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摘要:高校部分专业性较强的大学毕业生在面临就业与考研选择时,往往再三权衡,举棋不定,以致影响到自身学习和就业。本文以西南林业大学林学院林学专业2013届毕业生为调查对象,展开就业与考研意向调查,对回收的有效问卷进行统计和分析,分析了林学专业本科大学生就业与考研选择的现状,存在的问题,提出加强就业与考研选择引导、指定专业导师指导、合理系统化职业生涯规划等教育课程、完善服务体系、帮扶体系要点面结合等建议和对策。  相似文献   

目前独立学院毕业生主要以考研、就业和出国三个方向作为发展目标。本文总结了当前独立学院毕业设计(论文)管理在面临毕业生多样化选择时所存在的问题,引入毕业设计分类管理的理念。同时在毕业生考研、就业和出国不同选择的背景下,对完善毕业设计管理制度、合理规划毕业设计时间、针对性选题和网络化过程管理等方面进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

相关数据显示,2015年全国高校毕业生将达到749万。虽然考研有所降温,但在巨大的就业压力面前,先就业还是先考研成为大四学生两难的抉择。而据近日的一项调查显示,选择考研来逃避就业压力的大学生占了33.7%,仅25.6%的受访者表示考研是因为对学术研究有兴趣。(2014年12月28日《大众日报》)大学生就业难问题已不是一天两天的事情了,  相似文献   

杜京 《价值工程》2011,30(10):298-299
近年来,应届大学毕业生考研人数逐渐增加,应届大学毕业生不考虑机会成本而盲目考研是不可取的。本文通过从应届大学毕业生考研的个人经济成本、就业成本、时间成本、心理成本四个方面分析,提高应届大学毕业生的机会成本意识,从而有利于指导大学生做出最佳的职业生涯规划、有利于毕业生理性的对待考研,推进理性就业,达到"人才资源"的合理配置。  相似文献   

随着高校毕业生总量逐年递增,就业压力使得他们毕业后的选择更加多元化,或者直接参加工作、或者考研、或者出国、或者从零起步开始创业。从市场调查的数据来看,高校毕业生创业人数逐年增加,就业的压力更多是结构性的。麦可思研究院长期跟踪高校毕业生就业,依据翔实数据分析高校毕业生流向。今年高校毕业生就业情况如何?看他们的判断。  相似文献   

2013年中国高校毕业生人数达699万,比去年多19万,创历史新高。截至今年3月,本科毕业生签约率为38%,硕士毕业生不足三成,而放弃就业转而考研的人数也达到历年最。"史上最难就业季"来临。毕业生就业为什么这么难,他们的就业路在何方?  相似文献   

2013年中国高校毕业生人数达699万,比去年多19万,创历史新高。截至今年3月,本科毕业生签约率为38%,硕士毕业生不足三成,而放弃就业转而考研的人数也达到历年最。“史上最难就业季”来临。毕业生就业为什么这么难,他们的就业路在何方?  相似文献   

大学毕业生就业难已成为当今社会关注的热点问题.影响大学生择业的因素很多.其中择业心理是影响大学生择业的重要因素之一.所以及时了解毕业生毕业选择、就业意向以及求职的看法是促进高校更好的开展毕业生就业工作前提和基础,从根源本质上分析当前毕业生择业难的原因,从而为高校毕业生就业工作困境提供合理的解决途径.  相似文献   

本文针对大学毕业生就业难的问题,通过分析大学毕业生就业市场,总结归纳了影响大学毕业生就业的主要因素,提出运用市场营销理念促进大学毕业生就业。政府、学校、企业要切实转变观念,营造良好的就业环境;高等院校要根据自己的条件明确在就业市场中的战略定位,在细分市场中确立目标市场,进而培养适销对路的人才;积极改进大学毕业生促销方式,拓宽大学毕业生的就业渠道,促进大学毕业生的充分就业。  相似文献   

李征  张曜玥  李思瑶  吴文焕 《价值工程》2011,30(26):193-194
为了解本科毕业生就业地域选择意向和有关影响因素,自编调查表,对北京八所高校的356名本科毕业生进行调查,通过SPSS软件进行统计分析,发现了一定的特点和趋势。本文旨在为促进毕业生就业提供一定的参考依据和政策建议。  相似文献   

