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TCP/IP协议簇在应用层(APPlication Layrer)定义了Telnet、FTP、SMTP、POP、DNS、HTYP等协议,在传输层(Transfer Laver)定义了TCP、UDP协议,在网络层定义了IP、ICMP、ARP、RARP等协议,在数据链路层定义了PPP协议等。但这些协议的制定,最初是为了科学研究,缺乏安全机制。目前,针对TCP/IP协议簇模型的各层都有相应的安全技术。  相似文献   

SNA是IBM公司1974年发布的网络体系结构,在IBM主机系统和其他中小型系统中有广泛应用。几十年来,大量的应用程序和包含海量商业数据的数据库存在于SNA网络中。很多大型商业银  相似文献   

蠕虫病毒的破坏性在于它往往可以巧妙利用各种安全漏洞,抓住系统缺陷甚至电脑操作的失误使病毒发作,造成网络的全面瘫痪,并且由于其来源广泛,传播途径包括件、电子邮件、Web服务器和网络共享等特点,令网络中的安全措施腹背受敌,因此它成为危害网络的头号杀手。目前,锐捷网络2004年底推出的GSN全局安全网络解决方案,较好地扭转了蠕虫猖獗肆虐的局面。  相似文献   

屈延文教授于七月十九日在“广州辖区金融电子化、信息化技术论坛”上的主题报告,经作者授权由《华南金融电脑》杂志独家全文刊登,任何平面媒体和网站未经本刊编辑部书面同意,不得以任何方式转载,特此声明。  相似文献   

一、U P S供电系统的现状及所面临问题UPS供电系统的发展已走过了约30年的历程,从最简单的机械式以及后来推出的低频方波后备式、高频正弦波在线式产品,但UPS技术的相对成熟和UPS的广泛应用并不表示电源的问题已经得到圆满的解决,相反,UPS供电系统还存在不少问题,面临相当大的挑战。1.系统可靠度还有待提高有些关键部门、关键设备对电源的要求是十分苛刻的,如银行的数据中心、民航的空管中心、网络中心机房、医疗设备、国防设备等等,其要求的可用性甚至达到99.9999%。而目前民用或商用的单台在线式UPS在可以接受的成本范围内,可用性…  相似文献   

Strategy as revolution   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
How often does the strategic-planning process start with senior executives asking what the rest of the organization can teach them about the future? Not often enough, argues Gary Hamel. In many companies, strategy making is an elitist procedure and ?strategy? consists of nothing more than following the industry's rules. But more and more companies, intent on overturning the industrial order, are rewriting those rules. What can industry incumbents do? Either surrender the future to revolutionary challengers or revolutionize the way their companies create strategy. What is needed is not a tweak to the traditional strategic-planning process, Hamel says, but a new philosophical foundation: strategy is revolution. Hamel offers ten principles to help a company think about the challenge of creating truly revolutionary strategies. Perhaps the most fundamental principle is that so-called strategic planning doesn't produce true strategic innovation. The traditional planning process is little more than a rote procedure in which deeply held assumptions and industry conventions are reinforced rather than challenged. Such a process harnesses only a tiny proportion of an organization's creative potential. If there is to be any hope of industry revolution, senior managers must give up their monopoly on the creation of strategy. They must embrace a truly democratic process that can give voice to the revolutionaries that exist in every company. If senior managers are unwilling to do this, employees must become strategy activists. The opportunities for industry revolution are mostly unexplored. One thing is certain: if you don't let the revolutionaries challenge you from within, they will eventually challenge you from without--in the marketplace.  相似文献   

内联网作为人民银行系统的企业内部网,有着和互联网同样的脆弱性,计算机病毒威胁不容忽视。现有内联网防病毒技术体系存在重安装轻维护、病毒定义码更新滞后、漏洞修补不及时等三大方面的问题,需从部署日志服务器、软件分发服务器等五个方面着手完善。  相似文献   

