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Traditional IB programs have received mixed reviews from the corporate world. With this in mind, the Suffolk GMBA was benchmarked against the leading international business programs. The Suffolk GMBA was designed to be different and to ascertain the global environment in which business operates. A unique feature of the GMBA curriculum detailed in this article is the combination of Boston's international business locational advantage with functional integration of the many disciplines that make international business unique. Borrowing components from the fields of economics, government and politics, finance, marketing, ethics, and law, a curriculum matrix was developed identifying and sequencing the key topics to be taught. The authors also explain potential pitfalls and outline a model which can be successfully implemented in other graduate international business programs. This program is shaping the thoughts and actions of tomorrow's global business leaders through its integrative decision-making framework of global perspectives and competencies.  相似文献   

There is an extensive literature that examines the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI) and the productivity and competitiveness of domestic firms. Using estimation techniques from the productivity spillover literature, this paper tests for the presence of environmental spillovers from foreign firms. On the basis that foreign‐owned firms may encourage firms in their extended supply chain to improve their environment‐related management practices, evidence for the existence of environmental spillovers should be easier to find than productivity spillovers where firms naturally attempt to minimise intra‐industry knowledge leakage. In this paper we show that, first, foreign‐owned firms are more likely to implement environmental management systems (EMS) and, second, that the presence of foreign‐owned firms in those sectors that a firm supplies can encourage good environmental practice. This is especially true if a firm is foreign, has high absorptive capacity, and operates in the presence of formal and informal networks.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the question whetherbusiness ethics courses should have a happyending. The paper starts by considering ideasthat might give students who take businessethics courses hope that they can play a rolein promoting improved corporate cultures. Thepaper then explores Jesuit teachings as theyrelate to ethical decision-making. Inparticular, the paper highlights the idea ofdiscernment, which encourages students tobecome self-aware and to test their ability toact on principles of right and wrong. Ultimately, the paper concludes that there isno easy answer to the question whether businessethics courses should have a happy ending. Students who are ever mindful of the importanceof discernment are the most likely tounderstand the true nature of the moral mazesthey face in bureaucratic organizations.  相似文献   

英国维珍集团总裁理查德·布朗森(Richard Branson)是欧洲最受人注目的企业家之一.在中国,人们对于维珍集团的认识是通过它的维珍航空公司,该公司提供了从伦敦每周三班直飞上海的业务.  相似文献   

Technology, standardization, and global integration have created a world of ever-increasing financial and economic complexity. However, measurement and modeling have not kept pace with these developments: new approaches to recognize and embrace the complexity of an open social-economic system are necessary. In particular, it is necessary to address five fundamental challenges to system modeling and forward-looking examinations of human behavior: fallibility, reflexivity, time inconsistency, domain inconsistency, and the “Lucas critique.” It is of particular importance to recognize that human life operates in an integrated domain of economic, political, spiritual, family, social, and cultural aspects. To support the needs of analysis, new types of data are necessary. The article presents several specific areas in which modeling and measurement must be improved to meet the demands for economic analysis in the 21st century.  相似文献   

Business ethics has gradually acquired a stable status, both as an academic discipline and as a practice. Stakeholdership is recognised as a guiding concept, business has widely accepted that it has a license to operate to win from society at large, and operational instruments such as codes of ethics and forms of ethical auditing and accounting take shape more and more. Yet lacunae remain. Three are mentioned explicitly. Business ethics has to improve its relations with business law, the concept of competition deserves much more ethical attention than it has received up to now, and the shifting relations between the market, governmental agencies and civil society require the elaboration of an institutional business ethics.  相似文献   

Creative Leaders     
How did the dramatic changes in the business environment over the past 30 years affect the development of advertisements? This paper responds to this question with evidence from 120 interviews with creative leaders collected between 1977 and 2007. Creative leaders across the 30-year period were consistent regarding the importance of unearthing big ideas. However, their interviews reflected how the implementation and evaluation of the ideas changed in response to globalization, technological advances, expanded media offerings, and shifting client and consumer attitudes. In addition, responses of current creative leaders were analyzed and trends for the future of advertising are discussed.  相似文献   

Knowledge Management (KM) is becoming a growing concern in management research and practice because of its role in determining firm innovation capability and in enhancing working life quality of knowledge workers. This requires, even for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) the creation of a sustainable work organization in terms of configuration of organizational and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools. With a particular emphasis in the area of Product Innovation (PI) and on the basis of a survey on 127 Italian SMEs, this paper aims at analysing the emergent technological and organizational approaches to managing knowledge in the PI process. Three different KM Configurations emerge: the `technical', the `relational' and the `advanced' approach.  相似文献   

