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会计制度的制定与变迁是各相关利益集团寻租的博弈过程,它在一定程度上可以防范盈余管理,但又无法完全消除盈余管理。会计政策选择、会计准则成了盈余管理的工具。会计制度与盈余管理两者相互交替,循环发展。我国会计制度变迁经历了四个阶段,盈余管理都有相对应的空间和手段。因此,如何进行科学制度安排,正确引导企业的盈余管理行为,提高我国资本市场的效率性,显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

会计准则制定的制度博弈思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
会计准则的经济后果特征促使各利益主体在制定过程中形成了一个多方博弈的局面,而准则由政府机构主导制定及制定博弈中行动的不经济性,导致了上市公司管理当局的"袖手旁观"的态度,加快了我国会计准则由政府制定制度到经济主体利用其不足机会行事到完善制度的形成路径.而适当公开会计准则制定程序及增强会计准则制定机构的独立性将改进会计准则的制定.  相似文献   

会计政策选择虽然在形式上表现为会计过程中的一种行为规范,但它的价值取向往往影响着与企业利益相关的各利益集团,是各方利益博弈均衡的结果。由于新会计准则全面引入了公允价值计量方法,扩大了会计政策选择的空间,因此,从伦理的角度探讨会计政策选择问题,具有非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

会计制度变迁和会计寻租   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
会计准则具有的经济后果是利益相关者之间利益冲突与协调的结果.在会计制度的变迁过程中,原有会计制度的均衡状态被打破,与准则相关的利益集团围绕新的会计准则制定展开新一轮的博弈并达到新的均衡.我国会计制度的"双轨制"变迁模式是利益相关者的利益冲突重新协调与折衷的结果,会计寻租对此起到了推动作用,"双轨制"反过来又进一步促使会计寻租的发生.利益相关者之间的多重博弈使会计寻租达到纳什均衡状态,基于会计寻租的"双刃"性,对会计寻租的控制只能适度地进行.  相似文献   

本文从国内和国际双层博弈的角度,阐明了汇率决定的国际政治经济学:在国内是不同利益集团之间、利益集团与政府之间的相互博弈;在国际是不同国家之间追求国家利益的相互博弈。中关关于人民币汇率的争论体现了两国国内利益集团、两国政府的相互博弈,非常恰当地体现了汇率决定的国际政治经济学逻辑。  相似文献   

路霞 《中国外资》2013,(23):105-105
随着中国经济的迅速发展,对会计信息的多元化也提出了更高的要求,为了顺应经济全球化背景下会计准则国际趋同的世界潮流,中国也发布了新的会计准则。新会计准则的制定是在公共利益理论与利益集团理论的基础上制定的,为了保证我国会计准则国际趋同的顺利实行,还制定了一系列的总体策略。新会计准则的制定与实施是我国在新的经济形式下所作出的一项重要的会计改革决策。  相似文献   

汇率决定问题,在国内是不同利益集团之间、利益集团与政府之间的相互博弈,在国际是不同国家之间追求各自国家利益的博弈。中关关于人民币汇率的争论体现了两国国内利益集团之间、两国政府之间的相互博弈,非常恰当地体现了汇率决定的国际政治经济学逻辑。  相似文献   

一、关于会计准则性质的认识:经济后果观经济后果是指会计报告对企业、政府、工会、投资者和债权人决策制定行为的影响(Zeff,1978)。这些个人或团体的行为可能影响其他团体的利益。会计准则是一份公共契约,遵循会计准则编制的财务报告所披露的会计信息会影响各个相关利益集团的决策行为和既得利益。因此在会计准则的制定过程中,不能单纯从  相似文献   

经济全球化使得各国会计准则的发展走向趋同的研究。国际会计准则形成和发展的过程,实际上是一个国家利益博弈的过程,并且这种利益博弈是一种智猪博弈。在这场利益博弈中,各国已逐渐形成自己的趋同策略。在国际会计准则制定的过程中,本文探讨了经济后果对会计准则和准则制定机构的影响。为保持高质量的会计准则,本文认为,在保证准则制定机构理性和程序允当的基础上,还应尽量保证准则制定者的独立性。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,尤其是中国共产党十八届三中全会召开前后,在财政体制改革过程中,存在着各种利益集团之间错综复杂的博弈问题。本文将以博弈论为主要的分析工具,运用实证分析法来研究完善分税制财政体制过程中的利益集团博弈问题。首先概括性地阐述我国分税制财政体制中的利益集团博弈问题。然而具体分析各种利益集团的博弈问题。从取得财政收入方面来说,主要是处理好税收征纳双方的博弈问题;从支出财政资金层面讲,则是处理好政府各个职能部门之间的博弈关系。由此在深化财政体制改革的过程中,我们必须妥善处理好中央与地方,国家、企业与个人,税收征纳双方,政府各个职能部门等利益集团之间错综复杂的利害关系。激发全社会各方面的活力,使得众多利益集团创造社会财富的源泉动力充分地涌流。目的是完善分税制财政体制,构建与市场经济相适应的现代财政制度。  相似文献   

In China, the government has long been involved in directly regulating accounting work. The rule-based accounting regulations have been formulated for different industry and business ownership structure by the central government since the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949. Remarkable changes have, however, taken place in Chinese accounting which have resulted from the wide-ranged economic and accounting reforms in the last two decades. Recently, an accounting regulatory framework based on accounting standards has been introduced, with great efforts to develop a set of practical accounting standards. A survey study was conducted to empirically investigate the prevailing perceptions of the users and providers of business accounting in respect of four major conceptual and practical issues underlying the construction of the accounting regulatory framework in the changing business environment in China. The study results demonstrate that the respondents from various interest groups possessed mixed views. They generally endorsed the current progress in the accounting reforms. On the other hand, the majority of the respondents were supportive of further changes in reshaping accounting regulatory framework to accommodate the growth of market-oriented economy in China.  相似文献   

