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本文从企业集团的界定、性质和域外管辖权三个角度提出了其所引发的反垄断难题。本文的主要观点是企业集团作为一种企业间组织。兼有“企业性”与“市场性”二重属性:企业集团的“二重性”是导致企业集团垄断行为隐蔽性和复杂性的根本原因;处理企业集团的反垄断问题需要准确判断企业集团行为属性。本文通过案例研究.分析了美国和欧盟处理企业集团反垄断难题时的一些典型做法:提出了处理企业集团反垄断难题的基本原则。  相似文献   

在改革的进程中,随着企业活力的增强和企业间横向经济联合的发展,我国出现了大批各种类型的企业群体和企业集团。对新型企业集团的研究,已成为经济体制改革中一个重要课题。本期发表了湛江家用电器工业公司考察组在实地考察基础上撰写的一篇对企业集团模式和行为的研究报告。湛江家用电器工业公司由于建立了内部利益制约型管理体制和外部市场制约型经营体制,发挥了它的主体经营的综  相似文献   

将企业间竞争与合作的微观个体行为与集群联盟的宏观群体行为特征联系起来,探讨两者间的关系。而从该视角定量分析的文献目前鲜为少见。首先依据演化动力产生的根源将集群联盟群体行为分为市场自组织行为和政府控制干预下的行为。接着基于多Agent数值仿真实验的研究方法,通过企业间竞争与合作的重复囚徒困境博弈试验,对集群联盟群体行为的演化进行了深刻的剖析,研究结果表明:在其他条件不变的前提下,不合作者的诱惑得益、企业合作者密度、企业邻域结构、企业空间密度这4个因素与集群联盟群体行为分别呈负向、无、正向、正向相关关系;亦分析了集群联盟群体行为在空间结构上的演化趋势,并且相同的企业往往集中在某几个特定的空间区域,形成团簇,合作者团簇越大,合作伙伴间的关系越稳固。最后在此基础上分别从市场和政府层面给出了具体的对策和建议。  相似文献   

2008年以来,一向只涨不跌、成交旺盛的中国楼市出现了一些引人关注的变化。在房地产市场下滑迹象的刺激下,一些地方政府悄然推出“暖市”优惠政策。文章通过对地方政府在房地产市场中的行为分析,探讨了地方政府出手“救市”的行为根源。  相似文献   

题记:当前工程量清单报价实施后,原有企业预算价格体系受到很大冲击,新的报价体系尚未构建起来,于是出现一种怪现象,要么“一投就飞”,要么“一中就亏”。实行“合理低价中标”符合当前市场走趋,但在建筑市场僧多粥少、供求关系失衡的态势下,不少建设单位以盲目杀价达到“最低价中标”的目的,扰乱了正常的经济秩序,加大了企业间恶性竞争,严重影响建筑市场的健康发展。由此,“合理低价中标”出现的问题不可忽视:一是招投标只注重入围、竞标的硬条件,这样势必产生项目经理业绩乱用、资质乱用,导致建筑市场挂靠行为进一步滋长。二是报价纯粹为…  相似文献   

企业集团作为一种大跨度、多元化、高层次、全方位的企业组织形式,是社会化大生产的必然产物。在我国经济体制改革正逐步深化的形势下,企业集团的产生与发展,直接冲击着旧的“条块分割”局面,为实现经济要素的自由合理流动组合,建立商品经济的开放性网络奠定了坚实的基础。企业集团的出现,对于改变旧的宏观控制体系,减少对企业纵向的行政干预,建立、健全“国家调节市场,市场引导企业”的宏观调控机制和构造新的国民经济组织模式,都有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

在投资界,偷换概念具有非常合理的市场逻辑。华尔街的投资人、《操纵金钱》的作者安迪·凯斯勒(AndyKessler)最近两年在国内很“红”。他有一句被中国同行奉为圭臬的名言:模糊产生价值。在创投界,如果“模糊产生价值”是“战略”,那么,偷换商业概念甚至“指鹿为马”就是模糊派投资人的“战术”。“指鹿为马”与决策理性无关。理性决策也与厚达几百页的市场研究报告无关,资深创投人士的“拍脑袋”也是理性决策。最为关键的是,“指鹿为马”隐含着参与活动的人的一种集体无意识。这种集体无意识的作用在于当“假做真时”,不仅仅会“真亦假”,…  相似文献   

