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从街名看成都文化景观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
街名作为一种社会现象,是一个城市政治、经济、文化的标记。了解成都街名的来源和变迁,可知晓成都的文化内涵及其街道命名的语言特点。  相似文献   

柳依 《民营视界》2005,(9):69-70
一地有一地的历史,每人有每人的记忆,在一些城市老人摇扇纳凉的闲聊与慨叹中,总有那么几条街路承载着他们各自的记忆,在他们的嘴角口边闪着历史的光影。都说:人老就精,鬼老就灵。而城脉随着这些古老的记忆绵延下去也会自成风韵。一街一瓦时间够了都会有灵性,多少人的人生伴着生命的悲欢体验凝结在这上面,而那些在历史的更叠中带着人们固化的记忆的街路名,在一代一代的传递中,有的遗失殆尽,继承的也往往已经改了颜面。  相似文献   

从文化层面看城市“软实力”的构建与提升   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姜绍华 《山东经济》2009,25(3):130-134
城市的“软实力”,主要指城市的精神与文化力量。构建和提升城市的“软实力”,从文化层面看,需要做到:在城市形态上,把文化内涵与文化理念体现和渗透在城市规划设计和建设中;在城市精神上,让城市具有独特的文化品位、个性魅力和时代特征;在城市产业上,让城市有蓬勃活跃和持续发展的文化产业;在市民心态上,让市民有进步的心态和良好的综合素质;在评价体系上,用文化指标来评价和考量城市的发展水平、愿景和潜力。  相似文献   

每逢八月,重庆书香格外浓郁,书声格外响亮。一年一年的重庆读书月,见证了这座历史文化名城对知识的不懈追求,读书月也被誉为重庆的"精神盛宴",正逐渐成为全国有着广泛影响的读书文化节庆活动。 倡导全民阅读,共建书香重庆。 年复一年的努力与积淀,读书月让人看到了一个城市百折不挠的文化攀登。设立读书月以来,共吸引5000多万人次直接参与。"十佳读书人"、"十佳书香家庭"等各类先进阅读典型相继涌现。通过读书月,重庆慢慢建立起自己的文化形象与城市品位。  相似文献   

城市是什么?城市即是人类文明的成果和标志,又是人民日常生活的家园。“如果我们仅将研究集结在城墙范围内的那些永久性建筑,那么我们就还根本没有涉及城市的本质。(L·芒福德)”城市的历史告诉我们,城市不是历史教科书中枯燥的数字和资料,而是有内涵、有个性、有感情,是活生生存留干城市空间和时间中的生命的热度、岁月的痕迹、文化的积淀。城市通过自身集中的物质和文化力量加速了人类交往活动的形成,  相似文献   

博大精深的泰山文化,滋养了泰山脚下一代又一代泰山人的成长,更把泰山脚下的泰城点缀成历史文化名城. 伴随着历史的沧桑巨变,泰安的文化事业、文化产业历经波澜壮阔的社会变革,展现出绚烂多姿的靓丽容颜.  相似文献   

21世纪是"城市世纪",城市发展的走向至关重要。从"功能城市"走向"文化城市"是新世纪城市发展最值得关注的大趋势。"文化城市"是城市发展的理想图景和先进思想,将是21世纪最具前景的城市。宁波在加速工业化、城市化的"热发展"中,必须对一个城市应具有什么样的人文传统、文化特色和城市精神等问题予以"冷思考":把握发展趋势,研究文化发展战略,以文化城市为导向,创造性地推进现阶段宁波文化强市建设,为从"文化强市"向"文化城市"的转型发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

前些天,一位爱好奥运收藏的北京同行告诉笔者,北京将举行一届隆重的展览,以此拉开纪念2008年北京奥运会四周年活动的序幕,并问青岛是否也会举行此类活动以纪念奥运。笔者用半开玩笑的口气很认真地告诉他,青岛根本不需要,因为奥运从未远去——传承着奥运精神的帆船运动,如今在青岛依然如火如荼,激情运帆后为俱地赛中色  相似文献   

徐晶钰  盛筠  王新 《中国经贸》2011,(10):105-106
城市“生态文化”是协调解决人与自然问题而提出的人与自然和谐发展的理念。城市文化生态发展包括与时代发展相对应的城市文化和城市生态建设。一个城市的发展,不仅是科技生产力的发达,其生态建设、历史文化更是不可缺少的部分。本文以杭州西湖的生态文化发展为例,具体阐述生态文化在生态城市建设中的重要作用。  相似文献   

城市的灵魂与活力来自其独有的城市文化,当今的中国城市面临着前所未有的城市文化危机,找到一条城市文化创新之路显得尤为紧迫。本文提出。让城市人在全球信息化的背景下走出“背对背”的冷漠关系。无论是城市人,城市景观建筑,或是城市环境都应重拾“面对面”的文化互动方式。并且呼吁从城市人本土化互动的回归中找到一条城市个性文化积累与创新的不竭源泉。  相似文献   

张清禄 《特区经济》2008,(11):25-27
跨越式发展作为一种新的发展实践,是后发展国家或地区在短期内实现现代化、城市化的理想途径。经济社会学作为一门致力于研究社会运行和发展的学科,以它作为研究工具,可以帮助我们更好地认识跨越式发展,全面地分析和解决跨越式发展中出现的问题。厦门经济特区成立20多年来,在改革开放浪潮的推动下,城市建设取得了很大成绩,也积累了不少经验,同时也面临着诸多发展难题。本文研究厦门市自提出新一轮跨越式发展以来取得的成果和经验,结合社会学有关社会制度、社会结构和社会政策等方面的思想,探讨如何又好又快地实现厦门新一轮跨越式发展。  相似文献   


