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Recent years have witnessed an increasing growth in mutual funds that invest according to social criteria. As a consequence, the financial performance of these portfolios has attracted the interest of academics and practitioners. This paper investigates the performance of a sample of socially responsible mutual funds from seven European countries investing globally and/or in the European market. Using unconditional and conditional models, we assess the performance of these funds in comparison to conventional and socially responsible benchmark portfolios. The results show that European socially responsible funds present in general neutral performance in relation to both conventional and socially responsible benchmarks. However, performance estimates seem to be slightly higher when funds are evaluated in relation to socially responsible indices. Our results also show that socially responsible funds are more exposed to conventional than to socially responsible indices. Furthermore, conventional benchmarks are better able to explain fund returns than socially responsible benchmarks. These findings are robust to both unconditional and conditional models of performance. We also observe that conditional models lead to a slight improvement of performance estimates and to the explanatory power of the models, both when conventional and socially responsible benchmarks are considered. This is consistent with most previous empirical findings on conditional performance evaluation. Our results show that investors who wish to hold European funds can add social screens to their investment choices without compromising financial performance.  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines the financial performance of a UK unit trust that was initially “conventional” and later adopted socially responsible investment (SRI) principles (ethical investment principles). Comparison is made with three similar conventional funds whose investment objectives remained unchanged. Analysis techniques employed in previous studies find similar results: mean risk-adjusted performance is unchanged by the switch to SRI, with no evidence of over-or under-performance relative to the benchmark market index by any of the four funds. More interestingly, changes in variability of returns over time are also modelled using generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity models, not previously applied to SRI funds so far as is known. Results show a temporary increase in variability of returns, followed by a return to previous levels after around 4 years. Evidence shows the increased variability to be associated with the adoption of SRI rather than with a change in fund management. Possible explanations for the subsequent reduction in variability include the spread of corporate social responsibility activities by firms and learning by fund managers. In addition to reporting on a previously unobserved phenomenon, this paper raises questions for further research.  相似文献   

The Heterogeneity of Socially Responsible Investment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many writers have commented on the heterogeneity of the socially responsible investment (SRI) movement. However, few have actually tried to understand and explain it, and even fewer have discussed whether the opposite – standardisation – is possible and desirable. In this article, we take a broader perspective on the issue of the heterogeneity of SRI. We distinguish between four levels on which heterogeneity can be found: the terminological, definitional, strategic and practical. Whilst there is much talk about the definitional ambiguities of SRI, we suggest that there is actually some agreement on the definitional level. There are at least three explanations which we suggest can account for the heterogeneity on the other levels: cultural and ideological differences between different regions, differences in values, norms and ideology between various SRI stakeholders, and the market setting of SRI. Discussing the implications of the three explanations for the SRI market, we suggest that there is reason to be sceptical about the possibilities of standardisation if not standardisation is imposed top-down. Whether this kind of standardisation is desirable or not, we argue, depends on what the motives for it would be. To the extent that standardisation may facilitate the mainstreaming of SRI, it could be a good thing – but we entertain doubts about whether mainstreaming really requires standardisation.  相似文献   

This article addresses the growing industry of retail socially responsible investment (SRI) profiled mutual funds. Very few previous studies have examined the final consumer of SRI profiled mutual funds. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to, in an exploratory manner, examine the impact of a number of pro-social, financial performance, and socio-demographic variables on SRI behavior in order to explain why investors choose to invest different proportions of their investment portfolio in SRI profiled funds. An ordinal logistic regression analysis on 528 private investors revealed that two of the three pro-social variables had a positive impact on how much the consumer invested in SRI profiled funds. Moreover, there was proof of a non-altruistic motive for investing in SRI as consumers who perceive that financial return of SRI is equal or better than “regular” mutual funds, invested a greater proportion of their portfolio in SRI profiled mutual funds. Furthermore, the results showed that women and better-educated investors were more likely to invest a greater proportion of their investment portfolio in SRI. Overall, the findings indicate that both financial perceptions and pro-social attitudes are connected to consumer investment in SRI.  相似文献   

Socially Responsible Institutional Investment in Private Equity   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This article studies institutional investor allocations to the socially responsible asset class. We propose two elements influence socially responsible institutional investment in private equity: internal organizational structure, and internationalization. We study socially responsible investments from Dutch institutional investments into private equity funds, and compare socially responsible investment across different asset classes and different types of institutional investors (banks, insurance companies, and pension funds). The data indicate socially responsible investment in private equity is 40–50% more common when the decision to implement such an investment plan is centralised with a single chief investment officer. Socially responsible investment in private equity is also more common among institutional investors with a greater international investment focus, and less common among fund-of-fund private equity investments.  相似文献   

Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) are large, growing, and concentrated investment vehicles, with a current estimated value of U.S. $3 trillion. The combination of low transparency and government ownership has raised questions about political agendas, national security, and transfers of technology. In this article the authors report on the current status of SWFs in terms of investments, regulation, governance, and transparency of activities. They also review some recent studies on SWF investments and their impact on financial markets.  相似文献   


This work investigates the relationship between investment expenses and pension fund size with investment performance, and whether or not past performance influences future performance. Relationships are presented between expenses, size and investment performance of pension funds in Brazil in the period 1998–2002. Utilizing regressions allowed for the conclusion that performance and expenses presented an inverse relationship, and that past performance does not offer any indication as to future performance, which indicates that active administration is not a good strategy. Finally, portfolio size presented a relationship inverse to performance.