一、企业集团的建立与CIS的引入 改革开放以来,步入市场经济轨道的中国企业,经历了18年的彼此竞争优胜劣汰之后,既出现了国内著名的企业品牌及产品,拥有了市场很大的份额,也出现了国有企业的大面积亏损,亏损企业困难重重、负债累累、难以为继。企业希望通过另辟新路、引入新技术和管理经验注入活力,于是企业间的联合与协调开始自发兴起,中国经济中出现了新经济联合体——企业集团。  相似文献   

从农业经济、工业经济到信息、网络时代的经济发展,人类文明的每一次跃迁都带来了财富聚集方式的变革,从而使得追逐财富的行为而构成的“经济”本身,也随之产生深刻的变革。农业社会,财富以一个个边界模糊的混沌的“块”的方式聚集,经济也同样如此;工业社会,财富和经济随着全球经济一体化的进程在融合,最后以一种“条”的方式存在,人们把它叫做“行业”;而到了信息、网络时代,财富则以一种“点”的方式存在着,支持这种判断的,就是网络时代的“凸透镜效应”。  相似文献   

苏振华 《董事会》2006,(1):100-101
在我国“市场经济”作为一种基本理念可以说已经深入人心,但人们对经济自由与法治、民主之间关系的认识还是非常模糊。市场经济的本质是自由经济,理想状态下的市场经济的显著特征是市场主体分散决策、自愿交易,市场主体根据市场价格自主决定资源的配置,在这一过程中不允许存在一方对另一方的强制,就此而言市场里发生的经济活动是属于“私人领域”里的事,这也就是密尔曾经在《论自由》里阐释过的,自由就是从事一切对别人没有害处的活动的权利,经济自由要求每个行为主体各自恪守自己的行为边界。  相似文献   

Historically, researchers have addressed pricing issues from many different perspectives, including the firm's business model (cost structure, experience curve), stakeholders (customers and channel partners), competition (market structure and intensity), and macroeconomic issues (interest rates, economic growth). An important dimension of organizational price setting that has been neglected is the impact that the firm's internal political system, reflected in interdepartmental coordination and rivalry, has upon price setting. A study of managers who are influential in shaping the firm's pricing strategy was conducted to identify intraorganizational issues and their relative impact on the firm's pricing strategy. The results of the study provide important implications for the development and execution of a firm's pricing strategy.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence to suggest that organizations often fail to fully capitalize on the purchased business technologies due to their failure to utilize the new procurement throughout their corporate system. To this end, this study sets out to identify the factors that play a tangible role in facilitating the utilization of procured business technologies. In this context, we not only examine the direct effects of technology and organizational culture on utilization, but also assess the moderating effects of user environments and supplier service orientation on these direct relationships. More importantly, we focus on the impact of utilization in creating the relationship-based benefits for both the technology user and supplier. Using data on purchase and use of customer relationship management (CRM) system, we empirically validate that the user firm's corporate culture, perceived technology attributes, environmental turbulence, and the supplying firm's service orientation are critical in increasing the utilization level of business technologies, which in turn helps to create/sustain relationship-based advantages for both parties.  相似文献   

Multi-unionism is a distinctive feature of British industrial relations, which is often criticized for reducing the effectiveness of trade unions and also for reducing the efficiency of British business. It is commonly argued that multi-unionism increases strikes, leads to inefficient working practices and complicates the conduct of collective bargaining, although evidence to support this is sparse. This article investigates the process by which multi-unionism reduces business efficiency by a random sample survey of large manufacturing establishments in the North-West of England. Semi-structured interviews with the manager responsible for dealing with trade unions were held in those establishments that were multi-union. It was found that the typical pattern of multi-unionism is for each union to represent distinct groups of workers, rather than competing to represent the same group of workers, and this restricted union competition for members. Even in the minority of establishments that did experience union competition for members, the nature of this competition meant that multi-unionism did not reduce competitiveness. Nor did multi-unionism prevent most employers from introducing efficient working practices. The main implications of multi-unionism are for the conduct of collective bargaining, but any view that this necessarily reduces a firm's efficiency is far too simplistic.  相似文献   

A structural model is proposed which integrates and extends previous findings on the interrelations between risk—return outcomes, market share, firm conduct attributes, and inter-firm rivalry. It is argued that the relative impact of market share and firm conduct attributes on risk—return outcomes depends on the intensity of rivalry. The empirical setting is commerical banking in Indiana (1975–79). Latent variable path analysis (partial least-squares) is used to estimate the model. The effect of market share is found to be quite important, even when possible ‘spurious’ effects due to differences in individual firm attributes are controlled for. Given consistent indications of oligopolistic coordination found in various parts of the model, it is inferred that the measured effect of market share reflects the exercise of market power.  相似文献   