Hey T 《Harvard business review》2010,88(11):56-63, 150
For decades, computer scientists have tried to teach computers to think like human experts. Until recently, most of those efforts have failed to come close to generating the creative insights and solutions that seem to come naturally to the best researchers, doctors, and engineers. But now, Tony Hey, a VP of Microsoft Research, says we're witnessing the dawn of a new generation of powerful computer tools that can "mash up" vast quantities of data from many sources, analyze them, and help produce revolutionary scientific discoveries. Hey and his colleagues call this new method of scientific exploration "machine learning." At Microsoft, a team has already used it to innovate a method of predicting with impressive accuracy whether a patient with congestive heart failure who is released from the hospital will be readmitted within 30 days. It was developed by directing a computer program to pore through hundreds of thousands of data points on 300,000 patients and "learn" the profiles of patients most likely to be rehospitalized. The economic impact of this prediction tool could be huge: If a hospital understands the likelihood that a patient will "bounce back," it can design programs to keep him stable and save thousands of dollars in health care costs. Similar efforts to uncover important correlations that could lead to scientific breakthroughs are under way in oceanography, conservation, and AIDS research. And in business, deep data exploration has the potential to unearth critical insights about customers, supply chains, advertising effectiveness, and more.  相似文献   

银行网络安全现状目前,计算机系统和信息的安全问题已成为IT业关注的焦点之一,据ICSA统计,来自计算机系统内部的安全威胁高达60%。信息系统中存在如此之多的安全隐患与计算机系统流行的设计思路及IT系统的使用状况紧密相关。与早期的集中式应用不同的是,现在的银行业务系统大多基于客户/服务器模式和Internet/Intranet网络计算模式的分布式应用,在这样的环境中,企业的数据库服务器、电子邮件服务器、WWW服务器、文件服务器、应用服务器等都是供人出入的“门户”,只要有一个“门户”没有完全保护好,“黑客”就会通过这道门进入系统,窃…  相似文献   

Graham H May 《Futures》1998,30(9):887-899
Technology has always had an influence on the form of settlements, but only since the coming of Information Technology has it aroused much interest from academics and planners. The impact that IT is likely to have on urban areas is debated, some foreseeing decentralisation and the end of place, while others see evidence of the centralisation of control in a global economy. Other new technologies may also affect cities as new materials provide the opportunity for different styles of building. As we enter the 21st century, however, we do so with the largest stock of urban capital ever, much of which is ageing and in need of maintenance. Technology is part of a complex interrelationship of influences on urban areas and much of it will have to be retrofitted on to the pre-existing environment.  相似文献   

Standardization has been a powerful strategy in consumer markets, but it's reached the point of diminishing returns. And diversity is not the only chink in standardization's armor: Attempts to build stores in the remaining attractive locations often meet fierce resistance from community activists. From California to Florida to New Jersey, neighborhoods are passing ordinances that dictate the sizes and even architectural styles of new shops. Building more of the same--long the cornerstone of retailer growth--seems to be tapped out as a strategy. Of course, a company can't customize every element of its business in every location. Strategists have begun to use clustering techniques to simplify and smooth out decision making and to focus their efforts on the relatively small number of variables that usually drive the bulk of consumer purchases. The customization-by-clusters approach, which began as a strategy for grocery stores in 1995, has since proven effective in drugstores, department stores, mass merchants, big-box retailers, restaurants, apparel companies, and a variety of consumer goods manufacturers. Clustering sorts things into groups, so that the associations are strong between members of the same cluster and weak between members of different clusters. In fact, by centralizing data-intensive and scale-sensitive functions (such as store design, merchandise assortment, buying, and supply chain management), localization liberates store personnel to do what they do best: Test innovative solutions to local challenges and forge strong bonds with communities. Ultimately, all companies serving consumers will face the challenge of local customization. We are advancing to a world where the strategies of the most successful businesses will be as diverse as the communities they serve.  相似文献   

秋天是北京一年中气候最为宜人的季节。在经历了“非典”疫情的洗礼,取得“双解除”的胜利成果之后,北京和中国金融业一起迎来了“非典”疫情之后首次国际大型展览会。2003年9月2日至5日,国内金融业IT领域最为隆重的盛会,第十一届中国国际金融(银行)技术暨设备展览会在北京展览馆隆重举行。中国人民银行副行长李若谷致开幕词。展会期间,全国人大常委会副委员长蒋正华亲临指导,中国人民银行副行长吴晓灵、中国建设银行行长张恩照等领导也到展台与参展人员和参观人员共同探讨金融信息化的有关问题。和以往各次展会不同的是,本届金融展移师到…  相似文献   

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