This article investigates the extent of deprivation and vulnerability among children who live and work on the streets of Harare. A questionnaire survey was administered to 100 children in Harare's central business district; this was supplemented by in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. The study found that these children suffered severe deprivation, in particular in terms of shelter and education. The majority of the children obtained their income from begging and selling small items. They were exposed to verbal, physical, sexual and emotional abuse by the public, as well as by other children and adults on the streets. Poverty was the main reason for the children being on the streets, while social factors such as family disintegration or the death of their parents also played a role. These push factors can be addressed through providing more social protection, cash transfers to families, and education and health assistance.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper reports the results of research in which experienced auditors interpreted the criteria of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 5 (SFAS 5): Accounting for Contingencies. The research focuses on two issues: (1) the nature and degree of consensus in the auditors' interpretations, and (2) the extent to which these interpretations depend upon the type of contingent loss. Forty-five experienced auditors (managers, principals, and partners) from “Big 8” CPA firms responded to a research instrument that elicited their interpretation of SFAS 5 probability criteria. Our analysis focuses upon the thresholds between the “remote” and “reasonably possible” criteria and between the “reasonably possible” and “probable” criteria. Our results indicate: (1) threshold means of 0.16 and 0.68, respectively; (2) more auditor consensus for the first threshold than for the second; (3) the first threshold was significantly lower than indicated by previous research; and (4) the thresholds were generally not dependent upon the type of contingent loss.  相似文献   


The present study sought to explore the relationship between street childhood and adolescent ecological self-image. The research objectives were to investigate the nature of ecological self-image for street children and to determine the ecological behaviours for street children in Harare. A psycho-ethnographic research design was employed. The participants were 16 street-living adolescent children aged between 12 and 18 years and six key informants, all in Harare, Zimbabwe. A total of 22 participants took part in this study. Snowballing was used to recruit key informant interviewees, while purposive sampling was used to recruit participants for focus group discussions, in-depth interview, and participant and non-participant observations. Thematic content analysis was used for analysing the data. Data analysis revealed that the adolescent street children's ecological self-image is largely negative. These street children seemed to have estranged from their biological families to identify with the streets.  相似文献   

荀守奎 《特区经济》2008,(10):208-209
合肥是省会经济圈核心城市,淮南是沿淮地区重要的能源城市,“合淮同城化”有其必要性和积极意义,但也有人对此战略提出异议。本文主要探讨“合淮同城化”战略的可行性、存在的问题及相应对策。  相似文献   

文化产业与文化事业是相互区别又相互关联的两个概念。国内文化产业的研究历程中 ,表现出了由萌芽期的“母子情节”、文化产业逐步“分”出文化事业时激起的大讨论 ,再到新时期两者分、合、连关系的探讨。基于此 ,文化产业与文化事业的关系还将处于进一步的探索与实践中。  相似文献   

In the turmoil of 2007–2009, troubles in a small segment of the US mortgage market escalated into a crisis of global proportions. A striking feature of the crisis is the contagion that hit Asia. In a region where direct exposures to problem mortgages were minimal, credit spreads for major borrowers widened even more than they did in Europe and the United States. We argue that the contagion was part of an amplification mechanism driven by valuation losses caused by the bursting of a global credit bubble. The valuation losses stemmed not so much from a reassessment of credit risks as from a global repricing of these risks. It was this repricing that was the main channel for contagion into Asian credit (and equity) markets. For empirical evidence, we analyze fluctuations in credit default swap (CDS) spreads and expected default frequencies (EDFs) for major Asian borrowers. We find that valuation losses on CDS contracts for these Asian borrowers arose in part from movements in global and region-specific risk pricing factors as well as from revisions to expected losses from defaults.  相似文献   

The Glorious Revolution has been linked with Britain's economic development in the eighteenth century. This article argues that it contributed to the early transport revolution. First, it shows that the regulatory environment became more favourable for undertakers, with their rights being better protected. Second, it shows that investment in improving roads and rivers increased substantially in the mid‐1690s shortly after the Glorious Revolution. Regression analysis and structural breaks tests confirm that there was a change in investment even after controlling for other determinants of investment. The results have implications for debates on the role of political change in British economic growth.  相似文献   

陶行知文化是具有世界影响力的优秀文化精神,其文化理念与当代研学的要求具有耦合性。文章从研学旅游视角出发,将研学旅游产业和行知文化有效结合,总结分析当前行知文化旅游开发存在问题,并提出了融合行知文化的研学旅游产品开发可行性对策,为研学产品提供决策参考,促进研学产品转型升级,传承并宣扬优秀文化精神。  相似文献   

中国宏观税负合理水平的分析判断   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文实证分析了我国在市场经济体制目标提出前后的10年(1987年~1996年)间的宏观税负水平的变化趋势,指出宏观税负总水平呈下降趋势,而政府预算外收费则呈上升趋势;探讨了确定中国宏观税负模式的基本思路,认为正确的途径只能是从财政支出的角度出发确定宏观税负的合理水平,并对双元结构财政模式下的公共财政规模进行了理论界定,进而提出了中国宏观税负理论模式(MT=A±B);根据本文提出的宏观税负理论模式对我国宏观税负合理水平进行了分析判断,认为我国在今后较长时期内宏观税负的合理水平介于18%~24%之间可能是比较客观的。  相似文献   

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