and long run theoretical perspectives and, more basically, between theoretical and empirical research.JEL Classification: B25, E32, L6, N14, O11, O14, O31, O4A Swedish version of the paper was presented at the 7th Nordic Conference on the History of Economic Thoughts in Molde (Norway), May 2-4, 2003 and at the Ratio institute (Stockholm), May 8, 2003. I thank participants, Rolf Henriksson and two anonymous referees for valuable comments.  相似文献   

Summary.  Suppose that an economic agent is 100% certain that uncertainty she faces is characterized by a particular probability measure, but that she has a fear that, with 100% chance, her conviction is completely wrong and she is left perfectly ignorant about the true measure in the present as well as in the future. This situation is often called -contamination of confidence. The purpose of this paper is to provide a simple set of behavioral axioms under which the decision-makers preference is represented by the Choquet expected utility with the -contamination of confidence.Received: 25 November 2002, Revised: 15 November 2004, JEL Classification Numbers:   D81. Correspondence to: Hiroyuki OzakiWe are grateful to an anonymous referee. The referees comments greatly improved the exposition of the paper. The work reported here is partially supported by a grant from the Economic and Social Research Insitute, the Cabinet Office, the Government of Japan.  相似文献   

A small Almost Ideal Demand System is estimated for Greek meat consumption using the Johansen procedure in conjunction with parametric bootstrapping and Bartlett corrections. Asymptotic Wald and likelihood ratio tests broadly support the predicted number of cointegrating relationships but reject symmetry and homogeneity. Bootstrapping and Bartlett corrections give support to symmetry and homogeneity but give less support for the predicted number of cointegrating relationships.Jel classification: C32 D12First version received: September 2001/Final version received: March 2003  相似文献   

Quantile estimation of frontier production function   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of the paper is to provide new information on the performance of frontier estimation methods, using data from Italian hotel industry. Quantile regression is also suggested as solution to frontier production function estimation. It is shown that, while the choice of estimation methods among conventional techniques significantly affects the economic analysis, quantile regression provides valuable new information by estimating the whole spectrum of production functions corresponding to different efficiency levels. In addition, the method makes available a coherent framework to analyze the performance of the conventional techiniques. Jel classification: C14, C16, D24We would like to thank the Co-Editor, the Associate Editor and an anonymous referee for comments and suggestions. The research was supported by the University Research Council and the National Research Council. The usual disclaimer applies.The estimates were computed using the Roger Koenker and StatLibS-Plus routine of quantile regression and the Tim Coelli and CEPA Web site FRONTIER 4.1 Program. The data set is provided by the Ho.Re.Ca. survey conducted by ISTAT in 1992.First version received: June 2001/Final version received: December 2002  相似文献   

Influence and inefficiency in the internal capital market   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I model inefficient resource allocations in M-form organizations due to influence activities by division managers that skew capital budgets in their favor. Corporate headquarters receives two types of signals about investment opportunities: private signals that can be distorted by managers, and public signals that are undistorted but noisy. Headquarters faces a tradeoff between the cost of attaining an accurate private signal and the value of the information the signal provides. In contrast to existing models of “socialism” in internal capital markets, I show that investment sensitivity to Tobin's Q is higher than first-best in firms where division managers hold equity (a result consistent with evidence presented in Scharfstein, 1998). When managers face high private costs from distorting information (equity holdings), headquarters may commit to investment contracts that place “too little” weight on private signals and “too much” weight on public signals (i.e. Q). This result has implications for managers in the design of capital budgeting processes and incentive compensation systems.  相似文献   

This paper studies the properties of demand for capital maintenance services and its interaction with investment under variable capital utilization rate and adjustment costs. The depreciation rate varies with the maintenance effort and the utilization rate of capital. We show that the properties of the demand functions for maintenance services and capital goods depend closely on the sign of the cross derivative of the depreciation function, i.e., on whether the marginal efficiency of maintenance decreases or increases when the rate of capital utilization rises. In our model, it is impossible to reconcile some unquestionable empirical facts and some minimal regularity conditions on the demand function for maintenance services if this cross derivative is positive. In all cases, investment and maintenance are gross complements. Received September 9, 2001; revised version received April 22, 2002 Published online: December 5, 2002 ? Springer-Verlag 2002  相似文献   

During the 1980's, extensive structural adjustments took place in the U.S. economy. This paper uses estimates of sectorally detailed social accounting matrices to evaluate the changes in receipt and expenditure patterns, including interindustry linkages, over the 1982–1988 period. Among other effects, our results reveal increasing service orientation, shifts in energy use, and increased import and foreign investment dependence. Detailed evidence on direct and indirect demand linkages indicates large shifts in the composition of government expenditure and private investment, the latter being intensified by declines in the rate of domestic capital formation.We would like to thank Greg Alward for the 1982 IMPLAN input-output data, Norman Bakka for the National Income and Product Account Data, Ken Hanson for helpful suggestions, Mark Planting for 1985 BEA input-output data, Valerie Personick for the activity output data, and two anonymous referees for helpful comments.  相似文献   

We examine the role of expectations for interest rates on mortgage loans. Our empirical results, based on cointegration tests, indicate a violation of the expectations hypothesis on the German loan market. In contrast to the capital market, a failure of the expectations hypothesis on the loan market cannot be attributed to the market segmentation hypothesis. Using a simple two-period model, we can show that the deviation from the expectations hypothesis is stronger than on the capital market and such that it confirms the common practice of choosing between loans with variable or fixed interest rates.An earlier version was presented at the annual meeting of theVerein für Socialpolitik 1994. We are grateful to Jürgen Wolters and an anonymous referee for their useful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

We analyze the dynamic relationship between public investment and output. Whereas existing empirical studies on the effects of public capital typically rely on single-equation models of the private sector, we investigate the role of public investment in an economy by examining impulse responses derived from vector autoregressions. Using data from six industrial countries, we specifically examine the following questions: does higher public investment lead to GDP increases; is there reverse causation from output to public investment; and what are the effects of expenditure-neutral budget shifts from public consumption to public investment. First version received: April 1999/Final version accepted: August 2000  相似文献   

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