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关联性是研究系统性风险传染效应的一个重要途径。借鉴Billio et al.(2012)的思想,从关联性及其方向性变化研究入手,分别使用主成分分析、线性因果关系检验、非线性因果关系检验、网络分析等方法考察银行业、保险业与证券业间系统性风险的时变传染效应。结果表明,金融危机爆发后金融行业间的关联性显著上升,一旦爆发金融危机,其机构间的传染性要强于以往。平稳时期,各行业内部机构之间的相互传染影响占主流,而在金融危机期间,跨行业机构间的相互传染影响得到了显著的提升,银行业对其他行业造成的传染影响显著增强,证券行业在金融危机期间则更多地受到了传染影响。  相似文献   

杨德权  刘旸 《价值工程》2006,25(11):141-145
金融危机的传染效应已经成为新兴市场金融危机的显著特征。本文在理论分析的基础上,以三次近期的新兴市场金融危机——东南亚金融危机、俄罗斯金融危机和阿根廷金融危机——为例,对新兴市场金融危机传染效应进行实证分析,探求其个别原因和共同原因,以期能提出有效的危机传染防范措施。  相似文献   

股价崩盘事件时有发生,并且存在明显跨市场传染性,加剧了股价崩盘的负面影响。本文基于A股上市公司大样本实证检验以及保险类公司案例分析,研究中国上市公司间股价崩盘传染性。检验结果显示:A股公司股价崩盘存在明显传染性,导致同行业公司下一周收益率显著降低、同行业公司下一周股价崩盘率显著增加;并且大公司、央企较其他公司对同行业公司传染效应更强。本文验证了资本市场内部股价崩盘传染性,并且存在传染效应不对称性。基于此,本文建议提高上市公司信息透明度、完善股价异常波动监管机制、差异化对待股价崩盘事件来应对股价崩盘传染风险。  相似文献   

近年来的金融危机凸显了评估一个国家或地区系统性风险传染效应的紧迫性和重要性,是否存在系统性风险成为衡量金融安全的一个重要方面。本文利用矩阵法构建我国银行的风险传染模型,用最小二乘法和相对熵两种方法分析了不同损失水平下单家银行倒闭可能引起的系统性风险传染。结果表明:最小二乘方法下的风险敞口矩阵更符合实际;2005年的银行风险传染过程会发生一到二轮,且受到负面影响的主要是股份制银行;由于银行核心资本的提高,2009年的风险传染则几乎不会发生。  相似文献   

以2009—2018年深沪两市A股主板上市企业为样本,实证检验内控重大缺陷在集团内部的传染效应。研究发现:当集团内有成员企业披露内控重大缺陷时,“被传染企业”的股票价格会显著下降,即内控重大缺陷会在企业集团内产生传染效应;影响路径检验发现,“被传染企业”的行业一致性、内部控制质量及盈余质量能够解释该传染效应;进一步的异质性检验发现,在市场化程度较高、“传染源”由“十大”审计、“掏空”效应较大、规模较小的企业中,内控重大缺陷在集团内的传染效应更强;“被传染企业”盈余质量的动态调整检验发现,在市场监督下,基于声誉恢复动机,在传染效应发生后,“被传染企业”能够及时提升盈余质量,但后续年度的提升力度较弱。这不仅拓展了内控重大缺陷传染效应的研究视角,还为企业集团整体防范内控风险、国家推进经济高质量发展提供了内控重要性的经验证据。  相似文献   

财务风险的集聚和传染是引发系统性金融风险的潜藏路径,如何在供应链条上识别和防控财务风险的传染对防范化解系统性金融危机具有重要意义。基于2010—2020年A股上市公司构建的“客户-供应商-年度”样本,深入考察核心客户财务风险对供应商的传染效应以及供应商采取的应对策略。研究结果表明:(1)核心客户的财务风险会传染到其供应商企业,供应商采取公司治理提升策略和信息披露质量改善策略能有效应对风险传染。(2)财务风险传染机制识别发现,利益联动效应和资源联动效应是核心客户财务风险传染到供应商的可能路径。(3)异质性分析发现,当行业环境动态性越高和供应链经营波动性越强时,核心客户财务风险对供应商企业的传染效应越显著,而供应商通过公司治理提升策略和信息质量改善策略对核心客户财务风险传染的应对效果更为显著。  相似文献   