RESUMEN. Este trabajo investiga la relación que existe entre los gastos incurridos por las inversiones, y el tamaño de los fondos de pensión con respecto al desempeño de las inversiones, para determinar si el desempeño del pasado ejerce o no algún tipo de influencia sobre el desempeño esperado. Hemos trazado una relación entre los gastos, tamaño y desempeño de las inversiones asignadas a los fondos de pensión en Brasil durante el período 1998–2002. El uso de estas regresiones nos permitió determinar que el desempeño y gastos presentaron una relación inversa, y que el desempeño anterior no ofrece ninguna indicación sobre el desempeño que se puede esperar en el futuro. Esto indica que la administración activa de los fondos no es una buena estrategia y, por último, determinamos que el tamaño de la cartera presentó una relación inversa al desempeño.

RESUMO. Este trabalho verifica se as despesas de investimentos e o porte do fundo de pensão estão direta ou inversamente relacionados com o desempenho dos investimentos. Apresentam-se relações entre despesas, porte e o desempenho dos investimentos dos fundos de pensão no Brasil, no período de 1998 a 2002. A utilização de regressões entre as medidas de desempenho, as despesas e o porte permitiu concluir que as despesas de investimentos e o porte das carteiras dos fundos de pensão apresentaram relação inversa com o desempenho dos investimentos. Essa descoberta favorece a idéia de que a administração ativa não é boa estratégia.  相似文献   

主权财富基金的总体投资趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从总体投资趋势看,近年来主权财富基金对外投资呈加速增长态势.其投资领域多元化,但对金融服务业和房地产业尤为重视,投资风格由低调沉稳趋向于风险激进;它们在国内外市场均有投资,但以国外市场为主,其中2001~2005年投资主要面向新兴市场,而2006~2008年则主要面向经济合作与发展组织发达国家,并因此引起西方国家的极大关注和质疑;受全球金融危机影响,主权财富基金一度出现大幅萎缩,部分主权资金退回国内市场,但最新交易表明,主权财富基金已再次开始把目光投向海外寻找战略性投资,以进一步实现其赢利目的.  相似文献   

To date, research into socially responsible investment (SRI), and in particular the socially responsible investment funds industry, has focused on whether investing in SRI assets has any differential impact on investor returns. Prior findings generally suggest that, on a risk-adjusted basis, there is no difference in performance between SRI and conventional funds. This result has led to questions about whether SRI funds are really any different from conventional funds. This paper examines whether the portfolio allocation across industry sectors and the stock-picking ability of SRI managers are different when compared to conventional fund managers. The study finds that SRI funds exhibit different industry betas consistent with different portfolio positions, but that these differences vary from year to year. It is also found that there is little difference in stock-picking ability between the two groups of fund managers.  相似文献   

证券投资基金绩效评价方法及实证分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘霞 《商业研究》2004,(5):48-51
为考察中国证券投资基金是否取得了超越基准市场市场指数的表现、中国基金是否为投资者创造了价值 ,主要采用 3大经典的风险调整绩效衡量指标对 10只样本基金及基准市场在 2 0 0 2年的表现进行相关计算和排序 ,同时还对基金的择券和择时能力及其投资风格进行了讨论和分析。结论表明有些证券投资基金在 2 0 0 2年投资业绩不如市场 ,投资风格与所宣称的也有较大出入 ,基金投资管理能力及其风格均有待提高和稳定。  相似文献   

The paper explores the emergence and development of socially responsible investment (SRI) in Japan. SRI is a recent field in Japan. It is not clear which model it will follow: the European, American or its own model. Through the analysis of the historical roots of SRI, the key actors and motivations that have contributed to its diffusion, the paper provides explorative grounds to sketch the translation mechanisms of SRI in Japan and offers insight into its future path. Based on primary and secondary sources of information, the paper shows that although SRI in Japan holds some similarities with the U.S. and especially with the European model, it remains unique. It highlights the importance of translation and re-interpretation in adopting a practice in a new context. SRI in Japan is still in a dynamic construction process. Although we expect it to develop further, it is difficult to depict its future shape and form.  相似文献   

刘春  焦鹏 《商业研究》2004,(4):9-11
组合投资理论自从马柯维茨1952年建立以来,一直在迅速发展,特别是夏普(1962)、林特尔(1965)和摩森(1966)提出并发展了资本资产定价模型(CAPM)后,使纯粹的理论研究有机会应用于实际证券分析当中。但是,CAPM忽略了许多因素的影响,使CAPM理论与实际存在难以弥合的距离。为此,对CAPM进行修正和补充就成为后来学者研究的重点。  相似文献   