This study focuses on market orientation (MO) and customer intimacy (CI) in business-to-business marketing. These are generally regarded as key success factors in marketing. The authors argue, however, that the relationship between MO and customer relationship has not been properly examined, nor has its dependence on a firm's strategic market posture been understood. A contingency framework is proposed to test the postulated relationships between the key constructs. Our results indicate a strong positive association between MO and CI. Furthermore, this linkage is clearly influenced by the market focus and business logic adopted. In managerial terms, business executives must carefully match the strategic posture of the firm, its MO, and customer relationship management (CRM). Our findings strongly support a contingency modeling approach in studying the factors underlying marketing performance in business markets.  相似文献   

模块化时代企业边界变动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以往研究大多基于定性分析和案例分析来研究模块化对企业边界变动的影响.较少见到运用数理模型的分析。本文在分析模块化时代企业边界的性质、企业边界变动的方式和原因的基础上,建立了企业模块化的数学模型,并运用成本曲线法对模块的分解与整合、替代、去除、增加等模块化操作做了解释。结论认为,在模块化时代,企业边界变动的卖质是围绕企业核心能力模块进行的一系列模块化操作。  相似文献   

The effect of market orientation on buyer-seller relationship satisfaction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, much of the Marketing scientific community's interest has been dedicated to the study of the market orientation concept. Numerous works, which are centered on the analysis of this orientation's dimensions, outcomes, antecedents and moderating factors, may be found. Though the empirical evidence attained up to now is not conclusive in any of these areas, the study of the nonfinancial results derived from this focus has been specially scarce. Thus, this paper attempts to verify a model in which a firm's cultural market orientation serves as an antecedent for its degree of satisfaction with its main supplier. To this end, empirical data provided by a sample of 174 Spanish industrial firms were analyzed. The main conclusions of this research lead us to confirm the indirect influence that the buyer firm's cultural market orientation exerts on the level of satisfaction with its main supplier. On the other hand, the evidence attained also leads us to propose several suggestions relative to the supplier's business management in order to improve relationships with its customers.  相似文献   

As the body of knowledge on marketing-sales interface expands, there is a greater need to investigate the specific aspects of marketing-sales configurations in B2B firms. Using a qualitative methodology and interview data collected from over 100 sales and marketing professionals from the US, The Netherlands and Slovenia, this study presents a dynamic, evolutionary spectrum of four B2B marketing-sales interface configurations. These configurations are described in detail in terms of structure, communication patterns, information sharing, collaboration, and strategic outcomes. The findings show that no configuration is inherently superior. Our dynamic configuration spectrum offers managers a toolkit to evaluate their firm's marketing-sales interface in terms of current and desired positions, and contribute to their firm's market orientation and business performance.  相似文献   

The author has reviewed the literature, predominantly North American, on the relationships between corporate strategy and corporate performance.
The general context is the question of where and how a firm should diversify. The author considers three areas of decision: corporate strategy, (where to compete), business strategy, (how to compete), and corporate organization (receptiveness to diversification). It appears that the most advantageous corporate strategy is to diversify into a high-profit area but to maintain a substantial relatedness to existing businesses; the best business strategy is to have a market-related perspective, to use R&D to develop new products with a marked competitive advantage rather than new processes, to minimise investment but to enter the market on a sufficiently large scale. This last condition presupposes a high degree of top-management commitment to the venture. Furthermore, consideration has to be given to whether the organizational culture is such as to nurture rather than stifle the venture by insisting on administrative controls appropriate to the firm's traditional base.
The author points to three areas deserving of further investigation: How a firm in a mature industry can find a related area that is sufficiently attractive; how to fix on the correct scale of an entry taking into account the long lead times before the venture shows a net return; and how to ensure that the corporate culture will be able to accommodate novel interests and procedures.
All the above matters pose questions for the management of technology and the direction of R&D.  相似文献   

Using resource-based view (RBV) of the firm as a theoretical backdrop; we aim to find out the relative impact of a firm's functional capabilities (namely, marketing and operations) and diversification strategies (product/service and international diversification) on financial performance. We hypothesize that this linkage depends on the firm's relative efficiency to integrate its resource-capabilities-performance triad. Using archival data of 102 UK based logistics companies, we find marketing capability is the key determinant for superior financial performance. This study highlights that a market-driven firm is likely to have better business performance than a firm focusing solely on operational capabilities. Also, firms are better off when they focus on a narrow portfolio of products/services for the clients and concentrate on a diverse geographical market. Our findings provide a new perspective to model a firm's functional capabilities and diversification strategy on its financial performance and offer a benchmarking tool to improve resource allocation decisions.  相似文献   

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