回顾近代金融危机的历史,本文以1993年欧洲货币体系危机、1994年墨西哥金融危机以及2008年美国次贷危机为例,具体考察每次危机的传导因素,但需要指出的是,每次危机都是多种因素和多渠道传染的,每个传染渠道也并非孤立的存在,而是在危机中交叉出现、相互影响。因此,本文只是研究每次危机中最重要、最典型的传染渠道和传染因素。  相似文献   

系统性金融风险的研究一直是理论界和实务界探讨的热点。本文构建静态及动态CoVaR模型,对我国金融行业间的系统性金融风险溢出效应,包括风险边际溢出效应及风险总溢出效应,进行实证分析。研究表明,金融行业间的系统性金融风险溢出效应具有正向性及非对称性;当金融风险加剧时,存在增强循环链和减弱循环链;从动态走势来看,在正常风险水平下,我国金融行业间的风险溢出效应与市场繁荣程度正相关,但在金融危机前期维持较高水平。  相似文献   

本文分析了普通负债融资财务杠杆效应的形成机理,利用财务指标分解的方法给出了财务杠杆效应影响因素的数学表达式,并分析了各个因素对财务杠杆效应的影响方向和程度。  相似文献   

现代金融危机已具有国际传染性,因美元具有国际货币地位使美国金融危机的国际传染相应具有其独特性。从世界金融危机的爆发历史分析,不同的国际货币本位制下的金融危机传染确实表现出不同的特征,具体的表现形式为:在国际本位制和布雷顿森林体系下,一些国金融危机往往在国际间传染导致全球性或区域性的通货紧缩。但是在美元具有国际货币地位的情况下,由于汇率浮动已成为一种长期化趋势,国际收支调节机制的不健全以及美元霸权的存在,使金融危机的发生速度,传染速度日趋增快,在20世纪90年代以后,随着美元本位制事实上的形成,金融危机的国际传染呈现明显的大规模扩散。  相似文献   

This study assesses systemic risk in the US credit default swap (CDS) market. First, this study estimates the bilateral exposures matrix using aggregate fair value data and theoretically analyze interconnectedness in the US CDS network using various network measures. Second, this study theoretically analyzes the contagious defaults. The default analysis shows the theoretical occurrence of many stand-alone defaults and one contagious default via the CDS network during the global financial crisis. A stress test based on a hypothetical severe stress scenario predicts almost no future contagious defaults. Thus, risk contagion via the CDS network is unlikely.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2014,38(2):161-177
The global financial crisis (2007–2009) saw sharp declines in stock markets around the world, affecting both advanced and emerging markets. In this paper we test for the existence of equity market contagion originating from the US to advanced and emerging markets during the crisis period. Using a latent factor model, we provide strong evidence of contagion effects in both advanced and emerging equity markets. In the aggregate equity market indices, contagion from the US explains a large portion of the variance in stock returns in both advanced and emerging markets. However, in the financial sector indices we find less evidence of contagion than in the aggregate indices, and this is particularly the case for the advanced markets. The results suggest that contagion effects are not strongly related to high levels of global integration.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的深化,随着我国整个金融体系开放程度的加深,任何来自国际金融市场的危机都可能对我国商业银行体系造成灾难性冲击,本文从分析银行危机跨国传染的路径着手,提出了我国防范国际金融危机传染的对策和建议,以期为我国银行体系的改革提供新的思路。  相似文献   

