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本文在分析开发区经济长尾现象的基础上 ,指出经济减速的根源在于开发区内产业升级的受阻 ,并进而指出技术赶超受挫与产业调整方向的迷茫是目前产业升级受阻的根本原因 ,因此提出产业追赶的策略  相似文献   

本文分析了实现风险投资规模经济的必要性 ,总结了我国风险投资公司的规模特点后 ,指出我国投资公司要实现规模经济必须拓宽筹资渠道和建立真正意义上的高技术开发区。  相似文献   

WTO将为开发区带来什么   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了我国加入 WTO给经济技术开发区经济发展带来的历史机遇和我们面临的严峻挑战 ,并提出充分利用有利因素 ,减少挑战对开发区的冲击的一些对策建议。  相似文献   

邓丽姝 《特区经济》2007,221(6):51-53
文章以北京经济技术开发区和天津经济技术开发区为例,系统研究了关于开发区发展服务业的问题。首先,明确了服务业在开发区发展中的地位和作用。其次,阐明了开发区与母城基于服务业的关联。再次,分别阐述了研发产业、商务服务业、金融业、信息服务业、物流业等开发区的主导生产性服务业。最后,提出开发区发展服务业的相关对策建议。  相似文献   

张淳 《亚太经济》1991,(2):10-15
一、东南亚特区、开发区发展态势 80年代以来,世界经济性特区、开发区得到了蓬勃的发展,成为各国发展外向型经济的“兴奋剂”。亚太特区、开发区在80年代世界特区,开发区发展中具有重要地位,亚太经济的崛起为特区、开发区的发展奠定了雄厚的基础,也为它的成熟输送着巨大的动力,使亚太各特区、开发区的发展速度明显快于世界其它地区,不仅巩固了以前的发展成果,还逐步实现了深层开发,对本地、本国、亚太区域乃至世界经济贸易产生强大的扩散作用和影响。 在亚太各类特区、开发区不断获得整体效果的同时,也出现了发展不平衡状况。  相似文献   

上海的开发区经历了近30年的发展,工业化水平不断提高,但是城市化水平相对滞后,制约了开发区的进一步发展。在此背景下,产城融合成为开发区转型升级的必由之路。本文将灰色理论引入开发区产城融合评价中,构建了基于灰色关联分析的开发区产城融合度评价模型,并以漕河泾新兴技术开发区、外高桥保税区、金桥经济技术开发区等五个代表性开发区为例,结合问卷调查进行了实证分析。本文不仅为系统评价开发区产城融合度提供了工具,而且对于上海开发区挖掘瓶颈问题、明确发展方向、进一步实现产城融合都具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

<正> 我国创办各类开发区的目的是为改革开放和发展高新技术提供示范,以此带动区域和全国经济的发展。但是由于我国在创办开发区之初缺乏经验,因此造成了我国开发区布局不合理的现状,这大大限制了开发区功能的发挥。为了更好地发挥开发区的功能,中央政府有必要从全国经济社会发展的大局出发,对开发区的布局作出宏观上的规划和调整,力争在全国范围内形成各级各类开发区的合理布局。在具体操作中,要分级规划,重点开发,分全国性开发区、区域性开发区、地方性开发区三个层次进行规划和开发。  相似文献   

中国开发区研究热点是随开发区发展而逐步发展的。开发区建设之初,研究热点主要集中于国外经验、开发区位置选择与政策导向等;随着大批开发区的建立,研究热点开始转向开发区增长动力、布局规划、土地利用、发展模式、产业战略及开发区治理等;当开发区建设进入成熟及转型期,研究热点主要集中于开发区转型与升级、开发区与区域经济发展的关系及其发展的可持续性等问题。新时期,如何充分发挥开发区的"增长极"效应,如何促进开发区与区域经济、人口、资源环境和社会的和谐发展等成为研究重点。  相似文献   

正从上世纪80年代我国设立第一批开发区以来,开发区的功能已从单一的开发建设、招商引资功能向综合性建设、综合性发展、综合性管理转变,开发区的发展理念、定位、模式、形态都发生了变化,许多学者对开发区的这一转变冠以"后开发区时代"的称谓。什么是"后开发区时代"由政策—空间区向产业生态区转变。开发区设立初期,通过制定特定的政策,集中人力、物力、财力全力推动开发区的开发和发展,如开发区企业出口退税等鼓  相似文献   

分析了我国开发区的基本类型、阐述了我国开发区竞争优势的逻辑演进、概述了我国开发区的平台种类及其功能建设,有助于我国各类开发区选择正确的发展路径,制定正确的发展战略,完善各项政策、法律法规、体制框架,打造和培育富有核心竞争力的开发区,增强开发区的自主创新能力并健全自主创新体系.  相似文献   

After a discussion of the background of development, the evolution of social work and its place in development is examined. Internationally, social work has only lately started focusing on community work rather than just on case or group work. In South Africa such concern with development has not been so evident, although there have been some dramatic turns in the past decade.