The process of establishing regulatory arrangements for setting accounting standards in most Western countries has frequently exposed conflict between private-sector bodies, professional accounting organisations, and government bodies, each attempting to dominate the process in order to gain favoured outcomes. Recent changes by the Australian Federal Government in the structure of setting accounting standards show a substantial shift in power from the two professional accounting bodies (ICAA and ASCPA) to the government. The groups who believe they will gain more influence in the new structure have supported the changes and there has been little opposition from groups losing power for fear of ending up with even less. The initial proposal to adopt IASC accounting standards was effectively discarded in the reforming legislation, showing the government’s sensitivity to corporate reactions and reluctance to relinquish power to an international body. Although some activities in the period preceding the change can be categorised within the corporatism and inter-organisational domain conflict models of regulatory processes, the actions of the government in initiating change do not fit with the role of dispassionate arbiter in neo-corporatism and the muted reaction of the professional accounting bodies is inconsistent with predictions of domain defence.  相似文献   

Georgia Saemann 《Abacus》1999,35(1):1-28
With the advent of some form of IASC-type harmonized accounting standards likely, it has been suggested that they are likely to be based to a large extent on U.S. accounting standards promulgated by the FASB. This study of the content of comments filed on twenty controversial FASB accounting standards by four institutions in the United States is timely. Those comments are assumed to represent the views of financial-statement users, attestors and preparers: FEI, IMA, AIMR, and AICPA. The adopted standards' requirements are also examined in the context of these comments to provide insights about accounting characteristics on which the FASB has aligned with different interest groups. These characteristics include uniformity in accounting methods, disclosure, volatility in financial reporting, and conservatism. The results indicate that AIMR, in representing users, is the most constant in its positions. The two preparer organizations (FEI and IMA) took user-oriented positions on some issues, but showed a strong tendency to oppose costly disclosures and requirements associated with volatility. Comments from the AICPA were diverse but the study revealed an overall bias toward user views. Overall, the FASB aligned most closely with users and the AICPA. FASB tended to adopt standards that led to greater uniformity but compromised on costly disclosures and requirements associated with volatility and conservatism.  相似文献   

P. J. M. KLUMPES 《Abacus》1994,30(2):140-159
Describing the politics surrounding accounting rule development may provide greater insights to such processes than analysing written submissions to rule-making bodies. Over a twenty-year period a rule-making contest evolved between the accounting profession and an alliance of pension industry interest groups over the introduction of different forms of regulation (accounting standards versus legislative-backed rules) relating to pension fund accounting. From the perspective of government, the debate about pension fund accounting reflects the outside-initiative model (Cobb and Elder, 1972; Cobb et al., 1976). Issues were created by the (accounting and actuarial) professions, expanded in the relevant (pension and life insurance) industry and then gained entrance to the formal agenda of both regulatory and government deliberations. In this case the accounting profession failed to gain acceptance of its professional rule-making activities. Alternative possible explanations as to why the alliance of interest groups eventually prevailed over the accounting profession are explored.  相似文献   

The Global Accounting Alliance has raised a call for different perspectives on principles-based accounting standards. Based on prior studies this paper identifies a number of characteristics of principles-based accounting standards. It uses content analysis to empirically test whether the asserted characteristics are consistent with the IASB and FASB standards on interest costs. We find that rules-based standards, relative to principles-based standards, have more rules, more justification, acknowledge less judgement is required, have more bright-line thresholds, have more scope exceptions, and are more verbose and complex. The main drafting difference between a rules-based or principles-based approach is whether extensional definitions or intensional definitions are used. Several policy implications are noted.  相似文献   

The increasing globalization of the U.S. economy drives interest in international accounting standards. In this respect, the convergence process between the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) targets the completion of several major projects by 2011. The importance of the projects under consideration as well as the lack of conclusive theoretical solutions around them suggests that the target of a “common set” of accounting standards will be replaced in the short-medium term by a de facto situation of a “slightly different set” of accounting standards. In this paper, we draw on best available practices to make a specific proposal for the introduction of IFRS into the curriculum of institutions of higher learning in the U.S. Our proposal is driven by the idea that accounting education should move from teaching ever temporary rules to emphasize the economic and strategic underpinnings of accounting transactions.  相似文献   

EU Regulation 1606/2002 requires application of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by groups listed on European stock markets. In Spain, listed groups are now obliged to prepare consolidated financial information under IFRS, and legislative changes to bring local rules into line with international standards have been tabled.In this context, the potential impact of IFRS is fraught with uncertainty. Our study of IBEX-35 companies focuses on the effects of the new standards on comparability and the relevance of financial reporting in Spain. We address these objectives by seeking significant differences between accounting figures and financial ratios under the two sets of standards (i.e. Spanish accounting standards and IFRS).The results obtained show that local comparability has worsened. The study reveals that local comparability is adversely affected if both IFRS and local accounting standards are applied in the same country at the same time. Reforms to bring local rules into line with international standards are therefore urgent. We also find that there has been no improvement in the relevance of financial reporting to local stock market operators because the gap between book and market values is wider when IFRS are applied. While there has been no gain in terms of the usefulness of financial reporting in the short-term, improved usefulness may be achieved in the medium to long-term.  相似文献   

伴随着经济全球化,我国会计准则一直处于变动之中。以非货币性交易为例,我国非货币交易会计准则已经历三次变更,其收益的会计确认与税法的确认一直存在着差异。分析和把握这些差异的变化,不仅有利于规范会计核算,更利于依法诚信纳税。本文在阐述会计准则的变化以及变化原因的同时,结合税法对非货币性交易的处理,提出了两者的差异及协调的问题。  相似文献   

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