This article proposes a new approach to evaluate volatility contagion in financial markets. A time-varying logarithmic conditional autoregressive range model with the lognormal distribution (TVLCARR) is proposed to capture the possible smooth transition in the range process. Additionally, a smooth transition copula function is employed to detect the volatility contagion between financial markets. The approach proposed is applied to the stock markets of the G7 countries to investigate the volatility contagion due to the subprime mortgage crisis. Empirical evidence shows that volatility is contagious from the US market to several markets examined.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new empirical approach to address the problem of trading time differences between markets in studies of financial contagion. In contrast to end‐of‐business‐day data common to most contagion studies, we employ price observations, which are exactly aligned in time to correct for time‐zone and end‐of‐business‐day differences between markets. Additionally, we allow for time lags between price observations in order to test the assumption that the shock is not immediately transmitted from one market to the other. Our analysis of the financial turmoil surrounding the Asian crisis reveals that such corrections have an important bearing on the evidence for contagion, independent of the methodology employed. Using a correlation‐based test, we find more contagion the faster we assume the shock to be transmitted.  相似文献   

The Russian and LTCM financial crises in 1998 originated in bond markets, but rapidly transmitted through international equity markets. A multi-factor model of financial markets with multiple regimes is used to estimate the transmission effects in equity markets due to global, regional and contagious transmission mechanisms during the crises. Using a panel of 10 emerging and industrial financial markets, the empirical results show that contagion is significant and widespread in international equity markets during the LTCM crisis, but is more selective during the Russian crisis. Contagion effects in equities differ to those previously noted in bond markets for this period.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors test whether loan-loss reserve announcements by individual commercial banks can have contagion effects on the banking industry. It is found that increased loan-loss reserves related to LDC debt do not have an effect on other banks. However, increased loan-loss reserves related to bad real estate loans elicited a negative share price response at other banks. The signal from a loss reserve adjustment is dependent on the reason for the adjustment. While LDC debt problems were restricted to money center banks and were well publicized, real estate loan problems can be contagious throughout the industry. Consequently, signals of real estate loan problems at some banks can cause a reduced valuation of other banks.  相似文献   

Considering the frequency domain and nonlinear characteristics of financial risks, we measure the multiscale financial risk contagion by constructing EMD-Copula-CoVaR models. Using a sample composed of nine international stock markets from January 4, 1999, to May 13, 2021, the empirical study reveals that: (1) EMD-Copula-CoVaR models can effectively measure the multiscale financial risk contagion, and the financial risk contagion is significant at all time scales; (2) The high-frequency component is the major contributor of financial risk contagion; meanwhile, the low-frequency component is the smallest among all time scale components; (3) The risk export of the US financial market to other markets, except the UK under the original and medium-frequency component, is higher than that it receives; and (4) Even though the magnitude of overall financial risk contagion is similar for the COVID-19 pandemic, Subprime Crises, 9/11 terrorist attack and other crises, the relative importance of different frequency components is heterogeneous. Therefore, the countermeasures of risk contagion should be designed according to its multiscale characteristics.  相似文献   

Financial crises have shown that dramatic movements in one financial market can have a powerful impact on other markets. This paper proposes to use cobreaking to model comovements between stock markets during crises and to test for contagion. We find evidence of cobreaking between developed stock markets. In emerging stock markets, the evidence of cobreaking is mainly due to the non-financial event of the World Trade Center terrorist attacks in 2001. We find evidence of short-term linkages during times of crisis but not contagion. These short-term linkages have important implications for investors, risk managers and regulators.  相似文献   

This paper empirically tests for the existence of bank contagion at the local level. More specifically, bank-specific data for thirteen counties in Colorado and Kansas is used to perform regression analysis to test the hypothesis that the uninsured CD pricing behavior of a failing bank affects the prefailure uninsured CD pricing behavior of solvent banks within the same county as the failing institution. Quarterly data from the second quarter of 1987 through the first quarter of 1994 produce regression results that support the hypothesis. Thus, this study finds evidence of firm-specific bank contagion at a local level and extends existing contagion literature beyond an investigation of large failures during periods of crisis.  相似文献   

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