郭旺 《商业研究》2005,(17):113-114
由于将战略转换成可度量的绩效目标的难度,绩效目标对企业战略是一个不完美的估计,将导致投资扭曲。这种不完美的绩效评估对企业投资产生了一定影响。仅仅寻求对评估系统单方面的改进很难达到减轻投资扭曲的预期目的,仍需要辅之以其他控制手段,如同化控制、行为控制和互动控制等。  相似文献   

基金投资风格一致性及其对基金绩效的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2004年2月27日之前上市的29只开放式股票型基金为样本,采用RSA风格分析方法,对投资风格进行静态分析和滚动分析,并设计投资风格一致性指标,考察中国开放式股票型基金的实际投资风格,以及投资风格一致性对基金绩效的影响。研究发现:中国证券投资基金实际投资风格与其所宣称的投资风格不匹配;在行情上升阶段,投资风格一致性高的基金绩效优于投资风格一致性低的基金,而在行情下降阶段则不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

Empirical studies, which analyze the performance of socially responsible investment (SRI) funds relative to conventional funds, find contradictory results. The aim of this paper is to investigate, with the help of a meta-analysis, how selected primary study characteristics influence the probability of a significant under- or outperformance of SRI funds compared with conventional funds. 25 studies with more than 500 observations are included in the meta-analysis. The results of this paper suggest that the consideration of the survivorship bias in a study increases (decreases) the probability of a significant outperformance (underperformance) of SRI funds relative to conventional funds. The focus on United States (US) SRI funds increases (decreases) the probability of a significant outperformance (underperformance) too. The time period influences the probability of a significant under- and outperformance of SRI funds as well, but based on the results of this paper, it is not possible to draw general conclusions on this variable.  相似文献   

There is currently much debate in the economic literature about whether ethical investment involves a financial sacrifice or premium. One of the most common methods of testing this compares the financial performance of ethical investment funds with that of other funds not considered “socially responsible” or ethical. The majority of these research studies evaluate the performance of the ethical funds according to classic measures, whereby different financial markets, in different countries and for different periods of time serve as reference for evaluation. The ultimate conclusion of all of these studies is that there are no significant differences between the performance results of one type of funds and the other. In Spain, ethical investment funds are still an incipient sector of investment. To date, the Spanish market has not been included in any type of analysis of these characteristics. Therefore the main objective of this article is to compare the financial performance of ethical investment funds to that of other funds in the Spanish retail market. We propose the aggregate type of analysis as the Spanish ethical investment funds have experienced a weaker development in comparison to those of other developed countries. In the first step we suggest the financial performance to be compared by style analysis since the asset distribution of the Spanish Social Return Investment (SRI) funds differs from the European trend. In particular, we use the multifactor regression model with style benchmarks. We found that their financial performance is in all cases superior or similar to that achieved by the rest of the funds. In the second step, to achieve a more robust and homogeneous comparison, we used the bootstrap method, comparing ethical and non-ethical fund subsamples by homogeneous groups. No significant differences between these two types of funds have been found. Thus, if we assume the positive o neutral effect of ethical investment on investor utility in the retail Spanish market the financial and social performance (FSP) of ethical funds will be, in aggregate, superior to the FSP achieved by conventional funds. In conclusion, the financial performance of ethical mutual funds in Spain is no sacrifice.  相似文献   

由于传统投资基金业绩评估方法的局限性,将数据包络分析(DEA)作为工具,建立一种投资基金业绩评估模型。意在研究基金起点基本相同和系统风险相同的前提下基金的运转效率,选取2002年成立的10家开放式投资基金作为实例,分别对他们的投入,产出和经营业绩进行分析和比较。目的是考察基金的经营效率差异及分析其中原因,以挖掘提高基金管理业绩的潜力。  相似文献   

This article contributes to the literature on national varieties of socially responsible investment (SRI) by demonstrating how Scandinavian SRI developed from the 60s and onwards. Combining findings on Scandinavian SRI with insights from previous research and institutional theory, the article accounts for the role of changes in societal values and norms, the mechanisms by which SRI practices spread, and how investors adopt and transform practices to suit their surrounding institutional contexts. Especially, the article draws attention to how different categories of investors act as institutional entrepreneurs during specific historical periods, and how these roles come to shift as institutional rule systems of varying societal levels change. Thus, the insights gained are useful in the future research agenda concerned with advancing knowledge on idiosyncrasies and commonalities of national SRI manifestations, and to understand the reasons underlying such characteristics.  相似文献   

保险资金投资管理中的风险分散问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
组合投资是利用投资组合内各个风险资产之间的相关性来分散风险的,而均值—方差投资组合模型采用的相关性度量—相关系数无法准确地度量风险资产之间的相关性,这必将对组合投资的风险分散效果产生不利影响。本文提出,用理论性质更好的相关性度量来度量风险资产之间的相关性,并建立基于Kendallτ的投资组合模型。通过实证研究发现,在保险资金投资管理中,采用基于Kendallτ的投资组合模型能够取得比均值—方差投资组合模型更好的风险分散效果。  相似文献   

通过简单地介绍目前普遍应用的几种证券投资基金业绩评价模型 ,针对我国的实际情况 ,指出在实际应用过程当中一些值得关注的问题 ,最后给出了几点建议  相似文献   

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