张彩虹 《价值工程》2009,28(4):41-42
随着近年来我国硕士生的数量扩招和就业压力增加,使得硕士研究生教育的投资收益具有很大的不确定性。因此,许多本科生在选择考研的时候需要进行效益与成本核算。从净收益法和实物期权方法对研究生教育个人投资决策进行探讨,为学生提供一些参考。最后指出了决策方法中的其他注意问题。  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of empirical studies of self‐employment for the Australian, Canadian, Dutch, UK and US labour markets. Both cross‐sectional and longitudinal studies are analysed. Analyses using cross‐sectional data examine the propensity to be self‐employed at any one point in time, whereas longitudinal studies focus on the transition into self‐employment from wage/salary employment and the survival rate in this state over time. Various hypotheses advanced in the economics and sociology literatures on self‐employment are tested. These include the relationship between managerial ability and the propensity to be self‐employed and the impact of financial constraints on entry into self‐employment stressed in economic models of entrepreneurship, and the relationships between self‐employment choice and the nature of the work and group characteristics (e.g., ethnic enclaves) stressed in sociological models of entrepreneurship. The evidence shows that self‐employment outcomes are significantly affected by factors such as individual abilities, family background, occupational status, liquidity constraints and ethnic enclaves.  相似文献   

This study investigates the importance of diversity management in applicants' job choice decisions. According to the person–organization fit theory, individuals make assessments of fit between their personal values and the values of the organizations, and they make job choice decisions based on these assessments. A survey of 113 MBA job seekers concluded that women and ethnic minorities found diversity management to be important when accepting offers of employment. In addition, high achievers and new immigrants rated organizations with diversity management as more attractive as potential employers. The findings suggest a need to place a higher emphasis on diversity management in women and minority applicant attraction.  相似文献   

We use Probit models to account for the double selection problem of choice between, on the one hand, self- and paid-employment and, on the other, employment in the public and private sector. These models provide corrections for sample selection in wage equations for paid employees in the public and private sectors. Using a modified version of the Oaxaca and Ransom [J. Econom. 61 (1994) 5] procedure, we decompose the wage gap between the public and private sectors into a portion attributable to differences in characteristics, the public sector advantage, the private sector disadvantage and unobserved selection effects. Rich data for the Republic of Cyprus, a thriving economy with institutional features reminiscent of a developing economy, help determine the choice of type (self/paid) and sector (public/private) of employment. The human capital model describes the wage determination process satisfactorily. The size and distribution of public sector rents between men and women are similar to those in North America and are bracketed by results for developing countries.  相似文献   

梁淑华 《价值工程》2010,29(34):213-213
考研与实习的矛盾主要是时间冲突的矛盾。以下我们分四点:考研与实习的矛盾、考研与实习的重要性、存在问题和如何解决谈谈我对这个问题的看法。  相似文献   

孙静 《价值工程》2013,(2):223-225
研究生课程是实现研究生教育目标的基本途径,研究生课程质量的高低将直接影响研究生科研能力及整体素质的高低。结合5年来"投资分析与决策"研究生课程教学实践,系统阐述了课程定位、教材与教学内容的选择、教学方法的探索、网络辅助教学应用、课程考核等方面的实践和经验,以期为相关课程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between firm risk and growth of Finnish firms. The results reveal a negative relation between risk (total and unsystematic risk) and firm investment. This negative relation is robust to the choice of estimation method. The results also suggest that labor-intensive firms respond to increased risk by substituting capital for labor. Discrete decision models reassure the main conclusions by showing that greater risk decreases (increases) the likelihood of simultaneous growth (decline) investment and employment.  相似文献   

The economic theory of decision-making under uncertainty is used to produce three econometric models of dynamic discrete choice: (1) for a single spell of unemployment; (2) for an equilibrium two-state model of employment and non-employment; (3) for a general three-state model with a non-market sector. The paper provides a structural economic motivation for the continuous time Markov (or more generally ‘competing risks’) model widely used in longitudinal analysis in biostatistics and sociology, and it extends previous work on dynamic discrete choice to a continuous time setting. An important feature of identification analysis is separation of economic parameters that can only be identified by assuming arbitrary functional forms from economic parameters that can be identified by non-parametric procedures. The paper demonstrates that most econometric models for the analysis of truncated data are non-parametrically under-identified. It also demonstrates that structural estimators frequently violate standard regularity conditions. The standard asymptotic theory is modified to account for this essential feature of many structural models of labor force dynamics. Empirical estimates of an equilibrium two-state model of employment and non-employment are presented.  相似文献   

吕燕 《城市问题》2007,(5):51-56
通过对扬州市社区帮扶弱势群体就业情况的调查,发现造成弱势群体就业困难的主要原因是个人素质低、家庭状况差和政策执行不到位.此外,关于失业问题认识上的误区也影响了政策成效.政府在解决失业问题时要尊重个人的选择,在制定和执行就业政策时应认识到就业并不是目的,满足个人和家庭需要并获得较高的满意度才是人的追求.帮助弱势群体就业不仅是政府的责任也是社区的职责.政府应当在准确掌握这一群体动态变化情况和真实需求的基础上,兼顾眼前和长远发展,制定出科学的政策并采取有效的方法和手段确保政策执行到位.政府要加大力度促进社区建设,调动社区在帮助弱势群体就业中的积极性,充分发挥社区在这方面的优势.  相似文献   

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