The profession of social work and its training are discussed and finally attention is drawn to the need for cooperation with a number of other professions. The author's conclusion is that social work in South Africa has not kept in close enough touch with social changes taking place.  相似文献   

珠三角中小企业如何进一步发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
珠三角中小企业有改革开放20多年的积累,有鲜明的特点和优势,目前,珠三角中小企业正面临新的发展机遇。应在以下5个方面采取对策:①第二次解放思想;②实施"专、精、特、新"的发展战略;③完善法人治理结构;④加快管理信息化建设;⑤争取上市。  相似文献   

Since 1978, great changes have taken place in the environment for the development of NGOs in China. From a macroscopic perspective, China's transformation process in the economic, political and social systems, has been progressing successively. The transformation process has broken the traditional structure of the Government's monopolization of resources and the strictly controlled private action space. The reforms have restructured the relationship between the Government and the market society, and thus provided an opportunity for the existence and development of all kinds of NGOs in China. In addition, China's entry into the WTO and current trends towards globalization also has promoted the development of NGOs in China.  相似文献   

中小企业开辟融资新渠道初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
商业代理制以其风险共担、服务优质和市场开拓能力强而成为市场经济条件下的一种新型营销方式。其在引入我国的 2 0年间的发展过程中 ,取得了令人瞩目的成绩 ,同时也出现了不少问题 ,面临很多困难。本文在分析我国发展商业代理制过程中出现的问题的基础上 ,提出了解决的对策和  相似文献   

For many years, the main focus of international institutions and bilateral aid agencies has been on state building as the main action to support countries' recovery from conflicts or other fragile situations. The role of the private sector has been widely overlooked, despite being crucial in supporting economic growth and job creation. We argue that development finance institutions have a dedicated role to play in closing financial gaps, which are widening as fragility increases. They have the comparative advantages needed to make projects happen by supporting the private sector, hence significantly contributing to the recovery process.  相似文献   

The changing perceptions among demographers concerning their roles as social and policy scientists are discussed in order to show their involvement in development efforts in developing countries. Although demographers regard development as a concept that has not as yet been adequately defined, the current view is that the variables, development and population, are inseparable, and that the explanation of trends for one of these cannot be sought in isolation from the other. The article concludes that demographers in South Africa regard development as the predictor variable in demographic trends. They are also of the opinion that the course of demographic trends will in future have an important influence on development trends.  相似文献   

The article addresses aspects of Malaysia's development. The economic policies of the Malaysian government have been influenced significantly by political, economic and cultural factors resulting from the racial composition of the country. The government which is effectively controlled by the Malays, as distinct from the large Chinese and Indian communities, has tried since independence from the United Kingdom in 1957 to satisfy the aspirations of different racial and cultural groups. The policies implemented for over thirty years, including racial power‐sharing, and the problems that have been encountered, may offer valuable insights and lessons for the framers of economic development policy in South Africa. The experience of Malaysia demonstrates the immense difficulty of reconciling the conflicting claims of different racial groups and the effects that particular policies may have on development  相似文献   

Agricultural development policies in Iran for the past two decades have been based on important misconceptions derived from a dualistic analysis of the economy. The government concentrated on the development of the ‘dynamic’ oil and industrial sector at the expense of the ‘static’ rural sector. As a result Iranian self-sufficiency in food and agricultural produce has been seriously eroded and the country has become increasingly dependent on the international market both in terms of importing foodstuffs and in gaining its main income through the export of a single item: oil. The present government's attempts at alleviating this problem should extend beyond revolutionary rhetoric and blanket policies and return the means of production to the cultivator and encourage the emergence of a peasant-based and independent agricultural sector.  相似文献   

Development poses choices, not only of diverse strategies or means, but also of competing goals and images of the good life. Ethics, together with economics and politics, has a role to play in making wise choices. Yet efforts in the last three decades have been disappointing. Why: what major obstacles impede genuine development? Three classes of obstacles are analysed: the bankruptcy of development paradigms, the crisis of institutional imagination in the world at large, and an array of domestic roadblocks impeding development within Third World countries. Notwithstanding failures, there is still a basis for hope: the social experimentation conducted by numerous communities of need throughtout the world. Their innovative praxis around more humane values constitutes the main building-block of an alternative development strategy as well as the nourishing source of sounder development theories.  相似文献   

The central government spends just under one-half of its development budget outside Jakarta. The centre provides more than one-third of total development spending carried out in the regions. Central development spending in the regions on primary and secondary sector activities and on education and culture is especially significant. The spatial distribution of consolidated public development expenditure is very unequal. However, central spending mitigates inequality in the geographic distribution of subnational development expenditure, at least to a certain extent. Agood deal of central government spending in the regions appears to be on tasks that have been turned over to subnational governments and is therefore illegal under current decentralisation legislation. Central support of specific decentralised activities could be implemented more transparently and efficiently through the government's specific purpose grant.  相似文献   

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