In this article the authors focus on the emergence, or disappearance, of notions of responsibility in social dynamic processes. Hence, the starting point in this article is concrete behavior within organisational settings. This article presents a systematic overview of mechanisms related to acting upon a sense of moral responsibility. Some of these mechanisms are based on individual characteristics, others are embedded in the social context wherein responsible behaviour emerges or disappears. In this article, various mechanisms are identified and labelled in order to analyse what types of processes are behind the mechanisms. In this way, the article yields important understandings for the conscious use of these mechanisms to strengthen responsible behavior within organisations.  相似文献   

We quantitatively analyse the trade effects of enhanced trade facilitation with extended gravity equations. Our findings confirm that RTAs comprised of countries equipped with better trade facilitation are more likely to be trade‐creating, less likely to be trade‐diverting, and are thus more likely to lead the world economy toward global free trade. We also find that (i) the traditional gains from shallow integration through eliminating tariff barriers will be greater for South‐South RTAs in East Asia such as an ASEAN‐China RTA, provided that the tariff‐reducing schedule is strictly fulfilled, (ii) the gains from deeper integration through enhancing trade facilitation will be greater for North‐North RTAs in East Asia such as a Japan‐Korea RTA, and (iii) the gains from a combined trade liberalisation strategy through tariff reductions and enhanced trade facilitation will be greater for North‐South RTAs in East Asia such as a China‐Korea and an ASEAN+3 RTA.  相似文献   

巴符州丘林地区的中小企业在各自的领域中努力拚搏,脱颖而出.它们在德国经济中占有重要地位,成为巴符州经济不可或缺的重要组成部分.巴符州国际经济合作组织信息和营销部门主任弗朗克.赛博德(Frank Seybold)向"中欧之桥"栏目记者介绍说,"巴符州经济的96%是由中小企业组成,这种广泛的产出结构使该州经济不过分依赖于某单个产业,"这些中小型企业已成为该地区重要的经济力量.  相似文献   


The divide between the private and public sector is one of the underlying assumptions of economic policy making, political debates and economic reforms; so much so, that we take for granted its predictions from a theoretical as well as empirical point of view. This paper is an attempt to confront these predictions with Ecuadorian data using a wide range of statistical and econometric techniques. Its findings challenge conventional wisdom: the private sector is not necessarily more profitable and efficient than its public counterpart; both sectors have more behavioural commonalities than dissimilarities; the macro-economic impulse responses to both sectors dismiss the rationale for privatisation. Its conclusion calls for the deconstruction of welfare economics and management theory to capture non-paretian or second best environments.

RESUMEN. Una de las suposiciones subyacentes de la formación de la política económica, así como de los debates políticos y las reformas económicas yace en la separación entre el sector público y privado. A tal punto, que damos por sentado sus pronósticos tanto desde el punto de vista teórico como del empírico. Este estudio representa una tentativa de colocar frente a frente estos pronósticos con los datos ecuatorianos, utilizando una vasta gama de técnicas estadísticas y econométricas. Los hallazgos representan un desafío a la sabiduría convencional: el sector privado no es, necesariamente, más rentable y eficiente que su contraparte, el sector público; ambos sectores tienen más comunalidades comportamentales que diferencias; las respuestas a los impulsos macro-económicos para ambos sectores descartan las razones en pro de la privatización. Su conclusión aboga a favor de la deconstrucción de las economías asistecialistas y la teoría de la gestión usada para capturar entornos no paretianos o vengan en segundo lugar.

RESUMO. O divisor de águas entre o setor público e o privado é um dos pressupostos fundamentais das decis[otilde]es de política econômica, dos debates políticos e das reformas econômicas; tanto é que aceitamos seus prognósticos tanto do ponto de vista teórico quanto empírico. Este trabalho tenta confrontar tais previs[otilde]es com base em dados do Equador, utilizando uma vasta gama de técnicas estatísticas e econométricas. As descobertas desafiam o conhecimento convencional: o setor privado não é necessariamente mais lucrativo e eficiente do que o seu correspondente público; ambos os setores possuem mais semelhanças comportamentais do que diferenças; as reaç[otilde]es ao estímulo macro- econômico em ambos os setores descartam os fundamentos da privatização. A sua conclusão requer a desconstrução da economia do bem-estar e da teoria de administração para capturar os ambientes não-paretianos ou os melhores da segunda classe.  相似文献   

*On March 15th,new national Ieaders were elected at the session of the 11th NPC plenary meeting.  相似文献   

Applying evidence from recently available public information on Enron, I defined Enron’s culture as one rooted in agency theory by asserting that Enron’s members were predominantly agency-reasoning individuals. I then identified conditions present at Enron’s collapse: a strong agency culture with collectively non-compliant norms, a munificent rare-failure environment, and new hires with little business ethics training. Turning to four possible antidotes (selection, objectivist integrity, integrity capacity, and stewardship reasoning) to an agency culture under these conditions, I argued that the currently available ethics literature would have made little difference toward averting Enron’s collapse if any of the recommendations from the relevant ethics literature had been implemented. I conclude by identifying new directions for business ethics literature in order to make it more implementable under the conditions identified at Enron. Essentially, we need a way to clearly determine (1) the difference between connivance and commitment, (2) what is meant by balance with regard to the multiple dimensions of ethics and legal theories, and (3) the proper balance between agency and stewardship reasoning. Brian E. Kulik is a Ph.D. candidate in Management at Washington State University’s School of Business. His work focuses on the prevention of corporate corruption, corporate governance and ethics, teamwork and diversity, and research methods. His research to date has appeared in the Western and National Academy of Management conference proceedings and the journal Organizational Analysis. He earned M.S. degrees from Washington State University and The University of Cincinnati, and M.B.A. from The University of Denver.  相似文献   

A basic tenet of psychology is that the psychological effects of negative information outweigh those of positive information. Three empirical studies show that the negativity bias can be attenuated or even reversed in the context of electronic word of mouth (eWoM). The first study analyzes a large sample of customer reviews collected from Amazon.com and concludes that negative reviews are no more helpful than positive ones when controlling for review quality The second study follows up with a virtual experiment that confirms the lack of negativity bias in evaluating the helpfulness of online reviews. The third study demonstrates that the negativity effect can be reversed by manipulating the baseline valences. This work challenges the conventional wisdom of “bad is stronger than good” and contributes to the understanding of the eWoM phenomenon.  相似文献   

This study investigates how business leaders dynamically narrate their aspirational ethical leadership identities. In doing so, it furthers understanding of ethical leadership as a process situated in time and place. The analysis focuses on the discursive strategies used to narrate identity and ethics by ethnic Chinese business leaders in Indonesia after their conversion to Pentecostal–charismatic Christianity. By exploring the use of metaphor, our study shows how these business leaders discursively deconstruct their ‘old’ identities and construct their ‘new’ aspirational identities as ethical leaders. This leads to the following contributions. First, we show that ethical leadership is constructed in identity talk as the business leaders actively narrate aspirational identities. Second, the identity narratives of the business leaders suggest that ethical leadership is a context-bound and situated claim vis-à-vis unethical practice. Third, we propose a conceptual template, identifying processes of realisation and inspiration followed by significant shifts in understanding, for the study of aspirational ethical leadership.  相似文献   

The arrival of the World Wide Web has intensified word-of-mouth communication. Thanks to consumers, information flows without geographical or temporal boundaries. The influence of the mass media has receded and that of the Web 2.0 has emerged with force. Opinion leaders are individuals who have become points of reference in these social networks. They exert influence and disseminate information, and they are a source of new ideas. This article presents a methodological procedure that combines the research of opinion leader 2.0 features with advances in social network analysis. In addition, some findings, further research, and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors propose an exploratory framework to study competition policy development in general and apply it in the context of Hong Kong. Competition policy (in the U.S., commonly referred to as antitrust policy) is defined here as concerned with the public policy prohibiting anticompetitive behavior and the abuse of dominant market power on the part of businesses. The framework identifies four core variables that are important in influencing the development and implementation of a competition policy. These variables are the consumer protection agenda, external pressure, the political landscape, and the size of the economy. It is proposed that the way government responded to these forces has been instrumental in shaping how and why the competition policy debate in Hong Kong evolved the way it did. It also underscores the importance of recognizing the indigenous nature in the development of competition policy in any economy. Future research directions to generalize the framework are also suggested. These include further development and expansion of the core variables, contextualization of the framework for cross‐national comparisons, and undertaking longitudinal studies to examine the sensitivities of the competition policy to changes in the core forces over time.  相似文献   

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